NationStates Jolt Archive

Alliance of International Drum & Bugle Corps Associates World Tour I - REGISTRATION!

Bluth Corporation
12-05-2008, 05:56
Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and hermaphrodites. My name is Scott Stewart, and I stand before you as a representative of the Alliance of International Drum & Bugle Corps Associates. Our group was founded to provide an international stage for the best drum & bugle corps from all nations to come together for an annual world tour. I am here today to announce the opening of registration for World Tour I, our inaugural elite tour. We will begin accepting submissions upon the conclusion of this conference; please allow me to explain the rules for our tour:

Corps shall be judged in the following ten areas of performance:

Individual bugles
Ensemble bugles
Individual marching & maneuvering
Ensemble marching & maneuvering
Individual battery percussion
Ensemble battery percussion
Individual sideline percussion
Ensemble sideline percussion
Individual auxiliary
Ensemble auxiliary

One judge shall be assigned to each of the ten areas. Judges will deduct one-tenth of a point for each error, flaw, or deficiency they observe in their respective area. At the end of the performance, the ten scores will be added together and divided by ten, then any penalties subtracted, to arrive at the corp
s' final score.
The performance field shall consist of a standard American football field, 360 feet in the long dimension by 160 feet in the short dimension, with an additional 20 feet by 150 feet section adjacent and parallel to, and centered along, the long dimension. This additional area shall be known as the "sideline percussion area", although the sideline percussion may be situated anywhere on the performance field.
All judging shall take place with the booth judges along the long dimension of the field, situated with the side with the sideline percussion area nearest to them.
All corps instrumentation shall be limited to bell-front valved brass (limit of three valves, or four for the lowest voice in the ensemble) instrumentation pitched in the key of G and percussion instruments. The human voice may be used for simple non-musical vocalizations.
No electronic amplification of any type may be used.
Corps shall not use any sort of props, tarps, or any other device that covers the performance field, except to set down legal instrumentation or auxiliary equipment. All auxiliary equipment must be able to be lifted and carried by any single one of the performers who use it.
Use of illegal equipment shall incur a 10-point penalty.
Each corps will have five minutes to enter the field and warm up. Once these five minutes are over, the stadium announcer will say over the stadium's pu
blic-address system, "On the field, from <Corps home location>, it's <Corps name>, performing their <Year> program <Program title or description>. <Drum ma
jor name>, is your corps ready?" The announcer will then await acknowledgment from the corps's drum major before continuing with, "<Corps name>, you may ta
ke the field for competition!" Upon completion of this phrase, timing and judging will begin. Each corps shall continue to perform for a minimum of ten, b
ut no more than thirteen, minutes from this point.
A performance that lasts shorter than the minimum duration or longer than the maximum duration shall incur a one-point penalty for each minute over or un
der the respective limit.
A corps member stepping outside of the performance field during the judged portion of the competition shall incur a 0.5 point penalty for each instance.
At the end of the performance, all competing corps will assemble on the performance field in a parade formation, entering the field and ultimately standing in performance order. Each corps shall send three battery percussionists, on instruments chosen by the contest director, to play a percussion cadence as the corps assemble. A trophy will be presented to the drum major of the corps with the highest score in each of Bugles, Battery Percussion, Sideline Percussion, Auxiliary, and Marching & Maneuvering. Full corps scores will then be announced in ascending order. Upon its score being called, each corps shall march off the field while playing a song of its choosing. A bronze medal will be presented to the drum major of the third-highest scoring corps, a silver medal to the second-highest scoring corps, and a gold medal to the highest scoring corps. Before exiting the field, the highest-scoring corps shall assemble in a formation of its choosing and perform an encore of its program in standstill, then it may exit the field in the same manner as the other corps.

Now, each nation may enter up to three corps. If there are no questions, registration will begin immediately and continue for five weeks.

OOC: Registration starts now, continues until midnight May 15 US CDT. When signing up your corps, give the name of the corps, a brief description of your program, and rank the five general captions (Bugles, Battery Percussion, Sideline Percussion, Auxiliary, and Marching & Maneuvering) in order from your corps's strongest point to its weakest point.

Competitions will be held every RL night beginning May 15 and continuing through May 25. The format for finals depends on the total number of corps entered. You may roleplay your corps' performances after they have been scorinated, based on the score given on the nightly recap sheet; a sample roleplay is below. Each performance you roleplay will give a boost in each of your caption scores at the next performance (no RP bonus for the first competition), with the biggest boost to your weakest caption and the smallest boost to your strongest caption. There will be first, second, and third place medals given at each competition, which will have up to eight corps (which means that if there is sufficient interest, there may be more than one competition each night).

Scoring will be done with a Gnumeric spreadsheet I've written, which will randomly give initial scores and then simulate a reasonable, but somewhat random, increase in scores as the season progresses--which means that decreases, and the occasional HUGE decrease, will also occur. Hey, corps have an off night.

Sample roleplay (this is perhaps shorter than what you might want to do, and not very good, but it should give you an idea of how you can roleplay drum corps performances):

The Brigadiers were on fire tonight, as they captured the first gold medal in their history and won the High Bugles and High Auxiliary trophies. The crowd was brought to their feet from the first note, as the baris, euphs, and contras thundered out the opening chords of Wagner's "Magic Fire Music". The forms in the opener were a bit wobbly, owing to the uncommon surface at Gail Royer Memorial Stadium, but as the corps members found their feet they were clicking away like nothing before. The mellophone and soprano duetists in "Forest Murmurs" had a bit of trouble with tone quality in their lower registers, though the stadium's wet acoustics made it barely noticeable.

from Bluth Corporation:

Southern Sound
East Coast Highwaymen

from Zwangzug:

Live Wires
Wild Foxen
Bluth Corporation
12-05-2008, 05:57
My entrants:
Southern Sound: Featuring music by Steely Dan, including "Peg", "FM", "Deacon Blues", and "Home at Last", the drill is largely fluid and fast-moving, reflecting the superior marching abilities of its members.
Caption strengths:
Marching & Maneuvering
Sideline Percussion
Battery Percussion

East Coast Highwaymen: The East Coast Highwaymen's program is an assortment of US Civil War-era tunes such as "When Johnny Comes Marching Home", "Dixie", "Taps", and "Bonnie Blue Flag." The drill is designed to evoke images of troops moving in formation in battle, with attacks and retreats, flanking movements, and envelopments, and the auxiliary sporting rifles and Union- and Confederate-styled uniforms.
Caption strengths:
Battery Percussion
Sideline Percussion
Marching & Maneuvering

Brigadiers: The Brigadiers are presenting selections from Wagner's epic operatic cycle "Der Ring des Nibelungen", specifically "Magic Fire Music", "Forest Murmurs, "Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla", "Ride of the Valkyries", and closing with "Siegfried's Funeral Music". The Brigadiers' drill features a variety of half-time and double-time sections to accentuate the varying tempi and styles in the music, and the formations are heavily geometric.
Caption strengths:
Battery Percussion
Marching & Maneuvering
Sideline Percussion

(yeah, it's not strictly IC to use RL songs and artists...still, it makes it easier to visualize)
13-05-2008, 00:52
(What Bluth Corporation said, about music-this is just an idea.)

Haydensky: Music from the computer game Myst, by Robyn Miller (Main Theme, Above Stoneship (Telescope Theme)...)
Marching and Maneuvering
Sideline Percussion
Battery Percussion

Live Wires: Music of Carbon Leaf ("What About Everything?", "Paloma", "American Tale" (inasmuch as "American" works in this context!) :p)

Battery Percussion
Sideline Percussion
Marching and Maneuvering

Wild Foxen: Music of Johann Burgmuller ("Ballade", "Arabesque", "The Hunt")

Battery Percussion
Marching and Maneuvering
Sideline Percussion
Bluth Corporation
14-05-2008, 16:05
Less than 14 hours to go!
Bluth Corporation
15-05-2008, 03:33
2 1/2 hours left to register!
Bluth Corporation
15-05-2008, 17:11
Registration is now closed. See the "AIDBCA World Tour I" thread for scores, RP, and discussion