What is the difference between this forum and the International Incidents forum?
10-04-2008, 06:04
There isn't really much seperating except some people hang in NS, others hang in II. And few like me that hang out in both.
I would recommend just looking at how is done generally in NS and in II. There is a difference, if you feel that one is better for you. Then spend most of your time there, however if you feel equally comfortable in both then... you can bridge the gap.
Steel Butterfly
10-04-2008, 18:21
One thing to keep in mind is that the following generalizations don’t apply 100% of the time. That being said:
International Incidents, or II, and NationStates, or NS, simply have different types of RP’s. International Incidents is generally made up of newer players, who gravitate to the abundance of war and technical RP that goes on there. In contrast, NationStates RPers are typically older, and focus on character RP’s and diplomatic meetings. Also, a majority of IIers are modern tech, while you would be hard pressed to find a NSer who is not future tech.
Stereotype-wise, NSers typically don’t like II because of its focus on war, technical specs, Earth 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and n00bs. In contrast, IIers feel that NSers are too elite and exclude new members, as well as wanking much of their tech. However, there are good RPers in II, such as Automagfreek, and there are plenty of n00bs in NS.
Really though, Azemica, you’ll find that you RP where those who you RP with RP. If you “hang out” with IIers, you’ll be one. If you hang out with NSers, you’ll be one. If you do both, you’ll do both. It doesn’t really matter that much.