NationStates Jolt Archive

The Night of Other Days...(OOC Discussion/Sign-Ups)

13-05-2008, 04:22
It is about two thousand, five hundred years ago from current times in this universe. The powerful Phoenician Empire has overwhelmed the tiny nation of Alversia with superior numbers and firepower, and the Republic was annexed into it. The Alversians do not have FTL technology, beam weapons or droids of any kind other than primitive computers and no A.I. It has been some years since the take over and the Phoenician Empire rules Alversian with a Iron Fist, frequently murdering civilians in reprisals for civil disobedience.

Meanwhile, halfway across the galaxy, a large fleet of ships has been launched. On board are the precursors to the Xiscapians, millions of kitsune in dozens of colony ships, leaving their old world behind to search for a new one. They have been traveling for five hundred years now, and a couple generations have passed relatively uneventfully and without sign of a habitable planet. At this time the kitsune are not much better off than the Alversians. Their ships, while equipped with a rudimentary FTL, are slow and bulky, poorly armed and built for living in rather than combat. They have only the crudest beam weapons, and possess no armored suits, A.I., or fighters of any kind. Now, one colony ship passes outside the borders of Phoenician Alversia, and three kitsune are in for the adventure of a lifetime.
This is how it's going to work: This is a character RPG. Meaning no massive fleets, no armies, no huge corporations taking an interest. That would mess up the time line. Yes, there is a set way things play out, which you can read in Alversia's Alversian FT Factbook under History is you're really that interested. You can have a ship, with at least one main character, more is acceptable. Alversia has the main storyline figured out (presumably) so he will be posting here with that. In the meantime I will post a Bio, which everyone will need to fill out. Please do not assume you are automatically accepted, because if there is a problem with your Bio, I or Alversia will need to speak to you about it.
Gender (if applicable):

Please keep in mind that this entire thread will take place two thousand, five hundred years ago in the past. Unless your character is a machine, extremely long-lived, or a time traveler, don't expect to re-use them, as chances are if they are a human or similar they won't be around in current times.
13-05-2008, 21:56
OOC: Actually, I was kinda hoping this would be before the start of the ARA, that way the Xiscapians would never have contact with Alversia itself

Name: John Moore
Age: 26
Weight: 15st 8pd
Height: 6' 2''
Race: Alversian
Gender (if applicable): Male
Occupation: Unemployed (Smuggler)
Born on Alversia and forced to flee by the Photenican Authourites. Now makes his living as a Smuggler just within the Photenican borders for a variety of clients. Is also a member of the Black Arrows, an elite mercenary unit.
13-05-2008, 23:18
Name: Shakko
Age: 23
Weight: 168 pounds
Height: 5,9
Race: Kitsune
Gender (if applicable): Male
Occupation: Pilot/mechanic
History: Shakko is an intelligent, easy-going, laid-back kitsune without a care in the galaxy. He was born and raised on the kitsune ship Seeker by foster parents because his blood mother and father were both killed in an alien attack on the colony ship. Often cocky and sometimes uncouth and blunt, Shakko can and has talked his way out of trouble before, and can usually be found tinkering with one of the few small craft in the hanger of the Seeker. He is a ancient ancestor of modern-day mercenary Kartosh.

Name: Genko
Age: 36
Weight: 218 pounds
Height: 6,4
Race: Kitsune
Gender (if applicable): Male
Occupation: Hunter/Soldier
History: Calm, quiet and a reassuring presence, Genko rarely speaks outside of instructions and monosyllable answers. He is an old hand at fighting, particularly in unarmed combat, and has all the patience, skill and finesse of a hunter, gained from landing on worlds from the Seeker to stock up on local game. Genko is a somewhat mysterious figure, as no one seems to know much about his past, and he doesn't seem likely to tell his story anytime soon.

Name: Koie
Age: 20
Weight: 135 pounds
Height: 5,7
Race: Kitsune
Gender (if applicable): Female
Occupation: None, apprentice-in-training to be a Healer
History: Koie is not yet a full adult by kitsune standards, and studies under Doctor Hazus to become a Healer on the Seeker. She is soft-spoken and peaceful, practicing her magical techniques in private and only occasionally joining group activities. While generally non-confrontational, she stands for what she believes in passionately, and a hidden fire lies beneath her demure surface.
The Sutras
14-05-2008, 03:50
This is my first role-play here, so if you aren't interested in having me for that reason, just let me know - however, I am interested in establishing some base for my own nation on the forums, and would love to join you here.

Name: Sita Kai
Age: 123 - she looks to be in her early twenties, and tells people she is only 23.
Weight: 120 lb or 54.4 kg
Height:5' 4" or 1.6 m
Race: Feran (precurser to the modern day Sutran). This ancient race lived for up to five hundred years. She now presents herself as human in an attempt to make people underestimate her.
Gender (if applicable): Female
Occupation: To the public, a well known, high-class whore. Most brothels know her by reputation and would go out of their way to accomodate her in their institution for the night. Discretely, for those who can pay, she is a highly qualified assassin. Among the elite in both professions, it is the latter she prefers.
History: What is now a group of nomads, wandering in the deserted remains of a glorious civilization, was once the technologically advanced Land of Fera. It was into this golden age of civilization and its darker underbelly of crime, corruption, and hate, that Sita Kai was born, orphaned at the age of thirteen, and raised in a Sutran convent dedicated to the weaving of the threads of life. These oddities of the Feran world taught the child what they could of faith in a dark age, while instructing her in ancient Sutran martial arts [including fighting with staffs (bladed and non-bladed), sling-shots, and weaponless] and giving minor training in magic. The faith and the magic she shied away from, and to this day only uses magic unconsciously - it takes the form of gut-jumping, an instinct telling her more than she should be able to reasonably guess based on the information she has been provided - but the fighting arts she absorbed, and at the age of thirty seven she left the convent and hired herself to an off-planet mercenary group. They taught her to fly the ships they used and fight with most modern weapons in the fifty two years she was with them - eventually she was the oldest living member of the group and became the leader, but when the group was engaged on the losing side of a battle (with who has not been worked out yet - the Phoneticans? the Alversians? the Xiscapians? Have any ideas?) she was captured and held prisoner. After being repeatedly abused and threatened, she escaped from her prison, finding herself in a world much like Fera. She hitched a ride off-planet, and now wanders the galaxy plying her two trades. Quick to anger and to take action, impulsive, slow to trust, but loyal to those who are important to her. Afraid of magic and angered by her own fears.
14-05-2008, 22:53
You seem just fine for a new player, good job. You have my approval. Any objections, Alversia?
14-05-2008, 23:06
None, and I think the race that would have defeated your mercenaries would be the Photenican Empire, the superpower of the era.
The Sutras
14-05-2008, 23:11
Would the Alversians have hired mercenaries in the last throws of their defiance? We could have been fighting on your side, connecting Sita a little more firmly with the story line already in place. Unless I'm getting my timeline jumbled and the Alversian defeat was too long ago to match Sita's lifetime.
14-05-2008, 23:21
They were attacked and occupied in our equivelent of 2007 and this thread would take place our equivelent of 2400. A little long ago.

The Photenicans don't like Mercenaries and Smugglers anyway (Especially Assassins) I think you're okay on that front.
The Sutras
14-05-2008, 23:36
Ok, then, that sounds good. I've checked out both your factbooks, just to pick up the basics of your races/histories. Is there anything more you need from me about Ferans? The only thing I can think of that I left out - the history was getting a little long - is that as they work magic (if they have any at all), their irises begin to take on a sparkle of whatever color they were originally, beginning with a light, almost unnoticable glitter. It fades if no magic is used for some time, faster if the magic used was very small, but full shamans have irises that look like uncut gems, and the effect can be quite striking. This is the only physical difference, other than the markedly longer lifespan, from humans.
14-05-2008, 23:40
Just out of curiosity, how much longer of a lifespan? Some kitsune reach three hundred years, but that's really only to preserve the characters I especially like. As a general rule it's 100-150 lifespan, but some other RPers species reach much longer, and a few are immortal unless something actually kills them (as in shot, stabbed, poisoned, ect.)
EDIT: Wow, someone actually read my factbook! I feel proud.
14-05-2008, 23:49
How much longer a lifespan? I have a few species although Alversiand would only live as long as the average Xiscapian. Unlike his people though, mine do die :D

What did you think of the factbook? :D
The Sutras
14-05-2008, 23:50
Modern day Sutrans only reach around two hundred years, due to lingering environmental issues from the Disaster that destroyed or mutated most of the rest of the Feran race about two thousand years ago - five hundred years after this storyline. Those who leave the planet now have longer lifespans because they are no longer being contaminated by the poison in the land. Ferans before the Disaster, like Sita Kai, reached a normal lifespan of 500 years, but were known to reach up to 700 in good health. They develop like normal humans up until their twentieth year or so, and then the aging process stretches over the rest of their lifetime, with a ten-twenty year drastic (ie, human) aging period at the end of their lives, leading to death.
The Sutras
14-05-2008, 23:54
Haha, yes I read your factbooks - not all of it, just the parts relevent to ancient history and description of species. I'm really impressed by the detail you put in, and as I compile my own details about my country and it's history, I'm getting a lot of ideas from what you both did, so kudos and a hearty thank you!
15-05-2008, 02:57
No, Sutras, thank you, for the compliments. I look forward to your FB.
15-05-2008, 04:16
I see you have the claim to kitsunes so could I enter a Kitsune my self? It's okay if not. I'll edit if you allow me to sign up
15-05-2008, 13:19
I suppose you could enter a kitsune. It'll make for an interesting element, because to modern-day Xiscapians, they are alone in the universe. For now, sure type up a bio, but on a seperate note, do you think we could do a First Contact RPG sometime?
The Sutras
23-05-2008, 22:31
Hey... I've been miserably sick for the last week or so, so I'm glad I didn't miss much here. What are your plans for starting the role play? I assume we're waiting on Kitsuneville?
23-05-2008, 22:33
Yup, that and exams to finish