NationStates Jolt Archive

Easier searches for nations

18-01-2004, 01:20
I was told in Gameplay that this should be in Technical, so here you go. I feel it works in both, but okay.

I've been looking for nations to put in my dossier, but I have to wade through over 10,000 pages worth. It makes it really hard on me. To that end, I have some proposals on how to improve the search:

*Sort by major UN categories- safest nations, largest GDP, etc. (MAJOR. We're not counting things like 'Largest Soda Sales' and 'Most Tourists Mugged'.) You take those categories out of the daily report rotation and make them permanent searches.
*Sort by population. Poopulation measures mainly nation seniority. You naturally want to pay attention to larger nations.
*And while we're at it, why not measure endorsements (obviously you only list UN members here)? This tells everybody exactly who to negotiate with during resolution votes. (Which also puts pressure on them to vote-- you're a power member of the UN, you either take a position or people will bribe you so you take their positions. Or both.)
*Finally, let us search more than 10 nations at once if we want. You know the thing on search engines where you say how many results you want to search. (I think 100 would be the ideal maximum.)

Thanks for reading this again.
18-01-2004, 03:53
I like everything but the last bit. Whether or nat it can be coded without killing the server, we have yet to see.
But, I know the last bit would kill the server, it takes plenty long with 10 nations, but 100 is ridiculous.