Forum Bandwidth / Server Load?
It is obvious that the nationstates server is under heavy load, and at peak times the game and the forums become unavailable.
I have no idea who to contact, so i might as well post my offer here...
If any of the game team can think of a way to run the forums on a separate server, i would be willing to host the forums (for free) on my server. This would help reduce the load on the NS server and hopefully make the game run faster, and reduce the downtime of the forums and the game to nill.
If anyone has any ideas or if you would like ot take up the offer, either reply here or contact me at
- SIR-Millar
03-02-2004, 05:00
I believe Max is currently working with a UK site to move everything to. That should help with the bandwidth issue, but it will be a little while before he finishes negotiations and is able to move everything.
Cuneo Island
03-02-2004, 05:12
I hope something is done.
03-02-2004, 05:45
Chuckle Thanks for the offer, but we have to turn it down for several reasons. We're getting Jolt ( to host us, Personal information is stored in the forum accounts, it would place portions of the game out of our direct control (very dangerous), your server and connection would probably be killed as bad, if not worse than ours, and finally, we'd feel really guilty about driving you bankrupt with bandwidth costs.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E
The Basenji
03-02-2004, 05:52
When can we expect this change to Jolt to happen?
03-02-2004, 06:02
Unfortunately I cannot tell you, simply because nobody knows. Before the change can occur numerous things must be done, of which only a small percentage have even been started. That isn't counting fully debugging Jolt's installation of the game. Last I checked there were still some serious problems with it.
Basically, the change will happen as soon as we feel comfortable that it will go smoothly. I would expect it to be several weeks into the future, minimum. We are working as quickly as we can without sacrificing maintenance of this game, and without endangering quality or security.
1 Infinite Loop
03-02-2004, 07:35
You know with as much as Max pays, you would think that they would give him more Bandwith.
I still think discreet advertisements or the option for click through options would be groovy.
Loop East Pacific, Delegate
Proud Member of [Team Advantage]
My current flag
03-02-2004, 23:40
Actually, Network bandwidth is not the limiting issue of the forum (usually), but it is instead internal hardware bandwidth. The processors (yes, plural), hard drives (yes, plural), and RAM is unable to keep up with us.
04-02-2004, 00:28
Given that the file system size is a problem, why keep 500 pages of back topics in General and the role-play fora, and over 100 in Moderation, Technical and the UN? Nobody in the later 3 goes back more than 10 or 20 pages, I wouldn't imagine, and surely the role-players have requested Archiving for the classic topics by now. Surely there is some reasonable date (one month back, two?) that would be agreeable to all involved.
I'm sure it's been asked and answered before, but I can't seem to review the 100+ pages of Technical topics to find the answer. :wink: