NationStates Jolt Archive

Concerning Offencive Flags and such

30-08-2004, 04:27
I have recently heard word that offencive flags namely the Swastica have bein banned from this game. I feel that this carebear catoring must stop for the quality of this game. My regional repusentitives flag is black with whitey written in white in the center with the words crossed out in red. I discomforted my repusentives taste in flags but I feel that its a players right to lead any kind of country they want. If this carebear ideoligey spreads it would only lead to the freedom of cows and vegitarianisim. Eventualy would turn to bookburning of cook books and religiousbooks turning the world into a facist leftist state where everyones an athiest and meat is murder.
30-08-2004, 04:46
This site is private property, and the admin of the site has made that ruling. If you want to read all about the discussion, here is a link to the topic in the archives:
I was asked (a while back now) to make a judgement on whether swastikas are acceptable to use in nation flags.

After consideration, I've decided: No.

Players who use swastikas in their nation flags should change them.

While this site generally allows for political debate and discussion, nations are held to a higher standard than forum posts, because there is no right of reply. An offensive post can be debated -- hopefully to the point where the poster learns something -- but an offensive flag, motto, or nation name just sits there.

The swastika is intricately associated with the Holocaust in public consciousness, and, as one of the greatest tragedies of the last century, it can reasonably be considered offensive for players to appear to endorse or celebrate it.

I understand that at least a few players who use swastikas in their flags do not intend this outcome, and can probably give me a long history lesson on the symbol; nevertheless, that is not the message the image sends.
Please feel free to read all 409 posts in that topic, but the topic of swastikas is answered and closed. End of argument.
30-08-2004, 07:37
Swastikas are banned. If you wish to discuss this, please take it off of these forums and don't involve us in it.