NationStates Jolt Archive

Would it be possible to ...

21-08-2004, 15:59
have a field where you can type in your leader's name and title, description, as the PG sees it, of the country and tech level?
Using Perrus as an example:

Leader's Name: King Lowen Kind (German for lion's child)

Brief Description: Perrus is a nation of anthropromorhpic animals, mostly the big cats (lions, tigers, etc.). Government is by Constitutional Monarchy.

Tech level: Modern day.


I feel that tech level is important because you don't want, though maybe you do, want a country based in medival Europe trying to take on a 23rd century superpower armed with high energy weapons and starships.

Just some thoughts from a new player.

Don Miller, Jr.
aka LionkingCMSL - the railroading lion
"When it's a tie at a rail/highway grade crossing, YOU lose!" - a PSA from Operation Lifesaver ( )
Tuesday Heights
21-08-2004, 18:02
It's possible, but not likely to happen in NS I. Perhaps, this discussion belongs in the NS II forum.
21-08-2004, 21:30
The game does an adequate job of describing your nation, and national leaders and technology levels can be role-played here on the forums. I don't think this is really necessary... in NS I. Like Tuesday said, maybe NS II, but not here.
22-08-2004, 02:57
The game does an adequate job of describing your nation, and national leaders and technology levels can be role-played here on the forums. I don't think this is really necessary... in NS I. Like Tuesday said, maybe NS II, but not here.

I agree the national leaders and tech can be roleplayed, as well as the other details, like Perrus' population makeup, some of us don't want to get into RP for various reasons (i.e. No time, too much RP'ing elsewhere, just want to run a country and see how it developes, etc.)

Personally, I like to see how the PG thought out his country without digging through multi-levels of multi-threads of RP to find out that XYZ country is based in the 23rd century and the population is sapient yellow bellied sapsuckers (not that there is anything wrong with the above, just used as a for instance).

This is just my thought on the matter and I will live without the info. :=/
Don Miller, Jr.
aka LionkingCMSL - the railroading lion
"When it's a tie at a rail/highway grade crossing, YOU lose!" - a PSA from Operation Lifesaver ( )