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OOC and Planning for Avatar of War Thread. Closed Tighter Than a Tick's @$$.

King Arthur the Great
02-07-2008, 05:29
Invites are going out soon through TG's. Don't be alarmed, I'm just a wee bit lazy this week.

Anyways, those of you that have been reading some of "The Inn at the End of the Road" may know that my (inspired by Sadler) rendition of a certain Longinius has recently been offered a position as Avatar of War.

For those that don't know, here's the basic back story:

One Casca Longinius, cursed to a status as an immortal mercenary simply for ending the suffering of a psychotic Jewish prophet undergoing the rather painful process of Crucifixion, has been offered a job. Turns out that his most recent flame has succeeded her father and claimed the role of Avatar of Death, and she earned him a commutation. Also turns out that the slot of Avatar of War needs quick filling, and Casey (as Casca is calling himself to go more incognito) made the top of Heaven's short list.

So, Death has given him a release, but once he's met and unified the various analogues of himself from all the various dimensions (this is a rather big role and limiting one reality's choice is rather elitist) he's gotta come back, fulfill various challenges to prove himself competent in the deeper aspects of war, and he has to do so before any of the competition beats him to the punch. That small part of unifying all of his 'selves' is likely to happen off screen, so to speak, because let's face it: Existentialism in fast paced action stories really does make a person want to gouge out some eyeballs. It has a place, but that is a relatively small place easily replaced with drug problems. I don't enjoy putting the drugs into this type of stuff, so that leaves the Existentialism.

Anyways, we're forming up a tight posse to help our boy out, since no epic quest is complete with just one stinking adventurer. A) There's no dialogue, and B) there's no chance for a fastball special.

For reference's sake, the invites are coming, and Tanara/Tanaara, better known as Shal on the NationStates boards, will be on board to help with the DM-ing bit. As for characters:

For the sake of everybody's sanity, God-modding is prohibited, and will be spurned with extreme prejudice.

No sigs in the IC thread. I like sigs, others like sigs, but please, if you have one, click on the little box to disable it when posting in the IC thread.

And don't get into arguments. I'm sending out invites on the basis that I trust you, and that if anything does come up, it'll be kept civil.

So, that's about it. If you've followed the link in a TG to get here, then congratulations, and hopefully you'll join in. We're making it kind of short, but I plan to make it fun.
Vulpes Vixenis
02-07-2008, 05:49
I'm here, and I would suggest you ask the Lady at the Inn just to make things official. Unless you've already done so. In which case, i should check my subscriptions more often.
03-07-2008, 02:33
"Ah'm here and do apologise for not being so sooner....and I didn't use the link, just my nose for adventure...
03-07-2008, 19:34
And I be here, invitation received and accepted.
03-07-2008, 23:39
Present and accounted for, though I won't be using Robert. I have to handle that on something else. I got a character for this though. If your using a book inspired character, so am I, lol.
King Arthur the Great
04-07-2008, 05:56
Right then, that's everybody. Imitora, long time no see, and glad to see you here. Theao, hopefully the Dying Lands and Breit's FT RP will pick up again soon, stuff hasn't been the same since that stopped.

I'm going to ask for a basic character creation soon, though at this point, with the somewhat off-reality bend that this thread will end up as, I'm mostly just going to field ideas. Consider this a "try the oddball that you've never found a place for" opportunity, so if you have ideas, TG me or put them up before we start going through endless drafts of a character.
Vulpes Vixenis
04-07-2008, 16:47
[Copied from the TG]

As for Ronin, she does have some very definite limits and fills a very specific role in the cosmic scale. She is a black star dragon, the progenitor of the race, in fact, their queen mother. Star dragons come in every color you find stars. In true form, they are vast beings of immense power, capable of ripping solar systems apart in their battles without even knowing they've done it. White star dragons are a force of order within the universe. Red star dragons are forces of war. Yellow star dragons are forces of peace. Blue star dragons are inspirations, moving technology, art, and culture forwards. And there are many others.

You guessed correctly that the Lady Ronin is, nominally, a force of chaos. The progenitors, however, are not quite as limited in focus as their offspring. The Dark Lady is something of an oxymoron. She is a force of chaos that brings order. She has a deep understanding of the way things work. She is a devourer of worlds and destroyer of civilizations, yes, but she is also a being of compassion and wisdom. She has, in fact, championed heroes to face her own children down in battle. She was at one time even the mate of the White star dragon progenitor. She causes chaos only in such a manner as to bring about the balance of greater order.

The fact that there is no War guardian, that things are out of balance in such a manner, causes great concern. There must be balance. Absolute order is untenable. Civilization turns in upon itself and rots from the inside out. Nor is absolute chaos a tenable option. There must be balance. One of her purposes, as a progenitor, is to ensure there is such a balance.

When taking a "lesser" form, she has severe limits placed upon her power. She is only as strong as those around her. It is one of the balancing restrictions placed upon her that allows her to take a physical form other than her true one. Every sentient being within the sphere that she walks, be it a particular planet or a plane of existance, is taken into account, from the weakest to the strongest. She ends up on the higher end of above average. If you take the average boss fight setup (minor minion, minion, elite minion, lieutenant, boss), she would be capable of taking a lieutenant, maybe, in single combat. She might just break even, or could even lose depending on random chance. She would NOT be able to take three lieutenants, and most certainly could not take the boss by herself. She is never the biggest, baddest, or best outside of her true form. In it, that possibility is negotiable, depending on who you ask.

She sets personal limits upon herself as well, depending on the situation, toning down her speed, strength, and agility to match or barely best her opponent. Unless there is good reason. She has several abilities that she retains no matter the other limits placed upon her, however their use can be... extremely draining. She is capable of ripping the soul from a mortal being. Those souls she collects enjoy one of three fates. She may devour it, in time of need, using the released energy to regenerate herself and/or increase her power for a short time (usually one good attack). She may destroy it, casting it into the ether and dissolving it for all time, effectively removing the soul from the Wheel of Fate. The third, and most common, option is to feed it into the mist that follows her.

The mist is a protective ward. It contains the souls of literally millions of the most evil people she has ever come across. She very much enjoys taking evil souls. She says they taste better than those of pure spirit. Pure souls lack the spice and depth of flavor that more wicked souls have. Its purpose is to ensure the survival of her physical form and aid her in times of need. Should she be effectively slain (loss of the head, massive physical damage, etc), the mist will encompass her, forming a protective cocoon, allowing her time to regenerate and regain her strength. Depending on the severity of the damage, it has sometimes taken years (she was blown up and only a toe survived). The souls that form her mist are outside the purview of anyone other than herself, so it is impossible for anyone other than herself to manipulate them, however those who also hold domain over souls (such as Hades, for instance) can suppress her aura, stripping her of their protection.

Another limit set upon her is one less visibly affecting. Knowledge. When in a "lesser" physical form, she is cut off from the vast well from which she normally draws, limited only to her own personal memory and experience and the information she gathers from her senses. As for her senses, sight ranges from infrared to ultraviolet (modulated as needed), hearing ranges into the supersonic from just below human norm, and she can smell better than most animals. She also has what would be considered as a sixth sense, the ability to feel life force around herself, aided once more by her aura of disembodied souls. Suppression of her aura cuts this severely, bringing it down from about a mile to within about 15ft, and making it much less exact (from pinpoint to general area).

She has several weapons that she normally carries besides those provided naturally by her chosen form. Her preferred weapon is a katana, forged herself from the heart of a black hole. The blade is rumored to be sharp enough to cut light itself. She has also been known to carry a pair of war fans, atimes, and last but not least is a bo staff. She is a fighter of elegance and finesse, preferring generally to peck at a foe and allow it to tire itself out rather than brute force. However, when brute force is necessary, she is not shy about applying it.

Generally, she gets by on the force of her personality, reputation, and the general scariness she purposefully projects. She dislikes unnecessary violence, and unnecessary action in general. If I've not described this well enough, please do specify the information you still require to decide. I'll be more than willing to respond.

Crap, I forgot one thing about Ronin. Her blood is mildy acidic, and is also highly reactive to other acids. The stronger the acid, the more violent the reaction. She tends to carry around a vial or two of hydrochloric acid with her wherever she goes. She drinks it if the shit hits it and there's nothing else she can think of to do. The reaction is instantaneous. Essentially anything within about 50ft of her is subjected to bone shrapnel, boiling acid, and lots of nasty, unaccountable goo, plus various organs and such. She's essentially vaporized. It takes about thirty minutes for her to pull herself together. She returns to complete health, but she's drained to the point of unconsciousness. She is essentially in a coma for up to several hours. If her soul aura has not been suppressed they cocoon her to protect her while she is vulnerable.

[And there you have the Dark Lady Ronin in all her mortal splendor]
04-07-2008, 20:03
You know that J'age can't be a part of this, it's not allowed - none of the Avatars can help or hinder you in the attempt ( and if you believe that ...)

I will be sending some one who owes her a favor or two. Bio up later today. Gotta go watch some fireworks.
06-07-2008, 03:18
Before I do up a semi OOC intro post (the man needs no bio, lol)...this story have room for a man with no special abilities beyond a God given gift with a rifle?
06-07-2008, 03:32
And while I've been invited, I don't know much(any) of what seems to be some back story, so would anyone mind updating me?
06-07-2008, 04:04
backstory - There are Avatars, beings who are the embodiment of various aspects - Death, Love, War, Time, Disease, etc. And those that fill them are occasionally replaced, or vacate the Avatar, leaving the mantle up for grabs.

It's not good to have the position open long, things go badly- because the aspect takes on aspects of the wearer.

Look at oh say Love though out the ages - it has changed, no? and that is because the one who now holds the mantle of Love/ is the Avatar of Love - is a different being, with different experiences, different out looks that the previous one. So of course since Love over all is affected by the Avatar...

But War has been empty for some time - and take a look at wars across the globe- rather pointless, no resolutions, dragging on ...empty so to speak.

And Casey, aka Casca, has been tasked to claim the Avatar .

It's not going to be easy. J’age, who is now Death, had to go through Hell, literally, and not just any old hell, but the Hellverse that all others are just pale imitations there-of.

Theao, you might want to TG KAtG with your character

Imitiora - I know you, and I know how you play - and just a god given gift with a rifle...Extreme Way (

I will be bringing some one you met in Night Life, some one of a ...Darker Persuasion...
06-07-2008, 13:44
So, slightly similar to Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series?

And will do.
06-07-2008, 17:25
Got it in One Theao

My names is R. Jackson Santini, called by friends Jackie, but as you aren't my friends by any stretch you can call me by what most do... The Dark.

"Years ago I pushed a button and a car blew up. There were a few people in the car, and one of them was the husband of the woman I love but refused to acknowledge, made myself believe that it was just a passing lust -I didn't believe in love, it was for the weak. She loved him - he was a scumbag, a con, but she saw only the good in him. Did I know he was in that car? No, but hell I would have pushed the button even if I had. It was my job, nothing personal. I never told her that it was me that did the hit, I don't know if I can. Lainy left my life, went back home, and I haven't seen her since."

Until Cain tried to kill her and I helped save her.

I'm not the man I was then, or the near god that I was for a time. I died and went to hell~ I made a bargain and got out. I'm not all I was but I am the DARK, and Lainy is by my side, and that is enough.

Only 'Lainy can't be here this time, and so I'm going to be a short tempered asshole until this whole thing is over 'capiche. Nothing personal ya understand"
King Arthur the Great
07-07-2008, 16:00
@Theao: Got your TG, responded. I hope it helps, fell free to ask if anything is unclear.

@Imitora: Just a man with a God given gift with a rifle? Like, say, Wesley Gibson? ( And I'm talking about the comic book incarnation, not the movie protrayal (Damn you, James McAvoy). That's more than enough.

As a side note, anybody that has the time should read Wanted. While as a young man I can appreciate a certain view that takes place in the movie, the rest is crap compared to the stuff in the graphic novel. Good stuff.

@Tanara: I gotta ask. You read Top Crow, especially about Jackie Estacado?
07-07-2008, 20:40
For a wide variety of reasons, I haven't touched a comic or manga in over a dozen years - I had no idea that Jackie Estacado existed until I was working on a character and was googling for some better terminology than I was coming up with and well, evil minds think alike more often that not it seems.

So Jackson Santini and Jackie Estacado of Top Cow are ...definitely related...

"I'm Jackie Santini, and I'm sorry that I got called away and couldn't meet you myself." His face is impassively polite, his voice smooth with the barest hint of east coast accent. Santini's is a chiseled face of pure masculinity without being coarse, and holds eyes of a tigerish, watchful sensuality. Full but firm lips that can kiss a woman senseless can also turn cruel in a second.

The ex mob boss is an impressive figure; standing roughly six foot four and well muscled without being muscle bound. His movements are limber and controlled, speaking of more than a little martial arts training of some school. Dark hair falls full and loose to brush thickly just below the shoulders of the immaculately tailored Italian suit. He wears it with a comfort too deep and to masculine to ever be called “dapper” and none of his movements suggest he is armed, but no one could ever doubt that he is carrying.

It is more though than just R. Jackson Santini’s size and build; he bears a mantle of personal power, an aura that can only be described as Presence.
King Arthur the Great
09-07-2008, 15:15
I see. I take it that Santini probably wouldn't get too detailed into the more personal aspects of his life.

Theao, sent you a response. The idea seems fine, put it up.
09-07-2008, 23:12
I see. I take it that Santini probably wouldn't get too detailed into the more personal aspects of his life.

Theao, sent you a response. The idea seems fine, put it up.

Replied, and if acceptable will do brief bio.
10-07-2008, 07:21
Oh, feel free to ask him anything. But the answer you get...
11-07-2008, 05:15
November 25, 1961, is my first memory. My name, well I couldn't really remember that either. I was found wandering around in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago buck-naked save for a straight razor that I was flicking open and closed as I walked. I've been told I've had my throat slit, been shot, had an ax nearly cut me in two and been run over by a tank but I'm not sure how much to believe as I can't even remember anything even remotely leading up to it. With the end of the Soviets, I've begun wandering and trying to find out how I ended up in Russia in the first place and who I am. However no matter how far I travel, I can never get rid of the strangeness that seems to come from the razor or even the razor itself.

ooc: Any questions?
12-07-2008, 01:30
Ccan we play 20 questions's with your name?

and might it be Rasputin? as that litany of deathy disasters sounds familiar...though the presumed poison is missing, and the axe and the tank don't fit...

LOL Yes I know it's not Rasputin, but something is tugging at memory...
12-07-2008, 01:52
Ccan we play 20 questions's with your name?

and might it be Rasputin? as that litany of deathy disasters sounds familiar...though the presumed poison is missing, and the axe and the tank don't fit...

LOL Yes I know it's not Rasputin, but something is tugging at memory...
Not Rasputin, and truthfully I still haven't quite come up with the name. However the date and location are somewhat clues to a bit of the past. Part of the inspiration however came from a couple characters from the Nightside books.

Of course you can always try guessing about the name.
King Arthur the Great
12-07-2008, 02:13
Nicely done, Theao. As for me...


I was born Casca Longinius, in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of the man that came to be known as Emperor Caesar Augustus. In my thirty-first year, while serving in the Palestine province, known by some as Judea, or Israel, I cut short a condemned man's crucifixion by spearing his side while he hung on a cross. For this act of mercy to a dying man, I was cursed to roam the world for an eternity.

And so I did, taking my experience as a soldier and building upon it, traveling from place to place, always in time to find that another conflict was brewing, and that an experienced soldier would be welcomed. There were brief times when I had a respite, some time to rest and experience part of the life that would never be mine, but always I came back to fighting.

At least, that was the case until I met J'age. She gave me what I had been missing in my years, and when she left I remained as alone as ever, until she finally came back. She had changed, and won my freedom for me. Only now the powers that be want me to step up to a new role. So here I am, recently deceased, and now coming back for a short while for one chance at embodying the art which I have practiced for centuries.

It looks like this one will turn out to be interesting. Care to join an old soldier on one last tour of duty?
13-07-2008, 02:23
"John Taylor is too prominent, and besides I don't think he's ever been dead, and the tank and axe don't put me in mind of Razor Eddie, Punk God of the Straight Razor but thats where 'that' comes from- it's been some time since I've read them -

But it will come to me at some point, as I am an agent of darkness, who has gone down the path not taken more than once, and some have claimed that I am sharper than a serpents tooth..."

Jackie looks up from his pool game with a grin. "Side's Lainy, you all know her as Sian, kicked my outta the house till the baby's born, says I'm making her a bit crazy. I owe J'age a few times over and while I'm not the sort of old soldier you are Casey, I have gone to the mattresses more than a few times."
13-07-2008, 04:12
"John Taylor is too prominent, and besides I don't think he's ever been dead, and the tank and axe don't put me in mind of Razor Eddie, Punk God of the Straight Razor but thats where 'that' comes from- it's been some time since I've read them -

But it will come to me at some point, as I am an agent of darkness, who has gone down the path not taken more than once, and some have claimed that I am sharper than a serpents tooth..."

Jackie looks up from his pool game with a grin. "Side's Lainy, you all know her as Sian, kicked my outta the house till the baby's born, says I'm making her a bit crazy. I owe J'age a few times over and while I'm not the sort of old soldier you are Casey, I have gone to the mattresses more than a few times."

Ya, a bit of Razor Ed, mixed with some Dead Boy and some of my own twisted mind added to the mix and a bit of creative theft from the world of comics. Nice references :)
16-07-2008, 01:19
So, when are we going to 'kick this pig' and get our adventure on?