Region creating and endorsements
Social Morality
12-04-2004, 16:55
If I create a region can I still be endorsed to be the regional UN delegate?
If somebody is endorsed by a nation and the nation that endorsed them leaves the region, does their endorsement of that nation automatically remove itself as well?
Can the name of a region be changed once it has been created?
1.) Yes, the founder can be the delegate too if they are in the UN.
2.) I think the endorsement is removed after the next server update.
3.) No.
Social Morality
12-04-2004, 17:06
So your endorsement goes when you leave a region?
The Basenji
12-04-2004, 17:17
Nope. Let's say you have a nation with 3 endorsements, and you leave your region. As long as you return before the UN update (Around 5 am EST), you will keep all your endorsements. :)
12-04-2004, 19:55
3.) No.
Well, a Game Mod can change it, but only if it's offensive or something.
Oh, I didn't realize that :)
Emperor Matthuis
12-04-2004, 21:00
3.) No.
Well, a Game Mod can change it, but only if it's offensive or something.
Yeah wouldn't they just delete the Founder? And the people inside it?
Emperor Matthuis
12-04-2004, 21:01
3.) No.
Well, a Game Mod can change it, but only if it's offensive or something.
Yeah wouldn't they just delete the Founder? And the people inside it?
3.) No.
Well, a Game Mod can change it, but only if it's offensive or something.
Yeah wouldn't they just delete the Founder? And the people inside it?
Usually they just change the name (and the probably give the founder a warning if it isn't that bad). Why would they delete the people inside it? :shock: