NationStates Jolt Archive

whats a dossier?

31-01-2004, 00:53
whats a dossier?
I'm new
31-01-2004, 01:40
It's like a 'favourites' file for nations.
When viewing a nation you can click the link that says 'Add nation to your dossier' and in the future just link to them via the dossier.

I use mine to keep tabs on nations I've endorsed. If, for example, their Civil Rights slip I unendorse them.

P.S. I think this sort of question would belong in the Gameplay forum.
The Atheists Reality
31-01-2004, 03:37
no one is going to take you seriously with a name like Abcdefghijklmnopqrstu1
31-01-2004, 05:09
The Rogue Nation of Greenspoint proposes we all call him "Stu" for short.

James Moehlman
Asst. Manager ico U.N. Affairs
31-01-2004, 06:39
A dossier is really like a 'blackbook' of nations ;)
31-01-2004, 06:58
I propose he be called Fhqwghads.
31-01-2004, 08:29
Call him whatever the hell you want.
Liverpool England
31-01-2004, 10:59
enough spamming.
Emperor Matthuis
31-01-2004, 11:48
whats a dossier?
I'm new

You can keep nations in there to keep track of

Keeping Track of Invaders

Region Hawking purposes :wink:

Keeping track of your Endorsements

Or to remember any friends you have in the game or any enemies... :twisted:
31-01-2004, 23:18
Personally, I use mine to keep track of my puppets.