Snefaldian Ministry of War
17-02-2008, 20:41
OOC: This is a sandbox thread for my personal gratification... mostly for troop lists, equipment specifications, and fleet orbats.
Name: Wengæþ Båndtyøl
English Translation: Ministry of War
Led By: Wengæþ Båndtyølgymö
English Translation: First Minister of War
Untranslated letterhead and emblem:
Translated letterhead and emblem:
The offices of the Ministry of War are located at 12 Ministry Circle, the capital city of Sargedain, 1256 Dayan region, Snefaldia. The Ministry is housed in the famous Kawtømyuš Palace (, the former city residence of the Råtøm family, who built the home in 1727 to display the wealth they had gathered as members of the Segovan, Snefaldia's government at the time. The Råtøm were disenfranchised by the end of the Segovan in 1821, and by 1895 the family was destitute and forced to sell the house to the new Republican government, when it was repurposed into a Ministry building. It has housed the Ministry of War since 1932.
The various branches of the military have offices in the building, with the High Command and Air Command keeping their central offices there. The Office of the Admiralty is located in Taxilha, to be closed to the Isla Breda Naval Anchorage and the Snefaldian Fleet.
The current Wengæþ Båndtyølgymö is András Horânyi, who has filled the position since 2001.
17-02-2008, 21:35
The Snefaldian Navy
Aircraft Carriers
Royal Holly (
*Terangal H.B.
*Serangadai H.B.
Royal Edmund ( class
*Dain-da-Hol H.B
*Trimna Kelangat H.B.
Admiral (
*Ta'us Ala'a H.B. (fleet flagship)
*Washukaɱi H.B. (flagship)
*Tarhuntassa H.B.
*Tawsanggai H.B.
*Millawanda H.B.
*Summer Dawn (flagship)
*Winter Snow
*Spring Earth
*Autumn Wind
Wallace (
*Servitude and Service (flagship)
*Duty and Preservation
*Honor and Equity
*Freedom and Hope
*Greed and Desire
*Conformity and Conflict (flagship)
*Praise the Sky
*Crowned With Leaves
*Bestowed in Peace
*Servant of the Hierophant
*Out From Beldä
Port (
*Maváudron H.B.
*Wendáudron H.B.
The appellation "H.B." is the abbreviation of the term Hoptögĕn Bêshëm, Bagura for "Snefaldian Ship," and is the equivalent of "USS" or "HMS"
Lord High Admiral James Holfrethy, First Admiral of the Fleet
*Flagship: Ta'us Ala'a H.B.
Lord Admiral Tås Rataä, Admiral of the First Fleet
*Flagship: Dain-da-Hol H.B.
Lord Admiral Tøn Ƕangyŭ, Admiral of the Second Fleet
*Flagship: Trimna Kelangat H.B.
Lord Admiral Athás Quèstayán, Admiral of the Third Fleet
*Flagship: Tawsanggai H.B.
18-02-2008, 06:52
The Snefaldian Army
The Snefaldian Army is, theoretically, composed of all the citizens of the country, as two years of military service is required of all citizens. They retain their weapons and report for a week of duty every two years to maintain fighting efficiency. In practice, however, the government only maintains two active Divisions of regular army soldiers and a few thousand other units, as well as border defense and naval soldiers. These divisions are organized into Corps of an active Army, which are created according to need. The current existing army is for peacetime purposes, and is accordingly called the Ådtam Army, the "Serene Army."
A Division of 10,000 is the largest operable unit of organization, which is divided into Legions of 5000 soldiers, with Brigades of 1000. In Snefaldia, Brigades are divided into Battalions of 500, then Companies of 100, Platoons of 50, Squads of 15, and below the Squad level Fireteams of roughly five soldiers.
For brevity's sake, only the breakdown of the 1st and 2nd Division of the 1st Corp, Ådtam Army, to the Brigade level are given. Divisions, Legions, and Brigades are given proper names, while Battalions and Companies are given an alphanumeric identifier, and Platoons a numeric ID.
1st Division "Kuwëbet Division"
*Legio I Taegyong
**Møtyå Brigade
**Yåynö Brigade
**Imigán Brigade
**Sȗtåd Brigade
**Ƕeigä Brigade
*Legio II Þumyë
**Beligün Brigade
**Råm Brigade
**Ahâmö Brigade
**Subâkeŋ Brigade
**Ællë Brigade
2nd Division "Bae Youk Division"
*Legio III Kweingyou
**Yunjong Brigade
**Yomyong Brigade
**Kangaeta Brigade
**Reramshap Brigade
**Po'uya Brigade
*Legio IV Sudrôn
**Mavás Brigade
**Salafis Brigade
**Atatás Brigade
**Sáraudö Brigade
**Moradá Brigade
General Equipment
The Snefaldian regular soldiers is trained and equipped for a vierty of combat scenarios, climate, terrain, and theatre. The average soldier is outfitted with modern Army Combat Uniform camofluage and ACH helmet for general action. According to location, however, the outfit can change- units assigned to border defense in the mountains are outfitted with fur-lined uniforms and hats, and tropical units are attired in a similarly appropriate fashion.
Soldiers are armed with a standard R-12 Stryker ( Assault Rifle produced by DMG Military Insustries, with heavy support soldiers carrying the K-3 Liberator ( Assault Rifle. Soldiers are also equipped with a standard-issue Beretta 92 sidearm.
Tawðaŋ units (military police), strike-teams, and other specialized units carry the SMG-9 Sidewinder ( submachine gun for urban combat scenarios, close-quarters action, rural combat, and enforcement. Automatic and semiautomatic shotguns are also issued for urban and close-quarters combat. Standard framentary, incendiary, and concussion grenades are issued to fireteams and squads for multipurpose combat use.
21-02-2008, 07:00
Snefaldian Airforce
The Snefaldian airforce is something of an anachronism, utilizing modern fighter planes as well as supermodern airships to conduct offensive, defensive, and peactime actions and excercises. Along with the rest of the Snefaldian military, it is in a state up upgrade and revitatlization, with older aircraft being retired and replaced from a variety of different sources.
The Navy Air Force was largely composed of second-hand older OMSC/Adejaani fighter purchased from third-party sources. They saw limited action in the Poivre Atoll Rebellion in recent days, but have no engaged in combat. As it is, their numbers are limited, totalling only 93 fighters and bombers, and plans have been set to replace them over a period of ten years, as they are already second- or third-hand.
-2 squadrons F-109A Seafire ( fighters (50 fighters)
-1 squadron A-102A Stormcrow ( (20 fighters)
-3 B-101B Sea Bombardier ( bomber craft
-3 AHD-1B Commanchero ( attack helicopters.
The Ministry began phasing out these older designs after the introduction of Royal Shipyards ( warships into the navy, purchasing 100 DAS-2 2M Spectre single-seat multirole fighters.
Air Force
The government recently purchased and incorporated 185 F-22 Raptors ( and F-35 Lightning ( aircraft into the Snefaldian Military, with the majority of the planes allocated to the airship fleets of the Airforce and national defense, and some to the Navy.
The government also recently purchased several fighter and helicopter wings from DMG Military Industries to bolster the wings and add second-line defenses for the country. The F-15s and F-16s are intended for border defense, as their aging design gives way to more modern fighters.
45x F-15E Eagle
30x F-16 Falcon
30x F/A-18 Hornet
45x F-23 Black Widow II
100 DAS-2 2M Spectre single-seat multirole
235 F-22 Raptors
630 F-35 Lightnings
100x AH-64 Apache
25x CH-47 Chinook
30x CH-53 Sea Stallion
50x RAH-66 Comanche
50x UH-60 Blackhawk
30x AH-1W Super Cobra
10x V-22 Osprey