NationStates Jolt Archive

Regional Statistics

27-07-2004, 12:24
Hello administrator and data analyst people.

My Region is very dear to me and my fellow coinheritors are actually good friends, whom I know.

Is it possible to get regional statistic information, such as;

The region Dementia is ranked 75th in the world for Largest Furniture Restoration Industry.

It would give an interesting view as to the best and worst regions to stay in, based on the collection results of the issues presented. It will also unite region or tear them apart.

What do you think?

His highness, the light of the Free Land of Tyna.
27-07-2004, 12:37
No that is not possible, there is no way to rank regions.
However if you are interested in regional statistics, you may like this off-site GDP calculator:
27-07-2004, 13:15
Wow Polok! How'd you do that? What else can you do?
27-07-2004, 14:30
Well done, I am totally impressed.

Are there any other kinds of information sources?

With regards to the ranking the regions, surely averaging the country stats given on the wonderful link would provide all the financial statistics for the region, which then could be used to rate by region.

What you think?
27-07-2004, 14:31
lol :) I didn't make that; I think it was made by Commerce Heights.
28-07-2004, 06:16
Do you have there contact details?
28-07-2004, 06:56

Bookmarked that page.
28-07-2004, 07:00
Cool! I got my region to work too! The Realm of Criminology (