Maverik Hunters
07-02-2004, 19:56
Since I've been on this site I've noticed that there are alot of people. Now this amkes the NS server incredibly slow. We need to delete the inactives. I realize that after a couple MONTHS people get deleted, but we need a different system.
What needs to be done is every Region should have a forum within NS but seperate from the region page. From this a roll call can be done. The Region founder will take the names of those who have answered to the roll call. All other users will be deleted. This will free up alot of the server. This Roll call should be posted at tyhe beginning of every month and inactives would be deleted at the beginning of the next month.
Should this be moved to a different forum?
Emperor Matthuis
07-02-2004, 20:39
Since I've been on this site I've noticed that there are alot of people. Now this amkes the NS server incredibly slow. We need to delete the inactives. I realize that after a couple MONTHS people get deleted, but we need a different system.
What needs to be done is every Region should have a forum within NS but seperate from the region page. From this a roll call can be done. The Region founder will take the names of those who have answered to the roll call. All other users will be deleted. This will free up alot of the server. This Roll call should be posted at tyhe beginning of every month and inactives would be deleted at the beginning of the next month.
Should this be moved to a different forum?
Yes this thread should be restarted in the Technical forum
07-02-2004, 20:42
Inactives get deleted after 21 DAYS, unless on holiday mode.
And how often will these registers be taken?
Thy poll is quite biased.
A nation gets deleted after 28 days of inactivity; 60 days if vacation mode is activated.
This should be in the Technical forum. Moved.
The Basenji
08-02-2004, 04:35
A forum for every region? Are you kidding? :shock:
The world contains 119,114 nations in 13,156 regions. Now THAT'S a lot of regions.
08-02-2004, 04:44
Thy poll is quite biased.
I give this idea a resounding
(and could a mod please de-bias or delete the poll?)
I will not even bother with "all due resepect" or "no offense meant". This is the worst idea that I have heard in a long time.
As a puppeteer, it is hard enough to keep track of my nations without haing to answer to some sort of roll call.
And that ignores the coding that it would take.
And the fact that most of the server load is due mostly to the forums.
And the fact that a lot of people who have jobs and can rarely get onto NS would be unhappy.
And the problem that would occur if people went on vaction.
And the potential abuse by founders.
Don't even bother with suggeting tweaks. You certainly ain't swaying me. I find it a horrible idea. :x :evil:
I hope that Sal sees the logi in not doing this, but even if he likes it, I'm sure that he'll turn it down on basis of the coding that it would take.
image inserted in place of big, red, bold, letters
08-02-2004, 06:15
The current system is fine.
1 Infinite Loop
08-02-2004, 07:01
remember the poll probably isnt intentionally biased, remember the NS server deletes teh last choice and you have to remember to add a extra choice when making a poll.
08-02-2004, 07:30
remember the poll probably isnt intentionally biased, remember the NS server deletes teh last choice and you have to remember to add a extra choice when making a poll.
Perhaps. One never knows.
Allison blair
10-02-2004, 04:26
why is it biased, the only bias is that only people who surf the technical forums will read it, also both choices are valid, albiet the question is slightly loaded. The curent system works, if you know your going on vacation put it on vacation mode. The speed loss isnot due to countries but more to forums as stated above. Though if there are less nations does that mean there will be less posts? i dont think so. The curent system is funtinal, and already implamented, withought a large gain[one shouldent upgrade].
10-02-2004, 05:15
why is it biased, the only bias is that only people who surf the technical forums will read it, also both choices are valid, albiet the question is slightly loaded. The curent system works, if you know your going on vacation put it on vacation mode. The speed loss isnot due to countries but more to forums as stated above. Though if there are less nations does that mean there will be less posts? i dont think so. The curent system is funtinal, and already implamented, withought a large gain.
Its "I like a lot" or "I sort of like"
no "I dislike" or "I hate' (which is what I would chose)
I'm a little confused here about the poll. Is it asking whether we like your idea or is it asking wether we like the current method?