NationStates Jolt Archive

Open Invitation to Build Sports Academies

12-04-2008, 00:57
The nation of Washington Jefferson is offering sweetheart deals to the world's elite sport clubs that will build an academy within the borders of this new nation.

"We would like to start with soccer and baseball first. These are global sports and fit our demographics well. We have the kids playing these sports. Our domestic leagues are semi-professional right now. We are working on building a professional league. At this time we invite only the world's top clubs to the negotiation table. We are exploring the possibility of developing some superstars that can help us in the next World Cup as well as play abroad and act as ambassadors of our culture." said a spokeswoman.

For the clubs, there is the opportunity to develop some youth and pick-up some stars coming through the pipeline without sacrificing other assetts via trade or the ever more expensive free agency.

For Washington Jefferson, there is an opportunity to bring advanced science of developing athletes to its shores. These techniques will help with setting up the model for a domestic baseball league and soccer league.

The Industrial Paradise Smokestacks is currently the islands' oldest baseball team. Sandy Springs, Glowing Shores are young expansion clubs awaiting to see the impact foreign investment has on their sport.