Compliance Ministry (Bug?)
07-10-2003, 00:29
I voted for the ISI, and yet I got a CM TM for the ISI. :?
Is this a crash related bug possibly?
I get a Compliance Tgram for every resolution even if I vote for it I think
i tihnk NuMetal is right... i voted for it this time, but i got a compliance TG...
07-10-2003, 00:42
Meanwhile, I didn't get a t-gram...even though I voted AGAINST the ISI.
07-10-2003, 00:49
I thought that someone said you only get it if you vote against or abstain from the resolution do you get a CM TM. :?
07-10-2003, 00:53
Meanwhile, I didn't get a t-gram...even though I voted AGAINST the ISI.
Huh. :?
07-10-2003, 01:12
Meanwhile, I didn't get a t-gram...even though I voted AGAINST the ISI.
Huh. :?
Of course, the only Compliance Ministry t-gram I've ever gotten was the crash "" one....:?
07-10-2003, 01:29
Yah know, I voted AGAINST the Metric resolution, and got no CM TM that time. :?
*shrugs* maybe the compliance coding is buggy,or maybe you get one when you vote for it orr don't vote
07-10-2003, 01:35
That would be illogical though.
Wouldn't it? :?
I dont know...
[Violet] come forth and bestow wisdom upon us...
Yeah, but then what would be the point of voting for it if it isn't enacted in the nations that voted against it?
07-10-2003, 01:49
No, no, it seems that it is only enacted on the nations who vote FOR it. :?