NationStates Jolt Archive

NS XML help

New Genoa
30-04-2004, 00:29
Can anyone write me a valid script to display the information for each nation in my region as well as the region too using the XML feed?

Or at least instruct me how to do it? Or what to do?
30-04-2004, 15:52
It's pretty difficult to do, based on the limits imposed by NS. The region data feed lists only the first few nations in a region, meaning you can't use this effecitively to generate a list of nations. You would in fact have to write something to load up every single page displaying lists of nations in html, parse the nation names from out of the formatting information, and then pull out this data from the nationdata feed.

I'm still hovering over the idea of doing this sometime, and implementing it in a new version of the NS Portal... whether I ever end up doing this, however, is a different matter
30-04-2004, 21:14
Actually, the regional data feed (the XML one) does lists all the nations in a region ... except when the region is to big.

Regions over a couple hundred (I don't know the exact number, but only the Pacifics, the RR, and a couple of the really big player created regions are affected by this) are only listed as <nations>---MANY---</nations> (or whatever the var name is).

Also, there is a thread (started by "The Slafran Lands" ... ex-nation) in the Tech forum (that shouldn't be to deep) about a script in Java to do some analyzing on regions.
*kicks Phoebos...get to work*