The Big Push (OOC)
The Resurgent Dream
12-02-2008, 07:22
Alright, it looks like the press Q&A part of the thread is over. If anyone wants to RP an actual meeting about relations in The Big Push post here and we'll play them all on a first come, first serve basis.
The Resurgent Dream
26-02-2008, 04:56
*bump* This isn't just for new people. I've had a few people say that they already have a good relationship so they don't have anything to do in this thread. The IC post was quite specific that it is existing relationships that really need to be discussed. Treaties where people can't even bother having their ambassador have a ten minute discussion are treaties we're not likely to remain in. If you have any treaty or ongoing relationship with the Confederated Peoples that you want to maintain, please post here. I'm not asking for a lengthy, elaborate thread or anything.
26-02-2008, 20:30
The Centralized Mountain States have only basic diplomatic relations with the Confederated Peoples... no treaties or the like. I'm open for trade agreements and such fun things, though.
The Resurgent Dream
27-02-2008, 00:58
So does that mean you want to roleplay a meeting in the thread? Anything in particular?
27-02-2008, 01:38
I was thinking about trade agreements. I did a similar sort of agreement with Xirnium... but something more specific, maybe? Snefaldia is developing naval production in the port cities- maybe the ambassador can suggest a trade agreement with an interest in the up and coming ship industry?
The Resurgent Dream
27-02-2008, 02:06
We can talk about it. I'll put you in after Iansisle.
27-02-2008, 02:13
((Don't worry too much about me, TRD. I'm probably taking too much on with this conference to start with. I can wait until after Snef.))
Desirous of soothing my good friend Agwene’s runaway anxiety, this is a formal OOC indication of my intention to post later in the RP thread.
Austar Union
27-02-2008, 09:56
TRD, I've posted to your thread... regarding a meeting of sorts I don't mind if you want to advocate our representatives having some sort of a bilateral side-meeting at the Conservation Conference if it makes it any easier on you. In any case no rush or anything, whenever's/however's most convenient for you.
~ Austar Union
I am a bit confused as to how possibly to introduce whoever it is who would be sent there O.o I mean... there was a conference and now there is no conference.
The Resurgent Dream
02-03-2008, 01:04
I don't understand your question nor am I sure what Conference your referring to, although this has nothing at all to do with any conferences in any other threads and takes place well after any of the endless never posted in conference threads I'm in started. You don't have to introduce someone cold in the IC thread. In fact, I don't want anyone to do that. If you want someone to have a meeting, post what and who OOCly here, not there, and I will start the meetings IC over there in a first come first serve order. Right now, that means Iansisle, Senfaldia and the Austar Union.
Ah, excellent. I guess that the President of the Republic, Aorin Kelberath, would be a suitable person to send.
Well, I believe Abt and the Confederated Peoples could seek to clarify their mutual relations, namely on the areas of trade and military.
For example, Abt would be keen to expand its trade relations with Ambaran member states, but would not be overly enthusiastic about opening up to the entirety of the Confederal Peoples. So this could be grounds for talks.
Same for military matters. Abt is rather regionally-oriented and, whilst not against military integration within Ambara and its immediate vicinity, is not keen at getting involved far away at this point in time. After all, the Republic is still establishing itself on a firmer ground. :)
The Resurgent Dream
02-03-2008, 02:55
Alright. You're on the list. The Confederated Peoples is a country though, even if it has a federal system. Could a foreign nation have a trade relationship with Ticino but not with Jura?
In the case of Switzerland: yes. Cantons have a rather cosy economic autonomy and may negotiate all sorts of economic deals with foreign countries.
However, they have to pass through the Federal government if they wish to deal with the national governments. If they deal with regional authorities, they may enter into contact directly.
In both cases, any deal and agreement must not exceed Cantonal autonomy, must not be contrary to Federal law, to the interests of the Confederation and must not violate the rights of other Cantons. Cantons have to inform the Federal authorities of such deals, but do not need ratification (as long as above conditions not violated).
But what I had in mind is far more simple. Namely that companies registered in Ambara and goods produced in Ambara would be traded more freely than those registered/produced in other parts of the Confederated Peoples. Similar arrangements exist for border region trade IRL amongst a number of nations.
The Ctan
09-03-2008, 15:29
What level of representation would you like? Track II, Ministerial, Prime Ministerial (equivalent) Imperial, Imperial Special Representatives? Etc etc. From C'tan, Menelmacar or both?
Not that I'm actually aware of much to discuss. But eh, if you're renewing relations...
The Resurgent Dream
09-03-2008, 21:14
Your call. Ministerial sounds good though.
The Ctan
09-03-2008, 21:31
So noted!
The Resurgent Dream
15-03-2008, 19:51
Alright. Xirnium, Austar Union, Abt and the C'tan.
The Resurgent Dream
14-05-2008, 06:28
So let me get this straight? There is no Austaran representative willing to personally meet with the Council in New Amsterdam?
Austar Union
14-05-2008, 07:06
I don't know where you get that from. Have been waiting for you to invite me into the thread from here. Are you ready to meet with a representative from the UCSAU?
The Resurgent Dream
14-05-2008, 07:12
Because the only two things you mentioned were in other countries. You're definitely invited into the thread. I switched the order slightly because I was confused by your posts. You'll be right after Abt and right before Ctan. The order has no importance so don't read anything into it. ;) Anyway, I'm posting again. Anyone else interested?
I'll be slow to post. Exams in 10 days time, and I have loads of stuff to reread and rereread and over again.
Austar Union
14-05-2008, 13:04
If it's alright with you i'd like to incorporporate a meeting with the council into my sort of world tour with my Secretary of State (it's beginnings being in A Natural Affinity with Northrop-Grumman). My administration is certainly keen to meet with your government, as a means of the extending the continuity of our relationship.
I can make a post as early as this Saturday if that's acceptable to you.
The Ctan
25-05-2008, 20:42
Finally I have time, and can thus attend to this almost whenever is desired.
The Resurgent Dream
25-05-2008, 21:21
Yay! Let me finish with Abt and Austar Union first, unless AU wants to do it in that other thread he mentioned.
Austar Union
26-05-2008, 20:14
Whichever. I would personally prefer to just do it in the thread you've created, but I don't mind in the least. If you do prefer to do it in mine instead though, you might be waiting a while longer before we can start our meeting.
[Read: Quite a while]