Question about joining the UN (Not general newb question)
I was given a nation by a friend about a month and a half ago (6 weeks) and his main nation is still in the UN. If I were to put one of my nations, not the nation he gave me in the UN, will the game still think I am UN Multi-ing?
The Basenji
06-01-2004, 05:50
Does the nation he gave you belong in the UN?
it probably would. You could get the nation you were given out of the UN and put your nation in but you cant have them both in
Unfree People
06-01-2004, 06:19
I was given a nation by a friend about a month and a half ago (6 weeks) and his main nation is still in the UN. If I were to put one of my nations, not the nation he gave me in the UN, will the game still think I am UN Multi-ing?
I doubt it... 6 weeks ago is long enough for the multi detectors to allow some slack, I'd think. I don't know about you getting an official mod word on this, though, as it seems pretty subjective to me.
I muself want to know if, being on the same LAN as my brother, his nation can join the UN as soon as I leave for college... much shorter time period.
06-01-2004, 07:09
If the nation that he gave you is not in the UN, you should be fine. As long as you are not controlling more than 1 UN nation, you're probably safe.
Unfree People, you should be fine to have him join as soon as you leave. The truth is, we've gotten better with LANs and NATs and you are probably safe with multiple players behind them, HOWEVER, there is a higher chance of a false positive, and you take that risk.
Tech Modling
Oh, No. I Don't UN Multi, but if I were to get ejected from the UN would it be possible to have it overturned?
06-01-2004, 16:34
You'd send a Getting Help request to the mods asking for review (and you'd want to link to this thread for context).