Changes Proposed in UN Delegate Requirements and Status
28-03-2004, 15:16
UN Members, Moderators, and Administrators:
I have changed my point of view on this issue, and have repealed my request for change number 1, which would have allowed regions with only one UN Member to have a delegate. However, I have heard nothing about option number two, and still stand by it:
2) Any UN Delegate will have the authority to submit proposals to the UN, regardless of the number of endorsements they have. Other members must still have two (2) endorsements to submit a proposal.
Seeing as the delegates are allowed to approve proposals, it makes little sense that those with only one endorsement can not send them in. This would allow those delegates to express their own views towards UN policies more easily. I encourage you, if you will not support option 1, to support this change, and improve our United Nations.
The Federation of Hersfold
UN Delegate
Under that rule:
What if I move my UN nation to a region with only two other nations (also controlled by me), thus getting an instant delegate? That would eliminate the need for endorsements, thus making half the UN delegates if the loop was discovered.
Until you respond, I won't vote in your poll.
I echo Nanakaland's sentiments.
This change would be a BAD idea!
28-03-2004, 20:46
I agree with Nanakaland and Isle of Orleans. This gives any player the capability to claim delegate status of a huge region, entirely filled with their puppets, or to spam the UN with proposals.
28-03-2004, 22:22
In response to all three of your comments, I know this will happen, but many people will not bother to add this many countries. If admin sees fit, they can edit this. :idea: Maybe the two different country thing would require two other countries with DIFFERENT E-MAILS. I know what you are going to say next - what if they just don't supply one? It could be two other countries with different supplied e-mails - non-supplied does not count.
28-03-2004, 22:25
Yet I have access to >8 email addresses...or someone could put a fake in...
Try IPs, but then it would be too much work.
28-03-2004, 23:05
So...what it boils down to is a need for a continous multi scan on everyone...but not a deletion of those who are multis?
28-03-2004, 23:32
Essentially it would make far, far too much work for the mods.
29-03-2004, 02:27
I realize your concerns again, but few rules can be made completely unavoidable. The e-mail measure will be enacted to make it more difficult for nations to cheat. I realize that there will usually be a way for people to get around the rules, just like they are now. That is why we have a Getting Help page, to catch those nations that are cheating. Also, most people are honest, and many will have already established themselves in their current regions. Hopefully this measure will be enough, if not it can be changed then.
The Federation of Hersfold
UN Delegate
It'd be hard to catch things like that.
Tuesday Heights
29-03-2004, 06:02
Yeah, I don't think your ideas would be effective, because everyone could just create their own region, invite a few friends, and be a delegate.
Emperor Matthuis
29-03-2004, 17:10
Yeah, I don't think your ideas would be effective, because everyone could just create their own region, invite a few friends, and be a delegate.
It would be a kind of i scratch your back, you scratch mine
Nazi Deutschland Axis
30-03-2004, 13:06
I vote against, leave it as it is.
30-03-2004, 13:23
Also, mods, the program won't let me get rid of the poll, which is obviously screwed up, so if you could delete it for me? Thanks.
Also, mods, the program won't let me get rid of the poll, which is obviously screwed up, so if you could delete it for me? Thanks.
Edit the post and check the "Delete poll" option.
I'd basically echo the concerns of others: it's to easy to abuse.
A comment on your second suggestion: Anyone who is a delegate has at least 1 endorsement by default. If they really want to submit a proposal, getting a second isn't terribly hard.
Thanks Delegate Hersfold, for hearing what we've had to say.
Having two endorsers to submit resolutions is a modest threshold to cross.
The moderators already have enough work to do. Any changes to make NS/UN better should lighten their workload, not expand it.
1 Infinite Loop
31-03-2004, 09:08
I like the idea, all delegates regardless of endorsements should be allowed to submit proposals, I mean they are there and they are basically like the secutiry council. it makes perfect sense.
and everyone else should have to have two to submit,
although anyone who has a good one and wants it submitted I would be happy to submit it for ya if you cannot get it in, just be sure to put your name in the proposal as a byline.
01-04-2004, 01:30
A comment on your second suggestion: Anyone who is a delegate has at least 1 endorsement by default. If they really want to submit a proposal, getting a second isn't terribly hard.
:roll: Yes, but what if they only have one other UN member in their region? It would be extremly difficult to get a second endorsement, if noone else can endorse you.
01-04-2004, 01:34
Also, mods, the program won't let me get rid of the poll, which is obviously screwed up, so if you could delete it for me? Thanks.
Edit the post and check the "Delete poll" option.
I know, but the option is not there. The one time it was there, I tried to delete it, but it said "You cannot delete an active poll." So how do I do it?!?!
02-04-2004, 03:29
Moderators -
:x Since I have a total lack of support on both points, and I am sick of this forum, which continues to screw up, I hereby repeal all changes proposed by The Federation of Hersfold and formally request that this topic be deleted. I thank those of you who did support this and apologize to those who actually wanted this passed. If you want me to re-send all or part of this, please let me know via telegram.
And to those of you who think I can delete this myself - can't - I looked - there is no option to delete this topic - nor does it say I can at the bottom of the screen.