Kostemetsian Infocompendium
24-10-2008, 11:19
Index of Content
1 - Astrographic Data
2 - Economic Data
3 - Paragraphical Overview of History
4 - Military Data
5 - Political and Governmental Data
6 - Populace and Demographics Data
7 - Telecommunications Infrastructure Data
24-10-2008, 11:33
Content: Astrographic Data
Absolute location: Vanja, the capital planet, is located at 32,698ly X / 65,273ly Y / 3,592ly Z (these distances being indicated in standard three-axis notation).
Natural resources: Kostemetsia, being a nation of much alternate-resources use, has extremely large untapped deposits of fossil fuels. The standard suite of resources for a Terra-congruous planet (timber, water, the natural elements, many types of stone) are also present.
Land use: The Commonwealth's planets typically have from one to five megacities of up to thirty million population, spread across sizeable planetary areas; large towers are common. The rest of the population is contained in networks of settlements connected to the megacities by various fashions (typically, the measure of a settlement's existence is when it has a defined skytravel route entered into the planetary capital's traffic database).
Environmental issues: The Commonwealth has no recognised environmental issues, although many activists have raised concerns over the use of hydropower plant complexes running along coastlines.
25-10-2008, 11:00
Content: Economic Data
Gross Domestic Product: φ5,669,921,875,000 / å33,268,000,000,000 / $72,575,000,000,000
Per capita: φ1,608 / å9,444 / $20,589
Population below poverty line: Negligible
Income tax rate: Scaling down to 30%
Inflation rate: 5.6%
Labour force: 1,845,000,000
Currency: Three
φ - Quasi-univeral Intergalactic Denomination / Quid (φ1 = $6.25)
å - Kostemetsian argentar (å1 = $2.18)
$ - Earth dollar
Currency codes: QUD, KAR, WED respectively
Fiscal year: 1 July - 30 June
25-10-2008, 11:04
Content: Paragraphical Overview of History
MMTP 206 Partial Content; please check back later.
25-10-2008, 11:26
Content: Military Data
Commonwealth and Territories Multilevel Forces
Commonwealth and Territories Navy
Commonwealth and Territories Strikecraft Force
Manpower: 16,520,000 active / 9,750,000 reserve / 26,270,000 total
As a percentage of population: .007%
Expenditures: å1,344,027,200,000
As a percentage of GDP: 4.04%
Extra-Solar Union of Systems
Realm of Hyperspatial Travel
Interstellar Empire of Naggeroth
United Terran Federation
Principality of Northern Rangeria
Kewen People's Territories
Annual nationals reaching military age: 25,150,000 males / 24,000,000 females
Manpower fit for military service: 685,000,000 males / 681,000,000 females
25-10-2008, 11:41
Content: Political and Government Data
Country name:
Long form: Commonwealth and Territories of Kostemetsia
Short form: Commonwealth and Territories
Common reference: Commonwealth
Government type: Constitutional democratic republic of four states divided into sixteen parliamentary electorates
Capital city: City of Alva, State of Vanja
Administrative divisions: Commonwealth > states > electorates > councils
Date of independence: October 30, 2800
National holiday: Independence Day (October 30)
Constitution: Twelve-article code of law mostly dealing with the prohibition of violent crime and not going overmuch into anything else
Legal system: Great Panel overseeing justice Commonwealth-wide, set above local justice executives of several panels for different areas of law
Suffrage: Granted to any person over sixteen years of age; withdrawn upon sufficient proof that person is not fit to vote, usually through certification of insanity
Executive branch structure and figures: President, general secretary and deputies for each, set above executive bodies for External Affairs, Defence, and Internal Affairs & Security
Legislature: Sixteen-member unicameral Commonwealth Parliament with four members from each system, expanded as necessary; local councils overseeing internal affairs for their jurisdictions
Political parties: Major players are Nightwatchman Party (KNP; centre-left, minarchist), Liberal Party (LPC; centre-right, capitalist), Labour Party (LPK; left, socialist); assorted smaller cause-oriented parties
International organisation participation: None at this time
Universal Independent Nations Board classification: New York Times democracy
25-10-2008, 11:58
Content: Populace and Demographics Data
Total population: 3,525,000,000
Age structure: 27.4% zero to nineteen years of age / 60.1% twenty to sixty-four years of age / 12.6% sixty-five years of age and over
Population growth rate: One percent per annum (2998 estimate)
Net migration rate: 3.05 per thousand
Life expectancy at birth: Unlimited, barring death by unnatural causes
Nationality: Kostemetsian
Ethnic groups: Kostemetsian majority; Travellian, Naggerothi, Northern Rangerian, Vuhifellian, Kewen minorities present
Religions: Deist and atheist majorities; Christian, Muslim, Remuslim, Neo-Grecian pantheism, Covenant pantheism, Kazthite cult minorities present
Languages: Galstandard West native; Preserved English, Preserved Arabic, New Arabic, Greater Esperanto, Rus' auxiliaries present
Literacy: 100%
25-10-2008, 12:02
Content: Telecommunications Infrastructure Data
Country code: CTK
Predominant telecommunications method: Internet and *oIP services
Internet hosts: Vanjaline, PhelinType
Internet users: ~100%
GreaterNet TLD: .kct