23-07-2004, 04:49
Not sure if thats the correct term but nation has been ruled by a "mostly-benevolent dictator" for the last 2-3 months regardless of what I choose on my issues. This isn't normal, right?
The Most Glorious Hack
23-07-2004, 07:30
It's not uncommon, especially if you're randomly answering issues, as that can have the effect of cancelling out previous choices. Sometimes, when you're in the middle of a classification, it can take awhile to move out.
Not sure if thats the correct term but nation has been ruled by a "mostly-benevolent dictator" for the last 2-3 months regardless of what I choose on my issues. This isn't normal, right?
You're a father knows best state. You can see where that lies on the NS political scale here: (Warning: spoilers) (http://alces.sel.uaf.edu/gregg/ns/nsmap.html)
To move off Father Knows Best State, you should answer issues that increase or decrease civil rights, (remaining consistant) issues that increase or decrease economic freedoms (again, remaining consistant), or (and this is the easiest way) issues that increase political freedoms. Look out for issues like "term limits for senators" (choose no limits), or "two parties for too long" (choose the first option) or "Corporations demand political say" (choose the no limits of money option), and you should be out of the rut pretty soon.