I can't get out of Vacation mode!! It keeps saying "This request failed a security check. Please try again." I've tried like fifteen times...What's going on!?
Liverpool England
17-11-2003, 04:08
Settings page, un-check Vacation Mode and click update settings.
17-11-2003, 05:49
actually, on the settings page, right-click your mouse and select the "refresh" option. then unchec vacation mode and click "update"
Log out and relog!
~~The Opressed Antisemites of Neue Warschau~
World Church of the Creator (http://www.c-o-t-c.com/canada)
One who has reached this stage of understanding
will inevitably remain an enemy of the Jews all his life
and will instill this hatred into his own children.
This is (I believe) due to the fact that the 'localid' field, a number generated when you access the settings page, has gotten out of sync with the form submission. Did you access the settings page through the back button, after previously submitting it? This would probably cause the problem.
In any case, a refresh should fix it, as it causes the server to generate a new localid, which will then be in sync