Mods, an idea...
I've figured it out! I'm so brilliant.
The best way to put an end to these posters of obscene pictures, is to make it compulsory to give an e-mail. Then, when they offend more then once, or whatever the criteria is, rather then an IP ban, they get put on an e-mail ban.
Yes, there will be a few complaints, but after those bastards Goatze, Richard_simmons and What's his face, the pirate guy, who they're complaining about now... is it really such a price to pay? No one is going to change their e-mail more then once... best of all, we can get the address to the police in certain cases.
The Basenji
16-12-2003, 08:17
It's very easy to get a new email address from Hotmail or MSN.
It's very easy to get a new email address from Hotmail or MSN.
Who would do it more then once just to post obscene pictures?
The Basenji
16-12-2003, 08:23
It takes about 5 minutes to get a new one. If I was gonna annoy a web site, and was devoted enough, I would.
Of course, I'm not a spammer. :lol:
It takes about 5 minutes to get a new one. If I was gonna annoy a web site, and was devoted enough, I would.
Of course, I'm not a spammer. :lol:
Then you report him, or something. Or, just block all AOL things, or report it to MSN and ensure he can't get one ever again. They do offer to do so.
The Basenji
16-12-2003, 08:27
It takes about 5 minutes to get a new one. If I was gonna annoy a web site, and was devoted enough, I would.
Of course, I'm not a spammer. :lol:
Then you report him, or something. Or, just block all AOL things, or report it to MSN and ensure he can't get one ever again. They do offer to do so.
Block all AOL users? That's not very fair to the ones that follow the rules.
I do think your idea is a good one, it would probably cut a chunk of spamers out of the site. Good idea, let's see what a Mod thinks. :)
16-12-2003, 10:10
*stamps his approval on this idea*
*stamps his approval on this idea*
Thanks... you're a man? :shock:
16-12-2003, 10:46
AOL is not very helpful when it comes to abusive users.
AOL is not very helpful when it comes to abusive users.
AOL, however, does rarely give out more then one e-mail. That's the point of this. Ban the e-mail, not the IP address. Keep the greater good in sight.
16-12-2003, 10:57
We've discussed this with Max. He does not want to make it more difficult to register for this game, and thus we will not be requiring valid emails, nor checking for them except for UN nations.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E
All right, just an idea, and it's probably the best that anyone has come up with... I'll think of something else, but I think that you should explain to Max the situation more fully.
Making the game more difficult to sign up for might be a good thing.
Well, what you have to remember is that limiting access to a service impairs the target audience from getting to the service. First and foremost, NS is advertising, not a game. If the game has to suffer so that the word gets out, well, too bad.
Or, that's the way I see it.
Just FYI, it is really eas to come up with multiple emails. And for anyone dumb enough to post porn or other nasties on the site, they will create a new email. They are sick, or morever want us to all view how crazy sick they are-- so wouldl they take the 3 minutes to create a new email, yes. And AOL, I believe, offers up to 5 emal addies- the last 4 of which you can add or delete at any time so we would still have a problem with AOL (though, judging on their stocks, I don't think AOL will be a permaent problem).
Still, thanks for thinking, maybe you will be the scientist to solve the Tub Girl problem some day.
[quote="The Basenji"]It takes about 5 minutes to get a new one. If I was gonna annoy a web site, and was devoted enough, I would.
I know some-one who had 8 email adddresses and used them alternatly to get 8 un members - before they got caught
16-12-2003, 18:58
*stamps his approval on this idea*
Thanks... you're a man? :shock:
Last time I checked. :wink:
16-12-2003, 19:17
that email things don't work, there is a large gaming forum that blocked all free email accounts(yahoo/hotmail etc...) and the spammers did not slow down at all
also, the forum members tried reporting them, but all the isp emailed back is they need a full email & header of the spamming,I think it was a auto reply, because everyone got the same email :?
Emperor Matthuis
16-12-2003, 19:36
It's really easy to create a new e-mail adress with hotmail just fill it in and chose a free acount and you'll have another account it wouldn't stop spammers just delay them for 10 minutes but thats only hotmail i think it's harder with other internet sites
Hmm... that's true... I suppose we could make the argument, though, that the best way to deal with these things is death for the first offense...
Hm? Oh, right.
Yes, I've come up with several other ideas... all of them requiring the person on the other end to be an intelligent human being. The best we could do is set up some sort of watchlist, where names are marked down and people using names similar to those will just not be responded to at all (Yes, hide your revulsion, if I can do it when I'm dealing with humans, you can do it for a naughty pic), and they'll go away.
Or we could delete general... or make Basennji a mod, he's in that forum often enough and he'll know when these things show up pretty much instantly...
<snip> And AOL, I believe, offers up to 5 emal addies- the last 4 of which you can add or delete at any time so we would still have a problem with AOL <snip>
AAMOF, it's seven emails, six that can be changed. Further, changing addresses (screennames in AOL jargon) is easy as hell.
Further, if you email or phone-call AOL with a complaint re spamming or similar, the people you will talk to are empowered to check *currently active* addresses only. If the address is not active, they are not empowered to see if it was active in the (recent) past, and what account it was connected with.
Thus, if an AOLer creates an addy, registers it with NS, gets the confirmation email, spams hard and fast, then cancels the AOL address, you cannot make an effective complaint.
Not unless you can get a court order forcing AOL to turn over the main address &/or personal info. The chances of that for a spam-and-run are immeasurably small.
Now, repeat spammings that clearly must have come from the same person---complain about *that*, and keep after AOL for a few weeks of daily reports of new "attacks", and someone who *is* empowered to check inactive addresses **might** be assigned to look into it, just to get you to shut the F* up and stop bothering AOL. But that's the type of attitude and tactics you have to use, if you can't afford a lawyer to persuade a tired, stupid, anti-technology old judge to issue a warrent. Of course, if the spammer is not a day-after-day-after day attacker, you can't build a "big" enough "case" to convince AOL to actually do anything on their own.
Which is way so many commercial UBE spewers stick with AOL. For all the noise AOL makes, and for all the few times they've brought suit against spammers, they do jack-shit about their customers spamming
Not only is it remarkably easy to sign up for multiple Email addresses via Hotmail or Yahoo, there've been griefers in the past with (say) 50 nations all with Email addresses with the same name but a different number. So our hypothetical griefer would have Emails running from NationStatesGriefer1 through to NationStatesGriefer50 at the same Email provider.
Not only is it remarkably easy to sign up for multiple Email addresses via Hotmail or Yahoo, there've been griefers in the past with (say) 50 nations all with Email addresses with the same name but a different number. So our hypothetical griefer would have Emails running from NationStatesGriefer1 through to NationStatesGriefer50 at the same Email provider.
even so, wouldn't you just be able to type in very common names for email addresses and you could have other people's email adresses which you are are pretending that are yours and have limitless addresses at your disposal
We've discussed this with Max. He does not want to make it more difficult to register for this game, and thus we will not be requiring valid emails, nor checking for them except for UN nations.
May I ask how requiring a valid e-mail makes it more difficult to register?? An e-mail account can be created in a very few minutes as stated above..
17-12-2003, 19:41
In registration process would be move involved, including verification e-mails, links, password generation . . . This idea has been vetoed at the top.
Also, as several of you have noted, it wouldn't help anyway.
Tech Modling
PGP: 0x0604DF3E