[OOC: Looking for Good Writers/RolePlayers for Upcoming Thread]
Steel Butterfly
02-04-2008, 21:46
Hello NationStates Community,
I am currently looking for quality roleplayers and writers who would be interested in joining myself and Midlonia for the third chapter in a trilogy. Sound like an odd request? Sure does…but please hear me out. You see, in the last few days of December of 2006, the trilogy was started and was perhaps the most fun I’ve had RPing in a long time. With its success, a sequel naturally came, and was equally as entertaining until a number of the writers (myself included) took a rather long break from NationStates altogether.
The problem I’m faced with now is that I’ve always used the Blind Reflection series as a chance to RP with a larger group and meet quality RPers and I want to continue to use it as such. Most of my stories are solo or with only one other co-writer, and I do not want Blind Reflection 3 to follow in the same fashion. Therefore, I am looking for a small (2-5) number of good writers and RPers that are interested to join and take part in the story with us.
The first two stories follow, for reference: (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=512818) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=515489)
If you are interested, please submit the following:
Tech Level:
RPing/Writing Experience:
Examples of NS work:
Why you want to take part:
Tech levels can be worked around, but writing quality and experience is important. When giving links to previous NS work, please include a variety of different types of RP’s (not just all war please) as well as specific posts that you feel are especially exceptional if you wish. All applicants will be judged by the original writers of the first and second threads and acceptance/denial will be confidential. I look forward to seeing what you have.
Steel Butterfly
Steel Butterfly
03-04-2008, 14:09
Bump...if anyone is interested but needs some more info just let it be known here
Sovereign California
03-04-2008, 16:36
Nation: Sovereign California (formerly known as California and Alaska)
Tech Level: Post Modern Tech
RPing/Writing Experience: Small spats with Menelmacar, a war with Ruhr (which however sputtered and died when he went to West Point)
Examples of NS work: Systematic Dissonance — A Seizure Of Power: Part I (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447370), Systematic Dissonance — Aria Of Insurrection: Part II (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=453407), Systematic Dissonance — New World Disorder: Part III (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=493523) (which kind of sputtered and died when my computer went FUBAR on itself), and recently Revelations, Revolutions, and Resolutions... (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=552250) (a new roleplay continuing on five years after the events of 'Systematic Dissonance')
Why you want to take part: Expanding my horizons on who I roleplay with and making new friends.
The Gupta Dynasty
03-04-2008, 17:06
Nation: Yafor 2 (http://www.nationstates.net/yafor_2). I can use a puppet if the tech level is an issue, however.
Tech Level: Strictly Modern Tech, but I have an FT puppet.
RPing/Writing Experience: Lots of it. I've been RP'ing on NS since 2004 and RP'ing in general (on sites themed on the book series "Redwall" since around, hm, 2003? 2002? Probably the latter. I can do any type of RP'ing, but I prefer things with characters.
Examples of NS work: Fires after Independence (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=536496), Tears of the Last Empress (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=540676), Various Affairs of State (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=550500), Claim, Prove, and Conquer (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=515862) and Disrupting the Balance (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=506687) are about what I can find off the top of my head. The last ones are sort of old, come to think of it. Feel free to do a post search or something.
Why you want to take part: James convinced me. And I have nothing better to do.
03-04-2008, 18:11
WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I can't but be online perhaps maybe ONCE a day! I work a lot now! AND NOW YOU RETURN WITH AWESOMENESS?!
I'll join, and I'll try my damnest to post for you, but please remember that I work a lot, sometimes 10-hour weeks.
Tech Level:
Future Tech/Modern Tech/Post-Modern Tech (Primarily Future Tech for the time being)
RPing/Writing Experience:
Way before 2003: Gundam.com as Apocalypse Hawk. Role Playing Gundam stories to the extreme. Oh yes, I'm a Gundam.com Oldie.
Nationstates: Oh hell, self explanatory.
Examples of NS work:
The Tides of Red: Coalition Invasion of Red Tide2 (Woohoo! An example of how I got owned in MT by Red Tide, even with a Coalition. Go Red! Lol) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=464802)
The Meeting of the Ancients (Probably not the best example, but hell. Between Chronosia and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432688)
Hellgate: The Rise of the Kyuubi - Anagonia Front (Never finished, but an example nonetheless between Coreworlds, me, and various others) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447816)
Border Diplomacy (Between Alversia and Me. Active and ongoing) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=552717)
Unearthing A Jedi Temple (Between Humankind Abh and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=454120)
Private Diplomatic Meeting with the Republic of Anagonia (Damn good one, back then. Between Humankind Abh and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=447677)
The Chronicles of Epic: Northrop Grumman Co-op Stories!!!!! SWEEEEEEET
Northrop-Grumman Corp. Treaty (Starting of the Awesome between Northrop-Grumman and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=445744)
Treaty Fulfillment and Discussion (Another Epic story brought to you by Nothrop-Grumman and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=460432)
Mysteries Revealed (ONCE MORE EPIC HAS A NEW NAME! Northrop-Grumman and Me, w00t) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=467227)
New Beginnings (ZOMG MORE EPIC! Northrop-Grumman and Me, did I mention Epic?) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=484618)
The Condition of Saints (I need to change my pants because of the EPPPIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!! Northrop-Grumman and Me, another more!) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=505639)
The Final Retribution (Supposed to be Semi-Open, but somehow I got involved. It was Epic, until we both got busy with Life and stuff. Northrop-Grumman, Me, and suppsoed to be some others.) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=480518)
AND FINALLY, and example of how life makes you too busy to do anything, and finish anything. This thread is my fault, as much as life. NG is busy with school, and I'm busy with work half the darn time. But I put it here as the ending history of Me and NG's epic storytelling together. One day we'll finish it.
The Grummian Outcast (I wish it were epic...it is still! Unfinished between Northrop-Grumman and Me) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=547377)
On a side note, I can never start and finish a role play on my own, its just impossible. I need someone to do it with. An example of this is provided above in many cases, as is examples of myself and others getting busy. Pay credit to the Epic Hero's now, they deserve it more than me.
Why you want to take part:
Because...you said I'm a fan. So I am a Fan?
No, really, I'd like to participate. But its up to you Steel, seriously. If you see my inactivity because of work a problem, by all means put me on the sidelines until something else comes up. I'd love to RP with you, and I am a Fan of your work. As you can see between me and NG, we get EPIC real quick. I think we might too, if I can find the time.
But all Kudo's to you, and if nothing works out between me and this, God Bless and I hope you get your story! :D
-Travis of Anagonia
03-04-2008, 18:32
If you work 10 hour weeks and are too "busy" then I am shooting your character in the RP, Anagonia. I work 20 hour weeks and even Steel works more hours than that :p
The Crimm
03-04-2008, 18:38
Nation: Crimmond
Tech Level: PMT/FT
RPing/Writing Experience: Five years on NS, non-stop
Examples of NS work: Do I really have to bother with this part? Whatever.
Discontent amongst the military... (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=552559)
Latest coup in Crimmond taking shape.
Peace, Unity... and Brotherhood. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=526075)
The last coup, that the current coup will coup... ... yeah.
The Lies of Gods. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=515727)
A storyline once part of Crimmond's, but now disconnected and standing alone.
Why you want to take part:
Because I'm bored. And you can't turn me down... I'm your oldest ally.
Steel Butterfly
03-04-2008, 18:49
Leave it to Crimmond to make a mockery of my application process. You are...DENIED!
Bah...I can't even do that. You're good. From now on, unless others apply who I have sent telegrams to, the application process is closed.
I'll get up a summary and stuff shortly, but in the meantime, try to look over the previous two threads to kinda get an idea of what you'll be dealing with.
Nation:The Planetary Empire of Londim
Tech Level:Started out in Modern Tech now roleplaying in Future Tech
RPing/Writing Experience:Most of my writing are stories I've been working on:
Afterlife (Tm): A story of Heaven and Hell which are actually businesses while Satan and God are the CEO's. However the Ancient Gods (Odin, Zeus etc) have banded together to bring back their business' as it were.
I also write songs. I've been RPing on NS for the past two years.
Examples of NS work:
Dr Who: A Doctor Calls (Episode One) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=553014)
I've started a series for Dr Who has I'm a fan of the show. Early days on that yet.
Dead Planet (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=547667&highlight=dead+planet)
My last FT RP. Basic story of this was a team who were exploring a team went missing, an investigation was carried out to find what happened. It turned out the explorers were killed by one of Londim's own creation, The Kezarn, a highly powerful race who were created to help further Londim's empire.
Why you want to take part:
I want to RP with some of the older RPers. Pick up some more experience with some good writers.
03-04-2008, 19:00
If you work 10 hour weeks and are too "busy" then I am shooting your character in the RP, Anagonia. I work 20 hour weeks and even Steel works more hours than that :p
No no, I mean I work 10-hour days a week. Like, monday through friday is 10 hours.
So thats over 40 hours a week.
10 hours a work day, adding to over 40 hours a week. Gah, I'm tired.
03-04-2008, 19:31
Nation: The Worker's State of Kulikovia
Tech Level: MT
RPing/Writing Experience: I prefer these days to write stories but still enjoy a good rp with substance every once and awhile.
Old rps from my old nation:
The Fall of America: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=476762
The Hunted: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=482894
Here's a story I wrote:
Welcome to Nowhere: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=550109
Why you want to take part: I want to rp with other experienced rpers in an rp that has actual substance and thought in it.
The Crimm
03-04-2008, 21:41
Leave it to Crimmond to make a mockery of my application process.
And that's why you love me.
The Eastern Bloc
04-04-2008, 06:17
Hmmm.... I guess I saw this a bit too late.
If there's still time I'd be interested in giving it a go. It's been a long time since I've RPd with someone other than myself.
I guess just let me know if there's still time and I can supply previous threads and such.
Good to see you around, btw. :D
Sovereign California
04-04-2008, 07:43
Sooo... Стальной Бабочка your AIM still the same?
Perimeter Defense
04-04-2008, 10:28
Nation: Perimeter Defense.
Tech Level:I have three timelines for MT, PMT, and FT, but I RP best at PMT mode.
RPing/Writing experience: I've been RPing for about five years now, in various places besides NS. I also write at fanfiction.net and fictionpress.com, both under the name "Flatlander."
Examples of NS work:
A Minor Inconvenience, feat. Allanea (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=540830)
So This Is War, feat. Questers (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=534546)
Second Contact, feat. Elsani City States (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528892)
The Only Answer Is Death, ongoing, feat. The Ctan (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=542816)
A Kajali Visitation, feat. Kajal (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=525723)
Why I want to take part: Good writing is pretty much hit-or-miss in this place, and I myself would like a good cup of literary skill every now and then. Besides, I've never really participated in such a major RP on NS.
Steel Butterfly
04-04-2008, 15:46
Sooo... Стальной Бабочка your AIM still the same?
Aye, comrade...although you'd be lucky to catch me on it.
As for everyone else:
Lol I know I said it before, but this time it sticks. I'm going to get an OOC/Planning thread up for the RP today or tomorrow, but in the meantime
Take care
Dread Lady Nathicana
04-04-2008, 22:51
Oh bollocks. I guess that's me out then. ;)
Steel Butterfly
05-04-2008, 00:12
Oh bollocks. I guess that's me out then. ;)
I'm sure you're crushed :p