Military mechanics idea
Runny Arse Cannons
13-09-2004, 00:28
Just wondering, perhaps we could add some warfare mechanics without any real change to the basic game.
Based on the 3 current catagories we could determine the strength of the nations military by adding two new catagories. The two new catagories could include "army size" and "fighting efficiency". They could be based around the percentage of defence. No need for any real change, be the same old Nationstates just without any of the pathetic forum battles.
Just an idea.
Grayson Space Navy
13-09-2004, 01:44
Hm. I've seen this sugested before. Ok, not this, but others like it. And I always see a mod say: No more coding! Maby if you pay a programmer to work for NS? Got the bucks?
Or the mod would come in and say: Wait for NS2, it is something you have to pay for, but because it is, they will have stuff like that.
Unfree People
13-09-2004, 01:52
Or how about "Not enough people would really care about this to make it worth our while"?
Grayson Space Navy
13-09-2004, 02:52
You could of course get the XML data and do that yourelf. Do some math stuff, see what your nation could support. I've seen websites where they say, "You could buy XX [aircraft type], XX [gun type], XX [ship type], and more. You would just have to do it yourself in RP.
13-09-2004, 03:42
Nothing new, except for the occasional bug fixes, is going to be added to Nation States. Since Nation States 2 is currently in development (and has been for some time now), all of the effort to adding new, exciting things are going towards NS2. How about you check out the Nationstates 2 Forum?
13-09-2004, 04:45
Just wondering, perhaps we could add some warfare mechanics without any real change to the basic game.
Based on the 3 current catagories we could determine the strength of the nations military by adding two new catagories. The two new catagories could include "army size" and "fighting efficiency". They could be based around the percentage of defence. No need for any real change, be the same old Nationstates just without any of the pathetic forum battles.
Just an idea.
Adding something to the game WOULD change the basics, plus, like it's been previously stated, there will be no more changes made to NS; any new ideas should be taken over to the NS2 forum and proposed there, where they might have a chance of making the cut.
The Most Glorious Hack
13-09-2004, 07:03
Not gonna happen. Coded war will not be included in NationStates, regardless of how minor the coding changes are.
Besides, what you're suggesting is already done by a couple of calculators, and are general ignored, as it fails to factor in tech-level and tactics.