Stop Banning the word "Faggot"!
04-09-2003, 15:59
Companies in Fantasan proudly sell bundles of sticks known as Faggots, but the ban on the use of the word makes it impossible to market them in our civil headquarters. Please remove the word Faggot from the banned list, as it is a word no sane parent would censor from their child.
04-09-2003, 16:25
"Faggot" is nevertheless used as a derogatory term. As an ordinary player, I would suggest that you merely call them "bundles of sticks".
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Faggot" is nevertheless used as a derogatory term. As an ordinary player, I would suggest that you merely call them "bundles of sticks".
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
I think that "Faggot" as a flame should be banned, and that "Faggot" as a Smoke or a Bundle of sticks should be replaced by the words "Smoke" or "Bundle of sticks". :wink:
Corinthe, Queen of Eternity.
"Faggot" is nevertheless used as a derogatory term. As an ordinary player, I would suggest that you merely call them "bundles of sticks".
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
I think that "Faggot" as a flame should be banned, and that "Faggot" as a Smoke or a Bundle of sticks should be replaced by the words "Smoke" or "Bundle of sticks". :wink:
Corinthe, Queen of Eternity.
*has visions of the General Forum filled with topic lines like "Bundle of Sticks ARE DESTROYING CIVILIZATION!!!11"*
Catholic Europe
04-09-2003, 17:14
Has the word "faggot" be banned? Sorry, if it seems like a dumb question.
04-09-2003, 17:21
Has the word "faggot" be banned? Sorry, if it seems like a dumb question.
Well, before this post, I see six unique (that is, not quoted) occurences of the word "faggot", so it's not on the auto-censor list.
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
04-09-2003, 17:44
There are two autocensor lists. One is within the NationStates game, and the other is within the forum. They are not necessarily in agreement over what may be said.
Tech Modling
04-09-2003, 17:49
There are two autocensor lists. One is within the NationStates game, and the other is within the forum. They are not necessarily in agreement over what may be said.
Tech Modling
Well, at least it's been added to one of them...
Nazi Deutschland Axis
05-09-2003, 00:18
Faggots, or poor man's goose or savoury ducks as they are called in some parts of Britain are thought to be of Roman origin. The word faggot means a bundle and just as a collection of sticks was tied up with string, so the contents of a traditional faggot is wrapped in a piece of caul which is a see-through, fatty membrane which surrounds the pig's stomach and entrails. This keeps the ingredients together and the fat prevents it from drying out. The faggot is then packed together in a dish and baked until golden brown. Commercially available faggots are made out of various types of offal including liver and lungs mixed with onions herbs and breadcrumbs. The term Faggot is also often used to describe chopped sausage-like meats that are rolled into balls and cooked in gravy. Faggots can be eaten hot or cold and when served hot are traditionally accompanied by peas and potatoes.
"Faggot" is nevertheless used as a derogatory term. As an ordinary player, I would suggest that you merely call them "bundles of sticks".
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
I think that "Faggot" as a flame should be banned, and that "Faggot" as a Smoke or a Bundle of sticks should be replaced by the words "Smoke" or "Bundle of sticks". :wink:
Corinthe, Queen of Eternity.
*has visions of the General Forum filled with topic lines like "Bundle of Sticks ARE DESTROYING CIVILIZATION!!!11"*
It seems the argument for the use of Faggot in the game is simply people arguing lagistics over solid issues. As stated, simply use "Bundle of Sticks."
Are you actually upset that you have to type out Bundle of Sticks when you want to put 6 letters instead? No, I doubt it. There are issues to fight, don't get me wrong. But, why are you fighting this one?
05-09-2003, 07:22
Good point Ack, it's a battle they aren't gonna win. No point in wasteing time and effort, the gods (oops, I meant mods) have spoken.
1 Infinite Loop
05-09-2003, 08:58
I dont know Sticks bundled together, why do they do it, and well, I personally think that the only thing that will come of sticks bundling together is either immorality, or a violation of the natural order.
I mean what good can come of it, it isnt like they are trying to reproduce as sticks neither reproduce themselves nor would an orgy of sticks aid in reproduction, no I think it should be ilegal for Sticks to bundke together, here on NS or anywhere, Down with Sticks!
05-09-2003, 15:13
STYX rules.
05-09-2003, 15:41
I dont know Sticks bundled together, why do they do it, and well, I personally think that the only thing that will come of sticks bundling together is either immorality, or a violation of the natural order.
I mean what good can come of it, it isnt like they are trying to reproduce as sticks neither reproduce themselves nor would an orgy of sticks aid in reproduction, no I think it should be ilegal for Sticks to bundke together, here on NS or anywhere, Down with Sticks!
I object. Why do you care about sticks bundled together? Does it cause you harm to know that somewhere sticks are bundled together? It's not as if people are bundling sticks together and make you watch it, do they? Live and let live, is my motto. Let those who want to bundle sticks together, have the freedom to bundle their sticks together, without interence from others who don't want nor wish to do so themselves. Equal rights for Sticks bundled together now!
Guilder Channel
07-09-2003, 13:04
When you think about it, the word stick is far more offensive than the word faggot. For instance calling someone a 'stick' can imply that they are skinny, useless, or have an erection. To say 'stick em up' has for many a century been a traditional phrase used to reduce a persons civil rights. Once one starts imagining the consequences of using a stick as a lesbian sensuality device one readily understands why persons should fight so hard to ensure that they are able to epress themselves in less offensive language.
Um. Yeah.
Alright you've heard the word faggot at least 15 times in this thread now go back use bundle of sticks and stop crying about.
07-09-2003, 16:52
I am insulted by the destruction of the English language due to slang. This is about reclaiming the purity of the language, and not muddling it.
If you are intent on banning the word "Faggot" from all vocabulary, here are a bunch of other slang words that must be banned, in case somebody wants to use them in a "perverted" or "insulting" way.
Bush, Ball, Queer, Monkey, Gorilla, snatch, beaver, horney, retard.
Need I expand on the list? These words can all be equally, if not more, offensive than Faggot, if used in a slang manner. Seig Heil, let's ban these too!
The Most Glorious Hack
07-09-2003, 17:33
Ah, but 'faggot' is archaic.
Furthermore, as you have shown, it is not banned on the forums. Now get down off your cross and quit trying to be a martyr.
what's all this talk about banning "faggot"? you can't ban people's use of words. that's dictatorial. even if it is offensive this is the web and there are no UN for the web or any weblaws and people need freedom of speech even if u don't like it. I don't like it as a derogatory term for gay people but any other definition is fine. faggot doesn't just mean "stupid gay person." It's a term in Britain for cigarette and it also can mean things like asshole or idiot.
This is a private site. All private property has its own rules and regulations. For example, people can't go around posting porno or spamming.