NationStates Jolt Archive

Search by ranking

26-12-2003, 03:17
Maybe have the world & region view pages look like this:
< 1 2 3...(ranking of nation)...10690 10700

Either that, or be able to search by directly entering a ranking.

That way we can explore similarly ranked nations to ourselves.

The most Serene and Precious
Unfree People
26-12-2003, 03:22
You can fool around with links to try to find the ranking you are... for example, if you're ranked 1001st in the world, you can go to the link to check out who all is next to you.

Same with the region, if you are, say, 35th in the region you can enter in your address bar. (Change "your_region_here" and the number at the end according to what you want to see - the number has to be in increments of ten.)