NationStates Jolt Archive

Tour de Qazox 7

04-08-2008, 06:46
It is about that time of year again, for the best cyclists from around the NSUniverse to decend upon Qazox and race for 3 weeks in the most grueling competition there is. A test of speed, endurance and intesinal fortitude.

Please sign up below with the following provisions:

1- Maximum of Three riders per country.

2- Each rider will be graded in the following categories:
Climbing: (the higher the number, the better climber you are.)
Sprint: (the higher the number, the better in time-trials and finishes you are.)
Speed: (the higher the number, the better in the flat stages and overall time.)
Endurance: (the higher the number, the less likely to be injured or wear out on the longer stages.)

3-Each rider will have 30 points to be placed in each of the 4 main categories, with a maximum of 10 allowed in each category.

4- If you are returning any riders from the most recent Tour de Qazox (TdQ6), you will be allowed to add ONE EXTRA point to any ONE CATEGORY for a maximum of 31 allocated points. Please note that I do have the Ratings from the last race, so no cheating (i.e. no 11 points for speed.) You will be allowed to re-allocate the points for returning riders as well if you want to. (ie: if riderZ was 7-7-6-10, you can change them to 7-9-6-9 or whatever you wish)

examples of some riders:
Climbing- 10
Sprint- 4
Speed- 6
Endurance- 10
This type of racer will be one of the better riders in the mountains
and longer stages, but worse during the flat stages and time-trials.

Sprint- 10
Speed- 10
Endurance- 5
This type of racer will be one of the weaker riders in the mountains
and the long stages, but great during the shorter stages and time-trials.

Sprint- 7
Speed- 8
Endurance- 7

This racer will do well in most stages, but probably won't win many stages.

There is a Blue Jersey for the overall leader, a Green Jersey for the best sprinter and a Red Jersey for the best climber.

Link to TdQ 6: (for those of you that will return riders from the last one)

Signups start now and will close whenever I feel there is enough riders (at least 25 riders).

The format mentioned at the end of the last TdQ will be scrapped, as it added too much time to the sign-up process.

Please Signup below with your rider-list and catergory stats.

A full Stage program will be posted before Sign-ups close. (Usually two days before I close the Signups).

To all who participate, Good luck and see you in Qazox City, when this ends.

(ooc: I'm expecting to begin this around August 20th or so)

NEW!!!!!: Wikistates page: check it out!!!
04-08-2008, 06:48
Qazox returns the following riders:

Craig Nathaniel- Age 26, from Gothika
Climbing- 8
Sprint- 8
Speed- 8
Endurance- 7

Danni Nathaniel- Age 25, from Gothika (WOMAN)
Climbing- 4
Sprint- 10
Speed- 10

John Nathaniel- Age 23, from Gothika
Climbing- 7
Sprint- 9
Speed- 6
Endurance- 9
04-08-2008, 09:39
Rennidan enters the following riders:

Bob Satchy - Age 22 - Newtown District
Climbing: 8
Sprint: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7

Clive Brito - Age 49 - Oldtown District
Climbing: 1
Sprint: 10
Speed: 10
Endurance: 9

Moyles Twess - Age 19 - Industrial Sector
Climbing: 7
Sprint: 8
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7
04-08-2008, 18:07
Alan Zimmerman

Larry Armstrong

Jaques Martoon
05-08-2008, 00:16
(ooc: rennidan, you can add 1 point to your riders, if you wish)
05-08-2008, 02:38
Team Jeruselem

Daisy Cartwheeler

The "fast chic" of the team. Works in a "dirty" video store if she's not cycling.



Heath Stamforger

The climber of the team who can also be seen selling tickets at football stadiums to earn money for his profession.

Speed- 8


Mary Sallad

Nicknamed "Mary Dallas" as her surname is "Dallas" in reverse. Single Mum with two kids named Kate and Jacinta. The team all-rounder. The mother of football players Jacinta and Kate Sallad.

05-08-2008, 03:14
Cafundéu's riders:

Leonardo Camargo, 21 years old. A young but talented rider, who impressed the whole country in winning domestic titles which were usually won by only the most experienced driver. Will participate in his first international competition, and is viewed as a good substitute for the legendary rider Ricardo Martínez, although many still doubt his capacity.

Climbing - 10
Sprint - 2
Speed - 8
Endurance - 10

Sérgio Alvarenga Borges, 25 years old. Very determinated rider, is good at fast stages, as he can ride very fast. But has some difficulties in mountain stages, so it can affect his overall performance. Participated in the last Tour of Qazox.

Climbing - 4
Sprint - 10
Speed -10
Endurance - 7

Larissa Veiga, 28 years old, already experienced rider who will participated in the last edition of the Tour of Qazox, getting some very good results. Is very good at short stages, but can have many problems in long stages, due to an injury years ago, which couldn't be completely recovered. But she has a very strong character and kept practising even after that incident.

Climbing - 9
Sprint - 9
Speed - 9
Endurance - 4
Sorthern Northland
05-08-2008, 13:33
Sorthern Northland shall be represented by the Sorthern Northland Airlines Racing team. Their riders are as follows:

Mike Caverndash

Sprint- 10
Speed- 10
Endurance- 5

Sorthern Northland's bright new young cycling star (22 y/o), recently converted from track to road cycling. Claims to be the fastest man in the world (on a bike in the last couple of hundred metres of a race that is, if it's flat). Can't climb though, which unfortunately hinders him in the general classification once the mountains are reached. Is a member of the Sorthern Northland Olympic cycling team.

Fran Ventoso


Sorthern Northland's other new young bright cycling star (24 y/o). Again a sprinter rather than a climber. Not quite as quick as Caverndash but if he gets a good lead out in a sprint or is around the front he is a good bet to be there or there abouts at the finish line. Also a team mate of Caverndash in the Olympic team.

Karl Agnew

Climbing- 7
Sprint- 8
Speed- 8
Endurance- 8

The old head in the team (29 y/o), he is returning from the last Tour de Qazox, and has slightly improved his sprint which should make the Sortherners a force to be reckoned with on the flat stages. God knows how far they'll fall behind on the mountains stages mind. Agnew is expected to be there to support Caverndash and Ventosso more than go for wins himself and will be looking to give those two riders a good lead out for the sprints.

OOC: Take it there are no international stages this year?
05-08-2008, 17:06

Climbing- 7
Sprint- 8 - if extra point)
Speed- 7
Endurance- 9

Sprint- 8
Speed- 10 - if extra point)
Endurance- 6

Speed- 8
Endurance- 8 - if extra point)
05-08-2008, 20:55
(ooc to SN: NOPE... Made the signup process too long, and it is the Tour de Qazox. International stages might come back for the 8th edition.. but no promises)
07-08-2008, 15:39
BUMP due to Forum hiccup yesterday.
07-08-2008, 16:00
(Ooc: You could always have Tour de Qazox as the opening stage of a World Tour Championship or some such competition, where each nation individual hosts their own 'Tours', much in the same manner as the F1's Grand Prix system. )
07-08-2008, 19:14
(Ooc: You could always have Tour de Qazox as the opening stage of a World Tour Championship or some such competition, where each nation individual hosts their own 'Tours', much in the same manner as the F1's Grand Prix system. )

I tried that after the 2nd Tour de Qazox. There was no interest in doing it. I'm suprised that enough replied for the 6th one, for the international stages.

I know n one of the older Tour threads (either #4 or #5) i explained how i scorinated the race. (I don't have a true scorinator, just excel spreadsheets, and A LOT OF COPYING AND PASTING). IF you wish, look on those threads and maybe come up with one of your own.
An Blascaod Mor
07-08-2008, 21:27
(Ooc: You could always have Tour de Qazox as the opening stage of a World Tour Championship or some such competition, where each nation individual hosts their own 'Tours', much in the same manner as the F1's Grand Prix system. )

Would be nice if we had enough people interested in hosting a tour to actually do that.

I for one will be having a look at Qazox's explanation on how he scorinates and if I understand it, will look into the possibility of a Sorthern Tour.
08-08-2008, 02:03
Would be nice if we had enough people interested in hosting a tour to actually do that.

I for one will be having a look at Qazox's explanation on how he scorinates and if I understand it, will look into the possibility of a Sorthern Tour.

For a simplified version check out this post, from the last TdQ:

Now figure 30+ riders into that equation, with scorination 17 or 18 times, PLUS calculating each rider's time for the stage, AND overall afte every stage... That is the reason why, so far I'm the only one crazy enough to do it.
11-08-2008, 06:42
I'm suspending the Tour for now due to:

A- The NS Olympics (which is going to take up a lot of RP time)
B- The 8th WBC (which is going to take up a lot of RP time)
C- World Cup 42 (which is going to take up a lot of RP time).

anyone that wants to signup, please do, but this might not start until around the end of August/early September. Just picked a VERY wrong time to do this, I guess :(
22-08-2008, 06:56
OKAY now that the OLYMPICS (both NS and RL) are almost done, and the 8th WBC is at the knock-out stages. I think that it is time to re-open this thread to signups. So until so declared by myself, The sign-ups are re-open!
22-08-2008, 07:07
Greal enters the following:

John Riddle - Age 22 - Newtown District
Climbing: 8
Sprint: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7

Henry Franks - Age 39 - Oldtown District
Climbing: 1
Sprint: 10
Speed: 9
Endurance: 10

Daniel Hardy - Age 19 - Industrial Sector
Climbing: 8
Sprint: 8
Speed: 7
Endurance: 7
22-08-2008, 07:19
Greal enters the following:


Greal, I HATE to do this, BUT.. you have to take off 1 point for each of your rider's totals. Since this is your 1st appearence in the TdQ, you only have 30 points to spread around, not 31. Sorry.

If you have any questions, please ask me. And read the 1st post, as MOST of the information you'll need is there.
22-08-2008, 16:53
((OOC- this is a Jariss team lineup, too lazy to relog under that nation atm :P)

Lyo Brauli- age31 The now veteran top cyclist in Jariss after the tragic loss of Baru Dorui in the tsunami, Brauli looks to improve again in his third tour after strong efforts in the last one. He has realized his weakness in the hills and has spent time overseas finding better hills to race over. This has cost him some of his sprinting ability but Brauli feels this is an exchange he will be happy with.


Mya Loro- age 27 The first woman to make the Tour for Jariss is known for her sprinting ability, winning several arena events and short road races now that racing has begun again. It is questionable how she will handle the mountains and long stages but she has vowed to make it through the Tour again in her second try.


Kent Tuckerman- age 23- The newest member of the team and winner of last year’s Jariss Dash where he edged Mya Loro at the line. Tuckerman is not expecting a high finish this time but wants to get used to the tour itself for a future strong run.

22-08-2008, 19:26
(returning riders are in Italics)

Craig Nathaniel- Age 26
Danni Nathaniel- Age 25
John Nathaniel- Age 23

Bob Satchy - Age 22
Clive Brito - Age 49
Moyles Twess - Age 19

Alan Zimmerman
Larry Armstrong
Jaques Martoon

Daisy Cartwheeler
Heath Stamforger
Mary Sallad

Leonardo Camargo
Sérgio Alvarenga Borges
Larissa Veiga

Mike Caverndash
Fran Ventoso
Karl Agnew

Pedro Alacoa
Bastian Schlager
Sebastien Bruel

John Riddle - Age 22
Henry Franks - Age 39
Daniel Hardy - Age 19

Lyo Brauli- age 31
Mya Loro- age 27
Kent Tuckerman- age 23

TOTAL # of Riders: 27 (I've reached the mininum, but i'll allow it to stay open a few more days to maybe get a couple extra teams.)
22-08-2008, 22:29
Greal, I HATE to do this, BUT.. you have to take off 1 point for each of your rider's totals. Since this is your 1st appearence in the TdQ, you only have 30 points to spread around, not 31. Sorry.

If you have any questions, please ask me. And read the 1st post, as MOST of the information you'll need is there.

How many points do I take off? I'm slightly confused.
22-08-2008, 22:51
Just one point from each nation should do it, bud.

You get 30 points for each rider if you've never competed before.

If you have riders coming back from previous Tours, then you get 31 points for each rider.
23-08-2008, 03:12
How many points do I take off? I'm slightly confused.

Just one point from each nation should do it, bud.

You get 30 points for each rider if you've never competed before.

If you have riders coming back from previous Tours, then you get 31 points for each rider.

Thanks Rennidan for the answer. Greal for the first time you compete you get 30 points to spread around, then returning riders get 31 points. (Rennidan, btw, you'll have to adjust your riders as well. as only RETURING RIDERS are eligible, not the team. I accidently counted you as a returning team. My mistake and originally you only had 29 points for each rider.)
23-08-2008, 22:19
Thanks Rennidan for the answer. Greal for the first time you compete you get 30 points to spread around, then returning riders get 31 points. (Rennidan, btw, you'll have to adjust your riders as well. as only RETURING RIDERS are eligible, not the team. I accidently counted you as a returning team. My mistake and originally you only had 29 points for each rider.)

25-08-2008, 04:47
25-08-2008, 05:20
Since i've reached the mininum amount of riders (25) I might just cut off the sign-ups on Wednesday night @ 11:00 pm (EDT).

Tour de Qazox 7 Schedule:
Day 1 Prologue- Kyolva, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance 35.8 miles.
Day 2 Stage 1- Lake Porter City, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance: 171.9 miles.
Day 3 Stage 2- Lake Porter City to Freetown; Distance: 102.9 miles.
Day 4 Stage 3- Freetown to Graverville; Distance: 151.3 miles.
Day 5 Stage 4- Graverville to Joehio; Distance: 106.2 miles.
Day 7 Stage 5- Joehio to New Bruxen; Distance: 75 miles.
Day 8 Stage 6- New Bruxen to Monteverde; Distance: 89.3 miles.
Day 9 Stage 7- Monteverde to San Guano; Distance: 100.7 miles.
Day 10: TRAVEL DAY (San Guano to Saint Nash)
Day 11 Stage 8- Team time trial: Kibbutz to Saint Nash. Distance: 54.8 miles.
Day 12 Stage 9- Saint Nash to Saxervilla; Distance: 183 miles.
Day 13 Stage 10- Saxervilla to Rockport; Distance: 119.8 miles.
Day 14 Stage 11- Rockport to Bruxen; Distance: 90.6 miles.
Day 15 Stage 12- Individual Time Trial: Bruxen to Bruxen 53.6 miles.
Day 16 Stage 13- Bruxen to Lorax City; Distance: 152 miles.
Day 17 Stage 14- Lorax City to Pika City; Distance: 166 miles.
Day 18 OFF DAY
Day 19 Stage 15- Pika City to Carlovia; Distance: 83 miles.
Day 20 Stage 16- Carlovia to Las Vitas; Distance 87.5 miles.
Day 21 Stage 17- Las Vitas to Qazox City; Distance: 63.6 miles.
(TOTAL DISTANCE: 1,887 Miles or 3,019 km)

Mountain Stages: Stages 5 thru 8, Stage 11, Stage 15 (yes the Team time Trial is a mountain stage.)
25-08-2008, 13:34
If it's not too late:

Oh, and this is my Olympic team that was in the third Olympiad. Does that count for anything?

Connor da Vincho

Vance Hart

Dillian Askyton
25-08-2008, 13:52
Here's my Miroxian riders:

Suru Young
Climbing- 7
Sprint- 10
Speed- 6
Endurance- 7
Age- 30

Robert Can
Climbing- 8
Sprint- 4
Speed- 10
Endurance- 8
Age- 17

Matt Xocan
Climbing- 5
Sprint- 10
Speed- 10
Endurance- 5
Age- 24
25-08-2008, 16:37
Here's riders from Dimbubabwe:

Maciej Szmyd
Climbing - 3
Sprint - 10
Speed - 10
Endurance - 7
Age - 21

Sylwester Niemiec
Climbing - 10
Sprint - 1
Speed - 10
Endurance - 9
Age - 19

Przemysław Lang
Climbing - 10
Sprint - 2
Speed - 10
Endurance - 8
Age - 20
25-08-2008, 20:35
All three of ya are welcome! and i'll update the rider list ASAP.
25-08-2008, 20:51
ooc- majorly off top but when is WBC 9? i forgot to sign-up for WBC 8 and crave some kind of title for miroxia lol
26-08-2008, 00:22
ooc- majorly off top but when is WBC 9? i forgot to sign-up for WBC 8 and crave some kind of title for miroxia lol

Probably sometime near the end of September/early October.
26-08-2008, 06:55
(returning riders are in Italics)

Craig Nathaniel- Age 26
Danni Nathaniel- Age 25
John Nathaniel- Age 23

Bob Satchy - Age 22
Clive Brito - Age 49
Moyles Twess - Age 19

Alan Zimmerman
Larry Armstrong
Jaques Martoon

Daisy Cartwheeler
Heath Stamforger
Mary Sallad

Leonardo Camargo
Sérgio Alvarenga Borges
Larissa Veiga

Mike Caverndash
Fran Ventoso
Karl Agnew

Pedro Alacoa
Bastian Schlager
Sebastien Bruel

John Riddle - Age 22
Henry Franks - Age 39
Daniel Hardy - Age 19

Lyo Brauli- age 31
Mya Loro- age 27
Kent Tuckerman- age 23

Connor da Vincho: Age-19
Vance Hart: Age-23
Dillian Askyton: Age-21

Suru Young: Age- 30
Robert Can: Age- 17
Matt Xocan: Age- 24

Maciej Szmyd: Age - 21
Sylwester Niemiec: Age - 19
Przemysław Lang: Age - 20

TOTAL # of Riders: 36 (2nd most so far)
Sorthern Northland
27-08-2008, 06:29
If it's not too late:

Oh, and this is my Olympic team that was in the third Olympiad. Does that count for anything?

Yep, it means one (or all) of them may have finished behind my feminine named gold medallist. ;)

Have I mentioned my rider has a girls name btw? :p

Also whilst on the topic of off topicness that's sort of on topic, what actually is a prologue? Like on the wikipedia article for the 2007 Tour de France, it says under the stages bit in the infobox "20 & prologue". What makes the prologue so different that they don't just say 21 stages?
27-08-2008, 06:46
Yep, it means one (or all) of them may have finished behind my feminine named gold medallist. ;)

Have I mentioned my rider has a girls name btw? :p

Also whilst on the topic of off topicness that's sort of on topic, what actually is a prologue? Like on the wikipedia article for the 2007 Tour de France, it says under the stages bit in the infobox "20 & prologue". What makes the prologue so different that they don't just say 21 stages?

(OOC/ICly): It's an introductionary stage. Its kinda like the pre-game ceremonies, when they announce the players at the Super Bowl or an All-star Game. They announce each rider, the team, then take a short ride, as a way to let all the fans in attendance see each rider who will start the Tour, as about 15%-20% (in RL events) of the riders never make it all of the way to the end. In fact, other than the final stage down Champs-Élysées in Paris, the prologue usually has the most fans in attendance.

Even though there has been no riders in the TdQ who have not finished, the tradition of the Prologue is still kept. (oocly: It's just a way for me to make sure the way I'm scorinating is working the way I want it to for the Tour, and to make tweaks if needed before the other stages)
27-08-2008, 06:50
Technically it is Wednesday, so SIGN UPS ARE CLOSED!

The Prologue results will be up some time tonight (around 1:00 am Thursday)
Sorthern Northland
27-08-2008, 06:53
So basically it's just a leisurely ride for the riders then. Does the time from the prologue get added to the overall time then or does it not really matter when it comes to the general and points classifications?
27-08-2008, 07:24
So basically it's just a leisurely ride for the riders then. Does the time from the prologue get added to the overall time then or does it not really matter when it comes to the general and points classifications?

In the RL Tour de France the time is added to the overall and it does matter to the general classification and the points system. In the RL Tour de France no sprint points are awarded (other than the winner of the stage is the Yellow Jersey, and technically is the Green jersey (sprint champion) as well.)

As for the TdQ, every stage counts for every point classification. Unlike the RL Tour de France, I cannot computate sprint intervals or catergoried climbs, and therefore just award points for the Green and Red jerseys (to avoid confusion with the real Tour, i switched them, neat huh :hail: and have a BLUE instead of Yellow, 'cause it's more noticable on the forums).

For the TdQ the points are:

Sprint and Mountain stages:
1st: 10
2nd: 7
3rd: 5
4th: 4
5th: 3
6th: 2
7th: 1
(if there are ties, and yes there can be, I just divide the points equally amongst the tied riders)

For the OVERALL RIDER standings, a point system is in place for the top 10 riders to finish. But there's no "jersey" fo that rider. (The overall winner is given a separate award, given out at the end, but easily figured out by anyone paying attention)

1st: 10
2nd: 9
3rd: 8
4th: 7
5th: 6
6th: 5
7th: 4
8th: 3
9th: 2
10th: 1

Hope that help ya.

BTW: Wikipage is here: for those who want to see a complete list of winners of each stage, and the top 5 after each stage as well. (PLEASE do not edit the wiki, as I will, unless it is for rider name mistakes, thanks :D )
27-08-2008, 15:39
Dannistaan would like to take part and represent the region of the East Pacific if it is not too late.

Ahm'bolah Fi'erth
Climbing: 7
Sprint: 8
Speed: 7
Endurance: 8

Kou'fii Mas'ah
Climbing: 10
Sprint: 10
Speed: 5
Endurance: 5

Sah'fuh Ford
Climbing: 1
Sprint: 9
Speed: 10
Endurance: 10
27-08-2008, 16:06
BTW: Wikipage is here: for those who want to see a complete list of winners of each stage, and the top 5 after each stage as well. (PLEASE do not edit the wiki, as I will, unless it is for rider name mistakes, thanks :D )

But NSwiki is back up! Come back Qazox! it to your Favorites.
27-08-2008, 20:05
But NSwiki is back up! Come back Qazox! it to your Favorites.

(OOC: NO. Just spent most of this whole month transfering from Nswiki to Wikistates, and ai'nt doing it again.)

Dannistan, Your're in. Bringing the total # of riders up to 39.


Craig Nathaniel- Age 26
Danni Nathaniel- Age 25
John Nathaniel- Age 23

Bob Satchy - Age 22
Clive Brito - Age 49
Moyles Twess - Age 19

Alan Zimmerman
Larry Armstrong
Jaques Martoon

Daisy Cartwheeler
Heath Stamforger
Mary Sallad

Leonardo Camargo
Sérgio Alvarenga Borges
Larissa Veiga

Mike Caverndash
Fran Ventoso
Karl Agnew

Pedro Alacoa
Bastian Schlager
Sebastien Bruel

John Riddle - Age 22
Henry Franks - Age 39
Daniel Hardy - Age 19

Lyo Brauli- age 31
Mya Loro- age 27
Kent Tuckerman- age 23

Connor da Vincho: Age-19
Vance Hart: Age-23
Dillian Askyton: Age-21

Suru Young: Age- 30
Robert Can: Age- 17
Matt Xocan: Age- 24

Maciej Szmyd: Age - 21
Sylwester Niemiec: Age - 19
Przemysław Lang: Age - 20

Ahm'bolah Fi'erth
Kou'fii Mas'ah
Sah'fuh Ford

TOTAL # of Riders: 39 (2nd most)

Get Your Pre-Prologue Rp's in, you only have about 10 hours left, before the Tour Begins!
27-08-2008, 20:44
Poiuytrewq Free Press
Your Source of News In Kenavt!

Tour de Qazox Soon To Begin

Kyolva, Qazox-The famous sporting nation of Qazox's seventh international Tour de Qazox, showing the natural beauties and man-made wonders of the region, is soon to begin.

The Kenavt Cycling League is sending their Olympians from United Capatalizt State's Summer Olympics. Connor da Vincho, Vance Hart, and Dillian Askyton are relatively young and new cyclists on the international scene (da Vincho is 19, Hart 23, Askyton 21) but they have been training together as a team for years, and are not even yet in their prime. Connor is the all-around yet speedy one, and the other two will mainly be supporting him. Vance, however, is the one that the team will rely on in the sprints. Dillian, of course, to round it out, is all climbing.

However, the Tour de Qazox could be an event that is out of their league. They have never undertaken such a large event. da Vincho, Hart, and Askyton will have a challenge on their hands-not only the beautiful terrain, but their competitors will be magnificent. One of the riders is a bronze medalist at the UCS Olympics, Sorthern Northland's Fran Ventoso. But that's not the least of Kenavt's team's worries-try defending champion Bastian Schlager (Lovisa), runner-up Lyo Brauli (Jariss), third place Ricardo Martinez (Cafundeu), and fourth place Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) all returning.

"It is an impressive lineup," said Hart while relaxing after a long training day at Kyolva, Qazox, home of the Prologue to the event. "We have no clue where we will place with so many impressive players."

"We hope that we will place well," says Askyton.

Supporting the team will be the Kenavt Cycling League, who is providing financial support as well as some assistants on the way to help with food, drink, and a vehicle. The KCL also received some tickets from the Tour de Qazox. Go to http://www.cycle.ken/TDQ7/tickets to get some-before they run out!

Here is the Tour de Qazox 7 schedule:

Day 1 Prologue- Kyolva, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance 35.8 miles.
Day 2 Stage 1- Lake Porter City, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance: 171.9 miles.
Day 3 Stage 2- Lake Porter City to Freetown; Distance: 102.9 miles.
Day 4 Stage 3- Freetown to Graverville; Distance: 151.3 miles.
Day 5 Stage 4- Graverville to Joehio; Distance: 106.2 miles.
Day 7 Stage 5- Joehio to New Bruxen; Distance: 75 miles.
Day 8 Stage 6- New Bruxen to Monteverde; Distance: 89.3 miles.
Day 9 Stage 7- Monteverde to San Guano; Distance: 100.7 miles.
Day 10: TRAVEL DAY (San Guano to Saint Nash)
Day 11 Stage 8- Team time trial: Kibbutz to Saint Nash. Distance: 54.8 miles.
Day 12 Stage 9- Saint Nash to Saxervilla; Distance: 183 miles.
Day 13 Stage 10- Saxervilla to Rockport; Distance: 119.8 miles.
Day 14 Stage 11- Rockport to Bruxen; Distance: 90.6 miles.
Day 15 Stage 12- Individual Time Trial: Bruxen to Bruxen 53.6 miles.
Day 16 Stage 13- Bruxen to Lorax City; Distance: 152 miles.
Day 17 Stage 14- Lorax City to Pika City; Distance: 166 miles.
Day 18 OFF DAY
Day 19 Stage 15- Pika City to Las Vitas; Distance: 83 miles.
Day 20 Stage 16- Las Vitas to Carlovia; Distance 87.5 miles.
Day 21 Stage 17- Carlovia to Qazox City; Distance: 43.6 miles.

Kenavt Media Network's Sports 3 (KMNS3 and KMNS3HD) will be covering all of the stages live from Qazox in their iconic yellow and red minivan. Be sure to look for them on the track!
27-08-2008, 22:17
Dannistrian Sun, National Edition
Sports Supplement

The national Dannistrian Cycling Team are about to make their debut in the Tour de Qazox, one of the worlds most gruelling cycling events in the world. The plucky trio consists of veteran Ahm'bolah Fi'erth, 29 and upcoming stars Kou'fii Mas'ah, 26 and Sah'fuh Ford, 19. The entry marks the first time in 5 years that Dannistaan has entered a major cycling event on an international scale. The entry marks the culmination of several years of training and selection, as potential candidates were eliminated one by one until the three were left. In an exclusive interview for the Sun, Ahm'bolah indicates that he has high expectations and hopes to be at least in the middle of the rankings.
"I'm not expecting to win, at least not yet."

The team can be seen in action in a few days, where they will start from Kyolva to Lake Porter City in the Prologue stage.
28-08-2008, 00:18


Interviews with the Riders for Rennidan.

Bob Satchy - Age 22

Now, much to everyone's suprise, we have to make one thing clear here.

Bob Satchy is a chick.


And she's pretty damned hot.

Especially in that lycra stuff.

But her name is Bob.

Which is a massive put off.

RNN: So, so, so, care to tell us a bit about yourself?

Bob: Sure. I, like, grew up in Rennidan's Oldtown Region, where I was like, totally into this mountain biking stuff, but, like, I saw on the television that, like, there was a new cycling, uh, training place thingy, opening in the Newtown District and I, like, figure that it'd be cool and stuff, so, when I was like, 14, I went and got a membership, like, and got so into it and now, like, here I am!

RNN: That's... uh... fantastic?

Bob: Like totally!

RNN: ...

Clive Brito - Age 49

Clive is one of the old school bikers that used to belong to Rennidan's infamous biker gang the Mountainside Fury.

Old, grizzled and tattoos down both arms and up his beefy neck, he is, needless to say, an intimidating figure.

RNN: So, Clive, care to tell us a bit about yourself?

Clive: I once bit a cop's nose off.

RNN: I, uh, I was kinda' thinking maybe you could tell us a bit more about your cycling self.

Clive: I once bit a cop's nose off because he stopped me for cycling on the pavement.

RNN: Professional cycling, a bit more about your professional cycling.

Clive: Well, when the gang broke down, there wasn't much left to do. So, I got into petty crimes. Mugged a guy once, needed to escape. So I nicked a guy's cycle and sped off down the pavement. Figured I liked it.

Then a cop stopped me. So I bit his nose off.

Moyles Twess - Age 19

Moyles is the youngest of Rennidan's riders, and also the freshest face to the cycling game in Rennidan.

However, his age has attracted a lot of media attention and, as such, he has picked up sponsership from both Rocketass Energy Drink and Flyingmonkey Energy Bars.

RNN: Moyles, how'd you get into cycling?

Moyles: ONEDAYII was all likeCYCLECYCLECYCLEAnd I love it, and so IWENTCYCLINGMOREANDMOREAnd then all these energy drink and food places startedTALKINGTALKINGTALKINGand then I was famous and GLUCOSERULES!

RNN: ...

RNN: ...

RNN: Seriously? SERIOUSLY? These are the guys we've entered into a national sporting event?

This bunch of deranged air headed sugar junkies?

Does the Sporting Department even care anymore?

I mean come on!

What the hell guys?

We'll have more coverage on the Tour de Qazox as the event unfolds!

And we're firing Dave the reporter for having an opinion!
28-08-2008, 04:56
Results up ASAP.
(ooc: kenavt: Ricardo Martinez of Cafundeu is not racing this year)
28-08-2008, 05:39
The Prologue Stage today started with the riders leaving in alphabetical order in 45 second intervals to start the stage, with defending champion, Bastian Schlager of Lovisa, leaving last.

The shortest stage of the Tour this year, the Prologue started at the skiing hamlet of Kyolva, just south of the border with Green wombat. From there the riders travelled south along Highway 56 to Lake Porter City, a trip of 35.8 miles. The stage was mostly downhill for the first 4 miles, and was mostly flat for the remainder of the stage, which ended in front of Lake Porter City Municipal Hall.

(ooc: For all intents and purposes, in the TdQ, the Prologue is also a Individual Time Trial Stage)

Day 1: Prologue: Kyolva, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance 35.8 miles.

(These are also the current Overall Standings as well)
The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings.

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1hr:08min:14sec
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:01 sec
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:01 sec
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:02 sec
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:02 sec
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:03 sec
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:04 sec
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:04 sec
9- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistan) +0:07 sec
9- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:07 sec
11- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:08 sec
12- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:10 sec
13- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:13 sec
14- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:15 sec
15- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:16 sec
16- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:21 sec
17- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:23 sec
18- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:25 sec
18- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:25 sec
20- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:26 sec
21- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:28 sec
21- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:28 sec
23- John Riddle (Greal) +0:29 sec
23- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:29 sec
25- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:30 sec
25- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:30 sec
27- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:31 sec
27- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:31 sec
27- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistan) +0:31 sec
30- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistan) +0:32 sec
30- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:32 sec
32- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:33 sec
33- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:37 sec
34- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:39 sec
34- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:39 sec
36- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:45 sec
37- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:48 sec
38- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:51 sec
39- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:56 sec

Sprinter Standings: (Maciej Szmyd has the Green Jersey due to Vance Hart wearing the Blue Jersey. Though Maciej Szmyd and Sérgio Alvarenga Borges have the same points, Szmyd left later in the draw and was awarded the Green Jersey.)

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Up Next: Lake Porter City, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance: 171.9 miles.
Preview: While not the longest stage of the Tour, the riders get thrown into the fire with Stage 1, a lap around Lake Porter in western Qazox. Riders will travel into Poolshimpers and Green wombat before completing the stage, marking the only time this year the tour will leave Qazox. The stage has a few hills, but none are that high, but high temperatures and the length of the stage will test the riders endurance right out of the starting gate.

Wiki page here:
Sorthern Northland
28-08-2008, 06:49
OOC: This was supposed to be a pre Tour RP, and so should be treated in media reports and such as being out/written prior to the Prologue.

Also for sponsorship purposes the Sorthern team is named Team Asal éide spoirt - Sorthern Airways Racing.

Tête de la course
Keeping you up to date with the latest news for the peloton

The Olympics have now passed and now the cycling world moves on to it’s next big event, the Tour de Qazox. At current it is the worlds only Grand Tour and even the worlds only tour open to international riders. As such it is something of an unofficial World Championships, for road racing at least. Whilst a track cyclists ultimate ambitions may lie with an Olympic gold medal, for the road cyclist nothing is a bigger honour than wearing the Malliot Bleu (blue jersey) signifying the overall leader of the Tour de Qazox. With just hours to go to the big roll out of the Tour (in fact by the time you read this the Prologue will likely be over), now seems as good a time as any to bring you the 10 riders to look out for during this Tour. Some may be genuine malliot bleu contenders others may just be interesting characters but all of them will bring entertainment to the Tour.

1) Name: Fran Ventoso
Age: 24
Nation: Sorthern Northland
Short bio: Fran is of course already well known at home with velodromes, pubs and roads being named after him. It is also rumoured that should SN ever get round to hosting a tour it’s prize will be named in his honour. His fame is spreading fast and he has already been called magnificent in a preview of the Tour from media even Kenavt, even if bizarrely his is known there for his bronze medal in the Men's individual sprint at the Olympics rather than the three golds and one silver that were part of his five medal haul. Fran is an electric fast sprinter, as proved by his sprint win in the Men’s road race at the Olympics and his roll as anchor man in SN’s men’s team sprint gold medal winning team, Fran will go to the Tour as the leader of the Sorthern team and whilst the mountains may prevent him winning the tour overall on the flat sprint stages the rest of the peloton should have a hell of a job as they try to keep up with him. Also of course has a girls name.

2) Name: Mike Caverndash
Age: 22
Nation: Sorthern Northland
Bio: Also a team mate of Ventoso’s at the Olympics, Caverndash returned home with one gold and one silver medal. A quick sprinter like Ventoso he is just as much the team leader as Ventoso, even if that’s not official. Both his medals at the Games came as team medals following the crash which ruled him out of the road race. That crash though is likely to only make him even more determined to get stage wins here though and show to the world that he is more than just a bloody quick track cyclist. Claims to be the fastest man in the world (on a bike in the last couple of hundred metres of a race that is, if it's flat), there should be no beating him if he can get himself to the front of bunch sprint finishes.

3) Name: Clive Brito
Age: 49
Nation: Rennidan
Reason to watch for: Clive is not likely to make many friends in the peloton during the tour. In fact a number of riders have already (privately) confessed they’d rather he wasn’t in it and that they’ll be doing all they can to keep away from him. And it’s not because of his cycling ability that his fellow rivals are not too keen on him, it’s his history. An ex-member of Rennidan's infamous biker gang the Mountainside Fury, “old, grizzled and tattoos down both arms and up his beefy neck, he is, needless to say, an intimidating figure”, is what the official press release from Rennidan has to say about him. When asked to describe himself for that press release he merely said “I bit off a cops nose once.” However being an ex-biker we guess he’s a decent mechanic, so that may be a redeeming feature for the peloton, although in all likelihood most riders will be too scared of him to let him near their bikes.

4) Name: Danni Nathaniel
Age: 25
Nation: Qazox
Reason to watch for: She’s hot! And that’s not just our opinion either, she goes into this Tour as the winner of the fan voted “Sexiest Female Rider” award from the last tour, and at just 25 is still someone who is a long way from going south in the beauty stakes, so to speak. To put it simply she is the Qazoxian version of Sorthern Northland’s Victoria Pondletoon who was recently voted as the “Sexiest Female Sorthern Cyclist” in a random online poll.

5) Name: The whole Cafundeuse team
Ages: Unknown
Nation: Erm? Is it not obvious?
Reason to watch for: They’re bloody idiots! Cafundeuse cyclists are of course known in Sorthern Northland as clueless idiots who can’t ride a bike after the Olympics, following the Caverndash incident. With Caverndash about to make an attack from the pack his ride was abruptly bought to an end when a cyclist from Cafundeu cut across him bringing him and a number of other riders crashing into the tarmac putting many out of the race. The afters of the crash saw Caverndash shouting angrily at the rider from Cafundeu before speaking of the crash to the media in which he famously said, “Where's the fucking Cafundéuse bastard? He knew what he was fucking doing and the c*nt had no intention but to take me out. If I fucking come across him he won't get on a fucking bike again. Luckily though after he clipped me my bike flew into the bastard and knocked the fucker off crushing him and putting him out the race. Fucking prick." Despite being balanceless fools the Cafundeuse team have somehow won the “Best Overall Team” award at the last two tours.

6) Name: Larry Armstrong
Age: Unknown
Nation: Taeshan
Reason to watch for: Has no balls. Or at least that’s the rumour, thought to have recovered from testicular cancer, Armstrong has gone on to become Taeshan’s best and most famous cyclist. Winner of 2 stages during the last Tour, he consistently finished in the top ten. Has won numerous awards and accolades due to his supposed comeback from life threatening cancer.

7) Name: Mary Sallad
Age: Unknown. A porn website rumoured to be hers say 39, but then it’s said that for a few years now.
Nation: Jeruselem
Reason to watch for: Target practise! Yet another member of the Sallad clan which can only mean one thing for the Sorthern riders and fans at the Tour. Pistachios! Of course she’s probably used to pistachios by now so it probably won’t put her off. Many men have spoken of their fondness for riding bikes with Mary, however we don’t think they meant the types of bicycles used in the Tour.

8) Name: Pedro Alacoa
Age: Unknown
Nation: Lovisa
Reason to watch for: We actually know nothing about Alacoa, but he has the same name as Pedro the Donkey, which can only be a good omen. Is also a team mate if the defending champion, Bastian Schlager.

9) Name: Mya Loro
Age: 27
Nation: Jariss
Reason to watch for: Could well challenge for an award at the Tour, that award being the “Sexiest Female Rider” award currently held by Danni Nathaniel. Is also quite a decent cyclist and was the first female rider in the Tour for Jariss. Is an excellent sprinter whilst being useless when faced with a slope, which means her and Mike Caverndash should have plenty of time to get to know each over as they struggle to climb the mountains of Qazox.

10) Name: Ahm'bolah Fi'erth
Age: 29
Nation: Dannistaan
Reason to watch for: Our dark horse tip for the blue jersey. As well as having more apostrophes’ in his name than a Sorthern Irish family, Fi’erth is a modest yet ambitious rider who has been quoted as saying, “I'm not expecting to win, at least not yet.” In truth any one of the riders from Dannistann could have been picked for this list but Fi’erth is their best all round rider and therefore the most likely to come out at the right end of the General Classification come the end of the Tour.
28-08-2008, 06:53
(ooc: I see no mention of the Defending Champion... hmmmm.)
Sorthern Northland
28-08-2008, 06:58
Editorial note: The writers at Tête de la course felt the defending champion's team mate who shares his name with a donkey would be of more interest to Sorthern fans.
28-08-2008, 13:58

9) Name: Mya Loro
Age: 27
Nation: Glaycia

she's actually from Jariss like the other two riders. I just can;t log in as either Tynelia or Jariss atm so i have to post everything under Glaycia's account))

Jariss Renaissance Press
No storm can silence us

Loro off to good start

In today's Prolouge to open the Tour de Qazox, 2nd year rider Mya Loro was narrowly edged out in the sprint finish at the end finishing two seconds back of the winner Vance Hart from Kenavt. This was a course that favored a good rider on the flats like her and she put in a strong effort to take the Blue Jersey to start the tour. Putting in a strong showing as well was first time rider Kent Tuckerman who was only 10 seconds back of the winner in 12th place.

Ironically the returning runner-up of last year's Tour and the man many expected to challenge for the overall win, Lyo Brauli, had a leisurely run today and didn;t seem to push too hard as he coasted in at 25th over 30 seconds behind the winner. Perhaps Brauli is biding his time and hoping for a repeat of last Tour's strong run to the finish. We shall see in the days ahead.
Sorthern Northland
28-08-2008, 14:38

9) Name: Mya Loro
Age: 27
Nation: Glaycia

she's actually from Jariss like the other two riders. I just can;t log in as either Tynelia or Jariss atm so i have to post everything under Glaycia's account))

OOC: My bad. :$ Just looked at the username on your sign up post tbh, I'll edit that.
28-08-2008, 15:07


After the prologue of the Tour de Qazox, Rennidan starts strong with resident Clive Brito in the top ten from the get go. However, according to a Sorthern Northland output, many of the other competitors are either scared of or rather disliking towards Rennidan native Brito.

When asked about it, he stared at us for what seemed like an eternity. We saw the hate unfurl in his eyes, and we felt oblivion on the horizon. The soaring heart of a thousand suns erupting caused our skin to crawl and--[Editor's note: They, uh... they go on like this for about five pages. I thought I'd just cut it down a bit]--and the didgeridoos of death playing their funeral march.

In the end, he gave a comment correlating to something like "I don't care what they think. If they want to hate, let them hate."

The closing seconds of the Prologue were that of a faced paced friendly, with everyone vying to get the extra point of a second ahead of their competitors. In the end, Brito drew seventh with Qazox local, Danni Nathanie, who Brito actually had kind words to say about.

"They were willing t' cross that finish line next to me. Gotta' respect them for that."

The other two riders for Rennidan made little impact, Moyles Twess came below the Top Twenty, and Bob Satchy fell outside the Top Thirty.

We can only hope the next leg with hold better results for Rennidan's other two talents.
28-08-2008, 15:55
Results up ASAP.
(ooc: kenavt: Ricardo Martinez of Cafundeu is not racing this year)

OOC: Oh. And who's in first place! :eek: Your scorinator must not be working correctly. :)


KMNS3 Tour de Qazox 7

"Hi, I'm Bob Burnstein, and this is your Tour de Qazox 7 day in review, live from Lake Porter City, Qazox, and our studio, downtown Poiuytrewq. Today, was the opening stage, the prologue. It was from Qazox's pristine Kyolva, the famous skiing resort, down the highway to Lake Porter City, named after a Qazoxian of some sort. The course was 35.8 miles of largely downhill for the first while, but then flatland where interesting drama carried out. Were you watching? Now down to Carrie, who's going to be live with the Kenavtan team throughout this tournament in the Sportmobile, our famous yellow and red minivan, sponsored by Coke Zero! Carrie."

"Hi Bob."

"So what's the crowd like today?"

"Well, Bob, we have a great turnout. Just driving along the course, the crowds at all parts were at least five people deep. This'll be one of the most attended stages, as it is every year."

"And... of course, what about the riders?"

"Aha! A surprise there. For all viewers who were watching the end of this first stage, Kenavtan team member Vance Hart, after a breakaway near the end helped by his teammates Dillian Askyton and Connor da Vincho, finished first, according to the photo finish. We do not have exact figures yet, but they should be on the scoreboard over there." Camera swivels, in time to catch times being posted.

"Hey, look at that Carrie!"

"Yes. And what do you know! Vance Hart finished only one second ahead of the runner-up, Maciej Szmyd from Dimbubabwe. That earns him the blue jacket (camera swivels again) and there it is, being put on Vance. He sures looks happy."

"Yes he does, Carrie. So how did da Vincho and Askyton do?"

"Not so great, Bob, although they look happy watching Vance getting the blue jacket. Connor finished seventeenth, twenty-three seconds away from Vance. Dillian was even farther behind, thirty-fourth and thirty-nine seconds behind Hart. Surprisingly, he tied with Taeshanian rider Jacques Martoon."

"You mean a Taeshanian! He tied with a Taeshanian? Tell us about it, Carrie."

"Well, unlike almost every other sport, Taeshan didn't do so well. They struggled from the off, and one of them took a spill near the twnety-mile marker."

"Well, get some sleep tonight, Carrie, you'll need it for Stage One tomorrow."

"Yes, I will, Bob. But our team won't probably get anything... Do you think the Qazoxian drinking limit is 18?"


"Well... they're all over 18. So... I don't know what to expect tomorrow."

"What's the course for Stage One, Carrie?"

"According to the guide, it's around Lake Porter, ending and starting at the local city hall. However, it will require traveling in Poolshimpers and Green Wombat, neighborhooding countries. The riders' main challenge will be temperature and the fact it's 171.9 miles long. However, the prologue was a good tune-up, and look for team Kenavt to have a good showing tomorrow. I'm Carrie Campbell, out."

"Thanks Carrie! Now on to the latest World Cup 42 news. Kenavt isn't doing so well in their third..."
29-08-2008, 04:41
Rp cutoff for day 2 is now.
29-08-2008, 05:25
(ooc: the Tour ICly is held in April in Qazox, just for the info.)
(IC note: The Tour uses sophisticated GPS tracers on each bike, and therefore is able to tell which rider finished ahead of another, lessing the amount of same time results amongst the riders. [ooc2: If there is a tie in my formula, I use a random # generator to break ties in non-time trial stages, that's why there so many 1-second differences between riders.])

Day 2 Stage 1: Lake Porter City, Qazox to Lake Porter City; Distance: 171.9 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistan) 6hr:23min:15sec
2- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:05 sec
3- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:06 sec
4- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:07 sec
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:11 sec
6- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:17 sec
7- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:18 sec
8- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:19 sec
9- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:20 sec
10- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:24 sec
11- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:25 sec
12- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:30 sec
13- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:31 sec
14- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:34 sec
15- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:35 sec
16- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:36 sec
17- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistan) +0:39 sec
18- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:46 sec
19- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:47 sec
20- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:48 sec
21- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:49 sec
22- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:50 sec
23- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:51 sec
24- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:53 sec
25- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:55 sec
26- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:56 sec
27- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:57 sec
28- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:58 sec
29- John Riddle (Greal) +0:59 sec
30- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1m:05 sec
31- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1m:08 sec
32- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1m:13 sec
33- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1m:15 sec
34- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1m:20 sec
35- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1m:21 sec
36- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1m:22 sec
37- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1m:25 sec
38- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistan) +1m:31 sec
39- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1m:34 sec


1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistan) 7hr:31min:36sec
2- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:07
3- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:14
4- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:28
5- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:31
6- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:37
7- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:42
8- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:45
8- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:45
10- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:46
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:47
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:48
13- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:53
14- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:54
15- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:56
16- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:58
17- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:00
17- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:00
17- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:00
20- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:02
20- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:02
22- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistan) +1:03
23- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +1:07
24- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:13
25- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:14
26- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:15
27- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:16
28- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:17
28- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:17
30- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:21
30- John Riddle (Greal) +1:21
32- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:23
33- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:24
34- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:29
34- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:29
34- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:29
37- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:30
38- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:40
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistan) +1:56

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Up Next: Day 3 Stage 2: Lake Porter City to Freetown; Distance: 102.9 miles.
Preview: Despite the distance, this stage historically, has been one of the fastest stages of the Tour, as Riders follow Highway 34 east towards Lake Vogg, ending in Freetown, the coal-mining capital of Qazox. A small bit of hills cover the last 10 miles of the stage, but none are too steep, as the Tour enters the highlands and cooler temperatures.

Wiki page here:
29-08-2008, 12:49
OOC: Please note, it isn't a spelling mistake. "Dannistaan" is spelt with two "A's" at the end.

Dannistrian Sun, National Edition
Sports Supplement

"Dannistrian Team takes lead in TdQ"

Dannistaans National Cycling teams Sah'fuh Ford has the blue jersey in the Tour de Qazox after a gruelling second day stage which saw places change multiple times. The national squad's Ford kept his nerve amongst the pack during the beginning and middle of the circular Lake Porter City stage. Surely but slowly, despite being the youngest of the riders, Ford showed cycling skills beyond his age and experience and steadily pulled ahead near the end. showing all other riders how to win a race. At the end Ford showed his obvious jubilation at winning the stage and moving up to the top of the overall leader board.
"It's fantastic. It really is. I was expecting to keep to the middle of the pack but wasn't expecting to win a stage this early. I hope to repeat this performance over the next few stages," an exhausted Ford said at the finish line.

Meanwhile, team leader and all rounder Ahm'bolah Fi'erth did not do so well, finishing 17th in the stage although this allows him to move to 22nd on the overall rankings. Climbing and spring specialist Kou'fii Mas'ah fared worse, finishing only second last in the stage and is bottom of the overall rankings. Serious questions are being asked about his health as Mas'ah has only recently recovered from an ankle injury sustained in the National Dannistrian Cycling championships 6 months ago. Mas'ah himself denies being a liability, saying, "I have worked hard to be selected for this team and I have worked hard to recover so I can continue to race. I have given my all for this team and I will not have libel or slander get in my way to prove myself for the team."

The team is next in action in the Lake Porter City to Freetown stage.
Sorthern Northland
29-08-2008, 18:18
Tête de la course
Keeping you up to date with the latest news for the peloton

Disappointing start to Tour for Team Asal éide spoirt - Sorthern Airways Racing

A long, mostly flat stage, the first stage of the Tour de Qazox should have been a great one for either Fran Ventoso or Mike Caverndash to grab their first Tour de Qazox stage victory. However it was all over for both riders just a short while into the race. With just under twenty kilometres gone and some 269 kilometres still to go Sorthern Northland’s two sprinters made an audacious attempt to breakaway from the peloton. Neither rider is noted for their ability to get into and maintain a lead for the majority of a race. Indeed neither very rarely lead for more than the last couple of hundred metres with them both being specialist sprinters. Why then, the two riders decided to form a breakaway, and to do it so early on in the race is anyone’s guess.

The breakaway was never going to work, everyone knew that, the two riders surely must have known it and should have known it. It was to everyone’s surprise then that with just 10 kilometres to the finish line, the pair were still ahead of the main field, although by now the gap had been reduced to less than a minutes and was quickly falling, but could they hold out just long enough to cross the line before the peloton reeled them in? It seemed set to be a tense finish, but in the end it wasn’t, the breakaway pair were reeled in with around five kilometres to go, and having spent so much energy keeping the breakaway going for much of the stage, they were quickly dropped by the peloton and in the end crossed the finish line both a minute after the stage winner in a result that is surely likely to dent the post-Olympics confidence the Sorthern team will have had going into the Tour. The only positive from today’s stage for the Sorthern team will be Karl Agnew’s 15th place finish.

After the race Caverndash tried explaining the quite frankly stupid breakaway attempt saying, “Me and Fran both felt good you know, we both felt we could succeed with a breakaway you know so when we saw the chance to break, we just thought let’s go for it you know. But unfortunately it didn’t come out in the end you know and in hindsight we should have just stayed in the pack and tried winning it in the sprint at the end you know. But that’s cycling you know, if you want to win in this sport you have to be prepared to take risks you know. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t you know. Unfortunately today was one of those days where it didn’t work you know. Tomorrow’s stage is a short one though you know and although there’s a couple of hills towards the end the last part of the race is pretty flat so as long we stay with the pack on the hills we should have a chance in the sprint you know.”
30-08-2008, 03:05
(ooc to Danistaan, It will be fixed in the next results, I apologize for the mistake)
30-08-2008, 04:50
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey kids what time is it?"


"That's right!"
30-08-2008, 05:22
Historical day today, as Sah'fuh Ford of Dannistaan, become the first rider since Bernardo Petkovic of Cafundéu in 1916, to win back-to-back stages of the Tour.

Day 3 Stage 2: Lake Porter City to Freetown; Distance: 102.9 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 4hr:12min:24sec
2- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:04
3- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:06
4- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:07
5- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:09
6- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:11
7- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:20
8- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:19
9- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:21
10- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:22
11- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:28
12- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:29
13- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:31
14- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:34
15- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:35
16- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:36
17- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:37
18- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:44
19- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:47
20- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:46 sec
21- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:49
22- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:50
23- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:52
24- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:53
25- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:01
26- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:03
27- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:06
28- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:07
29- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:09
30- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:10
31- John Riddle (Greal) +1:12
32- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:13
33- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:14
34- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:16
35- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:24
36- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:27
37- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:28
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:32
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:39


1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 11hr:44min:00sec
2- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:16
3- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:18
4- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:38
5- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:39
6- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:57
7- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:08
8- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:20
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:21
9- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:21
11- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:22
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:22
13- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:23
14- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:24
15- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:30
16- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:34
17- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:35
18- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:37
19- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:40
20- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:44
21- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:53
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +1:54
23- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:03
24- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +2:04
25- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +2:08
26- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +2:09
27- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:16
28- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +2:28
29- Vance Hart (kenavt) +2:30
30- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +2:31
31- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +2:33
31- John Riddle (Greal) +2:33
33- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:35
34- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +2:37
35- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +2:57
35- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +2:57
37- Suru Young (Miroxia) +3:01
38- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:04
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +3:35

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Up Next: Day 4 Stage 3 Freetown to Graverville; Distance: 151.3 miles.

Preview: Still in the Highlands, the rider travel through Qazox' breadbasket, the Plains of Grav as they race towards Lake Vogg. The riders finish today with a lap around Graverville, on the southern shore of Lake Vogg, before finishing at the University of Graverville Campus.

Wiki page here:
30-08-2008, 12:23
OOC: No problem, Qazox. You should see the different permutations of the spelling back in the East Pacific.

Dannistrian Sun, National Edition
Sports Supplement

"Ford retains blue jersey in Tour de Qazox"

Sah'fuh Ford, the youngest rider in the Dannistrian National Cycling team, has retained the lead in the overall rankings of the Tour de Qazox after day 3 of the event. The rider once again showed spectacular riding skills that belie his youth as he continued to power steadily through the pack, leaving other riders for dust.

His spectacular ride started from Lake Porter City where he maintained a steady speed, never more than an inch or two away from the main body of the riders. He made sure to conserve his strength during the section on Highway 34, before making his move just before Freetown, setting the pace and leaving others wondering how we was able to suddenly strike. At the finish line the joy on Fords face was noticeable. At the finish line, he gave a quick interview to our correspondents.
"I really enjoying myself. Today's victory is particularly sweet as 2 years to the day the judges were saying I could never be a competent rider for the national team and refused to even select me for the junior team. So to win two stages here is a particularly gratifying moment for me."

Meanwhile, the team captain Ahm'bolah Fi'erth came in 25th in the stage and drops to 24th overall. His ride was marred by a technical fault to his bike that saw him struggle on Highway 34 without the highest gear, limiting his speed.
"It's not been so great for me. I'm happy for Ford and his results but as for me personally I'm quite annoyed at my lack of pace and the broken gear on the bike. I'm going to need to look at that later. I also believe I could be trying harder given my position as the captain on the team. It is upsetting to be so low on the overall rankings table."

Meanwhile, there are further concerns for Kou'fii Mas'ah as he finished last in the stage and remains at the bottom of the leader board. At one point during the Highway 34 stage, he looked to be in pain, even slowing briefly before continuing. He seem to be struggling at Freetown before eventually limping over the line. Back home in Dannistaan some are even calling for him to be pulled out the team before he causes further damage to the teams results in the upcoming time trials.
"I admit my lack of durability is causing some concerns, however I still believe I can improve and when it comes to the later stages, I will be able to prove myself, especially in the mountain stages," Mas'ah later commented.
30-08-2008, 13:01
Tour de Qazox 7 Day 3

Henry Franks is still second in over all rankings, but will he get the blue jersey, or fail and loses his ranking? So far, this is a record for Greal's bicyclists. Henry was Greal's only hope, since John Riddle and Daniel Hardy are ranking nearly at the way bottom. Maybe they may surprise, maybe they might not. Daniel and John wished Henry good luck, because they were going to need it. Day 4 would be a tough one.
30-08-2008, 13:33

Brito Brilliant!
Hey, don't blame me, they just tell me to write these crappy headlines.

Clive Brito, who is perhaps both the eldest and scariest rider currently in the Tour de Qazox, came in a terrific second place on the third day of the cycling event. The second stage of the event is nearly 103 miles long, yet Brito fended off the younger, fitter competitors with a combination of experience, raw power and threatening menace.

The one rider, however, that managed to escape his grasp was young Sah'fuh Ford of Dannistaan who headed Brito off by a four second margin. When asked about how it feels to be so close to the blue jersey, Brito chuckled slightly and told how blue wasn't his colour.

The other two riders from Rennidan continue to make little impact in these opening stages. We can only hope they will pick up the pace soon enough, as Brito must be getting mighty lonely as the only Rennidanian at the top.
30-08-2008, 15:22
No Storm Shall Silence Us

Brauli in Top 5 of Tour
Giving further evidence that he took it easy during the Prologue Lyo Brauli again finished the top top 6 for the second straight day, 11 seconds behind the stage winner. With these two strong efforts last year's runner-up remains in the top 5 at 5th trailing Tour leader Sah'fuh Ford by 39 seconds after Ford won the stage for the second straight day.

Still hanging in the top ten as well is Mya Loro after a respectable 13th place showing today after yesterday's disappointing 22nd place finish. This result today has her in a tie for 9th 1:21 behind the leader. Kent Tuckerman is having some difficulties in his first tour however. A 23rd place finish today coupled with a poor showing the day before finds him stuck back in 25th, 2:08 behind the leader. Clearly the toru so far has been a bit more than the youngster can handle at this point.
Sorthern Northland
31-08-2008, 00:23
Beningrad Morning Star

It’s a war on hills, and the hills are winning!

A poor start to the Tour de Qazox by the Team Asal eide spoirt – Sorthern Airlines Racing team has seen Sorthern Northland go to war once more. This time though the war isn’t against another nation but against hills and mountains. Or more specifically hills and mountains that form part of the course of cycling races. The dramatic move was proposed by Basil the Rat who is acting as President for the duration of President Jimmy Sheridan’s alleged kidnapping on a desert island by the Bostopian Emperor. Basil the Rat was unavailable for comment after the declaration of war, preferring instead to nibble at a piece of cheese. A spokesman for the government was on hand though to say (presumably about the acting President and not the war), “Is not rat, he is hamster.”

At the moment it is unclear how Sorthern Northland will actually wage war upon the hills and mountains but one thing is certain. If Mike Caverndash and Fran Ventoso are enlisted to the battle, we have no chance of winning the war. This was seen in today’s stage of the Tour de Qazox. The first to feature any hills and in reality they are barely hills. The gradient on them is very low and they are far from taxing, the problem for Ventoso and Caverndash however was how close the hills were to the finish line. With the last summit being around ten kilometres from the line the two sprinters would need to ride hard to keep to the front of the peloton in preparation for the sprint. As it was they struggled to keep up with the pace set by teams with better climbers, and found themselves dropped about a kilometre from the final summit. With any chance of being in the final sprint gone all they could now do was keep down their time lost and hope to pull it back once the race reaches the flatter part of Qazox. The first part of that was done fairly well with Caverndash crossing the finishing line just one minute and seventeen seconds after stage winner Sah’fuh Ford, Ventoso came in twelve seconds after his team mate. To make a bad day even worse team domestique Karl Agnew also struggled in the hills and found himself out of the leading group and the descent, he in the end finished the stage nearly a minute after the stage winner.

Despite the poor start to the Tour though, Team Asal eide spoirt’s, Directeur Sportif, Paddy Brennan has said he sees no need for concern. Speaking at the stage finish he said, “What we need to remember is that hilly stages aren’t our strong point and we’re not here to win the blue jersey. We just want to get as many stage wins as we can and depending and how our luck goes hopefully win the green jersey, and whilst the race is in the Highlands as it is at the moment we’re not likely to be at the front end of the field. However when we’re back on the flats, I’m sure we’ll be right up there and challenge for the stage wins we’ve come for.”
31-08-2008, 05:13
Rp cutoff time
31-08-2008, 05:36
Historical day today, as Sah'fuh Ford of Dannistaan, become the first rider since Bernardo Petkovic of Cafundéu in 1916, to win back-to-back stages of the Tour.

Day 4 Stage 3 Freetown to Graverville; Distance: 151.3 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Henry Franks (Greal) 5hr:35min:22sec
2- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:02
3- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:06
4- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:09
5- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:15
6- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:17
7- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:18
8- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:19
9- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:20
10- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:22
11- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:29
12- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:30
13- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:32
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:34
15- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:36
16- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:37
17- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:38
18- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:41
19- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:46
20- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:44
21- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:50
22- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:52
23- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:53
24- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:56
25- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:59
26- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:00
27- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:02
28- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:04
29- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:10
30- John Riddle (Greal) +1:13
31- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:15
32- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:22
33- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:23
34- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:26
35- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:28
36- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:29
37- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:31
38- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:38
39- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:40


1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 17hr:19min:27sec
2- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:11
3- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:19
4- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:01
5- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:03
6- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:26
7- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:30
8- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:37
8- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:37
10- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:38
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:47
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:49
13- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:07
14- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:15
15- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:25
16- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +2:36
17- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +2:43
18- Robert Can (Miroxia) +2:45
18- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:45
20- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +2:47
20- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:47
20- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +2:47
23- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +2:48
24- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:53
25- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +3:07
26- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:11
27- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:15
28- Suru Young (Miroxia) +3:16
29- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:19
29- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:19
31- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +3:20
32- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +3:24
33- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +3:25
34- John Riddle (Greal) +3:41
35- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +3:42
36- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +3:51
37- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +4:01
38- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +4:08
39- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:24

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Up Next: Graverville to Joehio; Distance: 106.2 miles.

Preview: The toughest part of the Tour is beginning, as the riders begin to enter the mountains, The last 15 miles of this stage is a 2300 ft climb up the south part of Joe's Peak, and will test all riders'd climbing skills.

Wiki page here:
31-08-2008, 05:51
The Jeruselem Tour de Qazox team when Jeruselem best known bike turned up ...

Dazza: Hi team, it's the Bike here!
Mary: Hello Dazza, we aren't doing too well.
Dazza: You mean all that money I spend on your guys isn't improving much?
Mary: Our bikes ... suck!

Heath: Yes, that's the truth.
Daisy: My bike is no good too, although my sex life is great.
Dazza: Please, no mixing up being a bike and cycling.
Heath: I'm not a bike by any means.

Dazza: So what's wrong?
Mary: Apparently, the management got a new spare parts supplier.
Dazza: Cheaper one?
Mary: And it's crap!

Heath: There's always stuff breaking and we're always fixing our bikes.
Daisy: It makes it hard to win if the bike is falling to bits
Dazza: We can't have this, as a representative of the Jeruselem government and the big sponsor!
Mary: And we live in 3 star hotels, not 5!

Dazza: This is shameful! Our sports people need the best to win!
Mary: Management isn't going to listen.
Heath: They just think we are whinging.
Daisy: I've run out of spare bikes, it's no good

Dazza: Let me talk, I'll get results! Say, is that a lovebit Heath?
Heath: Sadly no, not from any girl. It's from bed bugs.
Dazza: Bed bugs! That's no good. How can one be doing a cycling tour, living in filthy hotels.
Mary: Please help us, we can do better! If we don't have stuff that breaks all the time.

Daisy: Yeah, I fell of my bike because the pedal broke off.
Dazza: I'll see what I can do - as a government person and big sponsor.
Mary: Oh, and I think they out the Dallas Enterprises logo off our jerseys by accident.
Dazza: What! That's breach of contract. That makes old bike unhappy.

Daisy: Old bike?
Dazza: I'm not getting any younger ... I'm like an old bicycle in need of repair.
Mary: We still think you're young.
Dazza: Thanks guys, Ambassador Dallas will help you guys out. I can't have our cycling team looking like idiots.
31-08-2008, 12:42
Dannistrian Sun, National Edition
Sports Supplement

"We are on fire"

Day 4 in the punishing Tour de Qazox, and already the Dannistrian National Cycling Team is going where no other Dannistrian Cycling Team has been before. Sah'fuh Ford finished second in today's stage between Freetown to Graverville but retains the overall lead ahead of Greal rider Henry Franks. His ride marred only by a small mistake where he misjudged a corner and had to slow down sharply before continuing on. Afterwards, he continued to stick behind Henry Franks closely, never any more than a hairs breadth behind.
"I'm happy with the ride today. Disappointed I didn't win but as long as I'm still at the top of the leader board, that's all that matters. Cycling is not a pure flat out sport, unlike what some people may think back home. You need to have endurance and strategy to win as well. Knowing when to go fast is just as important as being fast. Otherwise, you waste a lot of energy unnecessarily and you are left tired and have no strength left for those last second dashes to the line."

Meanwhile, team captain Ahm'bolah Fi'erth finished 16th in the stage and moves to 16th in the overall rankings. He made an interesting choice of sticking to the middle of the pack and remaining there for the whole stage.
"I don't want to use up all my energy trying to fight my way to the front when I know it isn't possible," he said, "Sah'fuh is an exception guy and one of the fastest rides on the team with good endurance, so he is allowed to fight to the front. I'm taking a more longer term view of the event and want to maintain a steady pace and time so that when it comes to the time trials I do not drag us all down."

Not far behind Fi'erth was Kou'fii Mas'ah who finished in 18th in the stage but remains near the bottom of the overall rankings in 38th. He seemed more comfortable in the race, remaining a little behind Fi'erth and taking advantage of the stages geography.
"I'm pleased I managed a better time here and am looking forward to the upcoming stages."
Sorthern Northland
31-08-2008, 23:32
Beningrad Morning Star

Tour failure is someone else fault, says Paddy Brennan

Following another poor showing from the Sorthern team during the Tour de Qazox today, team Directeur Sportif Paddy Brennan was quick to absolve himself of any blaming. “It’s been a poor organisation so far,” he said waving a map around, “Look at this for example”, he continued pointing to the map, “this was supposed to be the map of today’s route but it’s completely wrong. Look here! The road goes straight into a lake according to the map. I mean, it even looks like it was drawn by a five year old and this is what the hosts are providing us with to get around? It’s very shoddy to be honest, and considering those difficulties. Due to the wrong map we had to ride an extra 9.84 km compared to the rest of the field, so when we come in only a couple of minutes behind the winner I think we can happy with that.”

The race had been going well for the three Sorthern riders until they were led astray by their Directeur’s poor map. All three riders were in a breakaway some five minutes ahead of the rest of the field with around 10km left. They should then have turned left but for whatever reason they turned right. After five kilometres or so the riders found themselves on the shore of the lake. The finish line was in set. The only problem was it was the other side of the lake, which meant the three riders had to swim to the finish. Despite the extra mileage and impromptu swim the three Sorthern riders still managed to finish not too soon after the stage winner with Ventoso finishing 13th and 32 seconds behind Greal’s Henry Franks.

Meanwhile in other tediously linked Tour de Qazox news, Sorthern Northland has called an end to it’s war on hills and mountains saying it was not feasible and making a rat the acting President probably wasn’t the best idea. Who will become acting President now is unclear at the moment.
01-09-2008, 05:10
!ffotuC PR
01-09-2008, 05:44
Day 5 Stage 4: Graverville to Joehio; Distance: 106.2 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 5hr:03min:36 sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:08
3- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:12
4- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:15
5- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:23
6- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:24
7- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:34
8- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:35
9- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:36
10- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:37
11- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:38
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:39
13- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:45
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:46
15- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:47
16- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:48
17- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:49
18- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:50
19- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:51
20- John Riddle (Greal) +0:52
21- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +1:02
22- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:03
23- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:04
24- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:05
25- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:09
26- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:10
27- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:15
28- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:16
29- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:24
30- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:25
31- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:26
32- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:27
33- Henry Franks (Greal) +1:28
34- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:29
35- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:37
36- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:38
37- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:39
38- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:40
39- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:41


1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 22hr:24min:32sec
2- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:08
3- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:10
3- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:10
5- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:28
6- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:43
7- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:59
8- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:08
9- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:15
10- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:16
11- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:22
12- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:34
12- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:34
12- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:34
15- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:35
16- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:36
17- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:41
18- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:47
19- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:52
20- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:53
21- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:54
22- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:56
23- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:18
24- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:22
25- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:36
26- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +2:42
27- Suru Young (Miroxia) +2:52
28- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +2:54
29- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:56
30- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +2:58
31- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:00
32- John Riddle (Greal) +3:04
33- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +3:09
34- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +3:10
35- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:23
36- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:29
37- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +3:30
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +3:33
39- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:04

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Up Next: Off day (Day 6)
then: Day 7 Stage 5: Joehio to New Bruxen; Distance: 75 miles.

Preview: After the first off day, The mountains begin with a vengance, as riders will climb over 7500 ft by the end of the day, as the Tour begins the climb up Mount Carlo, the highest mountain in Qazox. While the length of the stage seems short, the climb will make it feel twice as long.

Wiki page here:
01-09-2008, 06:55
Dazza Dallas with Heath Stamforger

Dazza: Hey, well done my man!
Heath: Yeah thanks ...
Dazza: See what a good night's sleep does.
Heath: Yes, it all helps.

Dazza: I see the Dallas Enterprises logo is still missing on the jersey.
Heath: We got some stickers to put on the jersey but they peeled off.
Dazza: Cheapskates
Heath: Yes, they are.

Dazza: So what's your hotel room like now?
Heath: Cleaner ...
Dazza: Meaning?
Heath: 3.5 star hotels.

Dazza: Oh boy ...
Heath: It is an improvement. The beds look clean for once.
Dazza: How about the bikes?
Heath: Still crap! I could done a lot better if I didn't have such a unreliable bike.

Dazza: I'm a reliable bike, you get a lot of mileage out of me!
Heath: I'm sure you can.
Dazza: 23 seconds off the pace, you can win of these mountain stages.
Heath: I could have won! I had to careful with the bike.

Dazza: I don't suppose I could spray paint my logo on the jerseys.
Heath: Nah, it won't work with this plasticly we wear stuff.
Dazza: How about I sew it a patch on?
Heath: I suppose that will work.

Dazza: I'm girl, I can sew.
Heath: Well, you have ask management.
Dazza: Don't worry, Dazza will her way.
Heath: I'm sure of that.

Dazza: What do the management do here?
Heath: I don't know actually. I see them having meetings drinking lots of alcohol a lot.
Dazza: That's what I do
Heath: Yeah, you actually work ... I never seem them work.

Dazza: Do you talk to them?
Heath: No, we never see them.
Dazza: Now, that's slack.
Heath: I think this tour is some travel junket for them. They don't care if we do well or not.

Dazza: What happened to the good ol days when we could win a tour.
Heath: Those days are gone now.
Dazza: So sad
Heath: We're doing our best
01-09-2008, 15:47
"So guys, we have a climb coming up," said Vance Hart, the sprint leader. "Up that Mount Carlo place. So, what are we going to do?"

"Well, tomorrow, we're going to have fun," Dillian Askyton, who's in 29th, smiled. "Free day, baby!"

"No, seriously."

"Well," said 24th Connor da Vincho, the tour leader of the three, "We're going to have to help Dillian-he's our best climber."

"Maybe a breakaway near the end?" suggested Vance.

"And some fun in the middle," Dillian said as he dreamed about tomorrow.

"I'll be the fall guy," Vance interrupted. "You can actually climb OK, Connor, and besides, I'm in last. The only thing I'm playing for is the green jacket."

"Oh, come on, Vance," Connor continued. "We all still have a chance."

"No. Face it-until we hit some flat parts, it's merely just you and Dillian." said Vance.

"Fine, I'll lead and be serious tomorrow," Dillian continued.

"Good. We need you. Now, who's up for pizza?" asked Vance.

"But we don't know any pizza places around here?" remarked Connor.

"Well, grab that phonebook!"
01-09-2008, 17:43
Jariss Renaissance Press
No Storm Shall Silence Us

Brauli Nears Lead

Once again our own Lyo Brauli has put in another strong effort in today's stage of the Tour de Qazox inching ever so much close to the leader's blue jersey. A solid seventh place in the stage as the terrain starts to grow steeper almost allowed him to take the tour lead from Sah'fuh Ford who had a rough stage today and may be in trouble in the days to come. As it turns out Brauli has moved into second a mere 8 seconds out of first and two seconds ahead of Henry Franks and Larry Armstrong as these four riders have openned a slight gap on the rest of the field at this point.

Still doing well is Mya Loro who dropped to 12 after a disspointing result where she had a late flat and dropped off the pace. Her teammate Kent Tuckerman managed to pace her in to the finish so she didn;t lose serious time today. However she still dropped down to 12th while Tuckerman remains in 26th place. However this tandem riding may help the team when it comes time for the team time trials and any extra practice beforehand can only help.
01-09-2008, 23:58
As Sah'fuh returned to the Dannistrian Cycling Team's hotel, Ahm'bolah was discussing tactics with the teams coach, medical team and Kou'fii.
"You did better this time Kou'fii," the coach said, "I expect to see you do well in the upcoming mountain stages."
The coach turns to Sah'fuh.
"Sah'fuh, too bad on that last run. I guess the mountains are your biggest weakness."
"They are. I'm not looking forward to the next stages," Sah'fuh replied.
"Don't worry about it. I know you are not the best climber. So we have decided on the following. You should concentrate on a steady pace for the next few mountain stages. Don't bother trying to go for outright speed. Wait until after the mountain stages. Then you can ride as normal. Kou'fii here is the strongest climber out of you all, so he should keep the teams total time low. Once out of the mountain stages, you should be able to regain the top times again. The medics have been looking at the fluid levels in your body and think you could do with a few more sips out of the water bottle."
"I'll keep that in mind," Sah'fuh replied.

The coach then turned to Kou'fii and Ahm'bolah.
"Ahm'bolah, you seem to be OK, if not spectacular. Keep it up. Kou'fii, the next few stages should give you a chance to prove yourself. Those years living up in the hills in Dannistaan should give you the edge here."
"Understood," Kou'fii nodded.
Sorthern Northland
02-09-2008, 01:39
Yet again it had been a day of Sorthern failure at the Tour de Qazox. Team leader Fran Ventoso had managed only a 27th place finish and was clearly upset as he boarded the teams coach, throwing his helmet to the back. He knew what was coming and he didn't like it one bit. So far he and his team mate Mike Caverndash had both struggled due to the presence of a few hills. Those hills had been bad enough for them, but coming next were the mountains. The big difference? If Ventoso and Caverndash and make it over a hill with the pack they still have a chance, in the mountains, they always always get dropped by the peloton, and have no chance of making it back into the pack with enough energy for the final sprint left to boot.

The team Direteur Sportif, Paddy Brennan, of course understood all this, but for him it didn't matter. "What the fuck is that?" he asked Ventoso. Ventoso said nothing and looked away. Brennan went on, "Yeah sure the next few stages are mountains but that doesn't mean you can throw a hissy fit. Sure the tour's not gone as well as we'd hoped so far but just get yourself through the mountains. No expects anything from you there, and then we're back on the flats and we can get back to winning. Being petulant and crying isn't going to help you is it?"

Ventoso knew Brennan was right, but on the other hand, Brennan wasn't feeling the pain of being on a bike for five hours and getting nothing from it the same way Ventoso was.
02-09-2008, 04:43
In Soviet Russia, RP cuts off your time!
02-09-2008, 05:34
Day 7 Stage 5: Joehio to New Bruxen; Distance: 75 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 3hr:11min:54 sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:04
3- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:05
4- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:10
5- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:15
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:27
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:29
8- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:39
9- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:42
10- John Riddle (Greal) +0:44
11- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:45
12- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:46
13- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:51
14- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:55
15- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:07
16- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:10
17- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +1:11
18- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:13
19- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:15
20- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:18
21- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:20
22- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:23
23- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:25
24- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:33
25- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:35
26- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:36
27- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:38
28- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:48
29- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:49
30- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:50
31- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:52
32- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:54
33- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:58
34- Mya Loro (Jariss) +2:00
35- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:01
36- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +2:05
37- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +2:15
38- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +2:17
39- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:20


1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 25hr:27min:47sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:05
3- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:15
4- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:22
5- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:25
6- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:32
7- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:54
8- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:55
9- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:56
10- Henry Franks (Greal) +1:09
11- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:10
12- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:12
13- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:17
14- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:18
15- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:24
16- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:30
17- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:44
18- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:55
19- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:57
20- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +2:02
21- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:08
22- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +2:11
22- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:11
24- Mya Loro (Jariss) +2:13
25- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:15
26- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +2:18
27- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +2:24
28- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +2:25
29- John Riddle (Greal) +2:27
30- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +2:43
31- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +2:46
31- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +2:46
33- Suru Young (Miroxia) +2:56
34- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:10
35- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +3:11
36- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +3:27
37- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:54
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +4:00
39- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +4:02

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 10pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 7pts
3- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 5pts
4- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 4pts
5- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 3pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 2pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 1pt

Up Next: New Bruxen to Monteverde; Distance: 89.3 miles.

Preview: The toughest of the mountain stages, as the riders will climb to the top of Mt. Carlo, then decend the mountain, where speeds could reach over 40 MPH, then over the final 10 miles a 2300 ft climb takes the Tour to Monteverde, an old hippie commune, left behind by the founders of Sativaville.

Wiki page here:
Sorthern Northland
02-09-2008, 17:53
Tete de la course

After five days of racing a Sorthern rider has finally managed to get his hands on one of the many prizes handed out at the Tour de Qazox. The fabled Lanterne rouge! The Lanterne rouge may only be an unofficial prize but at least it’s something. After all if you’re going be near the back you might as well be last and be noticed rather than second last and a nobody. The Sorthern rider then that holds the distinction of being holder of the Lanterne rouge is non other than Mike Caverndash, and with the race being well and truly in the mountains for the next few days, chances are he’ll be keeping hold of it.

Speaking after the race Caverndash spoke of how he’d decided to aim for the Lanterne rouge, “Winning the blue jersey seems out of reach for us all now, and really we’re just here for stage wins but we’re not the right type of riders to win the stages in the mountains we’ve got at the moment, so we just thought what the hell, let’s have a bit of fun and compete for the Lanterne rouge. Fran decided to go for it as well and I think you could see that in our rides today. He was just a bit two quick though and ended up half a minute ahead of me, so he’s gonna have his work cut out if he wants the Lanterne, and then there’s also Matt Xocan of Miroxia just two seconds ahead so I’ll need to watch him. The next stage is the highest mountain this year though so I’m confident I’ll still have the Lanterene after that.”

After the disappointment of the first few stages taking the seriousness away and having a bit of fun and seeing who can do the worst seems like a good idea for morale, so remember to back the boys in their bid to be rubbish!
02-09-2008, 22:43
Henry Franks suffered harshly after an accident during Dat 7, and was never able to pass the finish line until the last minute. The other Greal cyclists have been improving, and fighting their way up. Their rankings have improved, and perhaps Greal may actually have someone on the top by Day 10. Henry Franks will try to improve his score today.
03-09-2008, 00:10
Kou'fii smiled as the medics checked his vitals after the stage. The team coach was also impressed.
"Well, it looks like in spite of that injury the media were concerned about, you seem to be doing well. But then, we had faith you were the right rider for these mountain stages."
Kou'fii nodded.
"My father once told me that it is a waste of time to worry about the media. That I should concentrate on my strengths rather than mope on my weaknesses. I still live by that to this day."
"Good words to live by," the coach said as Sah'fuh appeared.
"Wasn't my best ride, but I followed your advice and hung back. I'm not looking forward to the next stage."
"Don't worry about it. It's downhill once past the top. Besides, one we are away from the mountains you should be OK."
"Here's hoping."
03-09-2008, 05:09
03-09-2008, 05:37
Day 8 Stage 6: New Bruxen to Monteverde; Distance: 89.3 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 3hr:56min:05 sec
2- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:06
3- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:09
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:10
5- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:11
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:19
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:22
8- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:25
9- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:26
10- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:28
11- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:29
12- John Riddle (Greal) +0:30
13- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:33
14- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:34
15- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:43
16- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:46
17- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:48
17- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:48
19- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:50
19- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:50
19- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:50
22- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:51
23- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:55
24- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:06
25- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:09
26- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:10
27- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:11
28- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:19
29- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:20
30- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:21
31- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:23
32- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:24
33- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:33
34- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:34
35- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:35
36- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:37
37- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:43
38- Henry Franks (Greal) +1:44
39- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:46


1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 29hr:24min:02sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:06
3- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:27
4- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:31
5- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:10
6- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:23
7- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:33
8- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:36
8- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:36
10- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:37
11- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:40
12- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:53
13- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:54
14- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:08
15- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:13
16- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +2:14
17- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +2:30
18- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +2:35
19- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +2:36
20- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:43
21- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:46
22- John Riddle (Greal) +2:47
23- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:56
23- Suru Young (Miroxia) +2:56
25- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +2:57
26- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +2:58
27- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:19
28- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +3:26
28- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:26
30- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +3:27
31- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +3:35
32- Mya Loro (Jariss) +3:36
33- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:40
34- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +3:52
35- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +4:23
36- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:24
37- Vance Hart (kenavt) +5:04
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:11
38- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +5:11

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 15pts
2- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 11pts
4- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 10pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 9pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 4pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts

Up Next: Day 8 Stage 6: New Bruxen to Monteverde; Distance: 89.3 miles.

Preview: The worst of the Mountains are over as Riders begin the decent of Mt. Carlo and head toward the eastern seaboard of Qazox. This is usually the fastest mountain stage, due to 98% of the course being downhill.

Wiki page here:

(OOC: for those New to the TOUR, just because your rider is at the back NOW, doesn't mean they'll be at the back at the end, The Time trials and the 2nd half of the Tour usually even everything out a bit.)
03-09-2008, 11:38
Day 8

Henry Franks barely improved, and his wound prevented him from doing more, and his overall ranking fell once more. Daniel Hardy exploded into the top ten. His compatriot, John Riddle, fell two places, but he was still high ranking. Hopefully, day 9 will be successful for Greal. Next up are mountains which may be tough for all riders.
03-09-2008, 23:55
"OK," said Ahm'bolah to his two countrymen after the race, "We beat Mount Carlo. Now all we need to do is to get back down it. It's literally downhill from here. Sah'fuh, this should be much easier for you. Kou'fii, you down well going up. You may struggle a bit here as you aren't the fastest amongst us but it should be a case of let gravity do most of the work here. I'll keep pace in the middle as usual and keep tabs on you both at debrief at the next race and see how we go from there."

Ahm'bolah studied the map of the race and the times for the team.
"We did well today men. I like how we are in a good position together in the middle of the overall rankings. Keep it up and we should be in a strong position at the end."
04-09-2008, 02:51
"Baby, Dillian, what a day! Slow down, dude!" Connor da Vincho, 23rd, spoke. "You moved up five spots in just a day!"

"I know, right?" Dillian remarked. He had gotten second in Stage 7 and was now 11th.

"I'm just glad that our breakaway worked," green jacket owner Vance Hart quietly remarked.

"Oh, c'mon V. We'll get you out ahead this stage. It's largely downhill, anyway. Now, my stages are over." Dillian grinned. "Connor, you probably have the best chance of winning this thing."

"Oh, y'all know that's not true," Connor said, blushing. "I mean-look at you, dude! You're beast!"

"Yah, but like I said, my time's done. Now... I heard they were going to release the IBC2 schedule... you tried out right, Connor?"


"You know the roster?"

"Well, obviously he's the starting point guard," Vance said. "Do you know?"


"Are you going to tell us?"


"Jeez, speak in sentences that are longer than a word!"

"Oh, just turn on the TV, you guys are going to be stunned when you see the lineup!"


04-09-2008, 04:19
Its that time once again. RP Cutoff Time! :eek:
04-09-2008, 05:06
History was made again today, as for only the third time in Tour history, there is a tie atop the Overall standings. The blue Jersey is award to Sylwester Niemiec, as he finished better in the stage.

Day 9 Stage 7: Monteverde to San Guano. Distance: 100.7 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 3hr:28min:46 sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:05
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:09
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:11
5- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:10
6- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:12
7- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:16
8- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:17
9- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:21
10- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:22
11- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:23
12- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:24
13- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:25
14- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:26
15- John Riddle (Greal) +0:27
16- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:34
17- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:35
18- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:37
19- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:38
20- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:39
21- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:41
22- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:42
23- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:43
24- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:45
25- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:46
26- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:48
27- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:49
28- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:56
29- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:57
30- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:58
31- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:01
32- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:02
33- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:03
34- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:10
35- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:13
36- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:14
37- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:23
38- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:24
39- Henry Franks (Greal) +1:28


1- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 32hr:52min:59sec
1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) SAME TIME
3- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:20
4- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:40
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:34
6- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:38
7- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:48
8- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:51
9- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:56
10- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:57
11- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +2:22
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:27
12- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:27
14- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +2:38
15- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:40
16- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +2:48
17- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:55
18- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:56
19- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +3:01
20- John Riddle (Greal) +3:03
21- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:18
22- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:25
22- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +3:25
24- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:32
25- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +3:43
26- Henry Franks (Greal) +4:00
27- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +4:01
28- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +4:04
29- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +4:09
30- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +4:20
31- Mya Loro (Jariss) +4:23
32- Suru Young (Miroxia) +4:32
32- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +4:32
34- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +4:51
35- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:54
36- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:09
37- Vance Hart (kenavt) +5:27
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:37
39- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +5:49

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 10 pts
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
4- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
7- Robert Can (Miroxia) 2pts
9- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 1pt

Up Next: Day 10: Travel Day (San Guano to Saint Nash)
Then Day 11 Stage 8, Team time trial Kibbutz to Saint Nash. Distance: 54.8 miles.

Preview: A quick stage along the Qazox Coast as riders head to Nash Bay from San Guano, home to the Largest bat-cave in Qazox (ooc: hence the name:tongue:). SInce this is a TEAM TIME TRIAL, the stage is run under slightly different conditions. The teams will be randomly drawn (posted below) and leave in 2 minute intervals. The time of the SLOWEST rider will count for the team's time. The stage will award sprint points to the top 5 teams only (10-7-5-3-1) and only to the FIRST finishing rider of those teams. (yes this is a Mountain stage, but no climb points will be awarded)

Wiki page here:

TEAM TIME TRIAL ORDER (randomly drawn):
1- Miroxia
2- Taeshan
3- Lovisa
4- Dimbubabwe
6- Cafundeu
7- kenavt
8- Greal
9- Jariss
10- Sorthern Northland
11- Jeruselem
12- Dannistaan
13- Rennidan
Sorthern Northland
04-09-2008, 20:49
Tete de la course

Lanterne rouge still hanging off the back of Sorthern bike

As the mountains of the Tour de Qazox begin to recede Team Asal eide spoirt – Sorthern Airlines Racing rider Mike Caverndash put on two excellent displays of slow riding to keep hold of his Lanterne rouge. The Lanterne is an unofficial prize for the rider who is last in the overall standings of the Tour. The quest for Lanterne rouge, (the phrase of which comes from the French "Red Lantern" and refers to the red lantern hung on the caboose of a railway train, which conductors would look for in order to make sure none of the couplings had become disconnected) can become just as just as contested as the fight for the malliot bleu as riders fight to come last instead of just near the back. And with any chance of the malliot blue seemingly gone for Mike Caverndash and Fran Ventoso it was decided the pair would fight for the red lantern.

It was Mike Caverndash who drew first blood in than particular contest as he took the lantern on the fifth stage from Joehio to New Bruxton, commonly recognised as the toughest stage on this years tour and the perfect place for sprinters like Ventoso and Caverndash to tumble down the general classification. It was Caverndash who managed to ride slowly enough them to take the lanterne and since then he has held onto it and looked to further enhance his loss of time to the nearest competitor. It was by the skin of his teeth that he held the lanterne on stage six as he and Miroxia’s Matt Xocan both finished the day on exactly the same time. A fast largely downhill stage 6 from New Bruxten to Monteverde was always going to make it difficult to lose time, but Caverndash managed to make sure his Lanterne Rouge claims were strengthened as he lost a total of 12 seconds to Matt Xocan. The lantern was held largely by relying heavily on the breaks to keep the speed down on the fast paced downhill course. If Caverndash is to seriously challenge for the Lanterne rouge at the end of this tour though, the real test for him will be coming soon as the mountain stages give way to the flat sprinters paradises. Get to the front of the pack and go for stage wins or stay at the back and look to keep hold of the red lantern? That is the choice that Mike Caverndash and Fran Ventoso of Team Asal eide spoirt – Sorthern Airlines Racing will have to make soon.
05-09-2008, 01:31

Alas, it was not pretty shrieking Qazoxian girls that were shouting his name, but his teammates.


"SHUT UP!" Dillian (No. 6 overall, after a rapid rise in two stages from No. 17) finally said something. "We're all even in this. Besides, we're not going to focus on me tomorrow."

"That's right," said Vance Hart (owner of the green jacket, but No. 37, the guy they were going to focus on. "It's me."

"OK, ok," Connor muttered. "Yes, it's always about you, Mr. Selfish." Dillian grinned.

"What?" Vance got in Connor's face. They had clearly spent too much time together. "What!"

Connor shoved him away. "I didn't say anything bad about you," he said. "Now, let's prepare for our travel day tomorrow. I managed to get approval from the KCL for us to travel in that truck we have."

"That lousy thing?" Vance asked.

"You mean the awesomest truck ever?" Dillian exclaimed. "Can I drive?"

"Um... sure," Connor trailed off. "Get some sleep tonight, will ya guys?"

"Yah, sure, whatever," said Vance as he left out the front door.
05-09-2008, 02:34
Mary Sallad looking at a list ...

Heath: What's up Mary?
Mary: I think I should retire from this business, I'm getting too old.
Heath: You're not that old.
Mary: Yeah, but the kids are grown up and I can't keep doing this.

Heath: So you're going to retire?
Mary: I think the kids of the Jeruselem can take over my spot in the next tour.
Heath: I suppose you aren't exactly young anymore.
Mary: So what does a Mum like me do for work?

Heath: Ask the expert.
Mary: You mean Dazza?
Heath: Yeah, she can help.
Mary: But I'm useless ...

Heath: What about an office job?
Mary: I like the outdoors. I can't stay indoors all day.
Heath: What about a gym instructor or something.
Mary: I'm no good at that gym stuff.

Heath: Childcare worker?
Mary: Not enough pay
Heath: Professional babysitter?
Mary: Nah, I like kids but not too many kids.

Heath: TV reporter
Mary: Who will employ a granny like me?
Heath: I hear Naked News Jeruselem need a weather person.
Mary: Yeah?

Heath: I think you'd like being naked outdoors.
Mary: YEAH! Great idea. Who do I ask!
Heath: Dazza owns the thing.
Mary: Thanks, you're such a bright one! You think I look good still?

Heath: Err, no idea. I'm not into that kinda thing.
Mary: I'll show you some pictures of me, then you can tell me.
Heath: Err ...
Mary: I need a man's opinion!

Heath: OK ...


Mary: Well?
Heath: You look alright.
Mary: Think people would like me on TV?
Heath: Well, I can see where the good looks of Kate and Jacinta come from.

Mary: Cool, I see I can get that job. I can't keep this up, I think I need to pass the batton.
Heath: We'll miss you.
Mary: Why is that?
Heath: Everyone needs a bike ...
05-09-2008, 05:09
Time to Cut the RP!
05-09-2008, 05:34
Day 11 Stage 8, Team time trial Kibbutz to Saint Nash. Distance: 54.8 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Team Qazox 1hr:21min:44 sec
2- Team Sorthern Northland +0:28
3- Team Dannistaan +0:48
4- Team Lovisa +1:01
5- Team kenavt +1:04
6- Team Cafundeu +1:28
7- Team Miroxia +1:32
8- Team Jariss +1:40
9- Team Jeruselem +1:49
10- Team Greal +1:58
11- Team Rennidan +2:06
12- Team Taeshan +2:10
13- Team Dimbubabwe +2:20


1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 34hr:17min:11sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:52
3- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:59
4- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:12
5- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:14
6- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:21
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:22
8- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:27
9- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:38
10- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:40
11- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:58
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:00
13- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +2:09
14- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:12
15- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:37
16- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +2:38
17- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +2:45
18- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +3:03
19- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +3:04
19- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:04
21- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:05
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:17
23- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:18
24- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +3:26
25- John Riddle (Greal) +3:33
26- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +3:55
27- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +4:09
28- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +4:20
29- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +4:22
30- Henry Franks (Greal) +4:30
31- Mya Loro (Jariss) +4:35
32- Suru Young (Miroxia) +4:36
33- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +4:42
34- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +4:47
35- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +4:49
36- Vance Hart (kenavt) +5:03
37- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +5:06
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:41
39- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +5:43

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 11 pts
2- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 10.5 pts
3- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
4- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
4- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
7- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
7- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
7- Robert Can (Miroxia) 2pts
9- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 1pt

Up Next:Day 12 Stage 9: Saint Nash to Saxervilla; Distance: 183 miles.

Preview: The longest Tour stage in Qazox, and riders will feel it as they travel along the lower plains of Qazox to SaxerVilla, the Riviera of Qazox. The temperatures, even this early in the year (ooc: April) can reach 90F, and hydration is key, as the Tour reaches the half-way point.

Wiki page here:
05-09-2008, 16:22
Jariss Renaissance Press
No storm shall silence us

Trouble in Team Time Trials

A bad fall by Kent Tuckerman at the halfway point during the team time trials doomed the Jariss' team's chances for a top finish today. Despite that however the team did manage to finish 8th of the 13th teams involved and calculations showed that a bit over a minute was lost in the crash which could have bumped the team up to the top 3.

As a result of this unfortunate occurance all Jariss riders dropped back in the standings. Best places Lyo Brauli has gone from pushing for the top spot in second to a distant 13th 2:09 back of the leader Leonardo Camargo. While the mountains are usually a problem for our non climbers, it was hoped that a strong time trail could keep Bralui in contention. Now he has some work to do on the flats even though they are his strong point.

As for the other riders Mya Loro is way back in 31st over 4 minutes back and at this point appears content to work on challenging for the sprinter's jersey as she sits in 7th 7.5 points behind the leader Vance Hart. Kent Tuckerman is having no luck at all as he sits third from last over 5 minutes behind the leader.
Sorthern Northland
06-09-2008, 04:19
Tete de la course

A strong team time trial on stage 8 of the Tour de Qazox for the Sorthern team saw their leader Fran Ventoso race into contention for the Tour’s green jersey. Much of the tour so far has been up in the mountains, territory far from suited to the skills of the three strong Sorthern team, and whilst Karl Agnew has managed to stay around the mid point in the general classification his two team mates Mike Caverndash and Fran Ventoso have so far found themselves battling it out at the back for the Lanterne rouge. But now with the race heading into the flatter, faster parts of Qazox the terrain is right for the Sorthern team to launch their charge for stage wins and the green jersey.

That all started with today’s team time trial. A long 88 time trial, it wasn’t going to be a comfortable day in the saddle for the riders, especially when the teams consist of just three members and riders are having to constantly relay to provide a slipstream for their team mates. The Sorthern team had the advantage of being one of the last to leave the start line, and thus knowing how most other teams were faring on the long tough course. As it was it was the home team of Qazox, who set off five before the Sorthern team, who set the time to beat. A large part of that could well have been that riding on home soil and with their own compatriots lining the sides of the roads to cheer them on, they (psychologically) had more than the three team members of everyone else. Every stroke of the pedal they had their own fans cheering them on, willing them to give it that extra one percent. No other team had that. Their time of one hour twenty two minutes and forty-four seconds was always going to be an uphill struggle to beat, and beaten it wasn’t. Most teams fell well short of the mark, and indeed only two teams finished within one minute of the Qazox team. The Dannistan team, who finished the stage in third with a time forty eight seconds slower than the winners were one of those two teams. The other team was the Sorthern team who finished a credible twenty eights seconds slower than the home team. Whilst non of the three riders in the team will be bothered about any time made on the stage, one of them did end the stage with something that could prove vital. Seven points in the green jersey competition for Fran Ventoso, which takes him to third place in the sprint points classification . A stage win and a couple of good finishes and it could be him that is wearing green come the tours finish in Qazox City.
06-09-2008, 04:31
RP CUTOFF.. will be at 1:00am, while results will be posted shortly thereafter. THERE WILL BE NO results up Saturday Nite, as I have family function to go to, so ya'll get 48 hours (or so) to RP, which will count double.
06-09-2008, 06:22
Day 12 Stage 9: Saint Nash to Saxervilla; Distance: 183 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) 6hr:44min:41 sec
2- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:01
3- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:02
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:06
5- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:07
6- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:10
7- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:13
8- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:14
9- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:16
10- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:18
11- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:19
12- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:20
13- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:28
14- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:29
15- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:30
16- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:31
17- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:32
18- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:37
19- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:38
20- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:40
21- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:42
22- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:43
23- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:44
24- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:46
25- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:48
26- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:49
27- John Riddle (Greal) +0:50
28- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:51
29- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:52
30- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:56
31- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:58
32- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:59
33- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:04
34- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:06
35- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:07
36- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:10
37- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:11
38- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:12
39- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:18


1-Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 40hr:01min:58sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:08
3- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:30
4- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:31
5- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:34
6- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:36
7- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:46
8- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:52
9- Robert Can (Miroxia) +2:00
10- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +2:03
10- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:03
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:10
13- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:19
14- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +2:33
15- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +2:59
16- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +3:04
17- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:11
18- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +3:17
19- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +3:30
20- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:46
21- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +4:05
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +4:07
23- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:12
24- John Riddle (Greal) +4:17
25- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:30
26- Henry Franks (Greal) +4:31
27- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +4:59
28- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +5:07
28- Mya Loro (Jariss) +5:07
28- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:07
31- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +5:10
31- Suru Young (Miroxia) +5:10
33- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +5:12
34- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:19
35- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +5:54
36- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +6:07
37- Vance Hart (kenavt) +6:07
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +6:18
39- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +6:26

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 11 pts
2- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 10.5 pts
3- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
4- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
4- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
7- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
7- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
7- Robert Can (Miroxia) 2pts
9- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 1pt

Up Next: Day 13 Stage 10: Saxervilla to Rockport; Distance: 119.8 miles.

Preview: A very fast stage considering the distance. A very scenic ride along Qazox' mainbeach front and a 2000 foot climb over the last 20 miles, which will put just a bit of a burn into the legs and quite possibly the face due to the sun. Speed demons should dominate this one.

Wiki page here:
06-09-2008, 13:03
Jariss Renaissance Press
"No Storm shall silence us"

Brauli Takes Stage!

In what has to be considered a statement run today, last Tour's runner-up Lyo Brauli bounced back from his troubles in the mountains to take stage 9 by beating Larry Armstrong and Sah'fud Ford in the sprint to the line. While his first stage win of the tour did move him back into a tie for 10th place overall he did not gain much on the overall leader. That's because in a strong effort to stay with the front runners Leonardo Camargo, limited his damage with a fourth place finish only 6 seconds behind Brauli. So Brauli still finds himself 2:03 back and Camargo builds his lead to 1:08 over second place Sylwester Niemiec in what may be a record margin of victory if these kind of results continue.

Jariss' other riders had mixed results. Mya Loro had a decent outing finishing 19th though she probably wished to finish closer to the top 10. She is28th overall barely staying in the top 30 but has hopes for a strong showing in tomorrow's stage. Kent Tuckerman continues to struggle to stay in the race as he finished a distant 35th today and is 36th overall out of the 39 rider field.
06-09-2008, 15:01
"That Lyo b****."

"Dude, don't say that," said Connor (no. 19), who naturally hated swear words.

"How could she freakin' win!"

"She's kinda the runner-up," injected Dillian Askyton (No. 8). "She beat me fair and square."

"Guys, we have got to get serious," said Vance (No. 37, green jacket). "No more fooling around with b****es."

"Dude, shut up if you are going to say that!" Connor exclaimed.

"Fine. Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to go get some shut-eye." Vance stomped out of the room.

There was a pause, but then Dillian spoke up. "Yo, Con, you've got to take our center stage now."

"No! Why should I? Look at you, dude!"

"Shut up! I'm trying to go to sleep!" yelled Vance in the other room.

"Face it," said Dillian, not interrupted, "My stages are over. It's your turn now. You're almost halfway in the pack-not too far off to make a difference."

"But you're in eighth!"

"Yes," Dillian started to get exasperated, "But you are the most well-rounded guy here. Besides, I can only climb."

"Well..." Connor started to think about how awesome it would be to win the Tour de Qazox, "Fine. How about we'll have a breakaway at the beginning, to tire the other bikers out, and then I draft on you three to an easy finish?"

"Might need another breakaway at the end," pondered Dillian. "If you can handle the hills."

"I will try." said Connor.

"Go to bed guys!"

"Shut up Vance!"
06-09-2008, 18:43
(from Taeshan Sports Illustrated)

Sign of the Apocalyspe

All three Taeshani Riders in top 20 in Tour De Qazox.
07-09-2008, 01:51
Ahm'bolah studied the timing report on his clipboard, every so often marking some of the times with a pencil. Satisfied, he gave the clipboard to the others to look at.
"We are doing well," he said to Sah'fuh and Kou'fii, "I liked the last days team time trial position. Third for our first try isn't bad. And I liked the times I see today. We are all in the upper part of the overall rankings and in a good strong position."
"Do you think we can keep this pace up though?" Sah'fuh asked.
"As long as we keep calm and concentrate, anything is possible. Remember, cycling is not about outright speed. The coach will keep drumming that into you. It's about consistency. Why did you think the cycling training consisted of many hours of you riding around the velodrome with the coach insisting you get close to the same time for each lap. As long as we remain consistent, this would be a good step."
"Fair enough, but I wish I could ride faster," said Kou'fii, "Until the next mountain stage I won't be much use."
"We cannot be brilliant at everything. That's why you both are on the team. We need a good mix. As long as you do your best, that is all that matters."
07-09-2008, 02:42
Heath was getting a massage when the Dazza Dallas walked in ...

Heath: Hi Dazza ...
Dazza: If it isn't the mountain man, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Heath: Thanks, good to see someone cars about me.
Dazza: Don't the girls know?

Heath: They do but they aren't allowed to be nice to me and give me a presents or a party.
Dazza: Who said that?
Heath: Managements.
Dazza: Meanies!

Heath: No need for presents, all I want to is to win this stage or maybe one of the following ones.
Dazza: You did pretty well last stage.
Heath: Yeah, but 13 seconds is still 13 seconds. 7th is still 7th.
Dazza: How about a Dazza massage!

Masseur: So I can have a break?
Dazza: Yeah, go shopping or something!
Masseur: Oh goodie! (runs off)
Heath: No sex please Dazza.

Dazza: If I was younger but old Bike here isn't what she used to be.


Heath: Wow, you're good.
Dazza: Well, you learn this when you get born in a whorehouse.
Heath: I feel good. All this mountain climbing does bad things to the back.
Mary: Hello, what you doing with Dazza there Heath? I see Dazza has her clothes on still.

Heath: Got the best massage I've ever received for quite a while.
Daisy: Say, can I have one too?
Mary: Count me in too, I'm feeling sore too.
Dazza: Yeah, anything to help the team.


Mary: I feel great!
Daisy: You're the best Dazza.
Dazza: Must go now, have some business!
Heath: Thanks for the help.

Mary: Gee, my back is bit straighter too!
Daisy: Didn't you hear her doing something to your back.
Mary: No, didn't feel a thing.
Heath: Well, my annoying shoulder pain is gone too.

Mary: I want to learn about massage now.
Daisy: Yeah, but I think Dazza's method isn't in the teaching books.
Heath: Parts of it will be in the Carma Sutra.
Mary: We ready for the next thing!

Daisy: I'm ready! Hey, Dazza left a box for you.
Heath: Wonder what's in here?
Mary: Well open it dopey!
Heath: I'm not used to people being nice to me ...

Daisy: Shiney stuff!
Mary: Golden shiney stuff!
Heath: Woah, gold coins. With naked woman on it.
Mary: I think that's Dazza.

Daisy: It's the 100th year ... centenary thing of Jeruselem World Cup coinage - the gold variety.
Heath: Isn't that rare stuff?
Mary: Yeah, but Dazza's probably hoarded a few of her own there.
Heath: No one ever gives me stuff like this ...
07-09-2008, 06:05

The 7th edition of the Tour de Qazox continues, and the Cafundelenses are working hard to mantain the team's good performance in this event. With most of the stages already completed, the ones following our riders must be happy with the individual performance of Leonardo Camargo, although a bid sad at the ones of Larissa Veiga and Sérgio Alvarenga Borges. Cafundéu's team is known for its good team work that helps all the riders together, but this time only one is really performing well.

And, while some would put most of their hopes in the performance of Larissa Veiga, it is the newcomer that is shining during this Tour de Qazox. Leonardo Camargo, the one called to replace the legendary Ricardo Martínez, is really taking the responsibility of substituting a former champion and is fighting for the victory in the event. Maybe he is really the next Martínez, although he prefers to avoid these comparisons, as in his last quote: "I'm the first Leonardo Camargo, not the second Ricardo Martínez."

If he is able to keep his position, this is something we can not guarantee. Larissa Veiga seems to be suffering with the injuries, while Sérgio's bad times in the mountain stages were expected. There are good chances for a Cafundelense to win the Tour, but there is still much time for this, and many events to happen.
07-09-2008, 20:59
"That Lyo b****."

"Dude, don't say that," said Connor (no. 19), who naturally hated swear words.

"How could she freakin' win!"

"She's kinda the runner-up," injected Dillian Askyton (No. 8). "She beat me fair and square."

"Guys, we have got to get serious," said Vance (No. 37, green jacket). "No more fooling around with b****es."

((OOC Lyo Brauli's a he not a she :P ))
Sorthern Northland
07-09-2008, 22:31
Random Guy: “To the bat cave!”

Ventoso: “What the hell are you on about and who are you?”

Random Guy: “Er… I’m one of the teams soigneurs, yes, that’s who I am.”

Ventoso: “We have soigneurs?”

Random Guy: “Yes, or you do now anyway. Now like I like, to the bat cave!”

Ventoso: “What the hell are you on about?”

Random Guy: “Look, here’s my Tourists Guide to Qazox, it says San Guano, home to the country’s largest bat cave. So to the bat cave!”

Ventoso: “Right, well that’s great but we left San Guano days ago.”

Random Guy: “We did?”

Ventoso: “Yeah, it was the start of the time trial stage.”

Random Guy: “Oh it was that place? So that’s why I woke up covered in bat shit?”

Ventoso: “Ah so you’re the guy who follows us round but insists on sleeping in caves? How did you not realise that was the bat cave if you woke up covered in bat shit?”

Random Guy: “I thought it was just bird shit.”

Ventoso: “Right.”

Random Guy: “So if we’re not in San Guano where are we?”

Ventoso: “Saxervilla, one of the towns of the Qazoxian Riviera.”

Random Guy: “Right so what is there to do here?”

Ventoso: “There’s a Sorthern run pub with an outside beer garden.”

Random Guy: “To the beer garden!”
08-09-2008, 04:26
RP cutoff results up shortlyish.
08-09-2008, 05:23
Day 13 Stage 10: Saxervilla to Rockport; Distance: 119.8 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 3hr:57min:56 sec
2- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:01
3- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:02
4- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:04
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:05
6- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:07
7- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:08
8- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:09
9- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:10
10- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:11
11- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:12
12- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:15
13- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:16
14- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:18
15- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:19
16- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:20
17- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:27
18- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:28
19- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:29
20- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:31
21- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:32
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:33
23- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:35
24- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:43
25- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:45
26- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:46
27- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:50
28- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:51
29- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:52
30- John Riddle (Greal) +0:53
31- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:54
32- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:56
33- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:00
34- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:06
35- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:07
36- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:11
37- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:21
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:23
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:29


1- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 44hr:00min:54sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:10
3- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:40
4- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:05
5- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:26
6- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:30
7- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:32
8- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:37
9- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:41
10- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:42
11- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:52
12- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:59
13- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +2:01
14- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:02
15- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:16
16- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:42
17- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +2:48
18- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:55
19- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:20
19- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:20
21- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +3:33
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:40
23- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +4:00
24- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:05
25- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:06
26- John Riddle (Greal) +4:10
27- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +4:14
28- Mya Loro (Jariss) +4:18
29- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +4:20
30- Henry Franks (Greal) +4:31
31- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:03
32- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:09
33- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +5:12
34- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +5:21
35- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +5:23
36- Vance Hart (kenavt) +5:27
37- Suru Young (Miroxia) +5:33
38- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +5:34
39- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:37

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 11 pts
2- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 10.5 pts
3- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
4- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
4- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
7- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
7- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
7- Robert Can (Miroxia) 2pts
9- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 1pt

Up Next: Day 14 Stage 11: Rockport to Bruxen; Distance: 90.6 miles

Preview: The very scenic wine country of Qazox is the backdrop of Stage 11, which is a mountain stage, despite there are no hills over 2500 ft, but 6 of them total in the stage does pose problems for those not suited to the mountains. The distance is short enough so riders at the back shouldn't lose too much time overall.

Wiki page here:
08-09-2008, 14:55
Jariss Renaissance Press
"No Storm Shall Silence Us"

Brauli Yo-Yo Continues

After today's stage Jariss' top contender Lyo Brauli once again moves around the overall classification. After losing a bit of ground in the mountains and team time trial, today Brauli's middle of the pack 17th place finish after his win yesterday moves him back into 6th, 1:30 behind the leader Leonardo Camargo who had a bad outing as several top contenders closed the gap.

In fact today was one of the better days overall for the Jariss squad as Mya Loro turned in best showing of the day as she came in 10th, 11 seconds behind the stage winner as she found herself boxed in the last 200 meters and was unable to join in the sprint to the line. Kent Tuckerman also had his best showing in a long time as he came in 13th a few seconds behind Loro.

Its not certain how the team will react to the rolling hills of tomorrow's stage but it is expected that Brauli will be best able to keep up the pace given his somewhat better climbing legs than the other two, who are merely trying to move up the standings and get into the top half of the field if they can.
08-09-2008, 23:18
((OOC Lyo Brauli's a he not a she :P ))

OOC: Sorry... :p


"Dude!" said Connor da Vincho (No. 16), reading the paper. "We should check out some of these wineries. I mean... isn't that a wine your mom likes?"

"Oh, yah!" Dillian Askyton (No. 9)exclaimed. "She would love some of that... most of that type is fake Paratroopian. Of course, she shouldn't have too much." He paused. "I know! Her anniversary is next week!"

"Really? Well I don't care," said Vance Hart (No. 36, green jacket) as he didn't care. "You know, that minivan is getting rather annoying."

"Do you mind if I get some for her? Oh, and Vance, that's the KMNS van."

"Oh, really?" Vance remarked. "I should say something to them then-yesterday, one of them tried to shove a mike up my nose because I wouldn't talk. I thought it was one of those Secristanis."

"Those guys are pretty weird," capitalized Dillian. "Connor, you should get her some, I can figure something else out."

"Jeez, can you guys believe we're actually here!" exclaimed Connor. "Tour de Qazox 7, stage 11... I've been training my whole life for this with you guys. You guys are the best."

"Well... thanks," said Dillian and Vance.

"So... for tomorrow... Dillian, you will again be somewhat near center stage," Connor continued.

"For once, I agree..." Dillian stopped for a second. "But... you should be near the top as well, since most of my stages are, in fact, over."

"But what about me?" Vance whimpered.

"You're just not useful." said Connor. "And Dillian... let's do it. Vance, we will need some drafting."

"Oh... fine!" he said. "But, sometime, I want to be the center of attention."

"You've got the green jacket, allright? Calm down. That's a great accomplishment for your first year." rebuked Dillian.

"Fine!" Vance sulked out of the room.

"What a crybaby."

09-09-2008, 04:49
Offer of
09-09-2008, 05:19
Day 14 Stage 11: Rockport to Bruxen; Distance: 90.6 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Robert Can (Miroxia) 3hr:14min:41 sec
2- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:04
3- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:05
4- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:08
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:09
6- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:10
7- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:11
8- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:12
9- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:16
10- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:17
11- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:18
12- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:21
13- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:23
14- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:27
15- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:28
16- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:29
17- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:36
18- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:38
19- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:43
20- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:44
21- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:45
22- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:50
23- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:56
24- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:57
25- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:00
26- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:01
27- John Riddle (Greal) +1:02
28- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:03
29- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:04
30- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:06
31- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:07
32- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:10
33- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:15
34- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:18
35- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:20
36- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:21
37- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:26
38- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:27
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:37


1- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 47hr:16min:14sec
2- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:17
3- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:24
4- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:26
5- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:35
6- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:47
7- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:48
8- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:54
9- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:59
10- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +2:05
11- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +2:07
12- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:09
13- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:13
14- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:26
15- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:32
16- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:40
17- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +2:46
18- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +2:54
19- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:58
20- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:39
21- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +3:48
22- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +3:45
23- Mya Loro (Jariss) +3:57
24- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +3:58
25- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +4:01
26- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:02
27- Henry Franks (Greal) +4:11
28- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +4:31
28- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:31
30- John Riddle (Greal) +4:33
31- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +4:42
32- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:56
33- Vance Hart (kenavt) +4:59
34- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:06
35- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +5:16
36- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:34
37- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:37
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +6:20
39- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +6:30

Sprinter Standings:

1- Vance Hart (kenavt) 11 pts
2- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 10.5 pts
3- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
4- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 6 pts
4- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
7- Mya Loro (Jariss) 3.5 pts
7- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 3.5 pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 2 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 0.5 pts

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
7- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
11- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
12- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt

NOTE: Only the top 3 riders listed can win the Climb title, as there is one mountain stage left.

Up Next: Day 15 Stage 12
Individual Time Trial; Bruxen to Bruxen 53.6 miles.

Preview: A lap around Bruxen in southern Qazox, along Highway 34 for the first 35 miles, and along Highway 52 for the final 18.6 miles. Speeds have reached 40+ MPH in the past, but with rain expected the times might slow down a bit. Even with the rain, this favors the faster riders, but isn't too difficult for any rider.

Wiki page here:
09-09-2008, 05:59
Order of finish of the riders in this stage and the calculations of the times for the overall standings seem to be a bit messy this time, Qazox... you should check this.
09-09-2008, 06:23
You are right. ALL OF THE times are correct, I just didn't put them in the correct Order for the Stage results.

SORRY ALL my bad :( :( :(
09-09-2008, 17:21
I think Leonardo Camargo is currently 2nd, 17 seconds behind the leader (Niemec was 10 seconds behind him, and had a 27 seconds advantage in this stage). The other times are correct.
Sorthern Northland
10-09-2008, 02:50
The sun was just beginning to creep through the curtains as Eoin slowly arose from his slumber. For once he hadn't been out drinking last night so managed to get up without falling over. The reason he hadn't been out the night before was that today he was going to Qazox. He was going to see the last few stages of the Tour de Qazox live. Up close and personal, at the Tour de Qazox, the worlds biggest and most famous cycling race. Eoin is a huge cycling fan so this was the stuff of dreams for him. His heroes were people like Mike Caverndash and Fran Ventoso, and in a day or two he'd be standing next to them, cheering them on. Maybe he'd even run along with them for a bit and give them encouragement. Perhaps he'd even finally see one of them win a stage.

"How good would that be?" he thought to himself as the thought of a Sorthern win crossed his mind while he was preparing his breakfast. He did that a lot. Think that is. Well he prepared his breakfast a lot as well, once a day in fact. But he also thought a lot, he’d be doing something and his mind would just wonder. Sometimes things didn’t go well when he did that. Now for instance was one of those times, he noticed that when he looked down and saw flames. “Oh slani!” he thought as the toaster burst into flames. Without thinking he threw his t-shirt at the toaster. That didn’t really help much, if anything it made it much worse. “Slani, slani, slani, slani!” was the thought going through his head. Then he spotted it, the towel on the side, quickly it dunked it under the tap and soaked it before throwing it putting the fire out. He then breathed a sigh of relief. “Not the best way to start the day” he thought to himself as he tucked into his burnt beans on toast.

As he did that he thought some more. About his trip to Qazox, about the Tour, about actually being there, seeing it and being a part of it. He like many Sorthern fans buoyed by optimism from the Olympics had been expecting a few stage wins. So far none had come, would he be there to see the first? He hoped so, indeed Sorthern Northland hoped so, the more the Tour went on, the more time ran out. The more people became nervous, anxious even. After the Olympics, Sorthern Northland were the biggest nation in cycling. Double figures in cycling medals makes that become true. But now, in a proper cycling race, in real cycling, not just turning left round a track they were struggling. They weren’t worrying the other teams in the peloton. Where it had all seemed so good a couple of weeks ago, it now seemed so bleak.

Eoin mused on this as he gulped down the last few beans and leaving a few scrapes of burnt bread. He also mused on the poor quality of the breakfast, he’d probably be hungry by the time he got to the airport. Which reminded him he needed to be getting to the airport. Sharpish, his plane to Qazox was leaving in a couple of hours. At the moment he leapt from the table, rushed into the bathroom and had a quick shower and a wash. Once dry he rushed up this bedroom to grab to suitcase and then out the door to set off to the railway station, then the airport and then Qazox.

“Bruxen here I come, Tour de Qazox here I come!” he thought to himself as he closed and locked the day and set off on his adventure to the worlds greatest cycling race.
10-09-2008, 04:05
RE: Cafundeu: (Yes See what happens when OTHER PEOPLE jibber about and are talking loudly when you are trying to double-check every thing? IT WILL BE FIXED TONITE.)

and cutoff. the RP. Yes you over there. STOP NOW!
10-09-2008, 05:15
Riders left in 2 minute intervals in inverse order of standings. Upon further review of times, Leonardo Carmargo lost only 27 seconds NOT 37 seconds last stage, and is correctly placed in 2nd. We apologize for the error.

Day 15 Stage 12: Individual Time Trial; Bruxen to Bruxen 53.6 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 1hr:17min:46 sec
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:03
3- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:07
4- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:08
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:14
6- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:16
7- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:18
8- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:21
9- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:23
10- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:24
11- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:29
12- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:32
13- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:33
14- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:35
15- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:42
16- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:44
17- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:45
18- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:49
19- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:52
20- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:56
21- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:00
22- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:03
23- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:07
24- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:08
25- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:12
25- John Riddle (Greal) +1:12
27- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:13
28- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:15
29- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:19
30- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:21
31- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:26
32- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:29
33- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:35
34- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:38
35- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:40
36- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:44
37- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:46
38- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:49
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:53


1- Robert Can (Miroxia) 48hr:34min:35sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) + 0:25
3- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:42
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:45
5- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:11
6- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:30
7- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:31
8- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:39
9- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:49
10- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:56
11- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +2:05
12- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:13
13- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:15
14- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +2:17
15- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +2:42
16- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:46
17- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:56
18- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +3:03
19- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +3:07
20- Mya Loro (Jariss) +3:14
21- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +3:18
22- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:23
23- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:28
24- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +3:35
25- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:45
26- Henry Franks (Greal) +3:52
27- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:55
28- Vance Hart (kenavt) +4:05
29- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +4:13
30- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +4:22
31- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:24
32- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +4:40
33- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:43
34- John Riddle (Greal) +4:44
35- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +5:23
36- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:34
37- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:44
38- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +7:04
39- Suru Young (Miroxia) +7:05

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 20.5 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 16 pts
3- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 13 pts
4- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 6.5 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
8- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) 4.5 pts
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 2.5 pts
NOTE: With only 1 Sprint stage left, only the TOP 3 in the Sprint standings can win the Green Jersey.

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
7- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
11- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
12- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt

NOTE: With only 1 Climb Stage left, only the TOP 3 riders in the Climb Standings can win the Red Jersey.

Up Next: Day 16 Stage 13
Bruxen to Lorax City; Distance: 152 miles.

Preview: A Tour rarity, a debuting stage. Riders will skirt the eastern end of the Qazian desert and will decend to Point Werth at -53 ft below sea level, the lowest point in Qazox, before climbing out of the Werthian Depression and climbing up to Lorax City, home to most of Qazox' Welsh population.

Wiki page here:
10-09-2008, 07:01
Heath: I'm glad that's over ...
Dazza: You don't like time trials?
Heath: Not really, not my cup of tea.
Dazza: You didn't do too badly.

Heath: I'm no cycling superhero.
Dazza: Maybe next time.
Heath: Maybe I need to work my other skills more.
Dazza: Maybe you need a new management team!

Heath: Well, we got a cut in the training budget recently.
Dazza: Yeah?
Heath: Yes, you'd think putting MORE money in would be the way.
Dazza: So where'd the money go?

Heath: Marketing ...
Dazza: I haven't seen any marketing. I watch lots of TV!
Heath: Well, I guess ... parties.
Dazza: No one invited me to these parties.

Heath: I thought you'd be invited.
Dazza: Yeah, considering I'm a sponsor!
Heath: Anyway, so we train less these days.
Dazza: And the rationale was?

Heath: So our bikes break down less from less training.
Dazza: Might as well not train
Heath: That's it, stupid reason.
Dazza: Oh well, no wonder we never finish anywhere near the top these days.

Heath: The boss thinks we get paid too much too.
Dazza: But you guys need 2nd jobs just to be cyclists
Heath: Stupid I think, I have work in another job to pay for my time here. Might as well play football.
Dazza: Gone are them glory days.

Heath: Mary has two rich kids so she doesn't need to worry about money.
Dazza: True, true!
Heath: And I heard Daisy is a dancer in one of nightclubs.
Dazza: Not bad money that, guys give great tips there ...

Heath: You know, sometimes I feel like giving up because the Management aren't supportive anymore. All they think about is cutting costs.
Dazza: And they are spending my money too.
Heath: Yes, wrong priorities.
Dazza: I'll make sure there's change for next tour.
10-09-2008, 19:14
Jariss Renaissance Press
"No storm shall silence us."

Good Day For Jariss
Despite not winning the stage today during the individual time trials the Jariss squad put in a very good effort. For the second straight day Kent Tuckerman finally seems to be finding his legs after some horrible days in the mountains. A second straight top 11 finish which has moved him up slightly into 31st and may mean that barring any major pitfalls he should avoid the last place spot in this year's tour.

The top rider of the day was Mya Loro and her 7th p[lace finish. However while good enough to pick up points in the sprinter's competition she will fall well short of her goal of winning as she is currently 9th and can not catch the leader at this point. However the flats have brought her back up into 20th spot overall.

The best placed rider Lyo Brauli had another disappointing middle of the pack finish today, something he can;t afford if he wishes to make another run at the podium. For the third straight day we've had a new leader as Robert Can puts on that jersey with the two Dimbubabwe riders hot on his heels in second and third. As for Brauli he dropped to 6th 1:30 back of the leader and most likely needs to win another stage if he wants to make up some ground before the finish.
Sorthern Northland
11-09-2008, 01:57
Dear diary,

So I’m finally here, me Eoin Mac Donnchadh, is finally at the Tour de Qazox! Saw my first stage today, the first time I’ve ever seen a bike race live. It was a time trial though which sucks arse. I was about halfway round the course and there was a good view. Saw all the Sorthern cyclists, including Mike Caverndash on his way to fifth place in the stage. My God, is he fast or what!?

Was a bit of a controversial stage as well. Leonardo Camargo for example managed to fall off his bike next to where I was standing. He then blamed me for! Apparently I threw the peel from the banana I was eating in front of his bike. Why would I want to harm a Caf cyclist? It’s not like Sorthern Northland and Cafundeu have had any disagreements on bikes before? I also managed to knock Mary Sallad of her bike as well. Her racing bike that is, not the other bikes she has. She just laughed and got back up though and still finished in a decent time. I was hoping the pistachio would stop her a bit more than that to be honest. Also took some rubber chickens to sacrifice as to give the Sorthern riders some luck. Was a bit over enthusiastic with the sacrificing though and one of the chickens slipped out of my hand. That one knocked John Nathanial from Qazox off which meant he finished second last. The locals seem to be a bit annoyed with me since. Can’t work out why, it was a clearly an accident.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s stage, it’s a new one so it’ll be interesting to see who the first winner is. And it’s going to Lorax City! I’ve got some Welsh cousins who live there, maybe I’ll see them. It’s a really long stage as well and through the desert so whoever wins will need plenty of endurance and stamina. Mind you, with the climb at the end none of the Sorthern riders have a chance. Oh well, maybe the stage after.
11-09-2008, 04:07
11-09-2008, 04:32
Day 16 Stage 13: Bruxen to Lorax City; Distance: 152 miles

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) 5hr:44min:26 sec
2- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:10
3- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:11
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:13
5- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:15
6- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:16
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:23
8- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:26
9- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:27
10- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:29
11- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:31
12- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:33
13- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:40
14- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:42
15- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:43
16- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:45
17- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:46
18- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:53
19- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:54
20- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:57
21- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:58
22- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:59
23- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:02
24- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:03
25- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:05
26- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:07
27- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:08
28- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:10
29- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:11
30- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:13
31- John Riddle (Greal) +1:15
32- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:25
33- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +1:27
34- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:28
35- Vance Hart (kenavt) +1:33
36- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +1:34
37- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:36
38- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +1:38
39- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:44


1- Robert Can (Miroxia) 53hr:01min:22sec
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) + 0:12
3- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:16
4- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:40
5- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:43
6- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:58
7- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:14
8- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:23
9- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:46
10- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:55
11- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +2:09
12- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +2:18
13- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:24
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +2:33
15- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:35
16- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:41
17- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +2:44
18- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:03
19- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +3:19
20- Henry Franks (Greal) +3:25
21- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +3:28
22- Mya Loro (Jariss) +3:31
23- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:35
24- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +3:43
25- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +3:51
26- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +4:38
27- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +4:42
28- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:47
28- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +4:47
30- Vance Hart (kenavt) +4:56
31- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +5:07
32- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +5:09
32- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +5:09
34- John Riddle (Greal) +5:17
35- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +6:12
36- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +6:17
37- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +6:19
38- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +7:33
39- Suru Young (Miroxia) +7:36

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 20.5 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 16 pts
3- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 13 pts
4- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 6.5 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
8- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) 4.5 pts
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 2.5 pts
NOTE: With only 1 Sprint stage left, only the TOP 3 in the Sprint standings can win the Green Jersey.

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
7- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
11- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
12- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt

NOTE: With only 1 Climb Stage left, only the TOP 3 riders in the Climb Standings can win the Red Jersey.

Up Next: Day 17 Stage 14
Lorax City to Pika City; Distance: 166 miles.
Preview: The last long stage of the Tour as riders travel through the Qazian desert, and temperatures are expected to reach the low 100's. But only the first 25 miles are in the desert, while the rest of the stage cuts through the lowlands of the Kive River Valley.

Wiki page here:
11-09-2008, 19:56
QSPN2 Tour de Qazox 1939 Coverage

There only a few stages left in this years' Tour, While the Blue jersey alternated between Cafundeu and Dimbubabwe for most of the stages so far, Robert Can of Miroxia currentyl wears it. For the first time in a while, Qazox' riders are in contention, with Danni and Craig Nathaniel are in the top 10 and Danni leads the Sprint competition as well. With only short stages left, can the Nathaniel Siblings bring home Qazox' first Tour title in over 25 years? Or will they fall short once again. For answers to these questions, and more, tune into QSPN2 live every day at 7:00am for wire-to-wire coverage of every stage.
11-09-2008, 20:22
Sign of the apocalysp Taeshani riders still in top 20
12-09-2008, 04:20
12-09-2008, 04:59
Day 17 Stage 14: Lorax City to Pika City; Distance: 166 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Henry Franks (Greal) 6hr:03min:11 sec
2- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:01
3- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:09
4- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:12
5- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:13
6- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:15
7- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:17
8- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:18
9- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:19
10- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:28
11- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:30
12- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:31
13- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:32
14- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:34
15- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:35
16- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:40
17- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:43
18- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:44
19- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:45
20- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:46
21- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:47
22- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:48
23- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:49
24- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:51
25- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:52
26- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:53
27- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:55
28- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:56
29- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:05
30- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +1:06
31- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:08
32- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:13
33- John Riddle (Greal) +1:15
34- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:18
35- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:28
36- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:30
37- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:32
38- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:34
39- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:40


1- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 59hr:05min:13sec
2- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:12
2- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:12
4- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:26
4- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:26
6- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:35
7- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:50
8- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:51
9- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:03
10- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:25
11- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:28
12- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:35
13- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:43
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:44
15- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:05
16- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:14
17- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:18
18- Mya Loro (Jariss) +2:26
19- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:28
20- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:32
21- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +2:40
21- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +2:40
23- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:43
24- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +3:01
25- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +3:02
26- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +3:40
27- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:53
28- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +4:19
29- Vance Hart (kenavt) +4:21
30- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +4:31
30- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:31
32- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +4:38
33- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:54
34- John Riddle (Greal) +5:12
35- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +5:27
36- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:43
37- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +5:52
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +6:29
39- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +6:56

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 20.5 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 16 pts
3- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 13 pts
4- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 6.5 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
8- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) 4.5 pts
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 2.5 pts
NOTE: With only 1 Sprint stage left, only the TOP 3 in the Sprint standings can win the Green Jersey.

Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts
2- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
3- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
4- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 13pts
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
5- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
7- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 8pts
7- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
10- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
11- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
11- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
12- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt

NOTE: With only 1 Climb Stage left, only the TOP 3 riders in the Climb Standings can win the Red Jersey.

Up Next: Day 18 OFF DAY
Then: Day 19 Stage 15: Pika City to Carlovia; Distance: 83 miles.

Preview: A quick trip through the Devil's Hills (its just a name), with 4 separate climbs totaling 1700 feet, the final mountain stage is not difficult. With only 2 stages after this, the final push to Qazox City begins.

Wiki page here:
12-09-2008, 14:04
Jariss Renaissance Press
"No storm shall silence us"

Brauli Storms Back
After a pair of strong runs including a second place two stages ago Lyo Brauli now finds himself in third place in the tour 12 seconds behind the once and now back to current leader Sah'fuh Ford and tied on time with Robert Can who led going into the stage but had a poor showing finishing third to last and losing all of the lead he had built up going into the stage. With only three stages remaining Brauli has an excellent chance of winning the tour this year.

In other good news Mya Loro had the best finish of the Jariss team with her 6th place finish 15 seconds behind the stage winner. This finish moves her up into 18th though at 2:26 back she has no realistic chance of even reaching the podium though a top ten finish is possible as she is only a minute out of 10th place. As for Kent Tuckerman, he's continued his better second half of the tour with a solid 18th place finish which has moved him into a tie for 30th and should be enough to make him safely free from a last place finish in his first tour.
13-09-2008, 02:56
Poiuytrewq Free Press

Sign of the Apocalypse:

Connor da Vincho has not died of... something... from the Tour de Qazox 7, World Cups 41 and 42, the III Summer Olympiad, World Bowl III, and the International Basketball Championships I and II.

Of course, all that being true could also be seen as a sign. Don't forget that.
13-09-2008, 03:59
RP Cutoff (sorry I couldn't think of a pithy saying to attach to the letters today.:( )
13-09-2008, 04:55
(ooc: NO i did not make a mistake in determining this stage's results. It just seems that way based on the criteria I was using to determine the times. I doubled checked it and it is correct. Sorry if it seems wrong.)

Day 19 Stage 15: Pika City to Carlovia; Distance: 83 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 2hr:45min:12 sec
2- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:07
3- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:14
4- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:17
5- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:19
6- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:21
7- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:23
8- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:30
9- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:32
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:33
11- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:35
12- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:36
13- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:39
14- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +0:40
15- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:42
16- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:43
17- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:45
18- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:48
19- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:50
20- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:51
21- John Riddle (Greal) +0:53
22- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:02
23- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:03
24- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:05
25- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:06
26- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +1:08
27- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:13
28- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +1:14
29- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:16
30- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:20
31- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:21
32- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:23
33- Robert Can (Miroxia) +1:26
34- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:29
35- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +1:31
36- Henry Franks (Greal) +1:40
37- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:42
38- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:43
39- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +1:50


1- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) 61hr:51min:39sec
2- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:23
3- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:24
4- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:29
5- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:33
6- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:36
7- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:46
8- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:54
9- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:59
10- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:04
11- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:18 CLIMB CHAMPION
12- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:39
13- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:40
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:43
15- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:45
16- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:48
17- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:50
18- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:54
19- Mya Loro (Jariss) +2:17
20- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +2:20
21- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:24
22- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +2:29
23- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:31
24- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +2:32
25- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:34
26- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:18
27- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:24
28- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +3:40
29- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:50
30- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:57
31- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +4:15
32- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:25
33- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:28
34- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +4:32
35- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +4:38
36- John Riddle (Greal) +4:51
37- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:11
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +5:29
39- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +5:59

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 20.5 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 16 pts
3- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 13 pts
4- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 6.5 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
8- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) 4.5 pts
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 2.5 pts
NOTE: With only 1 Sprint stage left, only the TOP 3 in the Sprint standings can win the Green Jersey.

Final Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts CLIMB CHAMPION
2- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 23pts
3- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
4- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
5- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 15pts
6- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
8- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
9- Suru Young (Miroxia) 5pts
11- Daniel Hardy (Greal) 4pts
12- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
12- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 3pts
14- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
14- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
14- John Nathaniel (Qazox) 2pts
17- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt
17- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) 1pt

Congrats to Przemysław Lang for winning the TdQ7 Climber Title!

Up Next: Day 20 Stage 16: Carlovia to Las Vitas; Distance 87.5 miles.

Preview: The last real test for the riders before the final stage. Riders travel up the Sein River towards Qazox City, but then veer eastward along the StoneWall Memorial Parkway through Vitas National Park. While a quick stage, the riders will face a small difficulty in Vitas National Park, as the last 2 miles of the stage are on dirt trails.

Wiki page here:
13-09-2008, 23:33
Mary: Hey Dazza!
Dazza: If it isn't the Sallad Bike.
Mary: I'm retiring, I can't do this anymore.
Dazza: So, what are you going to do?

Mary: I want to be on TV
Dazza: Doing what?
Mary: Anything
Dazza: Well, Naked News Jeruselem need a on-the-streets reporter.

Mary: What does that involve?
Dazza: Talking to be people about nothing wearing nothing
Mary: Sounds alright, doesn't need a lot of intelligence.
Dazza: We need a new weather girl but I don't you can grasp that one right.

Mary: Anything else
Dazza: Well, I have some jobs at Radio Dallas.
Mary: But I want be on TV like my kids.
Dazza: You try for being a host on THE FOOTBALL LIFE

Mary: I don't know much about football.
Dazza: Your kids teach you.
Mary: You think I look good nude?
Dazza: Yeah, but no fat people on my Naked News. You gotta be a hottie.

Mary: Cool, I'll try for that first.
Dazza: You'll be alright.
Mary: Thanks, you're a friend.
Dazza: Say, are we related?

Mary: I don't think my Mum Sam is related.
Dazza: I have a feeling we're related.
Mary: Why is that?
Dazza: Your kids and my kids are too similar.
14-09-2008, 04:02
14-09-2008, 04:36
Day 20 Stage 16: Carlovia to Las Vitas; Distance 87.5 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 2hr:53min:23 sec
2- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:02
3- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:03
4- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:05
5- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:06
6- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:08
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:10
8- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:12
9- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:15
10- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +0:16
11- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:18
12- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +0:20
13- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:21
14- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:24
15- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:25
16- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:27
17- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:31
18- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:32
19- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:33
20- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:35
21- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:36
22- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:38
23- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:47
24- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +0:48
25- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:50
26- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:52
27- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:53
28- John Riddle (Greal) +0:56
29- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:57
30- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +0:58
31- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +1:00
32- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +1:01
33- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +1:06
34- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +1:07
35- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +1:09
36- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:10
37- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +1:14
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +1:15
39- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +1:20


1- Robert Can (Miroxia) 64hr:45min:26sec
2- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:07
3- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:18
3- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:18
5- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:32
6- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +0:46
7- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +0:53
8- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:01
9- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:05
10- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:06 CLIMB CHAMPION
11- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:29
12- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:32
13- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:34
14- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:47
15- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:48
16- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:59
17- Mya Loro (Jariss) +2:03
18- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +2:06
19- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:13
20- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:14
21- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:15
22- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:18
23- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:25
24- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:32
25- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +2:49
26- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:23
27- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +3:24
28- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:30
28- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:30
30- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +3:55
31- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +4:08
31- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:08
33- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +4:53
34- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +4:57
35- John Riddle (Greal) +5:15
36- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +5:26
37- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:40
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +6:12
39- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +6:33

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 20.5 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 16 pts
3- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 13 pts
4- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
5- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 6.5 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 6 pts
6- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
8- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
9- Mya Loro (Jariss) 4.5 pts
10- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts
11- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 2.5 pts
NOTE: With only 1 Sprint stage left, only the TOP 3 in the Sprint standings can win the Green Jersey.

Final Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts CLIMB CHAMPION
2- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 23pts
3- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
4- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
5- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 15pts
6- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
8- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
9- Suru Young (Miroxia) 5pts
11- Daniel Hardy (Greal) 4pts
12- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
12- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 3pts
14- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
14- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
14- John Nathaniel (Qazox) 2pts
17- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt
17- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) 1pt

Up Next: Day 21 Stage 17: Las Vitas to Qazox City; Distance: 63.6 miles.

Preview: The Final stage. A trip up the Sein River from Las Vitas to Qazox City, traveling along Stonewall Blvd. to Qazian Memorial Stadium, and then one lap around the stadium, and on to the finish line and the end of the Tour. With so many riders within striking distance of the lead, this still is anyone's race and no one knows who will eventually claim this year's title. (OOC: the last stage will count towards the Sprint championship)

Wiki page here:
14-09-2008, 13:05
Jariss Renaissance Press
"No Storm Shall Silence Us"

Last Chance For Brauli

After a disappointing 20th place finish which saw him drop further behind the leaders, Lyo Brauli has one last chance to try and win the tour he finished second in the year before. Now having dropped to 5th 32 seconds behind the new old leader Robert Can, Braukis must win the stage tomorrow to have any chance. And with multi-stage winner Sah'fuh Ford ahead of Brauli in the overall classifications he is going to have very tough going trying to make up that much time. As the stage is a sprinter's day as well, teammate Mya Loro is expected to have a better chance of taking the stage than Lyo does.

Still he's only 14 seconds behind the Nathaniel brothers from Qazox so a top 3 podium spot is still within his grasp with a good performance tomorrow if his legs cna hold up for one last dash. Both Kent Tuckerman and Mya Loro had good runs finishing 9th and 11th respectively today but neither are in the running for an overall spot with loro best places at 17th and Tuckerman back tied for 31st.
14-09-2008, 14:16
Daisy: I did good!
Mary: Yeah, pity it's too late to get anywhere.
Daisy: Well, I think it's pretty much over.
Mary: It's time to retire.

Daisy: We'll miss you!
Mary: I'm no good at this, I never win stuff.
Daisy: You're not the worst around, just average.
Mary: Well, you're young! You have a few more years ahead of you.

Daisy: No sitting at home doing nothing?
Mary: Me? The kids can take of themselves. I need to work still.
Daisy: Well, good luck with the career.
Mary: I'm hoping Dazza can help out.

Daisy: Cycling isn't for old people.
Mary: Yeah, all this climbing mountains isn't that good for you.
Daisy: Good thing, we don't do this all the time.
Mary: Good thing my kids play football.
15-09-2008, 04:03
For one last time:

Cruelity is
Unwise and
15-09-2008, 04:56
(ooc to Jariss Danni Nathaniel is FEMALE)

Day 21 Stage 17: Las Vitas to Qazox City; Distance: 63.6 miles.

The Overall Leader will be in BLUE through out the TOUR, and the Climb/Sprint Leaders will be in RED/GREEN (respectively) through out as well, in the overall standings. The Stage Winner will be in BOLD (Stage Results only) and the Defending Champion will be in BOLD ITALICS in both sets of standings. The rider in Blue in the Stage Results, was the Rider in 1st place overall before the stage began.

1- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 1hr:48min:53 sec
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) +0:02
3- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +0:03
4- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:04
5- Mya Loro (Jariss) +0:05
6- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +0:06
7- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +0:07
8- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +0:08
9- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +0:13
10- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +0:14
11- Henry Franks (Greal) +0:15
12- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:17
13- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +0:19
14- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +0:20
15- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +0:22
16- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +0:26
17- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:28
18- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +0:30
19- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +0:33
20- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +0:34
21- Suru Young (Miroxia) +0:36
22- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +0:37
23- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:43
24- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +0:44
25- John Riddle (Greal) +0:46
26- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +0:47
27- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:48
28- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +0:49
29- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +0:50
30- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +0:51
31- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +0:53
32- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +0:54
33- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:57
34- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +1:00
35- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +1:02
36- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:05
37- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +1:06
38- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:10
39- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:13


1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 66hr:34min:41sec (also Sprint Champion)
2- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) +0:02
3- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) +0:24
4- Robert Can (Miroxia) +0:35
5- Lyo Brauli (Jariss) +0:53
6- Karl Agnew (Sorthern Northland) +1:13
7- Clive Brito (Rennidan) +1:16
8- Larry Armstrong (Taeshan) +1:33
9- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) +1:34
10- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) +1:44
10- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) +1:44
12- Mya Loro (Jariss) +1:46
13- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) +1:48
14- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) +1:49 CLIMB CHAMPION
15- Sebastien Bruel (Lovisa) +1:54
15- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) +1:54
17- Alan Zimmerman (Taehsan) +1:55
18- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) +1:57
19- Henry Franks (Greal) +2:06
20- Mary Sallad (Jeruselem) +2:29
21- Pedro Alacoa (Lovisa) +2:46
22- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) +2:53
23- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) +2:58
23- John Nathaniel (Qazox) +2:58
25- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) +3:02 (please see note below)
26- Vance Hart (kenavt) +3:10
27- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) +3:11
28- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) +3:21
29- Heath Stamforger (Jeruselem) +3:33
30- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) +3:54
31- Kent Tuckerman (Jariss) +4:08
32- Ahm'bolah Fi'erth (Dannistaan) +4:24
33- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) +4:50
34- Moyles Twess (Rennidan) +5:11
35- Bob Satchy (Rennidan) +5:19
36- John Riddle (Greal) +5:39
37- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) +5:57
38- Suru Young (Miroxia) +6:26
39- Daniel Hardy (Greal) +7:00

Note: Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) is awarded the green Jersey due to #1; Danni Nathaniel winning the Tour, and #2; finishing ahead of Vance Hart (kenavt) in the Overall Standings, but Danni Nathaniel is still offically the Sprint Champion.

Sprinter Standings:

1- Danni Nathaniel (Qazox) 24.5 pts SPRINT CHAMPION
2- Maciej Szmyd (Dimbubabwe) 23 pts
2- Vance Hart (kenavt) 23 pts
4- Mike Caverndash (Sorthern Northland) 11.5 pts
5- Mya Loro (Jariss) 7.5 pts
6- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 7 pts
6- Sérgio Alvarenga Borges (Cafundeu) 7 pts
8- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 6 pts
9- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 5 pts
10- Clive Brito (Rennidan) 4.5 pts
11- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 3 pts

Final Climb Standings:

1- Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) 25pts CLIMB CHAMPION
2- Kou'fii Mas'ah (Dannistaan) 23pts
3- Sylwester Niemiec (Dimbubabwe) 17pts
4- Dillian Askyton (kenavt) 16pts
5- Larissa Veiga (Cafundeu) 15pts
6- Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu) 12pts
6- Robert Can (Miroxia) 12pts
8- Connor da Vincho (kenavt) 8pts
9- Bastian Schlager (Lovisa) 5pts
9- Suru Young (Miroxia) 5pts
11- Daniel Hardy (Greal) 4pts
12- Matt Xocan (Miroxia) 3pts
12- Fran Ventoso (Sorthern Northland) 3pts
14- Jacques Martoon (Taeshan) 2pts
14- Daisy Cartwheeler (Jeruselem) 2pts
14- John Nathaniel (Qazox) 2pts
17- Vance Hart (kenavt) 1pt
17- Craig Nathaniel (Qazox) 1pt

Wiki page here:

The TOUR Superlatives and awards will be post a bit later on.
15-09-2008, 05:36
The Qazoxian Press Corps Best of TOUR awards:

BEST OVERALL RIDER (based on Point System): Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan) 65.5 pts.


MOST IMPROVED RIDER: Larry Armstrong (Taeshan)

BEST YOUNG RIDER (Rider under age of 25): Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu)

BEST STAGE PERFORMANCE: (tie) Sah'fuh Ford (stage 3) and Przemysław Lang (Dimbubabwe) (stage 7).

MOST POPULAR RIDER (as voted on Danni Nathaniel

MOST SEXIEST MALE RIDER (as Voted on Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu))

MOST SEXIEST FEMALE RIDER (as Voted on Bob Satchy (Rennidan)



VERONICA FORRESTER MEMORIAL AWARD (best Female Rider): Mya Loro (Jariss) (due to Danni Nathaniel winning the tour)


Danni Nathaniel becomes 2nd woman to win Tour and 1st Qazoxian to win the international Tour (First was Kylie Kool in 1917).
Danni Nathaniel becomes 1st person to win both Tour and Sprint Titles at the same tour.
Danni Nathaniel becomes 2nd rider ever to win the Tour without previously wearing the blue jersey at any time during the Tour. (Previous occurance: Sam Duprey 1895)
Most days wearing Blue Jersey- (7) Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan)
Most stage wins- (3)- Sah'fuh Ford (Dannistaan).
Most days spent in Top 5- (13) Leonardo Camargo (Cafundeu).
Closest International victory margin (Previous Record: +0:12 in 1915 by Henry Critten over Ricky Pointy Stick).
(12) Stage winners.
Qazox and Cafundeu tied for most riders in Top 10 with 2 each.
Sah'fuh Ford finished in the Top 3 in 7 stages, setting new record. (Old Record: 6- by 8 riders, most recently: Bastian Schlager, 1938)