Griefer Warning?
This IS a tech question. Apperently there is some sort of warning if you eject a bunch of people in a short time period, our regional founder got it when she cleaned house of some clones from a month ago.
My question is, why is this even sent to the founders? Can a founder ever be a griefer, since it's there region? If not (and I think that is the right answer..), woudln't there be some way to check if the person doing the ejections is the founder or the delegate, and if they are the founder then don't give them the warning.
There is already that kind of check on access to the regional control (since delegates can be dis-allowed access)
I believe that message is false. It says something like:
[code:1:953643af72]You cannot eject massive number of people from a region at one time.[/code:1:953643af72]
I always thought that since the region is owned ,technically, by the founder, he can eject whomever whenever he wants.
Maybe the message needs some rewording? Maybe:
[code:1:953643af72]If you are invading this region, ejecting the inhabitants of the region is illegal.[/code:1:953643af72]
And that message would be logged, that way a game mod could review it at determine whether it was a legit opp. or a griefer.
3 am Eternal
12-11-2003, 14:45
I've got it when taking over a region to kick on an invasion force.
I assumed I was about to be Mod Bombed and that I'd ahve to spend a couple of weeks explaining the situation to the Mods but nothing happened. However, a coding change might make things clearer.
Franco must have a bundle of those messages. Maybe he could cut and paste the exact text for us.
He probably knows it by heart. :roll:
I believe that message is false. It says something like:
[code:1:5702dd318d]You cannot eject massive number of people from a region at one time.[/code:1:5702dd318d]
I always thought that since the region is owned ,technically, by the founder, he can eject whomever whenever he wants.
Maybe the message needs some rewording? Maybe:
[code:1:5702dd318d]If you are invading this region, ejecting the inhabitants of the region is illegal.[/code:1:5702dd318d]
And that message would be logged, that way a game mod could review it at determine whether it was a legit opp. or a griefer.
Yeah, hopefully a moderator will reply to this eventually. This was how I understood it as well.
12-11-2003, 16:24
Maybe the message needs some rewording? Maybe:
[code:1:37551a856c]If you are invading this region, ejecting the inhabitants of the region is illegal.[/code:1:37551a856c]
And that message would be logged, that way a game mod could review it at determine whether it was a legit opp. or a griefer.
Well, that's actually not a correct phrasing of the rules anyway.
Invaders are allowed to tactically eject a small number of natives, but may not bar them from re-entry. So, they must remove them from the banlist immediately and TM any password set to all natives immediately upon setting it.
Also, native delegates may not boot any and all nations either. While they may ban all non-natives (so: any and all invaders), there's an undefined limit to the number of natives they may ban.
Also, native delegates may not boot any and all nations either. While they may ban all non-natives (so: any and all invaders), there's an undefined limit to the number of natives they may ban.
Well the ban limit is new. I did think that Founders could boot as may as they wanted tho.