12-11-2003, 18:55
How do you know when an issue you've submitted is accepted? I did one ages ago and would like to know if anyone has got it yet. It was about raising the speed limit.
New Clarkhall
12-11-2003, 23:02
Well, I am not sure as to the answer to your question (I haven't recieved any such issue by the way...). I was under the impression that the submitters weren't informed as to what happens with their issues. Tough luck.
12-11-2003, 23:07
You're not supposed to resubmit a proposal if it hasn't been sent through to the regional delegates, are you? But you can't tell whether it has been or not, so you never know whether you should have reposted.
I think he's talking about issues, not proposals.
There's currently a backlog of issues, so unless you submitted it back in July it's probably not being worked on at the moment. I'm not sure whether the editors tend to respond back when they accept/decline an issue. If one of them's feeling generous, they might come along and tell you, I suppose
Nah, I think not. If we were to tell someone if their issue had been rejected, then EVERYONE would start asking. O_o
Just cross your fingers and perhaps make more. Very specific issues have a good chance of getting through... (ones specific to say nations with a certain UN ranking, or currency, national animal etc. as long as they're imaginative and thought-provoking. :wink: )
Free Pacific States
13-11-2003, 03:01
When you make an issue, you'll notice on the screen (I can't remember where) that it says
"you will be telegramed if your issue is accepted"
or something to that order. If it's not, no, they don't contact you. I mean, they probably get thousands every day, they can't be sending out that many, too hard for admin. Secondly, then people would start complaining, and like spamming issues untill admin had to accept them.
Anyhow, you are telegramed if your issue is accepted. Hope that helps.
When you make an issue, you'll notice on the screen (I can't remember where) that it says
"you will be telegramed if your issue is accepted"
or something to that order. If it's not, no, they don't contact you. I mean, they probably get thousands every day, they can't be sending out that many, too hard for admin. Secondly, then people would start complaining, and like spamming issues untill admin had to accept them.
Anyhow, you are telegramed if your issue is accepted. Hope that helps.
Well, they don't quite get thousands a DAY, maybe a month, but not a day. The editor will TM you if it is accepted, otherwise you'll just have to keep guessing. I would guess no more then the first hundred or hundred-fifty issues have been looked at, but I really don't know the average quality. If it's the same as UN proposals, it could be way more (several hundred).
Nag Ehgoeg
13-11-2003, 12:51
How do you know when an issue you've submitted is accepted?
When you recieve it :P
14-11-2003, 15:35
Thanks for responding.