Iaru Sails: New nation!
Sail forth with purity in mind.
Soft glows of amber rays sifted into the open-air bedroom as the morning sun edged slowly over the distant horizon. The calm waters of the bay and the gentle breeze that folded and pushed the white linen drapes into a soft, flowing dance roused the sleeper from her rest. Her cat, Anpu, leaped from the large bed and slowly snaked its way to the balcony. Its meow was her first greeting. Asenath, Queen of Iaru, blinked slowly and smiled. Her steely blue-gray eyes looked at the mau and observed its behavior. The naked queen rose from her bed after spending some time watching her only child curiously search the room. It was believed that Anpu's actions were to cleanse the room of spirits that may have taken residence in the dark of the night.
The Isiri wrapped herself in the green linen robes that she wore at sunrise, and began the walk from her open balcony down to the shore. The water hit the sandy beach with a rush. Asenath squinted her eyes and viewed the horizon. Behind her was the capital, Sekh-Osir, on a lone rocky outcropping of an island in the middle of the bay. As customary, her view was eastward. The sun had risen over the horizon by now, and she fell to her knees. Her prayers began.
She prayed for the continued rising of the sun. She prayed to her mother, and to her father, for their continued blessings. On this isolated behemoth of an island, Asenath had been granted god-like status. She, Asenath, was the daughter of her father. But she was also the Isiri, the queen, fashioned in the likeness of her mother. Judger of souls and healer of the wounded, she was a God-Queen. Her immortality only stretched to seemingly endless life on Earth and a bit of foresight. Her prayers were more of a conversation with her creators than a begging of forgiveness, a confession of imperfection. Asenath opened her eyes and muttered the recurring dream to her parents.
The dream was more of a prophecy than imaginary happenings. Asenath foresaw troubling times ahead for her civilization and her people. Visions of great empires crossing paths on the shores of Iaru, visions of destruction and terror, visions of peace and trade with a host of nations all fascinated and troubled the Isiri. She saw the path in which her people would go. They would demand a voice in government, they would demand to sail beyond their own shores. Asking if the prophecy was inevitable, she felt the answer engulf her.
Mortal humans are curious creatures, just as the mau cat. They will seek to find answers to the questions of life. Those answers they disapprove will be ignored or destroyed. Those that they approve will be followed and adhered to with such fiery passion and fanaticism that it will cause their downfall. It was on that fateful morning thousands of years ago that Asenath felt the weight of ages shift onto her shoulders. Fury consumed her soul at first. She screamed to her parents, "Why hath thou cursed me so?! Why should I, my Creators, be burdened with these creatures that know not their own faults and see not their own destruction? You are cruel and unkind, to test me in this heartless way."
Their answer brought her to tears of enlightenment. The epiphany hit Asenath like a stone between the eyes. Two voices in unison spoke calmly as the wind blew a little harder, a little more fiercely. The waves picked up and washed upon the Isiri's knees, stinging them. "Daughter. As we had our trials in our immortal lives, you shall have yours. As our time has passed, so shall yours. For even gods have an afterlife, a life of leisure. Yours shall come once the ways of the world are known unto thee. But fear not, my child. Be not bitter, nor angry. Sail forth with purity in mind, and all that should be, shall be."
In traditional headdress and garb, Asenath looked up from the podium from which she spoke. At the Temple of Sekh-Osir where she had given her speech there was a crowd of reporters, admirers, academics, and religious scholars that numbered in the thousands. "I have told you this story, my citizens, not to force you into reverence of my existence. I tell you not to frighten you into submission. I tell you because you ought to know, you ought to see the source of my passion and the fire in my heart. For thousands of years I have ruled this great nation and civilization as Isiri, Queen of the Iaruni people. But most of all, I have ruled you with the thought that I am your mother, your aunt, your sister, your cousin. I am your representative before the gods from the Heavens that grant me the power to rule and you the power to determine what is right for us.
"I am grateful that the Holy Order of Iaru has stood strongly for the perpetuation of my reign. I am also thankful to the Council of Republicans for their insight, foresight, and wisdom to know that although I am not infallible, I am the bastion of order, freedom, and prosperity for Iaru. My creation was designed for the sole purpose to defend our island from aggression and to transcend the pettiness and fallacies of the world." A burst of applause from the right side at the front of the room where the 350 priests, priestesses, and ruling members of the Elder Council (also leaders of the Holy Order of Iaru) sat resounded across the large hall and theatre. Asenath bowed her head in their direction. The left side in the front, occupied by the 350 members of the Republican Council (a directly elected body of officials) remained largely quiet with scattered applause from some within its ranks. The rest of the hall behind was filled with those mentioned before.
Her gold mail headgear glinted in the soft light. She bowed her head. "I understand that the unrest of our nation grows. Yet can you not deny that our power over the ages has exponentially grown? Can you not deny that we are prepared to face the powers of the Earth and Space? Our military and navy remain strong, our culture remains pure, and our religion remains untainted. I am not a tyrant. I am your Queen. I am your Isiri. I am your Asenath. To declare me void is to declare yourselves destroyed by the powers that be and not out of my desire or volition. It is just the way that things are, my people. You must accept this fact. You must accept our fate to survive together as one until time does not exist any longer. I have faithfully represented you in the face of adversity and threat." Her voice grew stronger, more pronounced, and more forceful. "Foreign armies have never reached our shores due to the power of our navy. Foreign embassies have come and gone as other civilizations rise and fall. We have remained constant. Do not be greedy, my citizens. Do not believe that we are powerful and remain so by happenstance. Viligance and hard work have produced the results we have seen."
Another burst of applause, this time from all in the hall, resounded through the cavernous space. "It is time that we go forward and propel ourselves into the future. We shall explore the reaches of space far beyond our homeland. We shall go forth and spread our words, our beliefs, and our power to other nations on this planet. No longer will we wait for them to come to us. Our power demands a sharing of ideas. Earth shall be blessed with our contact. May the gods bless your souls, for I will continue to wish only your greatest happiness and safety. May the gods bless Iaru!" Thundering applause and chants erupted. The ancient temple had been remodeled thousands of times. Its new walls of obsidian shone brightly in the flash of cameras and its newly installed tinted, towering panes of windows showed the sky above and around. Its only remaining piece from thousands of years ago was an enormous crystal ankh under which there was an inscription that read, "Isiri Asenath, God-Queen of Iaru". It was a testament to her longevity. The temple had changed constantly, but Asenath was still the one and only ruler that Iaru had ever known.
Isiri Asenoth, God-Queen of Iaru
Map of Iaru..
OOC: Hey all! This is probably just going to be a history/facts thread or somesuch for my own purposes but greetings are welcome!! I'll have another post up with important government, religious, and other leaders up soon. Until then feel free to make OOC and IC comments and I'll respond happily! :D
The government of Iaru is a behemoth of a bureaucracy and its power is unquestionable. There are 39 provincial districts, not including the capital city. Thus there are 40 districts known as sepats in Iaru, and their governors are referred to as Sepatri (plural) or Sepatrus (singular). As a general rule, they are male, but the Isiri has desired that the far northeastern region (sepats XII through XX) of her empire be ruled totally by women. The Sepatri are still hand-picked by the Isiri though she has been graceful enough to allow refenderums on these leaders in the past few centuries. Direct elections are being heavily petitioned for in the southwest and on the island of Eridar. The Council of Sepatri meets annually at Sekh-Osir to discuss plans, agenda, and formulate national goals.
There is a legislature that is seated in Sekh-Osir, called the Iaruni Congress. In it are two houses: the lesser Republican Council and the more prestigious Elder Council. The Republican Council comprises of 350 members elected from across the Queendom. The Republicans are directly elected to their seats for terms of five years that end all at the same time, creating massive shifts in government if factional allegiances change over time. There are no term limits, though Isiri has the power to suspend a councilor's term and not allow he or she to run for office again. The Elder Council, which happens to comprise of all the ruling councilors of the Holy Order of Iaru plus some lesser priests and priestesses, is the more prestigious house of the Iaruni Congress. The Isiri, through her blessed and wise eyes, has chosen its members who serve at her leisure. They may be removed from their seats at any time in any quantity. The Elder Council is obviously very conservative and extremely religious. The Isiri has ensured that it does not hold back Iaruni progress for the sake of tradition, however. Her benevolence and wide understanding of the world have allowed for the Elder Council to be temporarily disbanded at times to allow for sweeping reforms in the Republican Council. Bills and resolutions passed by the Republican Council must also be passed by the Elder Council. Isiri then determines whether the law passed is worthy of enactment.
At the present, the Republican Council is comprised of three major factions that are endorsed by Isiri. They are the Worshippers' Faction, the Patriots' Faction, and the Gaians' Faction. The Worshippers are conservative in their morals and values, and hold the government responsible for the welfare of all Iaru. They value lower, flat taxes on the people but insist on a strong defense. They also support continuing the state religion and forcing all businesses to recognize religious holidays. The Patriots value a strong defense, increased education and science opportunities, and a devotion to healing the sick and injured through charitable means. Patriots favor moderate, flat taxes and some degree of leniency on religious issues. Gaians are not necessarily earth worshippers, but are a faction of Iaruni that believe that the Isiri's glory is best promoted by her connection with the Earth and its spiritual ihabitants. Gaians have deviated so far from traditional doctrine that some few hundred years ago they were threatened with persecution until Asenath stepped forward and endorsed their way of worship as "one of the many ways that my glory and immortality may be respected". Gaians favor strong environmental regulation, freedom of religion, increased health care, science, and education opportunities, and believe that strength through peace is a sound policy. They favor a harsh progressive tax system that is partly based on income but also heavily focused on individual pollution. Those that pollute more would have to pay more in taxes, for example.
These factions are all supported by the Isiri. Others that she does not approve of are either wiped out or restricted to their sepats of origin. Sometimes, such as with the Gaians, centuries of lobbying from their origin sepat can lead to national recognition.
Faction of Worshippers -- 161 (46%)
Faction of Patriots -- 105 (30%)
Faction of Gaians -- 84 (24%)
There are also sects (the equivalent of factions) in the Elder Council that are more pronounced in the Holy Order of Iaru. However, the Isiri has demanded that the Elder Council pledge its loyalty first to country, and second to the gods when legislating, thus sectarian issues act as an undercurrent to issues rather than part of open discussion. There are hundreds of sects across Iaru, but only five have representation in the Elder Council. This is a subtle, yet useful, tool for Isiri to have when she wishes to validate or invalidate sects of the religion. The religion of Iaru, by the way, is Osi-Ka. Basically, it is the worship of primarily Isiri Asenath, and to a lesser degree the ancient gods Osiris and Isis. Roman Catholics IRL may connect the roles of Isis and Osiris to that of the Virgin Mary, but their roles are obviously more prounounced as they are also gods, but retired in a sense. Asenath is THE patron goddess of Iaru though there are other ancient gods and goddesses that hold sway over the land. The five sects are: Sect of Asenath, Sect of Anpu, Sect of Re, Sect of Gaia, Sect of Anubis. The following are their respective proportions in the Elder Council.
Sect of Asenath -- 140 (40%) - Directly and openly worships Asenath as the supreme goddess. Bends and sways to her every religious desire and will. Funds and fuels the Isir Guard, a personal entourage of armed, militant priests and priestesses that pledge unending faith to the Isiri's wishes. Most fanatical sect.
Sect of Anpu -- 70 (20%) - Worships the immortal mau Anpu, the Isiri's life companion. The cat is believed to have supernatural powers, which the Sect of Anpu has declared to be of the cat's own volition. This sect funds and fuels the defense of the nation against attack as well as inquistions across the country to ensure religious and cultural purity. The Sect of Anpu is noted as the most pacifistic sect, but most willing to strike at enemies when provoked. There is no military wing of this sect.
Sect of Re -- 56 (16%) - Worships the ancient sun god, Re. Followers of this sect can be seen walking to the nearest body of water at sunrise, facing east, and chanting the Call of Re to pray for everlasting peace for Iaru. They also care for the sick and elderly and drive the Way of Re, the largest charitable organization in Iaru. There is no military wing for this sect.
Sect of Gaia -- 28 (8%) - Already discussed, Gaians believe that the Way of the Earth is the best way to worship Asenath's godliness. They are adamant about preserving the ecological harmony of nature, and the Fire Foresters are a militant wing of the Sect of Gaia intent on forcing environmental friendliness at the least, and outright worship of nature's glory at most. They first serve Isiri, and then the Sect of Gaia.
Sect of Anubis -- 56 (16%) - Worshippers in this sect are obsessed with the Afterlife and have devoted their lives on Earth for preparing what is to come. They are also the most superstitious and wary of evil spirits, often allying with the Anpunites in inquisitions against the Unseen Evil. Anubians are most often morticians and funeral directors, but their numbers are far and wide across Iaru. There is no military wing for this sect.
Map of Iaru with sepats numbered..
List of Sepats..
I. Sepat of Addaya
Capital - Sekh-Asi
II. Sepat of Rai
Capital - Efu
III. Sepat of Jarhi
Capital - Ikui
IV. Sepat of Subati
Capital - Akunosh
V. Sepat of Minnakht
Capital - Ajedbu
VI. Sepat of Userhet
Capital - Mujda
VII. Sepat of Gua
Capital - Kahma
VIII. Sepat of Karpes
Capital - Amenophis
IX. Sepat of Djau
Capital - Maharet
X. Sepat of Ipuwer
Capital - Nimlot
XI. Sepat of Sit
Capital - Siwa
XII. Sepat of Nimer
Capital - Nimeropolis
XIII. Sepat of Odi
Capital - Sekh-Odi
XIV. Sepat of Baktre
Capital - Nebankh
XV. Sepat of Tjauemdi
Capital - Meryt
XVI. Sepat of Zahjra
Capital -Neferi
XVII. Sepat of Sefu
Capital - Ahmes
XVIII. Sepat of Kaos
Capital - Hadi
XIX. Sepat of Iufankh
Capital - Ijadu
XX. Sepat of Ptarih
Capital - Kawab
XXI. Sepat of Henut
Capital - Akhu-Sir
XXII. Sepat of Kifu
Capital - Nirwat
XXIII. Sepat of Walidu
Capital - Nyco
XXIV. Sepat of Akencheres
Capital - Kehmet
XXV. Sepat of Bak
Capital - Khadi
XXVI. Sepat of Nubkhaes
Capital - Kafiru
XXVII. Sepat of Reonet
Capital - Weret
XXVIII. Sepat of Panyir
Capital - Qenymin
XXIX. Sepat of Musabir
Capital - Al-Badri
XXX. Sepat of Barak
Capital - Sennefer
XXXI. Sepat of Erfa
Capital - Erfa
XXXII. Sepat of Urshka
Capital - Sabi
XXXIII. Sepat of Gua
Capital - Asani
XXXIV. Sepat of Ishaqar
Capital - Tjaroy
XXXV. Sepat of Hama-Sarif
Capital - Adisja
XXXVI. Sepat of Moseji
Capital - Imhotep
XXXVII. Sepat of Najar
Capital - Panas
XXXVIII. Sepat of Quasi
Capital - Triadjat
XXXIX. Sepat of Eridar
Capital - Esemkhebe
Queendom of Iaru
The Queendom of Iaru, ruled by the God-Queen Isiri Asenath, has a large and sprawling bureaucracy to take care of the everyday matters that concern the great and expansive nation. Her advisors are plentiful and constantly buzzing around the palace complex in search of information and to deliver messages. However, there is an elite group of advisors that personally communicates with the Isiri. They are known individually as an Omarus. Each controls an Omaridus. Collectively, they are the Council of Omari and they meet with the Isiri on a weekly basis to discuss important policy matters and the future direction of the nation.
Omaridus of Interior Affairs - Omarus Ankhu Usabe (male)
Omaridus of Religious Affairs - Omarus High Priestess Nema Ptajdr (female)
Omaridus of Cultural Affairs - Omarus Kufu Ahwere (male)
Omaridus of Defense - Omarus Menes Serapion (male)
Omaridus of National Security - Omarus Seth Heqaib (male)
Omaridus of Foreign Affairs - Omarus Nuri Iras (female)
Omaridus of Education and Research - Omarus Basst Imho (male)
Omaridus of Scientific Affairs - Omarus Raia Kafi (male)
Omaridus of Health and Human Affairs - Omarus Shani Nahjti (female)
Omaridus of Environmental Affairs - Omarus High Priestess Rai Nizam (female)
Omaridus of Economic Affairs - Omarus Jafari Wali (male)
Omaridus of Labor - Omarus Omorose Oseye (female)
Omaridus of Agricultural and Commercial Affairs - Omarus Nepthys Makare (female)
Omaridus of Energy - Omarus Yanhamu Nibu (male)
Omaridus of Finance - Omarus Kiera Weni (female)
High Court of Justice - Omarus Moswen Apophis (male)
Each Omarus serves the pleasure of Isiri and may be removed from his or her post at any time. Tradition has established a largely aristocratic dynasty that controls the Omari Council, in which the offspring of its members are often guaranteed some spot on the Council. In recent years this method of appointment has come under fire from the public and as such the Isiri has modified her appointment criteria slightly. Her argument has always been that she does not award solely upon bloodline, that candidates must display skill and ability for the position in which they seek.
This large Council is the supreme council of Iaru. Its immediate subordinate is the High Court of Justice, in which 11 Supreme Judges (one of which is the Omarus) are appointed by the Council of Omari and approved by the Republican and Elder councils. Iaru has had an independent judiciary for centuries and this fact has ensured true justice and equality under the law for all Iaruni. The apparent lack of political freedoms and the mediocrity of civil rights are certainly made less painful by the guarantee of transparent and real justice.
Immediately under the HCoJ is the Iaruni Congress. The chain of command then continues to Sepatric Councils that serve the Sepatri in all of the sepats of Iaru. Below those are Municipal Councils and Viziers (mayors) that retain the lowest level of government.
The Isir Palace serves as the center of national government. Its vast size and scope allow for it to be the center of all government activity and still allow the Isiri space and time to be alone and free from the hustle and bustle when she so desires it. The palace's compound stretches for hundreds acres and contains dozens independent buildings and offices that allow the giant bureaucracy to run smoothly and efficiently.
Isiri Announces New Foreign Policy and Space Program
(SEKH-OSIR) - Today at Isir Palace, Isiri Asenath announced a bold new foreign policy that she vaguely referenced a few days ago in her speech at the Temple of Sekh-Osir. The new plan calls for a pro-active role in world affairs and an aggressive revitalization of the Iaruni space program to compete with other nations in the fields of military, information, and research technology. The announcement was made at a press briefing after a meeting with the Omari Council.
Analysts have predicted for some time that the Isiri would roll out such a plan to bolster the nation's credentials among potential trade partners and also continue the long history of peace and safety for Iaru. "As I have said before, our strong military has protected us from harm. However, I have watched the rest of the world far outpace our nation in other fields, especially concerning huge leaps in galactic travel and space technology. For Iaru to leap forward and catch up, we must extend our sight beyond our waters. We, at last, will become active on the world stage."
Her announcement was greeted with silence among most people in the nation. Several citizens on the streets of Sekh-Osir shook their heads and walked quickly past our reporters when questioned as to how they felt about the new developments. Professor Sa'id Nirwa of Gaia College hinted that the lack of a response may indicate a negative opinion. "The Isiri is greatly revered and feared by our people. Silence and lack of an opinion could suggest a dislike of an idea or policy." His idea is supported by many others. However, Republican Councilor Hiraz Oseye disagrees. "The Iaruni people are not angry at Her Holiness. Quite the contrary! I believe that Iaru is not used to the idea of going to other nations, and the idea will take some time to sink in. However, I think we can all agree that this new policy will be most rewarding for our civilization, for our culture, and for the Isiri herself."
As part of the plan, Isiri Asenath plans to extend the role of the Omaridus of Foreign Affairs beyond simple maintenance of relations with those nations that happen to pass through our waters or seek trade with us. Our cars, obsidian, oil, nuclear technologies, and agricultural goods are widely popular among buyers but trade has begun to level off. The Isiri has proposed that rather than maintain relationships for the soul purpose of keeping lucrative trade deals, Iaru should seek out more relationships for the promotion of peace and common security. She also intends to promote Iaruni values of loyalty, trust, and care for the sick across the globe. Pending a new environmental policy, Isiri also intends to promote ecological friendliness for the sake of not just humankind, but for all inhabitants of the Earth.
Isiri Asenath, in the same meeting, decided to launch a new branch of the Iaruni space program. The current program involves the launching and maintenance of hundreds of satellites for commercial and government usage. The new branch, titled the Iaruni Space Command, will be directed exclusively by the Omaridus of Defense until it is large enough to be its own independent government entity. Her Holiness intends for the ISC to begin designing and launching shuttle craft to search for a feasible area to begin mining in order to collect more materials for a vast space fleet of scientific, commercial, diplomatic, and military vessels that will broaden Iaruni influence and power not just across the globe, but across the solar system. "I admit with no hesitation that this new space program will take decades to complete. Many of our older generations will not see the day that Iaru becomes a power in space. It is possible that our younger generations will only begin to see its fruition. That should not, however, lead you to believe that the effort is futile. In fact, it is not. You will secure the future of your sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters, by standing as one in solidarity to propel our civilization beyond the reaches of the globe."
The golden mail headgear that served as the Isiri's crown was as ancient as Iaru. Through the ages she had worn this simple, yet elegant garb as a testimony to her supreme stature on this earth. She did not wear crowns as other monarchs, for she was not simply a monarch. No, Asenath was a god-queen, a ruler of beings on this planet not out of divine right but rather divine essence. Her beauty, her gait, and her manner all imposed upon those who walked before her a sense of awe and perhaps intimidation. However, Asenath was not perfect and did not pretend to be so. One of the curses of her immortal existence among mortals was that she picked up their habits of impatience, of falling to tempation, and becoming too trusting of others. The Isiri made clear to her citizens that she did indeed have faults. Her presence begged to differ.
The Obelisk of Isiri was the meeting place for every major government council that presides over Iaru. The Council of Omari, the Council of Republicans and Council of Elders (in the Iaruni Congress, which occupies a third of the Obelisk), the Council of Sepatri, and the High Court of Justice all claim home to the Obelisk. It is a towering, giant structure that stretches 460 meters into the air (about 1510 ft) over the metropolis of Sekh-Osir. It is, by far, the city's tallest building and most visible. Its black obsidian exterior heavily plated with dark, tinted glass made for a glittering, black mass that truly enchanted visitors. The Temple of Sekh-Osir, immediately adjacent to the monolith, was a stark contrast of white marble that stretched 200 meters upward (about 655 ft) with its own towering obelisk (the Obelisk of Asenath). The very tip of both was pure diamond that shone in the bright of the day or the dark of night, aided by internal light systems that glowed different colors depending upon the Isiri's mood.
It was at noon on this day near the top of the Obelisk of Isiri that the Council of Omari met once again in a special session. The day prior they had announced jointly their plans to roll out a new foreign policy and space iniative. Asenath, wearing her traditional crown, walked into the room wearing flowing robes of white linen accented by small ruby crystals. Today her eyes were surrounded in a deep, dark red with black outline. The stark contrast from her blue-gray eyes was appealing and attractive. She blinked slowly around the table before she sat. The Isiri nodded to each of the fifteen at the round table of cherry oak, to which each bowed respectfully. When she sat, they did as well. Asenath began as usual,
"My friends, we are in a time of great progress and change. I have watched for thousands of years this nation grow from a collection of villages on the banks of the Hapui to this sprawling empire that stretches across an entire landmass and an island. I have seen men rise and fall, I have civilizations crumble on their own accord, their own inept nature. We are different. You know this already. You have come to understand our destiny is blessed and greater than the citizens of our nation could imagine. That is why you are my omari, my faithful followers. Yesterday after my announcement, numerous voices of opposition sounded from the various sects that dominate Osi-Ka." She glared at her two omari that were also high priestesses. "It is your duty, your responsibility as leaders by my side to guide the religious sects in their mission, which is simply to promote their causes. I am Isiri, God-Queen of Iaru. My word is law. To question my word is to question my law, which then questions my judgment as your leader and supposed source of inspiration." Asenath continued to direct her gaze at the priestesses Nema and Rai (Omari of Religious Affairs and Environmental Affairs, respectively). "I am benevolent. I welcome dissenting opinions in the form of political discourse. I will not tolerate talk of betrayal of prophecies, nor betrayal of the people from my leaders in the religion. I will not have the Sect of Gaia professing my policies to be capitalist maneuvers to rape our land of its resources to pursue some blind fantasy mission to the stars. I will not have the Sect of Anubis tell me that the stars are the property of the gods alone, that men should not seek to travel amongst them. Am I clear, my representatives of the holy orders?"
The two in question had tears in their eyes and bowed their heads deeply. Nema was a High Priestess in the Sect of Anubis and her head was shaved bald. She wore no make-up but had a single piercing of a jackal's head upon her bald scalp. Her eyes shown bright blue that stood in beautiful contrast to her caramel skin. Rai was a High Priestess of the Sect of Gaia, only recently recognized as valid. Her black hair was long and flowing, her eyes a deep almond. She also wore no make-up but the tattoo of a leaf upon her neck was vivid and green. She wore a green headscarf. They both replied, "Yes, Isiri. We have not done enough to manage the rabble-rousers below us. They will be silenced." Asenath seemed satisfied with this response. "Excellent. You know that I speak to all of you as equals. I demand perfection from you, and you often deliver. Have we any pressing matters, my omari?"
The first to speak, as always, was the Omari of Defense, Menes Serapion. One could describe his features as intimidating, but that would be a profound understatement. His head shaved bald, the towering figure of muscular might had features that most envisioned in a super hero. Serapion was a general, and a young one that. Only in his late 30s, the man had shown skill and prowess on the battlefield and planning room alike. His eyes were bright gray and accented with a thick lining of black make-up. He went about his business bare-chested, only wearing a silver plate of metal on his left breast. The other was tattooed with a scorpion and he carried a scepter by his side that sheathed a thin blade of steel. "My Holy Queen, the news is good. Our navy has managed to decimate a pirate colony on one of the islands to the west and our military continues to be prepared for a strike. As you requested yesterday, I have the full numbers. Our active duty personnel number around 300,000. Reserve forces are slightly higher at 400,000. Our military, when measured by size per capita, ranks as average when compared to the rest of the world. I believe this is a safe number considering we have no enemies to speak of. But, my Isiri, I humbly request a joint effort with Omari Heqaib of National Security to bolster our shoreline defenses. Although we have no enemies, my prayers have told me to seek safety 'behind the security of the sand and rock.'"
Asenath smiled at her favorite. "Yes, of course. You are granted permission, assuming that you will use already available resources to pursue this endeavour. Now, let us get on to more controversial matters, my friends. We must begin to aggressively seek friendship beyond our borders. We are strong and independent, but it is necessary at this point to reach out. Are there any suggestions, Dr. Iras?"
Dr. Nuri Iras, Omari of Foreign Affairs, was the most-traveled of the group. She was also the least religious, the most pacifistic, and the most educated. Though creeping into her 60s, the woman's short, spiked white hair and warm, brown eyes screamed youth. It didn't hurt that her features were young and vibrant. Bouncy, yet intelligent, Nuri had a great sense of humor and made the perfect candidate to initiate friendships abroad. "My Isiri, we have not found any realistic avenues short of showing up in someone's port to say hello. Some in my department have wryly suggested that we dub a ship the title 'ISV Diplomacy' and use it as a mobile base from which to make friendships. I am unsure of its effectiveness as there are thousands of nations that somehow fit onto this globe and we haven't enough data to sift through the idiotic and those worthy of our friendship. Another suggestion is to subscribe to numerous news wires in hopes of finding some ceremony or perhaps a conference that we could attend. I personally find this approach more appealing, but why not kill two birds with one stone? A two-pronged approach of launching a ship (with escorts, of course) to sail worldwide as well as hunting down any potential, more traditional avenues of growth would be most effective at this point. Or perhaps we could blow up some random nation's village and then enter the world stage that way," she joked. The analysis and joke were well-received by all at the table.
Asenath laughed lightly. She felt very proud of herself for having chosen this bright woman that seemed so full of energy. Nuri Iras was the newest addition to the Omari Council. Her predecessor was a fanatical old hag that seemed to think anything beyond the necessary was a violation of religious doctrine. Dr. Iras had joined only two months ago and fit in quite comfortably.
Another press briefing would be held where this new announcement would hit the headlines. Thus, Iaru would come into the full range of diplomacy.
OOC: If anyone wants to respond as a long-time trade partner of the Queendom that would be perfectly appropriate. This avenue is already being approached and would be welcomed by myself!
Thousands gather in Sekh-Osir to celebrate new freedoms
It seems as if the Five Councils have embraced the will of the people in a remarkable and stunning round of legislation over the past few weeks. Released in conjunction with new internationalist policies, a new environmental policy, and a host of other progressive reforms, the announcement made yesterday evening by the Isiri that a full range of political freedoms will now be granted is, to say the least, unexpected.
Isiri Asenath, who has long and forever held the post of God-Queen of Iaru, has always been predisposed to progressive policies. However, they often take generations to unfold as the ruling elite of Iaru tends to pressure each other with conservative and sometimes archaic musings of tradition and repulsion of blasphemy to keep our nation and culture unaffected by the growing world. Isiri Asenath last broke with the elite class of Iaruni nearly four hundred years ago when she decreed the creation of the Iaruni Congress in which half of its members were to be directly elected. Such a system was heavily opposed by the Sepatri Council at the time and its suspension resulted in a widespread acceptance out of fear for the Isiri's vision. Entire regions of sepats witnessed their ruling dynasties either overthrown or shamed into resignation after Isiri stripped dozens from power and even more from the potential being part of the ruling class. The most prominent revolution was in the northeast of the nation where Isiri placed a number of sepats under female rule and declared that region matriarchal with regard to sepatri.
The "Expansion of Freedom Decree" has drastically altered the construct of Iaruni politics. No longer will viziers (mayors) be selected by municipal councils. Rather, they will be directly elected and will rule in conjuction with the municpal councils. However, the municipal councils will still hold ultimate power, with the ability to fire the vizier if he or she is suspected of wrongdoing. Also changed are laws regarding protests. They will now be allowed if the government is alerted at least two months in advance and the number of participants will have to be fully registered by name and identity number. Isiri has hinted that these protests will be cordoned off and entrance to the protesting area will be granted by government agents and police officers checking for names. A small gain has been made with regard to sepatri appointments. The Isiri has said that she will allow ten sepats of her choosing to hold elections for their respective sepatri. She will, of course, hold ultimate power over the choices and may eliminate certain contenders.
Although the Eridar Daily Report has noted that in other nations more democratic tendencies prevail with good reason, we cannot complain about the progress that has just been achieved. These new steps are milestones for Iaru, and all citizens should take full advantage of their deserved rights and privileges.
On a lesser note, the Council of Omari has announced new plans to facilitate for a growing wing of the population that desires more freedom of choice in political matters. With the blessing of the Isiri, the Omaridus of the Interior intends to endorse three new factions to participate in the next national election. Under growing pressure from the Sect of Gaia, the Isiri is also expected to announce new endorsements of religious sects to "diversify the nature of potential worship for all Iaruni". Religious freedoms, when compared to those worldwide, are disappointingly low in the Queendom.
Most critical of the new laws and proposals are the members of the Elder Council. Priests, priestesses, and other officials from the Sect of Anubis have come out in almost blasphemous contempt for the Isiri's plans. Chief Priest Anu-Seth issued a statement from the Temple of Anubis in Kahma, Gua (Sepat VII):
I am deeply troubled by the latest turn of events in a seemingly endless series of policies that direct our nation, culture, and religion toward a more open and vulnerable path to the wicked ways of foreign heretics that would destroy our way of life. This talk of extended freedom troubles the Sect of Anubis and its followers for the sole reason that were the gods willing to allow our humble people the ability to rule, it would have been so taught from the beginning of time. We understand Her Holiness Isiri Asenath of the Queendom intends well, but we question the necessity of her concessions to the unruly and most insignificant.
Isir Palace has yet to respond to the statement which was ironically made possible in the loosening of restrictions on the press and free speech. This column is also made possible by Her Holiness' most benevolent measures. In closing, we here at the Eridar Daily Report hope that this trend will not stop at this moment in time. We dream of a Iaru that has full democracy with the Isiri holding the highest office of the land permanently. We dream of a Iaru with full freedom of religion, allowing for the first time the opportunity to discuss ideas without fear of repercussion. These dreams may someday be fulfilled, and the latest progressive measures taken by Isiri Asenath give us hope.
The Editorial Staff