Issue repeated, Voting both compulsory and voluntary.
"Voting is compulsory, organ donation rates are among the lowest in the region, and voting is voluntary."
Okay, I started my nation on Friday. My first issue was Compulsory vs. Voluntary voting. I voted compulsory, and it passed. Got organ donor question on Saturday. On Sunday, however, I got the voting issue again. 'This is strange,' I thought to myself. At first I was going to dismiss the issue, but then I decided that I wanted voluntary voting after all--more freedom. Well, my freedom went up, so that's good.
Actually, it isn't so bad. I wouldn't mind if you left it as is... I think it's kinda funny. :)
24-11-2003, 22:36
The list of items shown is merely the last (up to four) decisions you've made. If you flip-flop in your decisions, the items listed will not correlate well.
Will all issues be eventually repeated? I wanna flip-flop on one of my decisions and there doesn't seem to be any way to "undo". My government was far too stoned to be deciding on any issues.
Yes, all of the issues can eventually be repeated. However, your decisions on past issues are not recorded. When you make a decision, your nations stats are changed based on that decision and the game forgets what your choice was. When issues start repeating, if you choose the same option the stats will move even farther in the direction that choice pushes them. If you choose a different option, then your stats will change according to that option.
(note: With a new proccess called "issue treeing" the choices on past issues can be directly recorded, but I don't think any issues in the game actually use this yet)
25-11-2003, 23:02
While the system doesn't seem to record the choices on all issues, it already records the outcome of certain options chosen. For instance, banning drugs will prevent an issue about abundant drug use from appearing. Or, banning cars will prevent other issues, etc...
This is my understanding of the system based on comments from Game Mods, not on personal experience.
Yes, all of the issues can eventually be repeated. However, your decisions on past issues are not recorded. When you make a decision, your nations stats are changed based on that decision and the game forgets what your choice was.
Not quite. If you get an issue which allows you to ban elections and you choose to do so, your nation is then registered as having the policy of "No Elections" and as a result you don't get the issue about "Should people be able to donate to political parties?" since there obviously aren't any political parties in the first place. You do, however, then qualify for the "People Request Not So Much Dictatorship" issue, since there is a logical reason for it appearing.
Since player-submitted issues have appeared, there have been more situations of this. An issue exists, for example, which you'll get if you choose to ban cars from major roads. There are, I think, a series of issues about gay marriage in addition to the one which already exists - and these do a similar thing to your nation as I've already explained.