NationStates Jolt Archive

Federation Newswire, news from the Altan Steppes

The Altan Steppes
21-07-2008, 16:28
(OOC: ongoing news thread. Feel free to post IC responses to articles. No other posts or spam please.)

New government is seated

NATASCORA - The new government of the Altan Steppes officially took charge of the country today, with the seating of the Federation Congress.

The Congress took up residence today in its newly built home, the Hall of Legislation and Oratory ( The Hall is the first building in the new capital of Natascora to officially open for business. While most other government buildings in the capital are operating, no others have formally opened yet.

President Alana Kasimira addressed the first session of Congress at the opening, pledging to work with the new legislative body in "the spirit of multiethnic and multiparty cooperation and compromise for the mutual benefit of all of our citizens". In that vein, the first congressional committee was announced, the Congressional Subcommittee for National Security. The new committee will be led by Kasimira's former opponent for president, Congressional Majority Leader Jinella Agaranth of the New Altan Party. The committee's task will be to oversee efforts to improve security and ensure that anti-federation sympathizers are weeded out of the security and defense forces.

"Counter-federationist forces, though they are a very small portion of the population, can still present a threat to our nation, as King Aelkyn and his family can attest to," Agaranth said, referring to the recent assassination of Crown Father Cianar. "We must, and will, do everything possible within the remit of the law to eliminate such forces and secure our nation," she said. Agaranth also said that planned reductions in police and military spending by the Kasimira administration "will still take place, although they will most likely be much smaller than originally planned".

Kasimira echoed Agaranth's statement in her speech, saying that "while it is unfortunate that there are still threats to our security, we cannot ignore the fact that they exist".

"As much as we may wish we lived in an ideal world, we don't. We have to continue to remain vigilant and steadfast in our determination to uphold the will of the people and the rule of law," the President added.

The Congress, in its first official act, passed a resolution declaring the landmark central tower of the Hall of Legislation and Oratory the Crown Father Cianar Memorial Tower, in honor of the former Altanari King.
The Altan Steppes
22-07-2008, 17:27
Security committee proposes loyalty oath

NATASCORA - The Congressional Subcommittee for National Security, by a vote of 9-2, passed a measure today calling for all Federation employees and servicemen to sign a "loyalty oath" guaranteeing they will not act against the government. The measure is scheduled to go before the full Congress for a vote today.

Subcommittee chairwoman Jinella Agaranth, NAP-Nara, said that the measure would help promote loyalty to the new nation and would provide a legal means to remove anyone planning "seditious acts" from the Federal Service.

"Such a measure is necessary given the fact that there are still pockets of resistance to the new reality in our population, specifically in our government, police and military services," Agaranth said. "As long as there are those who are unwilling to accept the new order of things and threaten the use of force, we need to take measures to secure the rule of law against them," she said.

President Alana Kasimira said that if the bill is passed by Congress, she will sign it. This came despite objections from her own Vice-President, Aliri Margal, who decried the measure as "the sort of thing that wouldn't be out of place in a fascist state".

Even if Margal's party, the ASWJP, and other smaller parties vote against the measure, it will most likely pass if the Liberal Party backs the NAP in voting for it.

Text of proposed loyalty oath: "I solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution and laws of the Trilateral Federation of the Altan Steppes. I further swear that I will not advocate, promote or support any beliefs or acts contrary to the wellbeing or stability of the Trilateral Federation or its citizens, including but not limited to the use of violence, force or other unlawful acts against the Federation or its citizens. I further swear that I will not participate in, or support, any group, society, organization or party which advocates, promotes or supports such acts or beliefs. I further swear that I will support and defend the Trilateral Federation against all enemies, foreign or domestic. I make this pledge with the understanding that any act of deception or misrepresentation on my part shall permanently disqualify me from any form of employment, service, renumeration or compensation from the Government of the Trilateral Federation, and may also subject me to further penalties under the law. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion."
The Altan Steppes
23-07-2008, 16:56
Loyalty oath passes in Congress

NATASCORA - Despite strong objections from several smaller parties, the "loyalty oath" bill passed a full Congressional vote today.

CB1, Oath to Ensure Loyalty of Federal Service Members, passed by a vote of 266-145, with 9 abstentions. President Kasimira signed the legislation soon after it passed in Congress, making it the first new law approved by the Federation government.

The Altan Civil Liberties Association announced plans to sue the government over the oath immediately after the President signed the law into effect. The ACLA claims that the law is unconstitutional.

Vote breakdown by party:
NAP - 145 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstention
ALP - 56 in favor, 50 opposed, 7 abstentions
AGP - 10 in favor, 49 opposed
PB - 29 in favor, none opposed
ASWJP - none in favor, 25 opposed
ACU - 26 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention
ASWP - none in favor, 12 opposed
ACP - none in favor, 6 opposed

Final vote: 266 in favor, 145 opposed, 9 abstentions
The Altan Steppes
01-08-2008, 19:39
Nobility to be re-established

CELAVAN - Government officials in Altanar and Akamia today announced plans to re-establish a nobility in their respective states.

The original Altanari and Akamian noble families, with the exception of the Aranathas, Krytellin and Inimena families, were either killed off during the civil war three years ago or fled the country after being charged with treason. Re-establishing noble lines will restore tradition and give the people in the constituent states a symbol of pride to rally around, Akamia's King Ikinar said.

"At its best, the nobility stood for honor, fairness, justice and tradition," the Akamian King said. "By restoring a nobility which will embody those values, we'll be restoring a vital piece of the rich historical fabric of our nation."

The kings of Akamia and Altanar, respectively, will be choosing who will be given the noble title of Count. Each county in Altanar and in Akamia will have a Count, or Countess. While these nobles will not have any political power or have access to taxpayer funds, they will serve a vital role as symbols and examples, Altanar's King Aelkyn said.

While most people seem content with the idea of restoring the nobility since it will not be paid for by the public, not everyone is happy with the idea. Federation Vice-President Aliri Margal criticized the decision as a "recidivist backslide into oligarchial concepts of some people being better than others". Her comment led to a rare criticism from King Aelkyn, who said that "the Vice-President may want to remember that the Constitution of the Federation makes it clear that whether or not constituent states want to re-establish a nobility is really none of her business".
The Altan Steppes
05-08-2008, 16:40
Loyalty oath trips people up

editorial by Kieran Kasparak, Nalioka Daily Record

It is estimated that as many as 5,000 Federal Service employees have been discharged for refusing to sign the loyalty oath since it was enacted. This is the story of one of those former employees.

Kerai Meshan used to be a Federation Police Service officer stationed in Kyrinia. He was a good officer, too, according to fitness reports and evaluations he received. So why isn't he a FPS officer anymore? He refused to sign the now infamous loyalty oath, and was fired for "willful nonperformance of an essential job requirement".

Since being fired, Meshan has been unable to find a job anywhere else. The reason given for his termination from the FPS is similar to being given a dishonorable discharge from the military. It has virtually guaranteed that no one will hire him, especially when potential employers find out why he was fired.

"It's like saying I'm incompetent and a traitor all at once," Meshan said when I first met him, at a homeless shelter where he was staying. He had just been kicked out of his apartment for not having the rent.

"No one will hire me. And since I got fired for willful nonperformance, I've been told I'm not eligible for unemployment benefits either. I've got no way to make a living now. What in the seven hells am I supposed to do?" Meshan asked me.

That seemed like a good question to ask Congressman Berian Kirel, ALP-Kyrinia. Congressman Kirel represents Meshan's district, and is one of the nine Congresspeople on the security subcommittee who voted for the loyalty oath. As we talked in his plush office in the new Hall of Legislation and Oratory, it became clear very quickly that Congressman Kirel was anything but sympathetic to Meshan's story.

"Being in the Federal Service isn't a right, it's a privilege. While I'm sorry that Mr. Meshan has had a hard time since being separated from the Service, he made that choice himself. What's so hard about pledging to not overthrow the government and to defend the nation against its enemies?" Kirel asked me.

When I explained to the Congressman that being asked to sign a "loyalty oath" violates a moral principle for many people, Kirel scoffed. "There's far more important moral principles at stake here," he said, waving a finger at me. "The moral principles of patriotism and loyalty outweigh the effete objections of those seeking to defend an abstract principle of some imagined freedom that they think is being violated."

When I tried to explain just how surreal it was to hear such words coming from a Liberal Party politician, the frown on Kirel's face made it clear that he just didn't get it. That, unfortunately, seems to be the case for many of my fellow citizens. And that does not bode well for the future of the putative democracy we are trying to build.

That leaves me with another question, for our President, Alana Kasimira. During her campaign, she said that she would always listen to our people. I wonder if she hears Kerai Meshan while she sits in her fancy new presidential home in Natascora. I wonder if the combined voices of the 5,000 people who've lost their careers, and often much more, because they wouldn't sign an oath that would warm the heart of the worst slavedriver or fascist overlord, penetrate the thick walls of Sheloran House.

From what I've seen so far, it doesn't seem like President Kasimira can hear them.
The Altan Steppes
21-08-2008, 22:24
Authorities move against anti-Federation groups

NATASCORA - In what the government dubbed Operation Sure Justice, Federation law enforcement authorities engaged in a series of coordinated raids today against the remnants of Akamian separatist and Altanari nationalist groups opposed to the Federation.

The operation was led by Federation Security and Intelligence, and included Federation Police and local police forces, according to Secretary of National Security Heram Kashar. The secretary indicated that the operation was spurred by the recent assassination attempt on President Alana Kasimira. The operation centered on rural areas in Altanar, as well as the cities of Draskatar and Ektar in Altanar, and the cities of Celavan, Gennor and Nara in Akamia.

Information released by the government said that two Akamian separatists and three Altanari nationalists were killed in the operation. 25 Akamians and 13 Altanari reportedly suffered injuries, and over 150 people were arrested. Government forces suffered no deaths and only five minor injuries in the operation, Kashar said.

The list of those killed or arrested included much of the top leadership of the Altanari National Front and the Akamian Independence Force, the two main groups still actively fighting the Federation.

"With the success of Operation Sure Justice, we have shown that we are not only capable of destroying any counter-Federation terrorists, but that we have the decisive will to do so," Kashar said. "We have broken the back of these criminal terrorist groups by decapitating their leadership today," he added.
The Altan Steppes
26-08-2008, 03:55
Former Altanari colonies to become counties

Feds negotiate status change with Altanari government

AEL KHALAS - King Aelkyn announced today that the former colonies of Antarctic Altanar and Poivre Atoll will become full counties of Altanar, rather than the loosely defined "Dominions" that they currently are.

The status change is the result of an agreement between the Altanari state government and the Federation government. The agreement was signed to settle a lawsuit by a group of Dominion residents, who claimed that the Dominion status violated their rights under the Federation constitution.

President Alana Kasimira, who signed the agreement on behalf of the Federation government, praised the Altanari King for his "willingness to compromise".

The agreement is expected to finally put an end to the issue of Altanar's former colonies, which had sparked a rebellion ( a year before Kasimira's election.
The Altan Steppes
28-08-2008, 17:47
Ban on abortion passes Federation Congress

Opponents of ban promise lawsuit

NATASCORA - A near-total ban on abortion in the Altan Steppes became law today, after President Alana Kasimira refused to veto or sign the measure.

CB47, The Upholding the Sanctity of Life Act, passed by a margin of 211-207. The conservative bloc of Congress, led by the New Altan Party, voted in favor of the measure, while the liberal bloc, led by the Altan Liberal Party, voted against it largely along party lines. The measure was fiercely debated on the floor of Congress, with the NAP finally managing to push through a cloture motion and end a filibuster led by the Altan Social Welfare and Justice Party after several days of discussion. The ASWJP legislators staged a walkout after the bill passed.

The new law bans all abortions in the Altan Steppes, except for cases of rape or incest. It also requires that the parents be notified in the event that someone younger than age 17 requests an abortion. While the new law does not require parental consent, it does allow constituent states or counties to impose such a requirement.

"This new law is a clear declaration that the people of the Altan Steppes believe in the value of life and in personal responsibility," Congressional Majority Leader Jinella Agaranth, NAP-Nara, said after the bill passed. "A child is not something to be discarded like an old pair of socks."

President Kasimira had spoken against the measure, but chose not to veto it once it passed Congress. The measure thus became law without her signature, outraging ASWJP legislators, who threatened to leave their coalition with the Liberal Party. The President cited recent polls showing that as many as 75% of people in the Altan Steppes supported the measure, and said that "even though I may not like it, I wasn't elected to subvert the will of the people".

Immediately after the law took effect, the Altan Civil Liberties Association, the ASWJP and the Altan Womens' Rights Project announced that they were filing a lawsuit seeking to overturn the measure. "This paternalistic and backwards law is a clear violation of the rights that women are guaranteed under the Federation constitution," Seyahat Karshi, leader of the AWRP, said. "It's especially shameful that this infamy was perpetuated by a woman through her criminal inaction," Karshi said, referring to President Kasimira. The President refused to comment on Karshi's statement.
The Altan Steppes
03-09-2008, 19:49
News briefs

Drexanar sentenced to life in prison

The assassin of Crown Prince Cianar was sentenced today to life in prison without possibility of parole by an Altanari constituent state court.

Arel Drexanar, a former Aranathan Guardsman with the rank of tercero, was convicted of killing the Crown Father while attempting to assassinate President Alana Kasimira at her inauguration. Drexanar received his sentence today from Ael Khalas County Judge Mark Warren after a jury deliberated less than an hour before declaring him guilty.

Drexanar declined to give a statement after his sentencing, despite having the right to do so. Others were far more outspoken.

"You killed a far better man than you in your sheer incompetence, while trying to assassinate the chosen leader of our nation. There is no better fate for you than to sit in a cell for the rest of your life and contemplate your failure and your infamy," King Aelkyn, Cianar's son, said after the sentencing. Drexanar would neither speak or acknowledge the King as he gave his statement.

"The infamy of what you did will far outlast you, but thankfully, it will also far outlast any effect you or those like you could possibly hope to have on Altanar, or on the Federation, and you will get to spend the rest of your life contemplating that," Warren said in handing down the sentence.

Prosecutors had initially sought the death penalty for Drexanar, but changed it to life without parole at the King's request. "I want him to sit in jail and suffer. I don't want him to have the easy way out that death provides," the King said earlier this year. Drexanar's lawyer said that her client will not appeal the judgment to higher courts. "I think (Drexanar) wants to martyr himself. I wash my hands of the whole thing," Jenna Pakala, his lawyer, said.

Five members of the Altanari National Front, who were suspected of conspiring with Drexanar to assassinate Kasimira, were killed earlier this month by Federation Police after a gunfight that lasted nearly an hour. Federation authorities are still working to hunt down and arrest other members of the banned group.

Margal praises Kasimira in effort to mend ALP-ASWJP split

Vice-President Aliri Margal praised President Alana Kasimira today for taking what the Vice-President called a "strong and principled stand" on marriage legislation just passed by the World Assembly. "It's good that we have a President who isn't afraid to stand before the international community and promote the values of the Altan Steppes - equality, justice and fairness," Margal said.

The WA legislation, the Freedom of Marriage Act, was strongly supported by Margal's party, the Altan Social Welfare and Justice Party. Kasimira made a brief statement in support of the legislation to the WA through the nation's ambassador, Jaris Krytellin. Krytellin also noted after the vote that Kasimira had "given him some definite nudges" to make sure that he reiterated the Federation's support of the legislation as vocally as possible.

Margal's praise was taken by observers as a sign that she is trying to prevent the widening split between the ASWJP and Kasimira's party, the Altan Liberal Party. Many ASWJP members are still angry with Kasimira for not vetoing a recent near-total ban on abortion passed into law by the Federation Congress, and have been threatening to end their coalition with the ALP. Even with her praise, though, Margal couldn't resist giving the President a nudge of her own. "I certainly hope to see the President take such strong and principled stands in the future on all issues," Margal said in response to a reporter's question concerning Kasimira's "inaction" on the abortion vote.

While the ASWJP continues to threaten to abandon their coalition with the ALP, most observers don't think they will go through with their threat. "We need to ally with the ALP to get anything we want passed in Congress," one ASWJP legislator said, requesting anonymity. "All of the other parties are too small except the NAP, and they're a bunch of right-wing pricks, so we're kind of stuck with the ALP," he added.
The Altan Steppes
11-09-2008, 18:54
Constituent state news

Kerasa criticizes Akamian government spending

The Merin Palace is at the center of corruption claims.

CELAVAN - One of Akamia's most well-known activists lashed out harshly at the Akamian constituent state government today, accusing it of "blatant and shameless corruption".

Jamir Kerasa, the leader of the Akamian Alliance, sharply criticized both King Ikinar and Prime Minister Jalothi Vinrabin in a speech to other activists in the Akamian capital. "We've replaced Altanari imperialism with an even worse imperialism - that of our own people robbing us blind and bleeding us dry like leeches," Kerasa said.

Kerasa cited the renovation of the Sivanti Palace, now the home of King Ikinar, as an example of "rampant cronyism". The project cost an estimated 123 million Altani Credits, and Kerasa claimed that many of the contractors on the project were "front companies" controlled by the King, Prime Minister and their political allies. Kerasa also took exception with the renovation of the Merin Palace, the home of the Akamian legislature. That project cost an estimated 148 million Altani Credits. Kerasa claimed that both projects actually cost Akamian taxpayers far more than the government said, and that there was evidence of "massive under-the-table payments" from the Akamian government to third parties. The two projects were part of a slew of government renovations and new construction in the Akamian capital and other cities.

Prime Minister Vinrabin defended the construction as necessary "in order to give Akamia government centers its people could be proud of." The Prime Minister also said that Kerasa "is welcome to present proof of his allegations, if he has any" and warned that Kerasa could be facing charges of slandering and libeling the government if he does not do so.

Vacationing at his summer home in Isilkara, King Ikinar refused to comment at all on Kerasa's accusations.
The Altan Steppes
19-09-2008, 21:44
(news story from Celavan Daily Journal)

Kerasa asks Feds to investigate government spending

CELAVAN - The leader of the Akamian Alliance political party formally asked the Justice Department to launch an investigation into Akamian government spending today.

In a letter sent to Secretary of Justice Garen Brennas, AA chairman Jamir Kerasa repeated earlier accusations that Akamian officials, including King Ikinar and Prime Minister Jalothi Vinrabin, are pocketing massive amounts of tax revenue through front companies used in government construction projects. The letter also said that the AA was requesting Federal intervention "because the courts and police here in Akamia are either in the Prime Minister's pocket or are afraid to investigate these crimes".

The Justice Department, so far, has declined to intervene. "Constituent state spending is a matter that is left to constituent state governments under the Federation constitution, and as of right now, we do not have a legal or legitimate reason to interfere," Secretary of Justice Garen Brennas said in a reply letter. Brennas did, however, state that the Justice Department "would be watching this matter closely and will urge the appropriate Akamian authorities to investigate these claims".

Prime Minister Vinrabin responded today by saying that Kerasa "is slandering this government because he didn't get to be Prime Minister like he thought he was entitled to" and because the Akamian Alliance "failed miserably" at gaining seats in the government, currently dominated by supporters of Vinrabin's Akamian Ascendance movement. Vinrabin also repeated an earlier threat to arrest Kerasa for making "patently false and illegal accusations" against the Akamian government.
The Altan Steppes
23-09-2008, 22:55
Report: Attrition hitting C-state forces hard

Many leaving for Fed service

Secretary of Defense Ahara Jennik shakes hands with Secretary of Infrastructure Simon Wilkinson at the unveiling of a new recruiting campaign for the Federation Defense Forces. Critics claim the Federal Service is "gutting" other services to staff itself.

AEL KHALAS - A report by the Department of Constituent State Affairs is being cited by critics who are upset by the Federation government's tactics at recruiting new employees.

"The best and brightest in constituent state service and municipal service are leaving in droves for the Federal Service, which is seen as more lucrative and more prestigious," Undersecretary of Constituent State Affairs Khivali Shaymardan said in his report. The CSA report indicated that local police are seeing "significantly increased turnover", as well as constituent state police forces such as the Royal Altanari Police and the Akamian Police Service. The report also noted "significant and ongoing churn" in the Royal Altanari Defense Forces and the Akamian Armed Forces, two constituent state defense forces that make up the State Reserve Forces along with Argali troops. The only region that the report said was not seeing increased turnover is Argalia, where locals "seem to have a marked reluctance to join the Federal Service", according to the report.

The report was supposed to be for internal viewing only, but was leaked to the AKUS Media Group by a CSA employee.

The leaders of several municipality and county governments, as well as constituent state officials, cited the report as evidence that the Federal Service "isn't playing fair" in its recruiting.

"They're going after our most talented and experienced people, throwing money at them and telling them that constituent state services are obsolete and the Federal Service is the future," Ael Khalas County Governor Akmamed Nurberdy, chair of the Local, Municipal and Constituent State Government Council, said. "I had one commander in the Royal Altanari Police tell me that he was told that the RAP is a dead-end job, and he ended up switching over to the FPS," he added. Nurberdy said that local and constituent state governments are having a harder time meeting their service goals because of employee turnover.

The Department of the Treasury is currently in charge of the overall Federation recruiting campaign. Secretary of the Treasury Mishin Kasarek defended the recruiting efforts, saying that claims of underhanded conduct are "too ridiculous to even address". Kasarek said that the Federation government had to offer benefits and salaries higher than average for the public sector "in order to be competitive with big companies and the private sector" in seeking employees. Kasarek said that the Federation government "would be able to meet any dropoff in service" from constituent state governments due to employee attrition, but added that he thinks such claims are "overstated".
The Altan Steppes
24-09-2008, 20:47
Shocker in Akamia: upstart party seizes control

Ascendance movement upends Akamian Alliance
Prime Minister Jalothi Vinrabin's movement now has control of the Parliament.

CELAVAN - In a stunning upset, the recently formed Akamian Ascendance movement eked out a narrow victory over the Akamian Alliance in the first elections for the Akamian Parliament. The Ascendance movement captured 122 seats, the Alliance 118, and other parties snagged 10 seats.

The Akamian Alliance, inheritor of the mantle of Akamia's struggle for independence from Altanar, was widely expected to win a majority of seats in the legislature. However, the Ascendance movement, which was only formed a year ago, has leveraged its platform of Akamian nationalism and skepticism of the Federation to attract younger voters. The Ascendance movement has also lured many Akamians who are still upset by what they see as Altanari cultural imperialism and dominance of the Federation.

With the election results, Prime Minister Jalothi Vinrabin, founder of the Ascendance movement, now has a Parliament that should be friendly to his government. "This is a great day for all Akamians. Today, we asserted our right to build Akamia into a great state and to reaffirm our culture and what it means to be Akamian," Vinrabin said. Vinrabin said that his administration will now "be able to cut through red tape and actually govern".

Unbowed in defeat, Jamir Kerasa pointed out that the Ascendance victory in the parliamentary race was "hardly a mandate" and pledged to fight the Vinrabin government "tooth and nail, with every last ounce of our energy, to the very gates of the seven hells if need be".

"A four-seat margin of victory is not a mandate. We will not allow a movement of criminals, backsliders and backwards fools to destroy everything we've built in Akamia," Kerasa added, repeating earlier accusations that the Ascendance movement is anti-Federation.

In other constituent state election news, the Royalist Party won a supermajority of seats in the Altanari Peoples' Assembly as expected, trouncing the Altanari Unity Party and furthering the AUP's woes post-Federation. The RP won 245 of the 300 seats in the Assembly, leaving just 50 for the AUP and 5 for other parties. The Royalist Party is expected to continue the staunch support for the Federation that King Aelkyn has made the foundation of his reign in Altanar.

The Altanari Unity Party, once the strongest political party in Altanar, "committed political suicide" by opposing the Federation and the King, Royalist Party chairwoman Gelisa Gurbulgan said. "We're hammering the final nails in the coffin of the moribund separatist and nationalist stupidity that the AUP represents, one election at a time," Gurbulgan added. The AUP refused to comment on the election results, other than issuing a terse statement from party chairman Jared Ashworth that said the AUP "had a lot of work to do".

While on her state visit to Snefaldia, Federation President Alana Kasimira issued a statement of congratulations "to everyone who took part in this latest example of democracy at work in the Altan Steppes" and pledged to work with both the Akamian and Altanari governments. Kasimira said that she hopes that both governments "are willing to work with us, as is required by the Federation Constitution," in what some interpreted as a cautionary statement to Vinrabin.
The Altan Steppes
02-10-2008, 18:50
Splits remain within Federation society

Kieran Kasparak, Nalioka Daily Record

Outside of the sprawling and more renowned cities of the Altan Steppes, an entirely different world exists. Places like Celavan, Ael Khalas, Astrival, Kyrinia and Nalioka present the modern, progressive, bustling face of the Federation to the world. But between those cities, massive stretches of windswept steppe separate rural hamlets and industrial hinterland cities like Staria, Draskatar, Nara and Ektar. In those places exists the other Altan Steppes - the one that has resisted change since time began, and the one that troubles observers of the Federation.

While people in places like Celavan, Ael Khalas and Nalioka have embraced the Federation, their brethren in more rural areas and smaller cities have not quite followed their lead. I sat down with Xeriel Kharjan, the dean of the Altan Studies and History department at the University of Akamia-Celavan, to discuss the lingering splits in Altan society.

Tradition, harsh justice in Altanar

While there is a definite resentment among rural Altanari, and those in more conservative cities such as Ektar and Draskatar, Kharjan characterized it as a "passive resentment". Kharjan said that their resentment was unlikely to manifest itself as any kind of unrest unless the government were to do something to raise the ire of people in those areas.

"People in the rural areas and the more conservative northern Altanari cities, like Draskatar and Ektar, are definitely unhappy that the old order has gone away. However, while they're unhappy and even furious with Altanar's King for leading their nation down this road, obedience and veneration for the monarch is deeply bred within Altanari society. As long as King Aelkyn continues to support the Federation, and there are no catastrophies like a major economic collapse or major unrest, they're not likely to do much more than mutter under their breath about the good old days while they're having a few beers at the local bar," Kharjan said.

The quickness of both Altanari authorities and the Federation government to slap down any overt sedition has also cast a chill on any would-be revolutionaries in Altanar, Kharjan said. "Recent police and military operations have sent a pretty clear signal to anyone wanting to stir up trouble that their efforts will amount to the equivalent of a bug hitting the windshield of a speeding 18-wheeler," Kharjan said. "That tends to discourage people from trying to pick a fight." Kharjan cited the recent Operation Sure Justice as just one example of the government "hammering down loose nails" in Altanar.

An even harsher justice in Argalia

The bug-on-windshield analogy is also fitting to describe the situation in Argalia, Kharjan said. "There have been some dissenters within the Argali clans, most notably among the Khazaran and Akan clans," Kharjan said. "But the new Clanmaster, Kishar Aymara, made it clear quickly that any Argali who opposes the Federation will be 'dealt with', as he put it," Kharjan said. "The way the Argali 'deal with' dissenters within the clans usually involves a sword and someone's head no longer being attached to their neck. That also goes a long way towards discouraging people from causing trouble," Kharjan said. "The Argali, like the Altanari, also have a long tradition of obeying the guy in charge and not rocking the boat. As long as Aymara backs the Federation, the government should be able to keep even a people as resistant to outside rule as the Argali in line."

Altanar's former colonies: towing the line?

"Altanar's former colonies, which have just been made full-fledged counties, are an interesting case also," Kharjan said. "There's still a hell of a lot of resentment among the former colonists about how Altanar's government responded to their rebellion. Getting the hell bombed out of you tends to do that. If Jinella Agaranth, the mastermind of the boneheadedly stubborn response to the colonial rebellion, had won the Federation presidency, the government would've had its hands full keeping the Poivre Altanari and Antarctic Altanari from rebelling more. But since Alana Kasimira won, she's made it a point to address their grievances. If it wasn't for her personal intervention with Altanar's King, they would probably still be colonies right now. They may be unhappy with Altanar, but they'll back the Federation to the last man because of what Kasimira did," Kharjan said.

Akamia is ascending, but to where?

"The splits within Akamian society are the most troubling," Kharjan said. "The Ascendance movement has only been around for a year, but they're already challenging the 100-year-old Akamian Alliance for power. The ability of the Ascendance movement to gain power so quickly is a clear sign that there are still many Akamians who are not content with the Federation or their place in it," Kharjan said. "The political rivalry between the Ascendance movement and the Akamian Alliance is also becoming very bitter, and does not portend well for the future stability of Akamian society," Kharjan said. "You've also got the same split between more liberal and conservative areas here. Cities like Celavan, Astrival and Isilkara tend to back the Alliance, while places like Nara, Gennor and Shisheli tend to back the Ascendance movement. There's a brutal political battle taking place right now between the two groups for control of Nara, and Agaranth, who's now a Federation Congresswoman from Nara, has thrown her weight behind the Alliance, complicating matters even more," Kharjan said.

Kharjan said that the rise to power of the Ascendance movement, and particularly the new Prime Minister, Jalothi Vinrabin, is something that the Federation government needs to watch closely. "Just a few years ago, Jalothi Vinrabin was a first-year member of the Celavan Municipal Council. Now he's running all of Akamia. Someone doesn't gain power that quickly because they're a nice guy," Kharjan said. "The rhetoric and ideology of the Ascendance movement are also troubling, because they emphasize Akamian nationalism. That's the very thing we're supposed to be trying to get away from with the Federation," Kharjan said. "Vinrabin is capitalizing on the resentment and the damaged self-esteem that many Akamians still feel after a century of Altanari dominance and control to gain power for himself. That's a dangerous thing," Kharjan said. "Mark my words: if anything does happen that threatens the survival of the Federation, it won't happen in Altanar or Argalia. It'll happen in Akamia," Kharjan added. "You have two different and radically opposed groups who want to lead one nation in two different directions. That never works."
The Altan Steppes
07-10-2008, 22:41
Opposition: Akamian leaders pressuring police, judges

CELAVAN - The Akamian Alliance, the minority party in the Akamian Parliament, alleged today that some high-ranking Akamian leaders are pressuring the police and judicial services to drop investigations into alleged corruption within the constituent state's government.

At a press conference today, Alliance leader Jamir Kerasa said that his party has received "multiple complaints" from both officers in the Akamian Police Service and investigators with the Akamian Ministry of Justice. The complaints claim that higher-ups within those organizations have ordered them to ignore corruption allegations against King Ikinar, Prime Minister Jalothi Vinrabin and other high-ranking Akamian officials associated with the Ascendance political movement. Kerasa said that the Alliance has also received complaints from prosecutors and judges making similar claims.

Kerasa declined to name specific individuals by name, citing the fact that many of them are still employed with the Akamian government and "are justifiably afraid of losing their jobs or worse". Kerasa said that the Alliance is "putting its case together" and will present it publicly soon.

"Vinrabin and his cronies are pillaging the taxpayers' pockets with one hand while strangling justice with the other. But soon, we will reveal the corruption that lies at the heart of this so-called Ascendance movement," Kerasa said. Kerasa also sharply criticized the Federation Justice Department for not getting involved, saying that "by not acting, (President) Kasimira and (Justice Secretary) Brennas are complicit in this corruption". Kerasa claimed that high-ranking officials are siphoning off tax revenue from both the Akamian and Federation governments for their own use. In addition to recent renovation projects of government buildings, Kerasa claimed that several oil and gas facilities operated by the Akamian government are diverting revenue from sales to high-ranking leaders.

The claims of skimming are beginning to alarm some Federation officials as well. Treasury Secretary Mishin Kasarek said today that his department will begin reviewing the revenue the Federation government has received from the Akamian government.

Prime Minister Vinrabin continued to deny the allegations, calling them "politically motivated" and "fueled by the bitterness of the opposition that thought it had a stranglehold on representing the Akamian people". The Prime Minister also flatly said that the Federation government "had no right" to investigate his government's spending.
The Altan Steppes
09-10-2008, 17:57
News briefs

Abortion ban upheld by Fed Court

NATASCORA - The Federation Court, the nation's highest court, ruled today by an 8-3 margin that a national ban on most abortions does not violate the Federation Constitution.

Opponents of the ban, led by the Altan Civil Liberties Association and the Altan Womens' Rights Project, cited the Charter of Inalienable Rights in their lawsuit. They claimed that the clause Rights of Equal Treatment, which bans "discrimination or unequal treatment based on gender (physical or self-identified), ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, language, national origin, religion, or political belief", made the ban unconstitutional due to what they claimed was unequal treatment of women.

Writing the majority opinion, Chief Justice Manar Kenae blasted their argument as "patently ridiculous", saying that there was no discrimination involved. "The laws of the Federation do not allow a man to kill their child, any more than they allow a woman to kill their child. The claim that a ban on abortion somehow discriminates against one gender or the other is insulting to our intelligence," he wrote, adding that "this Court, with good reason, is more concerned about the rights of our unborn and young citizens who find themselves at risk of having their lives ended before they even begin if this ban is overturned". Kenae also cited the provisions in the ban that still allow abortion in the case of rape or incest as adequate protection for Altani citizens.

Addressing the second portion of the lawsuit, the requirement that parents of children under 17 be notified if their child seeks an abortion, Kenae said that the law "does not require parental consent, only notification. Upholding a parent's right to know what their child is doing is not an infringement on the rights of the minor."

Writing the minority opinion, Justice Merila Khaybargan said that the ban "is a blatant interference with the rights of our female citizens, and a clear expansion of government authority into an area that should be left to our individual citizens to decide for themselves".

Poll: Most satisfied with nation's direction

AEL KHALAS - A recent poll conducted by the AKUS Media Group and NDRGroup indicates that most people in the Altan Steppes are satisfied with the direction the nation is heading under the Kasimira administration.

Poll results for question: "Is the Federation heading in the right direction under the Kasimira administration?"
Altanar: 78% satisfied, 15% dissatisfied, 7% don't know/undecided
Akamia: 65% satisfied, 30% dissatisfied, 5% don't know/undecided
Argalia: 72% satisfied, 21% dissatisfied, 7% don't know/undecided

When asked about specific policy areas, those polled gave the Kasimira administration high marks for increasing funding for healthcare and education, as well as social welfare and social equality programs. Many also expressed satisfaction with the Federation government's continued high funding levels for police and the military.

Some of those polled, however, expressed dissatisfaction with recent tax increases to fund the new spending. Taxes on the average Altani citizen have increased 20% since Kasimira took office. Some of those polled also expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of funding in the current budget for environmental initiatives. Upon taking office, the Kasimira administration created a new Cabinet-level Department of Environmental Stewardship. Despite this, however, environmental spending is very low and the Secretary of Environmental Stewardship, Akiri Rainwater Baraseth, has publicly complained that the Kasimira administration and Congress are not giving his department enough funding to do its job.

Some of those polled in Akamia also expressed frustration at the Kasimira administration's hands-off approach to the ongoing political turmoil in that constituent state.
The Altan Steppes
13-10-2008, 20:53
Loyalty oath lawsuit fails

NATASCORA - In its second high-profile case in as many weeks, the Federation Court today ruled by a 9-2 margin that the "loyalty oath" passed by Congress is legal.

The Altan Civil Liberties Association had sued the government, alleging that the oath was unconstitutional because it discriminated against Federation citizens who didn't want to take such an oath for religious, political or personal reasons. The ACLA claimed that the oath violated the Rights of Equal Treatment clause of the Charter of Inalienable Rights. Writing the majority opinion, Chief Justice Manar Kenae ruled that the oath fell under the clause of the Charter mandating that rights "shall be restricted only for legitimate and significant reason, by laws that apply generally and not to a specific individual or group, and only after approval by the branches of the Federation government and after due process of law".

"The Oath to Ensure Loyalty of Federal Service Members qualifies as a restriction that is necessary and approved by due process and thus is not a violation of the Charter," Kenae wrote.

The ruling marks the second defeat for the ACLA in its recent lawsuits against the Federation government. The ACLA had also sued over the national ban on abortion. ACLA chairman Arsalan Koshani was critical of the court's rulings. "By applying the oath only to Federal Service members, this is clearly a law that applies to a specific group and not generally. The abortion ban is another law that only applies to a specific group, women, and not everyone. What good is the Charter if the courts refuse to enforce it?" Koshani said after the ruling.
The Altan Steppes
21-10-2008, 19:37
Kasimira backs off pledge to cut military, police spending

NATASCORA - President Alana Kasimira backed off her campaign pledge to cut military and police spending today, instead signing a new spending bill sent to her by the Congress.

CB206, Omnibus Spending Legislation of 2008, set the budget for most Federation departments for the coming 2009 fiscal year. It continues to fund most departments at the levels initially set by the Kasimira administration at the beginning of the President's term. The projected 2009 budget by government function is listed below; departments receiving less than 1% of the budget are not listed.

Social Welfare: A$1,375,823,826,096.72 (11%)
Healthcare: A$2,001,198,292,504.32 (16%)
Education: A$2,501,497,865,630.40 (20%)
Defense: A$2,876,722,545,474.96 (23%)
Law & Order: A$2,876,722,545,474.96 (23%)
Commerce: A$250,149,786,563.04 (2%)
Public Transport: A$125,074,893,281.52 (1%)
Social Equality: A$375,224,679,844.56 (3%)

The new budget is expected to please most people, but has already sparked protests from the Liberal Party's coalition partners, the Social Welfare and Justice Party and the Green Party. The ASWJP wants more money allocated for social equality, and is upset at the 30% tax rate increase under the Kasimira administration. The AGP, meanwhile, is threatening to bolt the coalition over the lack of funding for the Department of Environmental Stewardship. The Altan Conservative Union is also trying to block legislation in Congress due to the rising tax rate, but was not able to block the spending bill.

President Kasimira said that she shares the ASWJP and AGP concerns, but cited "ongoing regional tension and domestic security issues" as taking precedence for now.
The Altan Steppes
28-10-2008, 23:36
Regional tension rising, the Altan Steppes braces for conflict

NATASCORA - With regional tensions threatening to draw the Federation into conflict, Altani officials and civilians alike are bracing for possible war, while hoping to avert it at the same time.

Regional tensions between two of the Federation's neighbors, AlkebuLan and BariyaKhem, have put the Federation in the middle of a potential war. President Alana Kasimira would not confirm an AIMS story that cited anonymous sources who said that the Federation is accelerating a military buildup dating back to the previous administration of Jinella Agaranth. While the Federation itself is not at odds with either party to the conflict, many in the Altan Steppes are worried that the Federation may be drawn into the conflict.

Those fears were escalated when a Bariyan military vessel entered Altan Steppes waters in what TFAS Fleet Admiral Ranell Arzu described as a "provocation". The Northern Home Fleet of the Federation Navy was mobilized as a result, and the Federation Defense Forces were placed on standby status, with leaves for military personnel cancelled.

President Kasimira has called on both sides to meet with her in an attempt to mediate the crisis, but those efforts have not borne fruit so far, as neither side seems interested in negotiating.

Defense Secretary Ahara Jennik said today that the Federation "will remain neutral, but is also prepared to defend itself".

One side effect of the rising tensions has been a marked easing of ethnic and geographic tensions within the Altan Steppes itself, as outside threats turn peoples' minds away from internal squabbles. The recent political clashes in Akamia, in particular, have eased greatly as both sides have agreed to put their differences aside and work together to defend the Federation if needed.
The Altan Steppes
29-10-2008, 20:40
Vice-President Margal assassinated

NATASCORA - Federation Vice-President Aliri Margal died today, hours after being shot by an assassin while inspecting work camps on Wailele Island, an ungoverned territory outside the Federation. Vice-President Margal was there as part of a government mission investigating claims of worker mistreatment.

The attack occurred at 12:15 am Wailele Island time. According to witnesses, a worker affiliated with the "Northerner" sect of the nation of AlkebuLan fired three shots at the Vice-President as she was walking with her entourage. The Vice-President was rushed by military transport to the Federation Military Hospital at Astrival, but died soon after arrival, government spokesperson Altynshash Tileukhan said. AlkebuLian officials, who were in charge of the Wailele Island work camps, took the alleged assassin into custody.

President Alana Kasimira said that Margal was "a noble and compassionate woman, a longtime friend and colleague, and her loss will be deeply felt by all of us in the Altan Steppes." Kasimira ordered a weeklong official period of mourning throughout the nation. Kasimira also announced that she had temporarily appointed Shayla Garturban, the vice-chairman of Margal's Social Welfare and Justice Party, as acting Vice-President until new elections are held.

Protests over the Vice-President's death have broken out throughout the Altan Steppes, with members of the SWJP leading them. However, the protests also have members of other political parties, and average citizens, angrily demanding justice.

"Aliri was a good woman who was traveling there (to Wailele Island) to help people, and this is what she gets? Where was the security? Where is the justice?" Garturban shouted angrily to the crowd at a rally in Natascora. Those sentiments were echoed by Jaresh Sikim, head of the Altan Conservative Union, normally bitter rivals to the SWJP. "We had our differences, but I always respected Aliri as a leader who fought for what she believed in, no matter what. This death is a tragedy and an insult to the Altan Steppes, and those responsible for it must be brought to justice, whoever or wherever they are," Sikim said.

The Kasimira administration has sent a formal request to AlkebuLan to allow the Internal Security Service and Federation Police Service to send investigators to question the alleged assassin, and has also formally demanded that the assassin be extradited to the Altan Steppes to face trial. "This individual has committed the gravest of crimes against the Federation. We need to know how and why he was able to get a weapon and get so close to Aliri. We need to bring him and anyone who aided him to trial. They cannot be allowed to escape our justice," Kasimira said.

In response to the assassination, the Federation Defense Forces have gone from Defense Condition Yellow, which they had been placed at following foreign incursions into Altani waters, to Defense Condition Red - one step above a formal declaration of war. Green is the peacetime defense condition.

Defense Secretary Ahara Jennik said that all Federation soldiers, including reservists, have been called up for mobilization. "To any state or other entity that is behind the Vice-President's death, I have only this to say: we will find out who you are, and when we do, you will face the ultimate justice," Jennik said.
The Altan Steppes
06-11-2008, 01:30
Federation troops enter Greenlandic territory

At the request of the government of Greenlandic People, Federation troops entered that nation today in a bid to halt a civil war that has broken out there.

The Alpha Brigade of the Federation Guards, attached to Strike Group Alpha, came ashore today with the intent of forming a barrier between government and rebel forces. "Our goal is to provide a neutral force that can halt the fighting and get both sides to start talking, as President Kasimira has offered to mediate between the two sides," Brig. Gen Temirkhan Kuanyshbek, Alpha Brigade commander, said. The Alpha Brigade is part of an advance force that could be reinforced by Federation Army soldiers attached to the 1st Mobile Infantry Division if needed. The 1st Mobile Infantry has 20,000 soldiers, but Kuanyshbek said that he hopes the additional forces will not be needed.

"We're hoping to be seen as a neutral party who can stop the fighting so that President Kasimira and other regional partners can bring both sides to the negotiating table," Kuanyshbek said. He warned, however, that Federation forces will respond if they are attacked. "We'd rather be peacekeepers, but we can be peacemakers if we have to," Kuanyshbek said.
The Altan Steppes
17-11-2008, 00:41
News briefs

Peace accord reached during Greenlandic summit

NATASCORA - The Federation has successfully negotiated a peace accord to end the civil war in the neighboring nation of Greenlandic People.

President Kasimira led negotiations between the government and rebel sides in the dispute. New elections will be called in Greenlandic People to resolve the political crisis there, and will be watched by international monitors. Federation peacekeeping forces will help maintain order until after the elections, and will then begin a phased withdrawal from the country to be negotiated with the new government.

The President praised both sides for "showing courage and leadership" and "avoiding bringing further hardships upon their people". She said the Federation would support whatever government results from the elections.

Alleged assassin of Vice-President extradited

KYRINIA - The alleged assassin of Vice-President Aliri Margal arrived in the Federation today, hours after being formally extradited by the nation of AlkebuLan.

The alleged assassin, Ndidi Hlatshwayo, was taken into custody by Federation Police upon arrival and is being held at an undisclosed location. Justice Secretary Garen Brennas said that the location is being kept secret "for the accused's safety", adding that Hlatshwayo has been the subject of death threats even before his extradition.

The nation of BariyaKhem has objected to the extradition. Hlatshwayo is a Bariyan citizen, and the Bariyan government claims that Hlatshwayo is unfit to stand trial. Brennas said that medical experts had examined Hlathshwayo and found him competent, and that Bariyan law is "irrelevant" since the crime didn't take place there and was committed against a Federation citizen.

Brennas dismissed Bariyan claims that the Federation would give Hlatshwayo a "sham trial", saying that Hlatshwayo would "receive the same fair and impartial trial that any Federation citizen would receive".

The Justice Department is reviewing evidence provided by AlkebuLian investigators, as well as evidence gathered at the scene by Margal's security team and FPS investigators. Brennas said that the evidence "gives us a very strong case against this man", and said that the government would seek a life sentence against Hlatshwayo. The death penalty has been outlawed in TFAS for everything except high treason, and since Hlatshwayo is not a TFAS citizen, that charge "does not apply", Brennas said.
The Altan Steppes
25-11-2008, 18:58
Annual kökbörü tournament to take place in Hashirizad

The 31st annual kökbörü ( tournament challenge between Altanar and Argalia is scheduled to take place November 28-30 at the Ulupamir field in Hashirizad. There will be four teams competing for each side in the youth, teen, adult and senior levels. The prize for the winning team will be 5,000 Altani Credits for each team member, with second-place teams receiving 1,000 per team member. Third place teams get 500 per member and fourth place teams, 250 per member.

"We're looking forward to a competitive and fun tournament," Erzhan Khazretgali, manager of the Altan Traditional Sports Association, said.

The Argali teams have beaten their Altanari counterparts for three years straight, and the Altanari teams are expected to be highly motivated to end their losing streak.

As they have for years, the Altani Animal Rights Front is expected to mount protests at this year's event. "This so-called sport may be a tradition, but it is also inhumane to animals," Batima Kemhebek, leader of the AARF, said. The AARF recently lost a court challenge seeking to block the tournament.

Khazretgali dismissed Kemhebek's comments as "modernistic and self-hating nonsense from a liberal crackpot," and said that the AARF wouldn't ruin the event.
The Altan Steppes
03-12-2008, 23:48
Federation forces moving for possible strike

Neighboring state accused of role in VP's assassination

NATASCORA - The Federation Defense Forces have deployed two strike groups to the waters around the neighboring nation of BariyaKhem, after investigators found links between that nation's government and the assassination of Vice-President Aliri Margal.

As Federation forces gathered for a possible strike against their neighbor, Federation Justice Minister Garen Brennas presented the government's case.

"Unit Holders, a Bariyan financial services firm, sent the accused funds on three separate occasions, under the name Endi KwaLatsh," Brennas said. "This firm is registered to one Ali Baba wa'Qasem, who is tied to violent terrorist and criminal Amarantha Acacia. It is our belief, based on the evidence, that Hlatshwayo, operating under the name KwaLatsh, was operating as a sleeper agent to be activated when the time was right," Brennas said. "When the opportunity to attack a high-ranking Altani official presented itself on Wailele Island, they chose to assassinate Vice-President Margal," Brennas said.

Federation Defense Secretary Ahara Jennik said that the Bariyan actions, and links to Margal's killer, "clearly constitute terrorist actions" and will not be tolerated.

"The Bariyan leader, E.A.A. bil'Aarsh, and other officials have openly called on their followers to launch attacks on Altani interests. The Bariyans have also sent military vessels into Altani waters without provocation. What more does a state have to do to be considered a threat that you have a right to neutralize?" Jennik said.

Jennik said that the Federation government is currently involved in "around-the-clock talks" with its neighbors, trying to build regional support for intervening in BariyaKhem and capturing that nation's leaders.
The Altan Steppes
30-12-2008, 00:42
News roundup

Bariyan conflict ends, talks to begin

NATASCORA - Federation forces have suspended military action ( the neighboring state of BariyaKhem, and have agreed to enter negotiations after the Bariyan government was overthrown in a coup.

Federation forces had been engaged in a series of missile attacks and bombing of Bariyan cities and facilities, after quickly defeating the small state's military forces in brief sea and aerial actions. The commander of Bariyan forces, General Aban ibn Jamil, overthrew his nation's Council of Elders, apparently because of their unwillingness to enter talks with the Federation to end the conflict.

"We hope that the new government of BariyaKhem is willing to make up for the mistakes of its predecessor. If the Bariyans renounce terrorism, and agree to reasonable restrictions to prevent them being a threat to regional stability in the future, these talks will end on a beneficial note for both our nations," Secretary of State Nelron Khiskithy said.

The previous Bariyan government was implicated in terrorist attacks throughout the region, including the assassination of Federation Vice-President Aliri Margal.

1st annual Federation Day to be celebrated

The first annual Federation Day will be celebrated throughout the Altan Steppes on January 1st, marking the anniversary of the formation of the federated Altan state.

"When we embarked on this journey into the unknown, many of my fellow countrymen were worried about breaking away from familiar institutions and creating a new and entirely different nation. But I can say with confidence that most Altani would agree today that forming the Federation was the right thing to do, and that the Altan Steppes is stronger today than ever before. Federation Day will be a celebration of the successes we've achieved, and the ones we have to look forward to," President Alana Kasimira said.
The Altan Steppes
19-02-2009, 00:29
Protests for, against Krytellin suspension

NATASCORA - The recent suspension of WA Ambassador Jaris Krytellin by the State Department has caused protesters on both sides of the issue to hold dueling protests at the department's headquarters.

Federation police and Capital police were called out to the International Center in downtown Natascora to keep the protests under control. Pro-choice and womens' rights groups are demanding that Krytellin be fired, while other groups are calling for the ouster of Secretary of State Nelron Khiskithy and demanding that Krytellin be reinstated.

The problems began after a series of statements Krytellin made during a debate on abortion on the floor of the General Assembly. The statements were seen as "undiplomatic" and "harmful to our relations with other nations" by the Secretary of State, who asked Krytellin to apologize on the GA floor. Krytellin refused to do so, and was then suspended indefinitely for insubordination by Khiskithy, pending a formal hearing.

Seyahat Karshi, leader of the Altan Womens' Rights Project, said that Krytellin's remarks demonstrated that the ambassador "has a clear anti-woman bias" and "has no business representing this nation".

"His remarks were patently insulting to women, and showed the flippant disregard that Ambassador Krytellin has towards the issue of womens' rights," Karshi said. "They also showed a marked lack of openmindedness or willingness to compromise, which is unacceptable in a diplomat. Jaris Krytellin may well believe that it's a woman's job to shut up and pop out babies for the Federation, but we are not going to sit quietly and let him pretend that this kind of far right nonsense represents the people of the Altan Steppes as a whole," Karshi said.

Protesters backing the ambassador pointed out that Krytellin has served in multiple government positions without complaint, including two stints as the former Prime Minister of Altanar, where he was Khiskithy's boss. They also claimed that Krytellin was "doing his job by advancing and defending the core beliefs and values of the Altani people" on the issue of abortion.

"Yeah, his language may have been a bit rough, but so what? That's what it takes to get through to some of those numbskulls at the WA," Jinella Agaranth, NAP-Nara, said at the protest. "Anyone who thinks otherwise has never had to be an ambassador over there. As for abortion, it goes against the basic belief of the majority of Altani people that life is sacred. I'd remind the AWRP that not all Altani women, or even most of them, support their desire for baby disposal on demand. We are a pro-life nation, and if the members of the AWRP or their backers don't like it, I am sure they can find a nation more accomodating to their beliefs," Agaranth said.

Competing protests also took place at Sheloran House, where pro-Krytellin protesters demanded that President Kasimira lift his suspension, and anti-Krytellin groups urged the President to "start defending womens' rights for a change". The protests at Sheloran House were abruptly ended by FSI agents assigned to the Internal Security Service, who dispersed the crowds with help from police.

As of right now, Krytellin's fate is unclear. The President issued a brief statement saying that the situation would be reviewed by her office, but gave no specifics. The State Department refused to comment, and Krytellin has been unavailable. Acting WA Ambassador Irina Misheli referred all questions back to the State Department. The State Department hearing is scheduled for next week.
Quintessence of Dust
20-02-2009, 18:12
The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to The AIMS International Herald, and hopefully printed.

SIR/MADAM - I write with regard to the suspension of Ambassador Jaris Krytellin from his position within the delegation to the World Assembly. If I do not all the facts of the matter at my disposal, you will have to forgive me, as I have only just settled in to the new Embassy, and my DCM is still more intent on checking under every tile in his bathroom for electronic eavesdropping devices than on providing me with daily reports.

The Democratic States of Quintessence of Dust have long prided themselves on the ardent defence of women's rights, and believe the right to terminate a pregnancy to be a fundamental extension of that most basic of human liberties, the right to bodily integrity. Many within our nation found Ambassador Krytellin's remarks disgusting and deeply misleading, especially given, despite late-term abortions being mostly legal in Quintessence of Dust, 87% of terminations occurring within the first 12 weeks, when the image of a baby being 'thrown into a dumpster' is as inapt as it is offensive. My superior, Secretary of State George Madison, was personally excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by the Cardinal of Highmark for his continued advocacy of reproductive health issues nonetheless.

The above concerns notwithstanding, however, I am deeply concerned by the message sent by the suspension of Ambassador Krytellin. While I recognise that diplomats representing their nation should be held to high standards of personal conduct, and that indulgence in invective and outrage rhetoric is not helpful, I feel that suspending an Ambassador based on his forthright defence of convictions evidently held strongly not only by him but by a great number of Altanaris sends a dangerous signal, and that nations less committed to the general principles of freedom and transparency than The Trilateral Federation might take such actions as an example to be followed in suppressing open discussion from within their own ranks.

The useful functioning of an organization such as the World Assembly depends on its delegations having the freedom and confidence to discuss all ranges of international policy. In my view, any abortion-related vote in the WA would lead to dramatic conflict between our two nations, although of course I trust we would see past such immediate concerns to maintain the strong ties of friendship that my new mission represents. But that in itself should not prevent frank disagreement taking place. I am also conscious that certain members, past and present, of the Quintessential Office of UN/WA Affairs have been known to unleash bouts of less than polite language on those with whom they disagree.

My government, correctly I believe, regards this as an internal matter for the Federation government to act on, and we will of course respect whatever course of action you take. But my personal view as a career diplomat is that long-term disciplinary sanctions against Ambassador Krytellin would do serious harm to the principle of political openness within the World Assembly.

-- Jean-Luc Villiery
Ambassador from Quintessence of Dust to The Altan Steppes
The Altan Steppes
02-03-2009, 18:58
Krytellin gets job back, Khiskithy resigns

WA HEADQUARTERS - WA Ambassador and regional Delegate Jaris Krytellin has returned to his job, after President Kasimira overturned a decision to punish him for "undiplomatic conduct".

A hearing that was scheduled to address allegations of undiplomatic conduct, poor job performance and insubordination was canceled by the President's order, spokesperson Altynshash Tileukhan said today. "The President determined that no violation occured, and that the Secretary of State acted hastily in suspending the Ambassador," Tileukhan said.

Secretary of State Nelron Khiskithy tendered his resignation after the decision, in a tersely worded letter to the President in which he criticized her administration for "undermining his authority to perform his job". The President refused to comment on the letter, briefly thanking Khiskithy for his service in an equally terse statement released by her office. No replacement has yet been named for Khiskithy.

A source within the Kasimira administration, who asked to remain anonymous, said that the President had been unhappy with Khiskithy's performance for "quite a while", and that the Krytellin incident was the final straw. "Nelron was always a very hands-off, casual leader, and that approach doesn't work for the President at all," the source said. "She had been pressuring him to show some leadership, and when he finally decided to do so, he picked the worst possible target," the source added. Krytellin, who has served twice as Altani head of state and also twice as UN/WA senior ambassador, is one of the Federation's most respected and popular leaders. "Nelron just didn't have the juice to take on someone like Jaris, especially when some of the Federation's foreign partners also began weighing in," the source said.

The recently appointed ambassador to the Federation from Quintessence of Dust, Jean-Luc Villiery, had expressed concern over Krytellin's suspension in a letter published in the AIMS International Herald. The suspension had also been sharply criticized by regional neighbor SchutteGod, whose leader praised Krytellin. The General Secretary of the regional Senate also criticized ( Krytellin's suspension, calling it "short-sighted" and "overreactive" and calling Khiskithy "an incompetent boob".

"Once all that happened, Nelron was toast," the source said.

Khiskithy refused to comment for this article. Krytellin, for his part, simply said that he was "ready to leave the whole episode in the past and get back to work".