NationStates Jolt Archive

Connecting to the Forum, reliably

17-02-2004, 22:03
Having had to spend most of the last two weeks locked in my server room with my samba server I noticed something very peculiar. Not once did I have problems connecting to the NS Forum when on my Red Hat 9.0 server using Mozilla. I thought that perhaps it was coincidence, but having run several tests now I find that when I cannot connect to the NS Forum using a windows system and IE or Netscape I can relaibly connect on my Red Hat server with Mozilla.

The next logical step was installing Mozilla on my winXP system. This did not work. No matter what browser I use on my XP machine at 2:00 p.m. (CST) onwards I cannot connect to the NS Forum. I am connecting through a T1 and I have now set up a spare system behind my desk, installed Red Hat 9.0 and Mozilla and connect to the NS Forum with no issues except that sometimes my posts show up twice.

I have no clue as to why connecting to the NS Forum would be a windows issue? I have also found that using Konqueror is just as buggy as IE , it has to Mozilla and it has to be on a Red Hat system.

I have only recently begun exploring Linux (mainly to utilize rsync and samba in my office) and I cannot conjecture as of yet as to why the NS Forum would work fine with RH and Mozilla but with winXP?

I was hoping that this may help some people and possibly even someone knows why this works, I'd be interested to know!

Incidentially it is 2:54 PM here, I cannot connect to the NS Forum on my XP machine (I tried 4 times....) so I turned around and this post was done on my Linux NS 'Backup System'
17-02-2004, 23:39
17-02-2004, 23:42
*Goes to pull out a random linux system*
18-02-2004, 00:13
Hmmm, I can't see a difference with Mandrake, using the Konqeror browser.
18-02-2004, 03:21
Yeah Konqueror and Linux is just as bad as IE and XP, it's Mozilla, Mozilla seems to be the key. Except that installing Mozilla for windows doesen't work either. I have no clue why Mozilla+Linux=100% connection to the Forum? I've been poking around Mozilla's website, maybe there is a clue there?
18-02-2004, 06:33
I can't think why that particular combination would work...
I'll reload SuSe and try it with that later.
1 Infinite Loop
18-02-2004, 09:18
perhaps if general had a limit of connections allowed to it, say no more than a hundred nations could be in general at a time.
18-02-2004, 09:35
But then you have to ask how you are going to choose who you drop somehow, or not allow new connections (which will reuslt in people hammering the server until they get in - even worse then what happens now).

Anyway, it should all become a moot point soon enough when we move to the Jolt servers :D
26-02-2004, 23:56

After more trsting I've found that the Galeon browser connects just as reliably as Mozilla, but FASTER. I think I'll start switching more servers over to Linux..................SCO can go ahead and me!
26-02-2004, 23:56

After more trsting I've found that the Galeon browser connects just as reliably as Mozilla, but FASTER. I think I'll start switching more servers over to Linux..................SCO can go ahead and me!
26-02-2004, 23:57

After more trsting I've found that the Galeon browser connects just as reliably as Mozilla, but FASTER. I think I'll start switching more servers over to Linux..................SCO can go ahead and me!
27-02-2004, 14:37
Now that you mention it, I haven't had any trouble with the forum using Mozilla.
27-02-2004, 14:41
WinXP+Mozilla, as you wrote, doesn't have that effect. I wish I were on Linux, but...
27-02-2004, 15:13
It is a bit of a mystery. Although Galeon (used last night) appears to increase the likelyhood of a multiple post.
27-02-2004, 17:50
Maybe this has something to do with it:
27-02-2004, 17:53
I was thinking that it could, if the ns forum server has http/1.1
27-02-2004, 19:31
Maybe this has something to do with it:

Why, then, does it not produce the same results in Windows? Theoretically it should be platform-neutral.

Come to think of it, after we get some info we should probably post to the Mozilla newsgroups or on Bugzilla. If there's differing behavior with pipelining across platforms the Mozilla team needs to know.
27-02-2004, 19:38
That's a good point, I was just guessing it's because windows sucks?
27-02-2004, 20:39
That's a good point, I was just guessing it's because windows sucks?

Well, it does, it's just that theoretically Mozilla is very nearly platform-neutral, especially when it comes to nuts-and-bolts issues. If pipelining works properly in Linux but not under Windows XP, there's a serious problem.
27-02-2004, 21:15
27-02-2004, 21:16
Well I'll fire off an e-mail and see hwta they have to say for themselves.