So when are we gonna have currency manipulation ?
Think about it.. economic conquest ! :) And loans with strings attached ! :)
16-12-2003, 23:38
What do you mean with "Currency Manipulation" ?
Right now, no treasuries are implemented, nor exchange rates, nor goods to be sold/created/used... It's all RP. Last I heard the thought of implementing those was something for NS2 (See the NS2 forum).
16-12-2003, 23:55
I think that he's heard about NS2, and thinks that it'll be in NS1.
It sounds like an NS2 sort of question to me. . .
16-12-2003, 23:56
-double post that someone would not give me even five minutes to rremove edited out :evil: ( :wink: )-
The Basenji
16-12-2003, 23:59
I'm confused about what "Currency Manipulation" is as well. :? Care to explain?
16-12-2003, 23:59
I'm confused about what "Currency Manipulation" is as well. :? Care to explain?
NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. cur·ren·cies
1. Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money. See table on page 448.
2. Transmission from person to person as a medium of exchange; circulation: coins now in currency.
3. General acceptance or use; prevalence: the currency of a slang term.
4. The state of being current; up-to-dateness: Can you check the currency of this address?
ETYMOLOGY: From Middle English curraunt, in circulation. See current.
SYLLABICATION: ma·nip·u·la·tion
NOUN: 1a. The act or practice of manipulating. b. The state of being manipulated.
2. Shrewd or devious management, especially for one's own advantage.
ETYMOLOGY: French, from manipule, handful, as of grain, from Latin manipulus, sheaf, handful. See maniple.
I'm confused about what "Currency Manipulation" is as well. :? Care to explain?
Not that I know much about that either but here goes :
A currency is valued against another currency by means of a ratio called an exchange rate. This exchange rate is floated in a free market. Since it is, if you're a rich country, you can bankrupt a small country by selling their currency. This will mean that it will take a lot of their currency to exchange for just a little of yours. In other words, everything will suddenly get very expensive for them. Then they will get poorer and poorer. Then you step in and offer them "aid" with strings attached. After they get used to the luxury, you can control them by controlling the amount of aid. Suppose they want to ally with another country to attack one of your allies. You can "convince" them not to do it by threatening to withdraw aid if they do. So in this way you can indirectly manipulate a small country into doing what you want them to do.
As calumnia stated, i believe he means that each country should have their money unit with a differentiating worth, as well as maybe, each nation having a certain amount of money, so for example. one of pegesus barkchip, may be worth, lets say....54.65 UN dollars,
and pegesus may have ...................
345,534,764,732,762,253,352,075,145,000 barkchips in their treasury, except less exagerated