NationStates Jolt Archive

What a founder can/cannot do.

Siswai Aman
01-01-2004, 02:12
Is a founder able to do other, normally greifing, actions in his/her region in a simialar way to their ability to ban anyone, anynumber of nations they want without penalty?
FOr example, if the regional is spammed with flaming, can the founder safely spam it away in turn? I know a lot of regions do this anyway, Im just curious as to the legality of it.
What about the regional happenings? This would probably only be neccecary if a nation with an offensive name spammed the happenings, but all the same I can see it happening eventually.

01-01-2004, 02:15
A founder can do what they want in the region.
If this includes ejecting everyone or spamming the board*, it's fine.

*provided it's not offensive spam
01-01-2004, 02:20
To the best of my knowledge, the founder is allowed to carry out the following actions outsides the normal delegate powers:

*Eject any number of nations without justification
*Clear the regional message board through posting repeated messages such as 'clearing spam'

I'm not sure what the situation would be as regards the regional happenings board, since a founder's spam would be no different, most likely, to anyone else's. Perhaps if a person was moving from a region with an offensive name, or had one itself, then this action would be beneficial.
Siswai Aman
01-01-2004, 02:29
Something I didnt think of regarding the regional happenings, if you were clearing the spam, you'd have to move to a seperate region each time you moved, otherwise youd be spamming an altogether different regional happenings.

Thank you both.