NationStates Jolt Archive

Please help, I can't get my nation's settings

06-05-2004, 23:57
My brother and I both have email addresses and nations on AOL on the same computer. Also, my friend came over and created a nation on my computer. Whenever I log in, the left screen either displays my brother's nation's name, Zinnelgladad, or my friend's nation's name, Polipoignante (my nation is Kynne.) When I click the links on the side bar such as UN (my brother and I are both in it) it gives me his name, so I cannot vote for any issues. Could you please help me fix this problem? Thank you.
07-05-2004, 00:07
Firstly, only one of you maybe in the UN. I advise one of you to leave the UN immediately, or both nations may be banned from the UN.

Secondly, you need to turn auto-login off. To do this, click the 'Settings' link on the left and change 'Auto-Login' to off. Do this for all the nations and then clear your browser's cookies.
07-05-2004, 01:35
Firstly, only one of you maybe in the UN. I advise one of you to leave the UN immediately, or both nations may be banned from the UN.

Secondly, you need to turn auto-login off. To do this, click the 'Settings' link on the left and change 'Auto-Login' to off. Do this for all the nations and then clear your browser's cookies.

And to clear your browser's cookies:

for Internet Explorer: Tools >> Internet Options >> Delete Cookies..

for Mozilla Firebird/Firefox: Tools >> Options >> Privacy >> Clear Cookies

for Opera: File >> Preferences >> History and Cache >> Empty Now/ Clear

for AOL's browser thing: You shouldn't have AOL
07-05-2004, 11:14
This sounds like a caching issue to me. Make sure your browser checks for new versions of the pages you're viewing. Also: use CTRL-F5 (when using IE).

Liverpool England
07-05-2004, 11:19
Be careful a UN cheat scan doesnt pick you up, it would be advisable for one of you to resign from the UN immediately. Like it has been said, try turning auto-login off, and check if it is a caching issue.

07-05-2004, 21:48
Also, if your friend is in the UN, he shouldn't log on to your computer with his UN nation. The rule is one UN nation per household, since households are indistinguishable from people on the internet.