I was thinking - every nation has its three stats on certain areas, which are affected by your issues. Well, why not have the state of the environment as a fourth one. T Quinn's (my nation) doesn't have good civil rights, political freedoms or a good economy but it has a good environment. Please express your views (I think this should be in technical if not sorry)
10-01-2004, 14:54
It sounds like a good idea, but it's not vital really. I guess if enough people wanted there to be "State of the environment" at the top of the page then it might be done. 8)
Its not vital but it would be nice. Depends how much programming it took i suppose.
Emperor Matthuis
10-01-2004, 14:59
do you mean next to your economy stats and civil rights and political freedoms? i personally like the idea :D
10-01-2004, 15:00
Its not vital but it would be nice. Depends how much programming it took i suppose.
Well now you have another question: "How much programming would it take to add another stat at the top of every nation's page?"
yeah - along side it - so it would a scale and everything (i.e. poor, excellent etc.)
Emperor Matthuis
10-01-2004, 15:01
i like it then :wink:
what do you mods think about it?
It would be an interesting venture, to be ceertain, but the stats at the top of the page were meant to determine your government type. How does the environment determine that? :?
@General Ducky-
Congrats! You win the spmmer-of-the-day award!:p
it shows where your priorities lie - with the environment or the economy for example.
Are you suggesting that it would be on another scale-type thing? Like Good, Fair, etc? Plus, nations have many different climate regions, and just different types of land.
Are you suggesting that it would be on another scale-type thing? Like Good, Fair, etc? Plus, nations have many different climate regions, and just different types of land.
In a way, the economy can show what your ecological priority is, albeit not as well as your proposal. But might I ask again: What kind of Nationstates governments could come from this idea? :?
[quote="Osiris Corporation"]In a way, the economy can show what your ecological priority is, albeit not as well as your proposal. quote]
I just think it would be a nice touch - it isnt vital but as i have mentioned it would show what kind of government you are.
10-01-2004, 15:18
Are you suggesting that it would be on another scale-type thing? Like Good, Fair, etc? Plus, nations have many different climate regions, and just different types of land.
The way the other three stats are ranked vary slightly as well, so why not? Also, your region is not always how you planned it to be, eg if you wanted a hot or cold climate in this case.
Another thing to think about is the 2nd page of creating your nation. Perhaps that would have to be edited in order to work out a new nation's enviromnent. :?
Yeah - that would have to be varied slightly as well.
This isn't needed, in your nation, in the description it already says how good your environment is:
widespread deforestation
It could work, but why? There are tons of other things that could be put up there besides environment. If you know that you have made enviromentally safe choices, than you know your environments good.
Also, if your nation has a good environment it will say stuff like:
environmentally stunning nation
many lush forests
10-01-2004, 18:08
I'd personally rather have state of the education system and/or military spending.
You can generally assume that your environment will be fairly converse to your economy. About as well as you can assume that Ciil Rights Correlate to personal freedoms.
Well its just an idea. It says that in the description - but it would be nice to have it alongside economy etc. because i feel it is an improtant priority. Education, military etc. i think should be mentioned more in the two/three paragraphs but don't personally feel they need to feature in these stats
10-01-2004, 19:08
Well its just an idea. It says that in the description - but it would be nice to have it alongside economy etc. because i feel it is an improtant priority. Education, military etc. i think should be mentioned more in the two/three paragraphs but don't personally feel they need to feature in these stats
I feel quite the contrary. Environment can be inferred from all of the paragraphs, and from the economy rating, and is less important of a priority to be begin with (at least as far as it matters for comprehension of most nations) than education and military spending.
Military spending gives you an idea of a country's foriegn policy, which I view as a more important dimension IRL than political freedoms. (When I rate people IRL, and I've done this since last March, before I found NS, I use socio-political, economic, and foriegn policy as measures of a country, I only recently began splitting political into a seoereate measure of a nation)
And of course Education and Health(which I forgot to mention) are very key n determining the living conditions of a country). True that the Environment determines health to a certain extent, but economy and economic freedoms almost wholly shape the environment.
10-01-2004, 19:10
<--By the time that my [unrepeatable] LAN which at this point I really wish to throttle alowed mer to delete this post after about 15 [unrepeatable]ing minutes of trying it had been [unrepeatabe]ing replied to. (Sorry, but I'm in a nasty mood)-->
Yes but these can be interpreted from a countires economy.
The environment can't. We all have different prioriteis - but for me the environment is just as important as education etc.
10-01-2004, 19:31
<--Incoherent rant (though pleased to report that even when I was as infuriated as I was I managed to not came anywhare near flaming, for those of you who remember me from the times before Marathon and Philandrea's deletios scared some sense into me, that is quite an accomplishment when I am furious) deleted -->
The environment is the ONLY thing that can be determined bthe country's economy, Health and Education can NOT and because I am now on the verge of throttling something, I'm going to kill my computer, do something else, and apoligise for this outburst and some of the things that I was thinking when I've had a cool off period. It's not you, it's just these outrageous and false claims that you are making are the last straw.
Now to turn off my computer before I explode at somebody else.
Hehe. When you read around the emotional outbreasks, he is right. Environment can be inferred, while Education and military etc. can not. So, in conclusion, I think we hyave learned that all is just fine the way it is.
11-01-2004, 02:55
Hehe. When you read around the emotional outbreasks, he is right. Environment can be inferred, while Education and military etc. can not. So, in conclusion, I think we hyave learned that all is just fine the way it is.
Thank you.
And T Quinn.
I am sorry that I lost it.
The actions of The Great Cob and Automagfreek on the above thread had put me in a foul humour, and when you made began backing up your arguements with claims that were the exact opposite of the truth, I lost it.
Since I am sure that you believed your claims, I should not have not have exploded at you. Come to think of it, I should not have exploded at you even if you *had* been deliberately lying.
Again, my apologies, although I will still say "you are wrong", when I feel that way, I will try to be more ploite about it.
I try to maintain a facade of serenity, and several threads,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but...
"Economy", "Civil Rights", and "Political Freedoms" are tabulated by combining several 'internal rankings' of the country.
Military spending, environment, and education are all individual 'internal rankings'. Thus, putting them in a completely different category than the three listed at the top of the Spotlight.
CFs and Economy are (AFAIK) a compilation of other statistics about your nation. If I had to guess, I would say CFs are based on stats like welfare spending, education, health care system, ect, and Economy is measured by your economic freedom and the sum of all the industries. I think PFs is based entirely on the PFs internal stat, though.
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Qaaolchoura - i know that environment can be inferred from the paragraph (indeed it appears more than once) but i just scan the top three. my environment is v. good but political freedoms, civil rights and economy are poor - so for me it would be nice to have one good stat - you see.
11-01-2004, 17:47
Qaaolchoura - i know that environment can be inferred from the paragraph (indeed it appears more than once) but i just scan the top three. my environment is v. good but political freedoms, civil rights and economy are poor - so for me it would be nice to have one good stat - you see.
Yes, but that was your choice, your environment is going to be high as a result of your economy being poor. Some people take pride in all of their freedoms being low, yo wouldn't wish to ruin their fund wuld you? :P
Whereas I have seen economically right-wing and centrist nations (with excellent health and educations, and economically left wing (albeit usually dictatorships) nations with poor ratings on that.
And I am a socially left-wing nation with tremendous military spending per capita.
Thusly it can be inferred that you will have a good environment if you had a bad economy, and the top stats are for primarily detached statistics. Hence we do not see Economic and Personal Freedoms, even though they can vary from Economy and CR.