NationStates Jolt Archive

Can somebody explain RP?

02-10-2004, 15:26
If u can i would really be grateful.
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 15:42
Rp=role play

Role Playing is the effort of creating a character and placing him in a setting to interact with other players in quests, adventures, battles, etc... When creating a character one of the key points to remember is to base your character around something you know. This by no means is suggesting you limit yourself from the devices of your imagination, just gives you something to think about when in the construction of your character. Keep in mind, that building your character at the start as all powerful limits your possibilities and adventures for that character. One of the great things about role play is that they are not like board games in that they have a end. The adventure may come to a end but generally it is the beginning to a new one. And in all these adventures there is learning and growth for your character. A lot of times you may feel you’re at a end with the character you play, but with each new player entering the game, and each new adventure or quest your character changes, gains and loses, but mainly...he/she develops.

There are different types of role-players that we have in any role-playing game, just to give you an idea of what to do…and not to.

THE MAD GAMER: this is probably the best type of player, they will actively play their character using objects and props. The mad gamer is the player that will smoke a cigarette simply because he or she is holding one. Mad gamers are almost always IC (in character) they attack the game with precision, constantly pressing their character into the game, even if it means a death situation, because its a game and they are IC. Some people may find problems with keeping up with the mad gamer, there are ways around this, the mad gamer can back off alittle, even though its not what they would do IC or the other players can just accept the fact that its a game and that you are playing to the best of your abilities.

THE POWER GAMER: this type of player always wants to win, wants to have the most skills, the best armor and weapons. You seek out all the ways to best become the victor in all situations. If your like this your probably a power gamer. Power Gamers genuinely like role play, but are focused upon the aspect of "beating the game" and not "being apart of the game". You will often choose a character that best fits into the style of game player, the character that would match the highest skills and attribute sets so that you can "win". Problems with power gamers result in lack of imagination, you advance to a position that will see you as "best" fitting to the game and therefore have little room to grow. Try seeking out a alternative, and not looking for the most powerful characters, but focus on how you can find advantages in other types.

THE AVERAGE JOE: There is nothing exceptional about the average joe gamer, this gamer tends to choose the same character throughout games, often think and act the way "YOU" the rl person does. Nothing wrong with all this, just it tends to leave your character slightly tarnished, and you never end up shining in any one game. Break out of this trap, make your character a great history. Give your characters a mind of their own, when put into a position where you need to come up with something, don't think "what should i do?", but instead think "what would my character do?". Remember its a game of the imagination and only that, have fun with it.

THE COPYCAT: copycat gamers are those gamers that take on and manipulate actual characters already developed. Like a comic strip hero that you've read about in marvel and you think he's really cool so you just HAVE to play him. Instead of trying to imitate or make a exact duplicate of you most famous character, break down what you like so much about them, attitude? abilities? look? Take a few of the things you so like about the character, the things that made you fall in love with them and build something new from there, in this light you will keep the other players, that are sure they know who you are always guessing.

THE PYSCHO KILLER: This gamer is obsessed with power. You are the "boss" you do not take lightly of other IC getting in your way and when they do you decide its time to kill them. If things do not go just the way you expect or want them to, you want to kill! Problem with this is you generally will not fit in to a realistic game. There are role playing games designed for these types of players, but if you want to fit in with the game developed in angels you'll need to rethink your play, or at the until its time for combat then you wake up and actively become part of the hunt. Some games again are made for this type of gamer, the bottom line is if you like this type of game, stick to a role play made for. No use being miserable or making others miserable.

In nation states you’re creating a nation and role-playing with characters from that nation. You develop your own government, races, creeds, time-period. Everything. It’s a basically free form rp which lets you put your characters in the world that you want them to be in. Look at stickies. The mods can probably explain it better, but this is my view.
Rave Shentavo
02-10-2004, 15:47
note: Does this belong in technical?