29-03-2008, 23:04
Hi, i am interested in roleplay, but having never done it before and would like to join a group who role play characters and whos willing to teach me, is there any one/ group willing to take me under there wing
29-03-2008, 23:51
well there are almost no real groups, though there are several alliances. the first thing you need to do is design a basic theme for your nation. mainly, will it be
1. Mt: Modern Tech all modern technoligy
2. Pmt: Post Modern Tech same as above with lasers and such
3. Nft: Near Future Tech Mostly pre FTL Tech kinda sci fi lite
4. FT: Future Tech All Sci Fi all the time
5. fantasy: Magic and Dragons, Nuff said
also there are some pre modern tech guys who play mostly historical scenario's
after that well the only thing i can say is to just jump in, try not to uber too much (you will get called on it) and have fun.
as to character work well most everyone here does character work, a few don't but most do.
read the rules and the errata that the mods post. alot of good advice there
Neo Kirisubo
30-03-2008, 00:20
Welcome to Nationstates!
I can give you a few pointers if you want them. I'm fully FT but I can do MT interaction if its diplomatic in nature.
The Neo Kirisubans are an odd race of people. They're 90% female,asian humans ,follow the code of bushido and although cunning honourable warriors they're primarily peaceful explorers. They're also UN members which explains why they're orbiting Earth.
I use the designs for 23rd century Romulan starships and things round that centuries tech level.
Dread Lady Nathicana
30-03-2008, 14:04
Welcome aboard - hope you enjoy your stay.
Bear in mind, there's some of us who don't limit ourselves to who we RP with either, having played with folks across the spectrum of those rather limiting categories listed earlier.
My best advice is to look around, do some reading, do some asking via private messages even, and see what appeals to you. Granted, there's a lot of closed or currently too far ahead to join threads, but there's always opportunities to get going.
If nothing else, you could always do a small writeup to introduce yourself - doesn't have to be interactive, but could be. "Here's who we are, and what we do or stand for, hope to make your acquaintances," or the like. I wouldn't ask right off the bat for alliances, but opening diplomatic avenues can be a decent start, or even asking for some trade. Some folks like to play that out in detail, some don't - myself, I prefer not to because I'm no economist - but you'll find all sorts on here.
Above all, have fun with whatever you choose to do - that is the whole point, no? You'll find any number of people telling you 'how it is', so far as 'rules' and the like - like the passage of time on NS, or how much military you 'can' have, etc etc etc. Again, do some reading. See what groups you feel most attuned to. See how they like to handle things. Then tailor it to suit what you want to do with your nation and storylines.
There are no 'hard' rules. It's all a matter of what people you play with are willing to accept. Don't be fooled by folks trying to impose their reality on yours - given some time and effort, you can make pretty much anything work on here. And don't let yourself get discouraged by people telling you what you can or can't do - ease into it, figure out what works for you, and go with it.
You'll figure it out - we all have eventually. I built my nation off a silly idea that turned serious, and gradually built on that through RP and more ideas coming in. Find a theme, and go from there. All the fiddly details can come as you go along, or as they're needed.
Good luck!
--Nathi's Player