NationStates Jolt Archive

Intrinsic CityScape Incorp.- by WTI

Weapons-Tech incorp
03-06-2008, 17:53
Intrinsic CityScape Incorp.- by WTI
Welcome to the WTI's Intrinsic CityScape company thread. The Intrinsic CityScape company has been created to help Nationstate nations design and bring cities to life, adding a new sense of realism that has been lost.

Below is a form that needs to be filled out according to the exact questions, any question not answered may have an undesired effect of the final draft of your request designed cityscape.

Name of the city:
City Size: ( Small, medium, Large)
City Architecture: ( Arabic, Greek, Etc....)
Military installations: yes or no
If yes, where are they located in relation to the cities north border?:

Detailed Description of intricate design requests: ( City Layout )

The cost for each design will vary for each job depending on its difficulty. All job undertakings will be billed directly to your account in either DMG banks, or the International Bank of N.S. Please include you Account information along with your Request.

All the requests made by parties with no accounts are encouraged to do so before lodging a request.