東陽蹴球高頗 (동양축구고파) - The Oriental Football Cup IV
01-03-2008, 18:01
The Oriental Football Cup
La Copa Oriéntale de Fútbol
The Imperial Football Association of Daehanjeiguk (the Great Han Empire) wishes to invite those countries that adhere to the following requirements in a new football tournament in the Empire proper. The purpose of this tournament is to bring together the history and heritage of worldwide ethnic Han peoples, to include the commonly called peoples of "Korea", "China", and the "Philippines". For this reason, the Imperial Football Association feels it is most appropriate for the home Empire to host this tournament to bring back the descendants of those many progenitors of the ethnic Han abroad. By hosting this tournament, we wish to test the bonds of familial strength and learn of the fate of our brothers and sisters abroad, and to forge a new friendship with those countries that host these populations. It is with great pleasure that the IFA announces the Fourth Oriental Football Cup.
Countries wishing to participate in the Tournament must satisfy the following requirements:
The country must be recognized by the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs; OR
The country must have a sizable population of ethnic Han (Korean/Mandarin/Cantonese/Chinese/Filipino), whose heritage has in some part contributed to the country's modern establishment; OR
The country must have a significant population of ethnicities considered to possess a heritage closely tied to ethnic Han heritage (Japanese/Vietnamese/Thai/Malay/Mongolian), whose heritage has in some part contributed to the country's modern establishment; OR
The country must have declared its official languages to be the same as those of the Empire (Korean/Chinese); OR
The country must have been at one time a protectorate or tributary state of the Empire in its history.
Those countries wishing to participate must supply proof of the requirements established.
Thanks to Ariddia for NSWikifying this Cup before I could (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/Oriental_Football_Cup.html).
Total Countries registered: 10
Daehanjeiguk (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13522424&postcount=18)
Kalmykstan (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13510698&postcount=12)
Sorthern Northland (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13503002&postcount=9)
Kose and the Turkomans
Starblaydia (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13504154&postcount=10)
Fujisawan Territories (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13504709&postcount=11)
Sokojito and Sokojiwa (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13517180&postcount=16)
General Rules:
- Since not every country has KPB ranks, they will not be used in the score calculations.
- The OFC is not affiliated with the World Cup and is not sponsored by the WCC (that is, whatever happens in the OFC stays in the OFC).
- RP is the only determinant that helps you win (i.e. no ranks, whatsoever!); but it is not guarantee that you will win every match.
Matches will be held in Emperor Gojong Football Stadium in Hangyeong, with neighboring stadiums also open to the competition if the volume proves too much for one stadium to handle. The minimum number of teams required to play is set at 4, although no maximum has been established yet.
Fujisawan Territories
01-03-2008, 19:54
The Fujisawan Territories would like to participate. Pureblood Fujisawans are Japanese/Korean in descent and make up almost 100% of the population as immigration is illegal.
The official languages of the Fujisawan Territories are Fujisawan, English, Japanese and Korean.
New Manhattan
01-03-2008, 21:20
Capitalizt SLANI submits its entry form for Sokojito and Sokojiwa, and inconsiderately writes in the “office use only” area (there wasn’t room anywhere else) asking how the IFA still manages to be so pleased about the inagural Oriental Football Cup. :p
02-03-2008, 07:16
^^^ Updated as of ^^^
02-03-2008, 07:22
Capitalizt SLANI submits its entry form for Sokojito and Sokojiwa, and inconsiderately writes in the “office use only” area (there wasn’t room anywhere else) asking how the IFA still manages to be so pleased about the inagural Oriental Football Cup. :p
Sokojito and Sokojiwa's application is rejected because some people failed to read the instructions on the side of the sheet of paper (PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THE SPACE RESERVED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY, UNDER PENALTY OF REJECTION). Nonetheless, as Sokojito and Sokojiwa is a returning team, they have been accepted on this merit.
On another note, where the %$#^ing hell is this "inagural" Oriental Football Cup? I've looked all over for it. (I'm not kidding. Do you mean "inaugural" or am I missing some sick joke here? and pardon the Master Drunk Han and his apparent rudeness...)
03-03-2008, 03:08
His Majesty, Khan Mongke IV, Grand Ruler of All Kalmykstan Under Heaven and Defender of the Land of the Dharma, does wish that all nations do well in this football cup - but especially wishes the Kalmykstani the utmost of luck in the Uskhodaznaustva Futbol Shafa. (OOC: Not sure if it's proper Mongolian - entered it in an online translating English-Mongolian dictionary but noticed that some words it spat out were Russian...LOL).
03-03-2008, 14:29
Lord Azanulbizarn's Thoughts
The new Starblaydi Minister for Sport answers our questions
A Jhanna Chronicle World Exclusive interview
With his promotion to Minister for Sport, the Dwarven legend Khim Azanulbizarn has become the first Dwarf bar Galhim Khazum-Kharad to sit on the Inner Council of the Lord-Protector. The spritely hundred-six year-old is the first Dwarven Minister of State in the history of the Starblaydi nation. In an exclusive interview for the Jhanna Chronicle, Khim gives us his thoughts on a whole range of issues, from grass roots to world titles.
I first met Khim when he took charge of the Az-cz national football team, many moons ago. He was on a relative high, having guided Starblaydia's team to the number-one position in the world, along with an unfortunate loss in the Final of World Cup 30 to the armada that was Bedistan. Khim was happy and hopeful, and he guided Az-cz, to a greater or lesser extent, to where they are today (World Cup 39's elimination by Starblaydia notwithstanding, of course).
A good forty years later, however, and Khim is still the same old Dwarf we all remember. Just over a hundred years old - he calls it 'a good innings' - he's still up for more football, despite finishing his international career nearly seventy years ago. "If me knees could take that kind'o speed an' impact fer ninety minutes on t'regular basis, ah'd still be playin', laddie." He's not joking, either. He still has great pace, as seen when crossing the road in full-flowing traffic, but he simply couldn't keep up for a whole match, never mind a whole tournament, without breaking down.
Before I've even asked the first question, he immediately starts talking about the 39th World Cup, like an excited schoolboy who really believes that Starblaydia could have gone all the way, giving the higher-ranked sides a run for their money, just like the Casarans did. So enthusiastic, he is, that he's actually answered all my question I had preprepared on the subject before I've even been made a cup of tea by a Ministry for Sport underling. Apart from during Operation Galactica (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/operation_galactica.html), the Sports Ministry has long been regarded as the most powerful government department, even more so than Finance, Education and Defence. This is testament to the draw of the World Cup, along with associated and unassociated tournaments alike, and just how important sports competition is to the people of Starblaydia and the wider world. It is claimed that everyone in the nation has, at some point, been affected by a programme begun by this Ministry, from youth sports, health drives, charity events and the highs and lows national football team itself. Khim is eager to increase that participation.
"That be why we have t'Di Bradini Cup, laddie," he says, "we be showin' t'world 'ow Starblaydia can manage sports through they nation. Sport helps t'people t'get 'ealthier, an' then t'people 'elp t'nation get reet grand at sports." This is crucial to his - and everyone else's - drive to put Starblaydia back at the top of the global footballing pyramid. "Number Wun in t'world. World Cups, Cups O'Harmony, Oriental-Under-21-Turtle-Zeke-Invitational Cups, whatever, we want it all. We want it all again, rather."
Which is partly why Starblaydia have entered the Oriental Cup at the fourth time of asking. Previously, Starblaydia's ethnic Han and associated communities have played a fairly minor role in their sporting achievements. Apart from notable achievers like Tetsuo Naoki and Surachai Buathiang, the pool of Starblaydi-Han talent has been relatively untapped. "Ah'm nay promisin' a totally Han team fer t'Oriental Cup," he continues, "because the 6% or so Han in t'nation 'aven't played football, historically. With Daehanjeiguk comin' t'fore, people 'ave summat to aim fer, now they know they 'ave relatives an such in their ancestral 'omes who can."
The list of recent Starblaydi players who have Han backgrounds is growing ever-larger. Chang-hwa, Chong-sun, Nakamura, Kaneda, Tze-Shu and Myung-Bo to name but a few. Largely, too, they're all young players, bar the thirty year-old Lii Chong-sun and mid-twenties Jae Chang-hwa. Khim confirmed that, by necessity, the Starblaydi squad sent to Daehanjeiguk will be, on average, a very young squad and would be coached by Lex Panarii. The former Starblaydia international, and re-creator of the Raiigar (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/raiigar.html), is used to managing such young squads as a University Professor-come-Team Manager, and should yield great experience for the former defensive midfielder. Khim also confirmed that the Under-21 manager Apollina Iakovakis would move on to manage a completely separate Turtle Cup side, should that tournament go ahead. Ah cannae promise twenty-three Hans will go t'Daehanjeiguk, nor can ah really promise eleven Hans to start wie, but ah can promise that all our Hans will be in t'squad, an' t'other players will 'ave an understandin' of Han culture, more than t'average player."
Panarii will be confirming his squad in a press conference just prior to the tournament beginning, but one fan sure to be there cheering him on will be Lord Khim Azanulbizarn, Minister for Sport. Former Starblaydi international player, captain and manager, Under-21 international, World Cup-winning manager and World Cup Hall of Famer and probable shoe-in for the left-back spot if ever the NS World Cup International Legends XI was decided.
But, to us, he's just plain Khim.
The Community of Diojiu would be honoured to compete in this hallowed competition.
Diojiu is a 'Chinese'-Buddhist nation
Sorthern Northland
05-03-2008, 17:08
The squad for the first even Sorthern Northland team to win a trophy (Well we can't let Valanora win again can we?)
1: Kim Suk-Yang, 29 y/o
13: Li Yang, 30 y/o
2: Ju Ju-Lee, 31 y/o right back
3: Seng Ming, 16 y/o left back
5: Hong Song-Bong, 33 y/o centre-back
6: Wang Li, 29 y/o centre-back
12: Ho Sung, 17 y/o centre back
7: Seol Kim-Hyuk, 31 y/o right-winger
11: Feng Shui, 90 y/o left winger
4: Jua Huwang, 19 y/o central midfielder
8: Ju Li, 20 y/o central midfielder
14: Hyn Myk-Song, 18 y/o can play anyway across the midfield
10: Jing Mao, 30 y/o
9: Kim Min-Kim, 33 y/o
15: Kang Kan-Kang, 30 y/o
16: Ji Ji-Lee, 20 y/o
Formation is 4-4-2 with a style modifier of +5.
http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/1695/snohkv8.png (http://imageshack.us)http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/4945/snoavy6.png (http://imageshack.us)http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/2937/snotro9.png (http://imageshack.us)
RP thingy
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers Y
Godmod scoring events N
RP injuries to my players Y
Godmod injuries to my players N
Hand out yellow cards to my players Y
Hand out red cards to my players Y
Godmod other events N
05-03-2008, 23:53
I Give My Opponent Permission
(and actively encourage them) To:
Choose My Scorers
GodMod Any Goalscoring Events
Yellow Card Players
GodMod Other Events for Humorous Intent
1) I actively encourage, nay nearly demand, that if you RP first you pick my scorers (if any).
2) * Denotes female player, ^ denotes Dwarf (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Starblaydi_Dwarves) player.
Starblaydia's Han Roster
Hans and fried rice lovers
The Staff
LP. Lex Panarii (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/lex_panarii.html), Manager, 41
The Starters
1. Caleb Westwood, GK, 20 - Fort Boston FC (Bostopia)
2. Jae Chang-hwa*, Captain, RB, 25 - Internashionale
3. Vega Matranga, C/RB, 21 - Jhanna City
4. Wen Tze-shu, DM, 18 - IYC Uharan Youth Team (Yafor 2)
5. Arkady Kaneda, CB, 23 - Cafundó do Juta (CAF)
6. Chen Myung-Bo, AM, 17 - CF Mont-Pluie (Ad'ihan)
7. Jaime Kuu, C/LM, 17 - Raynor City (ESF)
8. Batou Nakamura, R/L/CM, 19 - Hallad Reavers
9. Lii Chong-sun, SC, 29 - Internashionale
10. Lubii*, SC, 21 - Iskara Daii
11. Lee Il-Ajun, RM, 17 - Veles
The Substitutes
12. Kyli Seji, GK, 18 - FC Farça
13. Bazrador Drakkiborgo^, L/CB, 18 - Karak Ungor Chiefs
14. Inithar Mazarbul^, SW, 19 - Karak Ungor Chiefs
15. Jack Stafador, C/DM, 23 - Marquez-Onwere FC (Candelaria And Marquez)
16. Karinha*, C/AM, 25 - FC Farça
17. Fenchurch Bentley*, SC/RW, 20 - Hernsworth Cubs
18. Nuno Quaresma, SC, 24 - Beverington Hawks
The Formation
Home And Away Kits:
Kits created by:
Fujisawan Territories
06-03-2008, 04:53
Coach:Vajiron Yamutsa
Assistant Coach: Kafu Monomono
+4 style modifier
starters are bolded
* denotes female player
2 Noko Fujimaki* (Tokuzawa)
1 Masa’aki Mitsuharu (Iwosaka Island)
3 Mi’iko Tokudome* (University of Tijuku (UT)
5 Keiko Shi* (Women’s National Team)
9 Kiyotada Satoh (Okazaki Island)
22 Jun Kawai (Ushajo Acadmey (UA)
6 Kintsune Saji (Consolidated University of Koshima (CUK)
21 Shoko Arakida* (Midland Interisland University (MIU)
16 Mio Nogi* (Hoji Women’s University (HWU)
18 Tomomi Ki* (Iwosaka Island College (IIC)
10 Hirokazu Reizei (Kumanawa)
20 Shizuha Komine* (Hoji (Women’s League)
17 Koin Okuma (Territory Bay)
13 Sanjuro Kumasaka (Coastal Atsuzai)
19 Kazumi Ozu* (Jokata (Women’s League)
12 Tanzan Kawate (Carribeana Fujisawa)
23 Izukoza Yoko* (Hoji (Women’s League)
4 Zenki Sakurai (Iwosaka Island)
8 Shungyosai Karubo (University of Narasaka (UN)
7 Torajiro Jeppensha (University of Hoji (UH)
14 Shunsen Dan (Hoji Metro)
15 Gemmei Hatakeda* (Narasaka (Women’s League)
11 Rosanjin Kajitani (Shotohama City)
08-03-2008, 10:12
Kalmykstan Orda
Manager: Akutai Bataary
Coach: Kokochu Ulsan
The Kalmykstan Orda uses a 3-4-3 formation and their style modifier is rated at a +1.
1. Batzorig Altantsetsegy (Age 27, Ulge Khagans)
2. Altan Naranbaatar (Age 23, Batuldzii FC)
3. Ivaandjav Chuluuny (Age 25, Delgernandjil FC)
4. Temür Jürchen (Age 30, Dzoldzaya FC)
5. Erik Cholon (Age 28, Shurentsetseg FC)
6. Ulaan Batzorig (Age 23, Sarangerel FC)
7. Bartan Temuja (Age 29, Mungentuya FC)
8. Kokochu Kasary (Age 24, Ulge Khagans)
9. Mongke Muunokhoi (Age 25, Ulge Khagans)
10. Ulyaan Nyamsureny (Age 29, Odtsetseg FC)
11. Daritai Onggury (Age 23, Sarangerel FC)
12. Taichu Delger (GK, Age 22, Odtsetseg FC)
13. Sacha Uru'ut (D, Age 30, Altanchimeg FC)
14. Subotai Qongqotan (D, Age 25, Ulge Khagans)
15. Jelmei Tatar (D, Age 23, Delgernandjil FC)
16. Yesugei Jurkin (M, Age 27, Mungentuya FC)
17. Megujin Urt-Urumqi (M, Age 28, Odtsetseg FC)
18. Özbeg Choibalsan (M, Age 30, Shurentsetseg FC)
19. Badzar Ulyaan (M, Age 24, Dzoldzaya FC)
20. Dai-Sechen Basut (F, Age 25, Batuldzii FC)
21. Bold Ganigas (F, Age 23, Shurentsetseg FC)
22. Targutai Kiyat (F, Age 26, Baatarsaikhan FC)
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers Y
Godmod Scoring Events Y
RP injuries to my players Y
Godmod injuries to my players Y
Hand out Yellow cards to my players Y
Hand out Red cards to my players Y
Godmod Other Events Y
08-03-2008, 16:38
Alright... so the BoF has already started. Which means that we will start Monday.
I'm still working on the scorinator (and imagine you, I hadn't been working on it all the while over Spring Break...), so it should be functioning by Monday. Unfortunately, Diojiu, I'm going to rule arbitrarily that having 11 teams isn't going to make a perfect fit for groups. Unless I get one additional team to play along by tonight, I will have to put your admission on hold (until the next edition). Sorry about that.
A tentative schedule:
Monday 10 March: Group Draw (2 groups of 5 - same format as OFC III)
Wednesday 12 March: MD1
Thursday 13 March: MD2
Sunday 16 March: MD5
Monday 17 March: Semifinal
Tuesday 18 March: Final Match
If I get one more, then it's 4 groups of 3 - I'll post a schedule at that time.
Thanks to all who have expressed their interest and have posted relevant information. A reminder that this tournament is driven principally by your RP, so you win and lose based on how well you RP (which often makes a difference, as I've seen in the past). Nevermind the randomness that plagues every tournament. Hopefully, you will have fun doing this!
Elves Security Forces
08-03-2008, 16:43
Style Modifier: +3
Sag Yan
Age - 17,908
The VSC decided that due to the obligations of the several other managers they were considering for the job, that Yan was best to lead the squad after having understudied with Webber the past two tournaments. It is their hope that Webber's charm and luck might have worn off on him.
Assistant Manager
Adrealia Leiosian
Age 14,728
A up and coming young manager who is finding her spot in the world. Having taught and managed at the Valanari academy for the last hundred years of her life, she knows well how to get players motivated and the latest tactic tricks.
4 Wu Long, Gladerial Twilight
Age - 872
Sex - M
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 189 lbs
An adequate keeper who is looking to rebound after a medicore season in the Premiership. His size is both a strong point and a weakness for him, as he sometime trips over his own feet. However, his lighting reflexes and ability to deliver goal kicks into the oppisition's area are coveted.
13 Tagouchi Mahaska, Char Sara Inferno
Age - 894
Sex - M
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172
Better than the average defender, Mahaska still hasn't become another Dwier Titenburg like many had hoped and expected. At this point in his career, the full national team looks unlikely and he will have to make due with representing the nation in the OFC once more.
5 Quinton Sars, Wexax United
Age - 798
Sex - M
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 159 lbs
Unlike Mahaska, Sars career is blossoming right before our very eyes. Over the past four years Sars has improved dramatically, and some believe he is not that far off from a full senior side appearance.
19 Lucas Damx , FC Longview
Age - 701
Sex - M
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 156 lbs
A versatile player who has a very wicked sence of marking. He is constantly dragging his mark down and wearing them out over the game, which is the exact sort of bite the squad has been missing.
27 Vilais Notra, Athletic Rolalas
Age - 642
Sex - F
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 168 lbs
A young and energetic face in the middle, Notra is a potential star in the making. She is exceptionally fast, has outstanding stamina, perfect passing, and good instincts, she lacks real oppisition. With Rolalas still battling it out in the lower leagues, she hasn't had to face the best there has to offer, and that could prove costly with her starting over more expierenced faces.
32 Roger Zensan, Juavi Reds
Age - 958
Sex - M
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 183 lbs
With Juavi missing out on the TQCC, he has the time once again to pledge his service to this squad. Already on the national team, and proving his prowess time and time again there, Zensan will be relied upon heavily for another title run.
12 Kawi Marl, FC Longview
Age - 853
Sex - F
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 154 lbs
A lovely face gifted with a world class ability to cross the ball. With her sister Hess a professional surfer, you can't doubt this ladies athletic ability or her commitment. She will leave it all out there on the field, and her oppenents will know where she is at at all times, or find themsleves down a few goals.
6 Vak Xi, Straightdale FC
Age - 627
Sex - M
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170 lbs
Country of Origin: Elves Security Forces
A calm and competent winger who has a scoring touch. Used to playing with his twin Vic on the other wing, it will be interesting to see how Vic reacts to playing with someone on the other wing for the first time in his life.
2 Yan Kips, Penders (Cafundeu)
Age - 923
Sex - M
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 168 lbs
After using last tournament to earn his national team spot, Yan is likely not going to enter another OFC after this. However, he has promised to send his appearances here out on a huge bang, perhaps a three-peat is in store?
15 Zeph Yan Yin, Hondo Owls
Age - 1058
Sex - M
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 153 lbs
One of the best pure strikers in the Premiership, he made quite the splash when Hondo was promoted from the Star League. Having spent the majority of his career in the lower leagues is the only reason why this dangerous forward has not seen international duty. His scoring touch is only behind that of Kiso Night and Jere Jannian in the Premiership when it comes to ESF-born players.
9 Trian Defecta, Hondo Owls
Age - 923
Sex - M
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 167 lbs
While not the all around great striker that Yin is, Defecta is one of the hardest working players this squad has. His dribbling skils might be completely non-existant, but he works hard to get into great positions to knock in goals whenever the oppurtunity presents itself. He is one of the best headers of the balls, and does tend to score the majority of his talleys in this fashion.
29 GK Lolita Jacoby - age 1190 - FC Capri (F)
30 CB Vern Nu - age 925 - AC Cartmot (M)
7 CB Bianca Sigma - age 713 - Kareen FC (F)
1 MC Tirasa Su - age 754 - AS Everlin (F)
17 RW Jun Malikai - age 600 - Turmondale United (M)
16 LRW Dorian Sonja - age 1047 - Jikyei (Daehanjeiguk) (F)
57 AMC Dorec Zizzn - age 761 - Mar Sara Flames (M)
20 FC Samuel Tatum - age 1088 - Gisenyi (Interhamwe) (M)
10 ST Yoshido Manuka - age 830 - Baysleef Bombers (M)
Captain: Zeph Yan Yin
Set Piece Taker: Roger Zensan
Penalty Taker: Zeph Yan Yin
Right Corner: Kawi Marl
Left Corner: Kawi Marl
Sars Mahaska Damx
Xi Zensan Notra Marl
Yin Defecta Kips
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers Y
Godmod Scoring Events Y
RP injuries to my players Y
Godmod injuries to my players N
Hand out Yellow cards to my players Y
Hand out Red cards to my players N
Godmod Other Events Y
11-03-2008, 02:15
Expect Scores around this time as well.
Group Draw!!!
Group A
Fujisawan Territories
Sorthern Northland
Kose and the Turkomans
Group B
Sokojito and Sokojiwa
Daehanjeiguk 3-1 Fujisawan Territories
Sorthern Northland 3-0 Kose and the Turkomans
Valanora 2-0 Gweridijongya
Starblaydia 1-1 Sokojito and Sokojiwa
Taeshan 0-2 Kalmykstan
Daehanjeiguk --- Taeshan
Fujisawan Territories --- Sorthern Northland
Valanora --- Kalmykstan
Gweridijongya --- Starblaydia
Sokojito and Sokojiwa --- Kose and the Turkomans
Kose and the Turkomans --- Daehanjeiguk
Taeshan --- Fujisawan Territories
Sokojito and Sokojiwa --- Valanora
Kalmykstan --- Gweridijongya
Sorthern Northland --- Starblaydia
Sorthern Northland --- Daehanjeiguk
Taeshan --- Kose and the Turkomans
Starblaydia --- Valanora
Kalmykstan --- Sokojito and Sokojiwa
Gweridijongya --- Fujisawan Territories
Fujisawan Territories --- Kose and the Turkomans
Sorthern Northland --- Taeshan
Gweridijongya --- Sokojito and Sokojiwa
Starblaydia --- Kalmykstan
Daehanjeiguk --- Valanora
Matchday 1 results will be done on Wednesday around this time (2100EDT).
EDIT - After realizing that I made substantial errors, I have revised this schedule to fit what I have prepared in my scorinator.
New Manhattan
11-03-2008, 05:00
http://www.thirdgeek.com/ns/worldcup/graphics/flags/36/UCS-SYO/ Sokojito and Sokojiwa
Formation: 3–4–3, attacking
Style: +4 (out of 5)
Flag: flag image (http://www.thirdgeek.com/ns/worldcup/graphics/flags/plain/UCS-SYO/324px/); Spaam-style flag icon (http://www.thirdgeek.com/ns/worldcup/graphics/flags/spaam/UCS-SYO/)
Capitalizt SLANI has chosen to field a squad primarily composed of youth players for the Oriental Cup, although most of the Syokajis on the world champion squad have been selected as well.
(first eleven players listed are starters)
# Pos. ㅇ한ㅇ Latin Age Club
01 FR 노범모 No Būm-mo 20 Black Oasis Athletic
03 FC 임사미 ʼIm Sa-mi 19 Sonoma Center Panthers
06 FL 왕황안 ʼWaŋ Hwaŋ-an 20 Sonoma Center Panthers
08 MR 김일혜 Gim ʼIl-hye 19 Πόρτο-Χε Δολοφόνοι (Pórto-Khe Dolophónoi)
10 MC 기사나 Gi Sa-na 18 Seansburgh Cougars
11 MC 장주윤 Jaŋ Ju-yun 24 Black Oasis Athletic
14 ML 췌효하 Çwe Hyo-ha 18 San Diego Iguanas
16 DR 추구기 Çu Gu-gi 22 Cordubovica Falcons
18 DC 광효교 Gwaŋ Hyo-gyo 19 Medoria Löwen
20 DL 권이삼 Gwon ʼI-sam 18 소코지와 도시 축클 (Sokojiʼwa Dosi CK)
22 GK 추광영 Çu Gwaŋ-yūŋ 22 Querzakhi United
02 FR 한철리 Han Çūl-li 24 San Diego Iguanas
05 FC 노도윤 No Du-yun 26 소코지와 도시 축클 (Sokojiʼwa Dosi CK)
07 FL 안구현 ʼAn Gu-hyūn 23 소코지와 도시 축클 (Sokojiʼwa Dosi CK)
09 MR 조신창 Jo Sin-çaŋ 18 Sonoma Center Panthers
12 MC 문리석 Mun Li-sūg 31 Jackson FC
13 MC 노규택 No Gyu-tāg 23 Seansburgh Cougars
15 ML 신유소 Sin ʼYu-so 24 쇼코 폭격기즈 (Syoko Poggyūggijī)
17 DR 조동애 Jo Doŋ-ā 16 Black Oasis Athletic
19 DC 홍인주 Hoŋ ʼIn-ju 16 Jackson FC
21 DL 설경준 Sūl Gyūŋ-jun 19 소코지토 도시 결합뒌 (Sokojito Dosi Gyūlhabdwen)
23 GK 이빈근 ʼI Bin-gīn 27 쇼코 폭격기즈 (Syoko Poggyūggijī)
24 GK 하순지 Ha Sun-ji 19 Yuba United
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11-03-2008, 10:00
Group Draw Announced
Bloody Valanora again!
Not content with meeting in the Quarter-Finals of World Cup 39, nor with playing against each other in the Turtle Cup (aggregate scoreline: 1-7 against), Starblaydia and Valanora will face familiar opponents on the first matchday of the 4th Oriental Football Cup: each other. Though a seven-one thrashing was the result in Valanora itself in World Cup 39, Starblaydia rather redeemed themselves with a 0-0 draw in Sel Appa this year. Now comes the third competitive match between the two nations in as many years and it looks set to be a cracking opener to Group B of the OFC4.
Starblaydia also face a team representing Capitalizt SLANI, though they like to call themselves Sokojito and Sokojiwa. Far too complicated for this reporter to actually figure the UCS footballing hierarchy out, but nonetheless there side contains a few World Champions, and will surely be looking to add this title to their ever-growing collection. Ever-growing, of course, because they keep swallowing up countries like Bedistan and adding their impressive trophy cabinets to their own. Otherwise, we have to plead ignorance of our other two opponents in Group B: Gweridijongya and Kalmykstan. Surely the names ring a bell, but, as for actual footballing knowledge, we don't have a clue. That ten-year hiatus really screwed up Starblaydia's international football knowledge - everyone who used to be good is either gone or rubbish, while everyone who used to be rubbish seems brilliant, where will the madness stop?
Hopefully, it'll stop in Daehanjeiguk, where Starblaydia should show just how good they really are (as if reaching the last-eight of World Cup 39 asn't good enough...).
12-03-2008, 23:43
The Imperial Football Association has submitted for competition in the OFC IV the U21 team that competed in Starbladyia recently - minus the Crown Prince of course:
Player ㅇ韓ㅇ ㅇ한ㅇ # POS
Yi Jeongyeol 李正烈 이정열 1 K
Ju Sigyeong 周時經 주시경 2 D
Bae Yongjun 裵勇俊 배용준 3 D
Baek Namjun 白南準 백남준 4 D
Yi Beomsuk 李範奭 이범석 5 D
No Jeongyun 盧廷潤 노정윤 6 M
An Changho 安昌浩 안창호 7 M
Shin Hyeiseong 申彗星 신혜성 8 M
Son Daeho 孫大鎬 손대호 9 M
Pak Gyuseon 朴圭善 박규선 10 F
Yi Eunju 李恩宙 이은주 11 F
Yi Haeung 李昰應 이하응 12 K
Yi Suyeong 李秀英 이수영 13 D
Son Yeijin 孫藝珍 손예진 14 D
Wang Dong 王栋ㅇ 왕동ㅇ 15 M
Mun Hyeonyeop 門峴曄 문현엽 16 M
Seol Gihyeon 薛琦鉉 설기현 17 F
Yang Gyuseong 楊圭腥 양규성 18 K
Jeong Mongjun 鄭夢準 정몽준 19 D
Yang Manchun 楊萬春 양만춘 20 D
An Yeonghak 安英學 안영학 21 M
Kim Sungweon 金順權 김순권 22 M
Kim Mihyeon 金美賢 김미현 23 F
Yi Taegon 李泰坤 이태곤 24 M
Coach Yu Giheung [유기흥]
Playing Style: +3
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12-03-2008, 23:48
report - the schedule (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13516761&postcount=15)has been altered in accordance with what I have on my scorinator right now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
12-03-2008, 23:58
It's that time again!
Announcer: Coming up for the Fourth Edition of the Oriental Football Cup, we're going to explore the intricate history behind the aspects of this new but increasingly popular institution. We have here with us the new Minister of Han Affairs, Yi Hongjang.
Yi Hongjang: We will first explore the many meanings behind the words in each part of itself.
東 - Meaning "east". Well, the lands of Han are the farthest east of all other lands, so as to seeing the rising sun first, and see the setting sun last.
陽 - Meaning "sun" and among the many contexts for glorification. Together with 東, it can mean the glorifed East. We prefer the more humble Westernization "Oriental".
蹴 - Meaning "foot". Obviously. You can't have football without the foot. Which brings us to...
球 - Meaning "ball". You can't have football without a ball either. It's just common sense.
高 - Meaning "High" or "Tall". It is an ideal to achieve great height to survey all lands below with power and esteem.
頗 - Meaning "Very much". To achieve the ideal, one must achieve great height to an extreme! Together with 高, this word has come to the Westernization of "Cup" (as it is spoken in Spanish - Copa).
We will continue our analysis of these and many other things as time moves along.
*crickets chirp*
Announcer: And another fantastic show for Li Hongjang, the Minister of Han Affairs! We'll be back after these messages from our sponsors!
13-03-2008, 02:16
No Group standings will be posted until MD2
Sorthern Northland
13-03-2008, 20:07
The Orient Express
Sorthern Northland's only Han community newspaper
With interest in the Turtle Cup waning, the team on strike and fans boycotting the tournament in protest of the dire refereeing standards, the Oriental Cup has once again become the main focus of the nations attention as it kicked off today. The Han culture is one well established in Sorthern Northland amd with players such as Kim Min-Kim and Jing Mao indisputably the stars of SN's national football team, the Oriental Cup has always been one of the main ways for SN's Han minority to share their culture with the rest of the nation.
And the rest of the nation has really taken it into their hearts. Only the World Cup is more watched out of all the international football tournaments here. For a couple of weeks every four years, the nation, whatever race the person is, goes Han crazy, especially during the last tournament where the SN team finished as runners up to Valanora.
It is with the expectation and the desire to do better this time that SN's Oriental team travelled to Daehanjeiguk. Many fans felt we should have won it four years ago. This almost entirely new squad has high expectations. Gone are Xeng Xung and Gung Ho-Suk, in come Jua Huwang and Ju Li amongst other changes. This new team could have been forgiven for defeat to Kose and the Turkomans given it would be their first game. But they did nothing of that sort. No, instead they produced a display well worthy of their comfortable three-nil win. It was a display reminiscent of the last cups squad. Jua Huwang and Ji Li, both out in a display Xeng and Gung would have been proud of. Ho Sung and Seng Ming both put in performances well above what can be expected for their age. From Feng Shui's opening goal, a mazy dribble past five defenders before coolly slotting the ball in the net, to Jua's amazing volley from Seol's pinpoint cross and to Kim's typically poached goal on the edge of the six yard box, it was just like watching Sorthern Northland. And that's because it was Sorthern Northland. Any fears that this new look squad might not be as good as the old one were safely put to bed tonight. It could be said Sorthern Northland are back, but did we ever leave in the first place?
14-03-2008, 01:14
And here's our Minister of Han Affairs, Yi Hongjang, to explain the significance of 4.
Yi Hongjang: Oh God? I'm supposed to talk about death? I thought this was the OFC.
*reads cue*
Oh, 4. Same thing in my opinion. To prove my point, I shall recite some literature denoucing the number 4 due to its evilness:
"And there will be four days and four nights of great travesty and clamor, as I shall send forth the waters of the earth to destroy all mankind!"
"And there will be four plagues that shall turn the righteous to shame!"
"And there will be four children from the land of Mars that shall come and wreck destruction upon all the Earth."
"And there will be four great tests for which you must prepare in order to pass this course."
"And there will be four great car accidents that will hinder your path home."
"And there will be four hours in which you will listen to a man decry the meanings of life!"
So you see. All of you who have come to the fourth edition are walking into a death trap. I hope that you enjoy your stay.
*crickets chirp*
And that was another fantastic show on the significance of the number 4, by the Minister of Han Affairs. And he did it in style too! Next time! Li Hongjang and Jeong Mongjun face off in a Grand Battle Royale of DDR!
14-03-2008, 02:18
Group A
SNO 2 2 0 0 7 1 6 6
HAN 2 2 0 0 4 1 3 6
TAE 2 0 0 2 0 3 -3 0
FWT 2 0 0 2 2 7 -5 0
KTM 2 0 0 2 0 6 -6 0
Group B
ESF 2 2 0 0 7 4 3 6
STR 2 1 1 0 9 1 8 4
SKS 2 1 1 0 4 1 3 4
KMY 2 1 0 1 6 5 1 3
GWE 2 0 0 2 0 10 -10 0
FYI - any ties in standings will be broken according to the following guidelines:
1. # of points (R)
2. # of wins (W)
3. # of GD (GD)
4. # of GF (GF)
5. H2H results
If after all criteria are met and a tie cannot be broken, we will call the two teams in question to the center of the football stadium for a grand battle royale kongfu-style. Death waivers must be signed in full by every member in order for this to count; otherwise, the opposing team will win by forfeit. :D
Elves Security Forces
14-03-2008, 02:28
Elven Times
Starting Out Right
Well, the Marauders started out their title defence of the fourth Oriental Cup on the right foot, with a nice two to nil victory of Gweridijongya. The skill and expierence of the Marauders showed early and the class of the squad struck late, getting goals on both side of the half. With an unexpierence Kalmykstan up ahead, it looks likes Yan's lads will be on six points before a difficult challange with the boys from the UCS. To be fair, it does look like the Marauders should be among the two who advance to the next stage of the competition, and very well could be looking at a three-peat championship performance. Though both the Starblaydi side and the UCS side have a good amount of talent, this side that Yan put together has the expierence of last World Cup's 3rd place run. That expierence, plus the overall talent that the entire side possesses should be ready for that chance to be three time champions.
As for the match, Kips was found early by Zensan and blew past his marker. After spinning past a diving defender, he let off a low hard shot that beat the keeper and rolled in comfortably into the side of the net for an early lead. Zensan and Notra would then completely dominate the middle of the park for the remainder of the half. At one point, you thought that the clones of the two were on the field as well putting the poor Gweridijongya midfield under pressure. Defecta had two good chances, but both times the keeper made acrobatic saves to keep the score as it was. Defecta then would be taken down in the box in the sixtith minute.
Last defender back,
Clear path to goal,
Red card,
Up a man,
Zeph Yan Yin converts the spot shot,
Two nil up,
Game over.
Valanora 2
Yan Kips (14)
Zeph Yan Yin (60) PK
Gweridijongya 0
Article by Shin Nike
14-03-2008, 12:49
Panarii Passion Pays
Starblaydia equal record win, again!
A Starblaydi team did it in World Cup 27's Qualifying, many moons ago. A Starblaydi team did it fairly recently, too, with Krytenia in a mid-qualifying friendly during World Cup 39. Now Starblaydia have done it for the third time: they won eight-nil.
In an advert for Han football, Starblaydi youngsters and Lex Panarii's coaching skills, Starblaydia have managed to draw with a UCS side containing a few World Cup winners and now have overpowered a team of One Red Dot descendants by a record-equaling scoreline that will certainly extend the National Football Team's infobox on the wikipedia, if it ever comes back online in an editable fashion. Not only that, but Starblaydia's twenty-one year old striker made a record all of her own: most goals in a match by a Starblaydi player... ever! Up until this match, both Simeone Di Bradini and Jacqueline Maitland had managed to score four goals in the space of one game but, now, Lubii stands alone in her achievements with a massive five. Her tally takes the attention and headlines away from the overall team performances, pinpointed by excellent performances from players like Nakamura, Chang-hwa and Kaneda. It was Nakamura, in fact, who ran the show from midfield with his touch, passing and crucially an ability to keep a hold of the ball when pressed from multiple challengers.
It is somewhat ironic that one of only two non-Han players in the squad is lighting up the tournament so far with six goals in two games (her overall international tally now is ten goals in twelve matches, along with eight in fourteen games at Under-21 level), but Lubii has always had an affection for Han culture. "The place, the people, the food, the art, the architecture," she said after the match, "I've always found it magical. Daehanjeiguk is a place I've visited before on holiday and it's always at the top of my list to go back. Now I'm delighted to be playing here and I think it's rubbing off on my game!" If scoring five goals doesn't add to her mood in the run-up to the Sorthern Northland match, then nothing will.
The goal-fest began when Jaime Kuu blasted a shot into the penalty area after twenty-five minutes. His shot deflected off the shoulder of the defender as he turned to half-block the ball and half-protect himself at the same time. The goalkeeper was wrong-footed and the ball looped into the opposite corner. Kuu, of course, claimed the goal. It had been a long time in coming as Gweridijongya's defence had been standing up well to the Starblaydi onslaught, and Kuu's determination and skill - developing rather well in club football at Elves Security Forces - was rewarded with the opener. From then on, however, it was Starblaydi goals flying in left, right and centre.
Lubii's first goal, two minutes later, ranked fairly highly on the audacious scale, coming from a low cross flashed across the face of goal by Kuu. Lubii had lost the defender but found herself slightly ahead of the ball, so she used her trailing foot to flick the ball behind her, backheeling it into the net. The second came from a penalty, after Lii Chong-sun was cynically tripped when sprinting into the box with an open goal in front of him. The goalie had come to clear a ball outside the edge of his area, but his clearance had only gone as far as Lee Il-Ajun. Il-Ajun had no room to shoot so slid a first-time through-ball into the box. Chong-sun sprinted on to it and just needed to tap the ball into the net, however the defender he passed simply stuck out a leg to trip him over. Chong-sun, in a clear goal-scoring position, had been fouled by the last man and a penalty was instantly awarded. Chong-sun himself fell awkwardly, needing to be substituted for Nuno Quaresma with what looked like a shoulder injury. Lubii stepped up and slotted the penalty home. Three-nil up and a man up, Starblaydia went in at half time with the game in the bag already.
But they weren't finished yet.
The second half produced four goals in sixteen minutes, as Starblaydia's extra player advantage proved telling. Constant Starblaydi pressure produced a series of Gweridijongya fouls, resulting in a free kick that Batou Nakamura rifled low and under the wall into the net. Five minutes later it was Lubii's hat-trick goal as she received an inside pass from Nakamura, skipped past a defender and slotted the ball low into the far corner, celebrating with an aerial 'no-hands' cartwheel. Within ten minutes it was five, Lubii again confounding the defence before popping a long-range shot into the top corner with consummate ease. Her fifth and Starblaydia's sixth was a masterclass in pass-and-move football, with Nakamura, Kuu, Myung-Bo, Quaresma and Lubii all involved in a flowing move that, by the end, had Gweridijongya's defenders demoralised and deflated. Lubii, however, was awestruck, holding her hand over her mouth as she jogged to the corner flag to celebrate with Starblaydi fans. Five goals in one match: a new record by a Starblaydi player.
There were still twenty minutes to play.
Just one goal came in those minutes, however, with substitute Fenny Bentley netting one of her own. Bentley had come on for Lubii herself, with the crowd giving her a standing ovation and chanting "We wanted six!" at the Iskara Daii striker. "So did I!" she was seen to yell back through a wide smile. Starblaydia shot up to second in the group, with more goals scored than anyone else so far across the tournament. With a record win, there was just one message: Bring on Valanora.
Final Score:
Gweridijongya 0 - 8 Starblaydia
(None) - (Kuu 26, Lubii 28, 41 (P), 58, 66 & 69, Nakamura 53, Bentley 84)
Sorthern Northland
14-03-2008, 23:55
The Orient Express
Sorthern Northland's only Han community newspaper
SN sick but still winning
The Sorthern Hans kept their quest for Oriental Cup glory at full strength with a 4-1 win over the Fujisawan Territories yesterday dispite a number of players fulling foul of sickness.
The Sortherners started the game slowly and some slack defending allowed Fujisawan Territories to open the scoring after fifteen minutes. A run out wide by Zenki Sakurai saw both Sorthern centre backs, Hong and Wang dragged out of position leaving Shungyosai Karubo free in the middle to slot home the opener. As the first half went on the Sortherners gradually improved but the half belonged to the Territories.
With the team seemingly recovered from the illness the Sortherners emerged for the second half a different team. Well it was exactly the same team of course but it seemed like a different one. Maybe it was, maybe the SNFA have superhuman clones of every player who knows? Whatever though the Sortherners equalised fifteen minutes into the second half following a brilliant solo run from Feng Shui which saw the OAP run past three defenders and into box before slotting the ball past the keeper.
A second wasn't long in coming Jing and Kim linked up with a lovely one two before Jing cool as a cucumber in a fridge slotted the ball into the onion bag. Sorthern Northland's third goal on seventy minutes though was the games main talking point. An excellent fingertip save from Noko Fujimaki saw Ju Li's shot pushed around the post. Feng Shui then swung the resulting corner into the box where Kang Kan-Kang was on hand to put the ball in the net. The Fujisawan players though were furious and the replays showed way. The ball had gone in off his arm. Speaking after the game Kang said, "Feng put the corner in and I went up to head the ball but missed. The ball still hit me though and went in so I ran off celebrating. I wasn't sure where it had hit me at the time though, I thought it was where the chest and shoulder meet so I thought it was a goal. I've seen the replay since though and it did hit my arm, but it was completely unintentional there was nothing I could have done to stop it."
The goal was key as it saw the Fujisawan players heads drop and Sorthern Northland dominated the rest of the game. A goal in the final minutes from Kang will have only rubbed salt into the wound.
Player-manager Kim Min-Kim was delighted with the result saying after the game, "We started badly but in the end put in a good performance considering a number of us were suffering from sickness."
Going on to explain the sickness Kim said "We're always up for a bunch of laughs and so Jua Huwang somehow found sound llama urine, I don't want to know how he found it but he did. Anyway he decided to put the urine into the hotels air conditioning so we all woke up to a horrible smelling hotel yesterday. The stench was very strong and made quite a few of us sick and I have to say I was very pissed off at first, but we've won the game and should all recover fully in a day or two, so I can see the funny side of it. And Huwang's already had what he deserved as he was the one that was the most sick so it's all good in the end. I'm sure he'll be fine for our next game though, and we'll all be looking to get our own back on him."
15-03-2008, 02:54
Group A
HAN 3 3 0 0 10 1 9 9
SNO 3 2 1 0 9 3 6 7
FWT 3 1 0 2 5 7 -2 3
TAE 3 0 0 3 0 6 -6 0
KTM 3 0 0 3 0 12 -12 0
Group B
ESF 3 3 0 0 11 5 6 9
KMY 3 2 0 1 11 5 6 6
STR 3 1 2 0 11 3 8 5
SKS 3 1 1 1 5 5 0 4
GWE 3 0 0 3 0 15 -15 0
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 3 seconds.
15-03-2008, 03:24
Well, you missed the DDR contest, but it ended with a draw. Yes, disappointing I know. How on earth can two old men well into their 60s afford to spend time playing DDR and only afford to draw? Where's the humanity?
Anyway, we've decided to skip the presentation of the boring draw in lieu of providing some MD3 analyses of the currennt OFC. Overall, the matches seem to be favoring few teams. Valanora, defending champions and respectfully placed in Group B, are cruising at full speed. Despite an uncharacteristic 5-4 win over Kalmykstan, Valanora has come back today with a smashing 4-1 win over Sokojito and Sokojiwa, representatives of the current World Cup champions. And it seems all too likely that they will be on their way to another OFC Crown, already two in a row. If they win this one, we might as well give it to them at the start next Cup. Despite the loss, Kalmykstan has fared very well, returning off their loss to Valanora with a 5-0 crush over Gweridijongya. They're now in strong contention for second position in the group, although they still must contend with the other powerhouses in the group. Starblaydia, their inaugural showing in the OFC, have fielded a competent team that has proven its wealth. They've drawn SKS and Sorthern Northland - runner-up to OFC3 - and destroyed Gweridijongya with a 8-0 rout. Of course, Starblaydia must now contend with Valanora in their match, the one deciding factor whether Starblaydia will have any chance to progress to the Semifinals. Sokojito and Sokojiwa has been riding some bumps, but even after their loss to Valanora, they are still strong enough to pull a surprise in the end and make their second appearance in the Semifinals. Gweridijongya - um, they're currently our ugly duckling, and it doesn't appear that they will be turning into a beautiful swan anytime soon. Indeed, they've been placed in the hardest group (by competitiveness), and with their loss to Kalmykstan today have no chance for a Semifinal berth.
We've got two ugly ducklings in Group A - Kose and the Turkomans and Taeshan. Taeshan wins our sympathy award for pulling off a better defensive record then their fellow partner, and ahead of their pivotal clash on MD4, I think that Taeshan can win out the consolation prize over Kose and the Turkomans. In third position is Fujisawan Territories, who saw their first win over Taeshan. They're not in a strong position to pull off a Semifinals berth, but there is still the possibility if they win both of their next two matchs and Sorthern Northland manage only one more draw in their two matches. An unlikely story, as the runner-up from last season's OFC has seen them recover in marvelous form. They've managed to crush all of their opponents, and despite the draw against Starblaydia, they're still looking in good condition if they can manage a win against the Imperial Team. And indeed, the Han are managing a lucky streak, having only played against poorer teams. However, their next two matches will test if the Imperial Team is ready - one match against Sorthern Northland, and one against Valanora. Both teams are formidable, and it remains unlikely that they will be easy to win. However, regardless of the outcomes, both Valanora and Daehanjeiguk will have to prepare well for their match against their contenders in the Semifinals.
16-03-2008, 05:38
due to unforeseen circumstances, today's and tomorrow's score events have been postponed until Monday. I'm just on to say that. Bye!
16-03-2008, 12:38
The Ulge Courier
The Orda Marches On
After a stunning first-day victory against Taeshan, the Kalmykstan Orda went on to their second matchday in a hard-fought battle against ESF. The mighty Kalmyk national team combined all of their Kalmykstani pride into that match, but it was not close enough to defeat the team from ESF. Mamai Ulguur, chief executive of the Kalmykstani Football Association, noted on the match that "it shows how well Kalmykstan can play football, and it belies our poor performance in World Cup 39."
The game started off with an early Kalmykstani possession and lead. Some quick plays executed by the Kalmyk team brought a first goal for the Khanate at the 13th minute. This honor was brought to our national team by Mongke Muunokhoi of the Ulge Khagans. In the post game, Muunokhoi (or "Moon" by his nickname) said, "That first goal gave me quite a rush! I felt as if I were roaming the plains on horseback, sweeping the grasslands in a few seconds."
The Valanorans decided that they, the champions from the previous cup, should not be upset by "some Mongolian team" (according to some Valanorans in attendance) so they fired back at the 27th minute with a goal from Zeph Yan Yin. The Kalmykstani defense held them at bay afterwards and took another clean shot at the 39th. The goal was sunk in by Targutai Kiyat. The Valanorans however came back quick and shocked the Kalmyk defense at the 44th with a shot by Yan Kips, tying the game at 2-2 before the first half ended.
The second half began with a Kalmyk run to the goal to retake the lead at the 50th made in by Erik Cholon. The pressure was on, however, when Valanora struck back at the 65th with a fierce-flying shot from Yan Kips again. The Orda continued to mount their offensives and at the 72nd Mongke Muunokhoi knocked in another goal into Valanora's net. The game was destined to be hotly contested though, as Valanora returned the favor six minutes later at the 78th when Tirasa Su came through with a goal. The game was tied at 4-4. Both teams continued pressure, and the Orda's defense held up until the 87th, when Batzorig Altantsetsegy narrowly blocked a shot from Zeph Yan Yin. The Orda desperately tried to tie the game with a last-minute shot from Ulyaan Nyamsureny, but it was no good. The Orda lost, 5-4.
Khan Mongke IV himself attended the game, surrounded by Altanbataar Guards and the Tseweng Order of Knights. He was most impressed by the performance of both teams. "Well, I was sure that my beard was going to be ruffled up, considering on how much I jumped and cheered for our Orda!" His Majesty said jollily. It was indeed a game to go down in the history of the Oriental Cup as one of the closest and most exciting, considering of all the shots and goals made in it.
OOC: Will add Gweridijongya game later.
18-03-2008, 02:30
Group A
HAN 4 4 0 0 12 2 10 12
SNO 4 2 1 1 10 5 5 7
FWT 4 2 0 2 7 7 0 6
TAE 4 0 1 3 0 6 -6 1
KTM 4 0 1 3 0 12 -12 1
Group B
ESF 4 3 1 0 13 7 6 10
SKS 4 2 1 1 7 5 2 7
KMY 4 2 0 2 11 7 4 6
STR 4 1 3 0 13 5 8 6
GWE 4 0 0 4 0 17 -17 0
18-03-2008, 19:20
Well, it's come to the last matchday, and after a resilient 2-1 win over Sorthern Northland, Daehanjeiguk looks to be on the track for stealing away its first OFC title. The next match against Valanora will prove to be the one critical match.
Valanora suffered their only setback in the last match, playing Starblaydia to an interesting 2-2 draw. Having played Starblaydia at least three times in the past season - including their 7-1 trouncing in the World Cup Quarterfinals - Valanora is still seeking for their third consecutive title, after failing to take a claim to the World Cup itself.
What makes OFC IV so interesting is more so that the Han team is putting a field of U21 players. It is disappointing at how little attention that this edition of the OFC - while diverse - has been among the least publicized events. Supporters of the OFC are quick to note that OFC III was a resounding success, and while OFC IV has certainly lagged, it should not be taken as an indication that interest in the OFC is lagging as well. "There are other crises in the world, particularly with that war between Sorthern Northland and Bostopia," remarked one critic. "I mean, if I had a choice between the top picks in football and what the hell was going on in that war, I'd want to know about that war too." Defense Ministry officials declined to comment on the war, noting that "the Empire has little interest in foreign conflicts, unless they entangle in our own affairs extensively." When asked about the events that recently occured in Haenam Island, Ministry officials remarked that a "really bad freak typhoon popped up"; they were unable to explain the large explosions and tank tread marks.
Sorthern Northland, while beaten, is still in this race. They still have to win their next match for a guaranteed spot, and they certainly have the power to come up to the Semifinals. Fujisawan Territories also has their chance, but it will take a lot of luck to come out on top, essentially hoping that Sorthern Northland does not win their match against Taeshan.
In Group B, there is the expectation that the second position will become a massive brawl between Sokojito and Sokojiwa, Starblaydia, and Kalmykstan. Starblaydia and Kalmykstan will have the opportunity to knock one or the other out, while Sokojito and Sokojiwa will undoubtedly have the easiest job of discharging Gweridijongya. Valanora, as mentioned, will play the Han team, and will likely remain on top regardless of the circumstances.
In the unlikely event that a draw between two teams results in a necessary tie-breaker, representatives of the other member FAs petitioned to the IFA to change the kongfu Battle Royale to a DDR dance-off. As mentioned, a draw remains unlikely, but just for future reference. :D
New Manhattan
19-03-2008, 02:34
In most places, it is nearly impossible to get any serious charitable work done within the span of a day, without resorting to lobbying politicians, filing paperwork, or other such bureaucratic nonsense. But Paripana is different—an efficient private system of jurisprudence leaves the average resident with enough money to donate to any of the thousands of obscure, but apparently very important, causes that people come up with. Cheap electronic money transfers have resulted in a flourishing (which doesn’t involve fluorine, since this isn’t Vilita) of “six-hour charities” that ask millions of people to spare a few micrograms of that substance precious to all Capitalizts. It’s not every day, however, that you see something like this…
Current bribe fund: 1093 mg Au
Last donation: 11 μg Au at 2143-09-10T11:33Z
The Sokojito and Sokojiwa squad will be facing Gweridijongya in its final group match for the fourth Oriental Cup. Tragically, Gweridijongya has been unable to place a football in their opponents’ net during the course of this competition. Since this injustice cannot be allowed to stand, BuyAGoal.ucs was created to put together a fund with which to bribe the match’s referee to award a penalty kick to Gweridijongya in second-half injury time if they are unable to otherwise score a goal during the course of play, giving them a fair chance to avoid going home empty-handed. With the team already having conceded seventeen goals, it is surely crucial to their morale that we succeed—if we want more World Cups, we can’t go scaring off new football teams, can we? Think of the players!
UPDATE: The bribe of 1066 mg Au has been sent! We’ll have to wait and see whether we’ll succeed, but if Gweridijongya does score in the match (kickoff in thirty-eight minutes, video link is on front page of aeropagtribune.ucs), any additional bribes will be handed over at the end of the match. If Gweridijongya fails to score, then the leftovers will be distributed among all who have donated.
Powered by BribeServer build 133-r7 · All disputes with this site or its owner may be submitted to Drotopia Resolution Services.
19-03-2008, 02:41
Group A
HAN 5 4 1 0 12 2 10 13
SNO 5 3 1 1 13 6 7 10
FWT 5 3 0 2 9 8 1 9
TAE 5 0 1 4 1 9 -8 1
KTM 5 0 1 4 2 15 -13 1
Group B
ESF 5 3 2 0 13 7 6 11
SKS 5 3 1 1 10 6 4 10
KMY 5 3 0 2 14 9 5 9
STR 5 1 3 1 15 8 7 6
GWE 5 0 0 5 1 20 -19 0
19-03-2008, 02:54
Well, it's nice to have an end to the Group Stage, and consolation to those who couldn't progress. Maybe we'll have more teams next season and have a bigger playoff.
Anyway, here's the Semifinals:
Matches will be scored tomorrow.
Best of luck to the semifinalists!
Elves Security Forces
20-03-2008, 00:24
Elven Times
Pride and Honor
That is what is on the stake now for these former champions. The pride of representiting of Valanora, and the honor of representing their ancestry and how their culture influences the world they live in. With players of the highest caliber like Zeph Yan Yin and Yan Kips, both of whom are among the best strikers in the Grand Commonwealth, it is easy to see how come Valanora is among the best nations in the world when it comes to the sport of football. Yet is is also their imprint on the game and their heritage that will last longer than any record they might break or title they might win. Being able to tell their kids that they where there, that they achieved that, and by doing so, furthered the Han influence in the nation is their honor. It is because of their bravery and extraordinary efforts that players like Roger Zensan and the Xi twins get looked at now.
It has been several decades now, but back when the national team was still in its' infancy, hanging around the 60-80 rank in the world, the ESC would only consider elves of the elite families in the country to represent the squad. It trully didn't matter how good or poor the player was in terms of skill and talent, or how a squad would even mesh together, it only mattered where they came from in society, and their species. Now you have players like Kips and Zensan, both of whom come from humble backgrounds who represent the national team. Then with the formation of Valanora, you add in humans that can also be repsentatives, and it's easy to see in influence. It was helped in no small part by the success of the squad in the OFC. So, this is why these players now sacrifice their time to play in this tournament, to continue to build on the changes that have been made, and progress towards a brighter future.
So what is left of this tournament, and how do we evulate the performances? Yes the squad had performed as expected, reaching the semi-finals once again, and topping their group. They face a very dangerous Sorthern Northland side, nearly the same one that they vied with for the title in the last edition. Coming off the draw with the Impieral side, it's clear that Zensan needs help in the midfield. Kips and Defecta are both pure strikers, but Zeph Yan Yin is more verstaile and can play a AMC or high MC role in order to link the midfield with the strikers, and relieve the pressure that Zensan is recieving in the middle. Whether this needs to be employed to win the match, that will have to be an in-game adjustment. Yet knowing that you have the option to do so should enable the braintrust to get things in order, and hopefully see this squad through to their third striaght final.
Article by Shin Nike
New Manhattan
20-03-2008, 00:58
AEROPAG, JI · 2143–09–11 · 0.10 g Au
Sports: Syokajis buy goal, advance to Oriental Cup semis
DAEHANJEIGUK—Sokojito and Sokojiwa are headed to the semifinals of the Oriental Cup for the second time on the trot after the world champions’ ethnic side convincingly defeated Gweridijongya. The final score of 3–1 failed to reflect the dominance that the Syokaji side showed throughout the match, as they looked good for a shutout until a controversial penalty kick was awarded in injury time. An obscure website called BuyAGoal.ucs, which set up a fund in an attempt to bribe the referee to award such a penalty, claims responsibility for the goal.
The first ninety minutes were fairly routine. Gweridijongya only managed a quarter of possession, allowing the Capitalizts to pick and choose their chances. It didn’t take long for them to decide to take their first, as 임사미 (ʼIm Sa-mi) fired a rocket at the top corner of the goal in the second minute for the lead. He struck again in the thirty-eighth and seventy-sixth minutes to extend the margin of victory, but it seemed like the result would have been safe even without those extra assurances, as Gweridijongya failed to get a single shot on target. In the third minute of injury time, with Sokojito and Sokojiwa playing a defensive game, the referee whistled for an alleged foul by a striker, and pointed to the spot. Unfortunately for 권이삼 (Gwon ʼI-sam), his protests that the attacker had taken a dive did not fall on deaf ears, and the official promptly produced the yellow card, his second of the match. The ensuing penalty kick was converted successfully, putting the score at 3–1, where it would remain until the end.
Donators to BuyAGoal.com have praised the site’s efforts. One anonymous comment read, “This was a great success. I hope this paves the way for many more grass-roots movements for other worthy causes.” However, the referee, issuing a statement through the World Cup Committee, was not so pleased. “Bribery is a very serious problem in the modern game, and football associations at all levels need to take significant steps to help stop it. I did not award a penalty kick to Gweridijongya because of the money I received. I awarded a penalty kick because I believed that a foul had been committed. Looking at a replay, I can see that that was the wrong decision, and I apologize.” No investigation into the incident has yet been announced, and no sanctions for the referee appear to be forthcoming.
With the same four teams as last time reaching the semifinal stage, Sokojito and Sokojiwa will next face the host team, Daehanjeiguk. The Daehanjeiguk under-21 team would not normally pose a threat, but the hostile atmosphere will even the odds considerably. After losing to Valanora in the semifinals of the previous edition of the Cup, the team will now be looking to reach their first-ever final, and perhaps even to add another trophy to the growing collection in Prontera. The other semifinal sees a rematch of the third Cup’s final, with defending champions Valanora taking on Sorthern Northland. With no clear answer as to who will win the competition, it seems that we’ll have to get through three hundred sixty minutes (at least) of exciting football to find out.
20-03-2008, 02:02
Ref takes gold - fans blow hot air
(just to say that the extra goal did not have anything to do with CH's post - it just so happened that teams that did not normally score goals managed to score goals, while the two teams that were considerably riding on hot wings managed a nil-nil draw... that's what we call random... *hides big load of gold from UCS*)
韓京 8光武年3月19日 (Hangyeong, 8th Year of the Emperor Gwangmu, 3rd month of the year, 19th day of the month) - Scandal rocked the Emperor Gojong Football Stadium yesterday, as accusations of bribery were rampant among stringent fans, claiming that Sokojito and Sokojiwa should have won the match 3-0. "That referee is either the stupidest idiot I've ever seen or there's no more honor in this game," remarked a fan. The referee has since made an apology concerning the error of his call, claiming that he "believed that a foul had been committed [in the area]. Looking at the replay, [it is obvious] that that was the wrong decision..."
Emperor Gwangmu and the Imperial Family had no comments to offer, although the Crown Prince expressed remorse at the decision. Rumors that a foreign website - called "BuyAGoal.com" - contributed to the bribery issue. They claim that the referee had accepted the bribe before the match, and thus handsomely paid the referee for his decision. The referee did not refute these allegations, although an odd complaint to the WCC was lodged, despite the WCC's non-recognition of the OFC as an official tournament. IFA officials mentioned that "the OFC is an IFA-sponsored event, and as such any complaints should be routed to our Office of Complaints, Concerns, and Wet Dogs. The referee's conduct is questionable, but his subsequent actions off the field are unforgivable."
Regardless, the Syokaji held on and won their match. Controversy remains high after the match, and IFA officials have formally lodged a complaint with "BuyAGoal.com" - reputedly - to stop offering referees gold. The reason for this request was noted as "preserving the integrity of the game and the Tournament." All referees were also forced to sign a waiver of any monetary benefit beside that provided by the IFA. This raises hopes that the match against the Syokaji will be fair and just. "We want the Han to be the best in the world, but we also want a fair fight," Count Jeong Mongjun, Chairman of the IFA, remarked. "Besides, if we really wanted to win, we would have given ourselves the trophy at the outset - no tournament at all. So, with that in mind, I'm hoping that the Han win, and win fairly. Besides, a foreign website that pays referees to make their team lose? That's just ridiculous!"
More news on the Bribery Scandal as it comes.
Han draw match - nothing pretty about it
韓京 8光武年3月18日 (Hangyeong, 8th Year of the Emperor Gwangmu, 3rd month of the year, 18th day of the month) - What happened against Valanora was despicably boring. Yeah, we had some chances on goal, but these kids are what they are - kids. Valanora shined brightly for much of the first half, but coming into the second half, it was all Han, and for sparklingly hot kids, they managed to miss 3 out of every 4 shots (and they only shot 4 times). And the shot against the keeper were deftly handled. The only consolation prize was the equally impressive show by the man (rather, kid) in the box - Yi Jeongyeol. Despite falling out in the U21 World Cup, Yi has managed to concede only 2 goals in all of this tournament, leaving on 3 clean sheets to his record (all against crummy teams too, except Valanora...). But besides that, it was boring. Midfield hardly touched the ball, and defense was playing too much keep away. It was probably to the strikers, who were left to run around doing nothing, it seemed.
Well, we still top the group, and we go on to play the Syokaji - strange Han, them folk from the UCS. They have this weird dialect that sometimes sounds like Han, and sometimes doesn't. But I guess they the same about us. We'll have the opportunity to knock them out early this time, though instead of a late 3rd place consolation prize. In any case, we'll have a lot of fun watching them, because if anything is indicative of anything, heads will fly (not literally - well, maybe...).
(Cut-off will be in the next 30 minutes!)
20-03-2008, 03:47
HAN 1-1 SKS (2-3 aet)
Final Matches:
Final Matches will be scored this Friday at around this time. Congrats to Valanora on a third consecutive finals appearance. %$#& I can't bribe enough officials to get me a final position :mad:
Sorthern Northland
21-03-2008, 15:07
The Orient Express
Sorthern Northland's only Han community newspaper
Form goes out of window as team forgets about tournament
Having started brightly with a draw and two wins, the Sorthern Hans were expected to do well once again. Perhaps even improve on that second place from the last tournament. However there is nothing like forgetting to turn up to games to ruin your chances of winning. Unfortunately this is exactly what the Sorthern team has done.
Speaking after realising his team was in Daehanjeiguk to play in a football tournament player-manager Kim Min-Kim said, "Eh, where we've been? Hold on, you say we're here to play football? Oh shit, I knew I'd forgotten something."
Kim then ran off like a mentalist. Reports suggest he was desperately trying to get the team together and to the stadium for the semi-final. Once found again he said, "Well I suppose I should give you an explanation as to how we forgot the football? Basically after the draw with Starblaydia, and with Saint Patrick's day coming someone, who may or may not be me, suggested the team go on a massive piss up lasting until St Pats day. So we did that. And forget to turn up to the matches. I've seen the results and it seems we lost to Daehanjeiguk but we did score and then we beat Taeshan before losing four two to bloody Valanora again. To be honest I'm impressed with how we won a game and scored against the Hans and Elves even though we didn't turn up."
Indeed many people are wondering how on Earth we won a game and scored against the Hans and Elves with the team now turning up. As a reporter who wasn't at these games (hence no recent reports from the OFC) I can unexclusivly reveal that SN's travelling fans managed to throw together a squad for those games. That little snippet of information was given to me by a reporter from the Beningrad Morning Star who did attend the game and was reported in that paper days ago.
I would also like to take this oppurtunity to dismiss rumours that a reporter from The Oriental Express who wasn't doing his job went on a huge piss-up with the Sorthern squad before trying to single handedly invade Daehanjeiguk and then restarting SN's recent "war" with them as complete bullshit. I repeat the rumours are NOT true.
New Manhattan
21-03-2008, 23:43
AEROPAG, JI · 2143–09–15 · 0.10 g Au
Sports: Fluke sends S&S to Oriental Cup final
DAEHANJEIGUK—With nearly one hundred forty years of football history in Paripana, followers of the national team had thought they’d seen everything. Perhaps five goals in a World Cup final was a bit out of the ordinary, but nothing in that history compares to the deciding moment of this Oriental Cup semifinal between Daehanjeiguk and Sokojito and Sokojiwa (video clip ATID 13109337 at aeropagtribune.ucs).
The Syokaji side were slight favorites for the match, and showed their strength early, stringing passes together beautifully and creating several chances in the first half-hour. But Daehanjeiguk, playing at home, struck first on a counter-attack in the thirty-second minute. 박규선 (Bak Gyu-seon) did the honors, converting the one-on-one chance with relative ease to put the first goal on the scoreboard. The Hans pulled back after the goal, and their defense played well through the end of the half.
Early in the second half, however, 백남준 (Baek Nam-jun) slipped up, literally, on the somewhat wet surface. He obstructed 노범모 (No Būm-mo) on his way down, and though the referee initially reached for his back pocket, he produced the yellow card instead. 노범모 (No Būm-mo) buried the resulting penalty kick in the top corner, putting the Capitalizts level at one–one. Another goal would have come in the seventy-ninth minute, with 기사나 (Gi Sa-na) getting clear of the defense and chipping over the goalkeeper, but a questionable offside call nullified the effort. The full time whistle blew with the score still level, sending the teams to extra time.
Sokojito and Sokojiwa were awarded a corner kick in the ninety-sixth minute, which 노범모 (No Būm-mo) headed in to give the visitors the two–one advantage. Fortunately for the spectators, the golden goal rule became obsolete long ago, and play continued. The lead held through the first half of extra time, but halfway through the one hundred tenth minute, 신혜성 (Sin Hye-seong) put the Empire back on level terms with a free kick from just outside the penalty area. Eight minutes later, a penalty shootout seemed likely, and we’ll let Aeropag Tribune live commentator Philip Aguilar tell the rest:
Corner to the Hans; one more chance for them to retake their lead, with I Jeongyeol coming forward to help out…Çwe Hyo-ha tries to head it clear, ʼWaŋ Hwaŋ-an with a bicycle kick! to get it out of the way…players on both sides giving chase, but the ball is still high in the air, with the clock running down…the keeper hurries back for the goal kick…no, it hits the post! Is that a goal? GOAL! Three–two to the Capitalizts! Unbelievable! ʼWaŋ Hwaŋ-an from his own penalty area! The crowd is silent! Even the visiting fans don’t know what to make of that!
The match would end three–two, with Sokojito and Sokojiwa reaching the Oriental Cup final for the first time. Examination of the video puts the length of the shot by 왕황안 (ʼWaŋ Hwaŋ-an) at about ninety-four meters, the longest bicycle kick goal in Capitalizt national team history—and in any other history we could find. When asked if the shot was intentional, he said, “What do you think I am, crazy? It was a bicycle kick; I didn’t see the empty goal. I just wanted to get the ball out of there.”
The team will have little time for celebration, however. Soon they will face two-time defending champions Valanora in the final, the opponent that they believed they would face in the World Cup final before the upset by Milchama. Their previous match against Valanora was a heavy 1–4 defeat in the group stage. But with more match experience for the younger players and a sizable supply of RP-inin, hopes are high that the Capitalizts will “do the double” and prevent the Marauders from winning three Oriental Cups in a row.
22-03-2008, 02:51
SNO 0-0 HAN (0-0 a.e.t. | 2-1 PK)
And the Final Match!
14-04-2008, 04:23
OFC V is coming up after World Cup XL - either the last CoH or the last WC match. This is just to see if there's any interest out there still.
14-04-2008, 20:38
OFC V is coming up after World Cup XL - either the last CoH or the last WC match. This is just to see if there's any interest out there still.
15-04-2008, 03:27
Two ayes and no nays. That's always a good sign!
If I get more people to say yes, I'll post a new thread sometime after the Group Stages of WC40. Thanks for expressing your interest!
28-04-2008, 20:17
Bumping thread for interest once again. If I get enough more ayes, then I'll make the thread. I'm hoping for more competitive members (as in there are more people, not necessarily more competitively minded people).
New Manhattan
28-04-2008, 20:34
The Syokajis will be back to defend their title.
29-04-2008, 05:15
OFCV is here! (f)