NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Help

04-12-2003, 14:11
OOC: can someone tell me were i find how much money my country has and how you get there
04-12-2003, 14:33
If you look in the Big Tech Sticky Thread by Scolopendra, you'll find a link to the GDP calculator. Use that.

May as well just give you the link here :P
Click here! (
04-12-2003, 14:35
Or you can use this
04-12-2003, 19:28
OOC: can someone tell me were i find how much money my country has and how you get there

Just a note... the tech forum is by default OOC (repeated IC posts would probably be frowned upon) so you don't need to use OOC when you pose here
04-12-2003, 20:26
OOC: can someone tell me were i find how much money my country has and how you get there

Just a note... the tech forum is by default OOC (repeated IC posts would probably be frowned upon) so you don't need to use OOC when you pose here

Look at Pablo for example... :P
05-12-2003, 12:38
ok im a idiot can someone explain it bettr to me than just that web site, please, thank you in advanced
05-12-2003, 14:11
Ok, basically there is no money in NS.

The economy and tax rates etc in your nation are all separate variables, and are not related to any overriding value called total money or something. If you want to buy stuff in RP, you have to make an informed guess about whether you would be able to afford it.

For example, if you go into a store and ask for a small number of basic automatic weapons and an assignment of combat boots for your newly created army, you would most likely be welcomed as a conscientious new player, while If you go into a war today with ONE HUNDRED BILLION TRILLION MASSIVE N00KS 2 KIL U ALL!!!11!!1, you will get ignored. It's all a question of plausibility and etiquette.

The GDP calc was created by a player based on the XML Nation feed. It makes guesses about what economic levels equate two numerically and generates a number. While you may find it useful to gauge the amount of money you have, it is only an estimate. Many nations choose to ignore it completely and play in the past/future/fantasy etc.

When you complete a transaction in RP, you would usually write something like “money has been wired” to whomever you are buying off. You don’t actually lose any money and they don’t gain any, it’s all just role-play.

Was that more what you wanted to know?