How does this work? does it just"naturally" progress over time? Do i have to do something special? HELP!!!!
27-01-2004, 16:28
The issues that are presented before you each day affect how your civil rights, political freedoms and economy develop. The military your nation has is more of a common sense thing based on some of the issues and your GDP (GDP calculator can be found in this topic:
There are three main parts of the game:
Doing issues, messing around in your nation's settings such as changing flags and motto's etc.
United Nations
From endorsing regionmates, to voting on resolutions, to region crashing.
Everything that goes on in the forums. The only time you get a military per say is in the forums. You act. It's all one big play with no lines.
Read the links marked with "Sticky" or "Announcement" in the forums International Incidents and NationStates if you are interested in the third option.