Starblaydia/Krytenia WC40 Uber-bid Thread
07-02-2008, 00:32
Starblaydia & Krytenia
World Cup 40 Uber-Bid
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
"This will be the 20th installment of the Nationstates World Cup. Instead of prolonging it for another round or two, we're attempting to make sure it's set up for another 20 editions. Let's inject some life back into it and, above all, let's have fun with it..."
This I wrote at the end of 2004 ( I was well into my RPing groove, having competed in four World Cup campaigns since my debut in World Cup 15, and there was a lot of debate and complaints (I miss complaints in the WCDT, whatever happened to them?) about how much, or rather how little, fun there was to be had in the World Cup. Druida and I put ourselves forward to host, and the general opinion at the time was that we did a pretty damn good job of it.
Now, a little over three years and a couple of months later in 2008, we find the number of World Cup participants in fairly steady decline, for a number of reasons. Real life, time constraints and good-old boredom have taken hold and nations have dropped out left, right and centre. I even took a break after World Cup 34, returning in time for WC38 by which time I had realised I just couldn't live without Starblaydia.ticking away in the back of my mind. Other people have had similar experiences, I don't doubt, with many having been away and returned.
Why do we keep coming back? Because it's fun. Because we like international football/soccer. Because we're competitive and, of course, because we're crazy. It's as true now as it ever was:
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
There are many reasons as to why Kry and I would like to host the 40th World Cup, for both IC and OOC reasons. OOCly for myself, having written the above quote to host WC20, I would be fairly honoured to host that landmark event 20 Cups later. Kry says that he feels he's neglected the WC for a long time; also wanting to help the WC move forward out of the rut it's in at the moment - something I wholeheartedly concur with. Plus he's insane, which I also concur with.
For the nations of both Starblaydia and Krytenia, they began their quests for international domination (with varying degrees of success) exactly 100 years prior to World Cup 40, in World Cup 15 (going by the RL cycle of 4 years per World Cup). The two nations have ever since been friends, rivals, allies and even bitter enemies and find themselves now, separated by just a single great lake, the Bekk, in Atlantian Oceania. Two democracies, both former dictatorships, with football in their blood for exactly a century. These two nations have won Two World Cup Titles, five AOCAF regional championship titles, a Men's Football Olympic Gold Medal, an Under-21 World Cup, an Indigenous World Cup and a Champions' League title between them. Well, Starblaydia won all those, actually. Krytenia won The Cafetiere Cup.
Er, great.
Hosting-wise, Krytenia has Two World Cups (24 & 29), three AOCAFs (1, 13 & 17), two Cups of Harmony (7 & 15) and a Champions League (8) under his belt. Starblaydia has hosted a World Cup (20), an AOCAF (4) and two Baptisms of Fire (for WC17 & 18), along with, more recently, the three Di Bradini Cups, Under-21 tournaments which have been held before the last three World Cups. I told you we were insane.
Starblaydia has also been President of the World Cup Committee for three consecutive three-cup terms from World Cup 25 to World Cup 33, and introduced many measures to help the Cup along, from World Cup FAQs, to the current format of the Sign-up thread that we know and ignore today. Remember that quote at the beginning of each sign-up thread? Star wrote that.
Er, great.
We're not looking to just host World Cup 40 (or XL, if you're Latin/Superbowl-inclined) and get another iteration under the NSWC's belt, oh no. Starblaydia and Krytenia are bidding to host it all.
The 27th Baptism of Fire, in Starblaydia
The 40th World Cup, in Krytenia and Starblaydia
The 32nd Cup of Harmony, in Starblaydia and Krytenia
That's right, we're hoping to do what has never been done before. A seamless, interlinked set of three tournaments (plus the now-traditional Under-21 warm-up, too) hosted by two, veteran, nations who have both left and returned. There are many, mostly technical, details to come in this hugely-early bid thread, but you've read the reasons why. Thank-you.
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
Liverpool England
07-02-2008, 03:06
I had planned to become the next BoF semi-permanent cohost, so, uh.... DAMN YOU GUYS!!!!!1!!!!11one!11 or something.
I approve of this message and these two countries as hosts!
07-02-2008, 05:50
Stupid Politicians...
You said a whole lot with out saying anything!
What are the elements of your various bids CoH, WC and BoF?
07-02-2008, 11:54
The single most ambitious and audacious hosting bid of all time.
Easily the biggest challenge will be handling all three concurrently; that said, I do believe it's possible. I was hosting 25 (as Kaze Progressa) nigh-on single-handedly throughout qualification, and Lemmitania did the same for me in 12 when I had spreadsheet issues, so... it's almost certainly possible.
Like others, I await the details. But the principle is very much notable.
Liverpool England
07-02-2008, 13:18
My only real grouse is that the BoF and CoH have traditionally been tournaments for up-and-coming nations to co-host. To let two established nations host them both is taking away opportunities for future hosts to immerse themselves in hosting WCC tournaments.
In theory I support this, but in practice it makes it harder for me to become host, so:upyours:
07-02-2008, 17:38
Hmm... I'm relieved that it's CoH32, not 31.
I'm waiting for the details about the format of the competitions.
Aye, I'd wait to throw out things like audacity until we know how crazy the competitions are- 10 groups of 8 aren't going to do it. :p
07-02-2008, 21:44
Stupid Politicians...
You said a whole lot with out saying anything!
What are the elements of your various bids CoH, WC and BoF?
There are many, mostly technical, details to come in this hugely-early bid thread, but you've read the reasons why. Thank-you.
(In English: We're still thrashing out the nuts and/or bolts of the tech side of things; please be patient as there is much time yet.)
08-02-2008, 00:02
Voting on this could be problematic-what happens if a BoF bid comes up that most people prefer to yours, but people still prefer you to have you host the Cup itself?
08-02-2008, 00:08
Voting on this could be problematic-what happens if a BoF bid comes up that most people prefer to yours, but people still prefer you to have you host the Cup itself?
The answer's simple: each host vote is taken separately, so the only real question would be if they'd withdraw their bid in the event of losing the right to host one of the three.
Otherwise, the only other way to do it would be to have someone propose a one-time exception, where an up/down vote on giving Star & Kry the hosting rights replaces the bidding process, have that approved, then see what happens with the vote.
08-02-2008, 10:55
Voting on this could be problematic-what happens if a BoF bid comes up that most people prefer to yours, but people still prefer you to have you host the Cup itself?
The answer's simple: each host vote is taken separately, so the only real question would be if they'd withdraw their bid in the event of losing the right to host one of the three.
Otherwise, the only other way to do it would be to have someone propose a one-time exception, where an up/down vote on giving Star & Kry the hosting rights replaces the bidding process, have that approved, then see what happens with the vote.
In an ideal, Me-centred world, I'd like a single Yay/Nay vote from the WCC. But, as we're a World Cup community and not a Starblaydi dictatorship (oh for the days when it was!), we're perfectly happy to go through three separate hosting votes for the three competitions, and the success of the entire bid does not depend on an accumulated three hosting vote victories (I've never been that much of a gambler). If Kry and I lose one or even two of the votes, we'll still host the tournament(s) that we win.
I'm waiting for the details about the format of the competitions.
For you, and others, all in good time. We're only half-way through the Qualifiers and have a rough outline of what we'd like to do as far as scorinators and RP go. I doubt there'll be anything earth-shattering about the formats of the competitions themselves, though.
...the BoF and CoH have traditionally been tournaments for up-and-coming nations to co-host. To let two established nations host them both is taking away opportunities for future hosts to immerse themselves in hosting WCC tournaments.!
That's very true, case in point that I co-hosted a couple of BoFs with Vilita before bidding for the big one with Druida. If there are competing Veteran/Newbie hosting bids that the WCC would rather vote for than two Vets, then that's fine by me.
All I can say for a single Starblaydi BoF bid is that I have a history of promoting newcomer's participation, making it as easy and enjoyable for them as possible to play along with useful ideas, posts, threads, etc when (and even before) I was the President of the WCC. The Di Bradini Cup is a very much roleplay-based cup, and over the three tournaments the top RPers have consistently won it, with non-RPers failing to get out of the Group Stages. Also witness Taeshan regularly making the second round, and non-RPers not, for instance.
I doubt there'll be anything earth-shattering about the formats of the competitions themselves, though.
Pfft, this isn't sanity-testing!
08-02-2008, 23:03
*puts on presidential hat*
Just as a clarification of procedure: for purposes of voting, this will be considered as three separate bids, one for each competition, and will be voted upon accordingly.
*gives presidential hat back to Baz*
09-02-2008, 01:42
ah, you say that now Mr. President-Elect, but did you consider this? ;)
With regards to the special circumstances regarding the Uber-Bid by Starblaydia and Krytenia for hosting rights to all the WCC tournaments connected to World Cup XL,
The World Cup Committee ALLOWS a one-time exception to the present rules regarding hosting, instead instituting the following procedure:
1) The Starblaydi and Krytenian bids for the three tournaments shall be considered by the members of the WCC, with the following question to be placed to a vote: "Shall the Starblaydi and Krytenian bid for hosting rights to World Cup XL, Baptism of Fire 27, and Cup of Harmony 32 be accepted in its entirety?"
2) If the above question receives the support of at least 1/2 of the eligible WCC voting membership, the hosting rights and duties for the stated tournaments shall be awarded to Starblaydia and Krytenia. A failure to reach this margin shall result in the reinstatement of the currently outlined voting procedures.
This proposal, if accepted, shall no longer apply following the awarding of hosting rights to Cup of Harmony 32.
16-02-2008, 18:10
The (IC) Starblaydia Bid for the 27th Baptism of Fire
Background & History
Starblaydia has co-hosted two Baptisms of Fire in the past, for the build-up to World Cups 17 ( & 18 ( (BoF tournaments linked), going on on to host the highly-successful World Cup 20 with Druida. Five Cups later, Starblaydia's Simeone Di Bradini was voted in as the World Cup Committee President, followed for two further terms by Starblaydi World Cup 25 Winner Giovanni Lopez. During that time, Starblaydi Presidents worked to make the World Cup a more accessible tournament for new entrants, creating the World Cup FAQs ( list (currently accessed accessed 1,389 times on NSwiki), as well as creating the World Cup Sign-up post ( in its current format.
Since then, after Starblaydia's international football hiatus (, the Starblaydi Football Association has created the Di Bradini Cup (currently in the process of Sign-ups for its fourth edition) for Under-21 sides, which is known for its high rate of participation from entrants.
The Baptism of Fire is seen by all at the SFA as an excellent invention, providing débutante nations with a chance to find their feet at international level, to compete against like-minded teams in similar situations to themselves. It awards glory, gives experience, sets up friendships and rivalries, rewards glory and can even give a better sense of community within each tournament's alumni. The SFA firmly believes that nations who can enjoy the fruits of the Baptism of Fire will keep football at the heart of their international sporting life and go on to bigger and better things in the World Cup, Cup of Harmony and other football tournaments.
It is with all this in mind that the SFA bid to host the 27th Baptism of Fire.
In setting up, each stadium to be used will be named and described with its capacity, home team(s) and history, along with any notable events that have taken place there. Starblaydi and Krytenian referees will be put forward for each match, each with their own take on how football is to be played within the available rules. All possible help and advice will be available to each competitor via Telegram or other standard method of communication. All participants will receive Telegrams informing them of the Baptism of Fire, directing them to appropriate locations and making advice readily available.
In the first round, each team (as of writing this stands at 10 entrants) will play every other team once. At this point there is no 'luck of the draw' in individual groups where one may or may not find excellent teams around them, a simple league system is provided. Head-to-head results will be the first deciding factor, after points, in determining league placing.
For the second round, the top eight (or sixteen, if seventeen or more teams are signed up) will teams will go forward into seeded pairings based on both points and participation. Knock-out matches will proceed as normal, with two periods of 15 minutes for Extra Time and, if no winner has emerged at the end, a penalty shoot-out. All the teams who have progressed to the second round will play until each has a final finishing position, giving a Final as well as Third-, Fifth- and Seventh-Place Play-offs.
The advent of performances bonuses have, in general, been an excellent addition to the World Cup. The Baptism of Fire is seen by the SFA as the one tournament where the level of participation a team applies should be the major factor in the determination of results. As seen in the running of the Di Bradini Cups, the team that participates the best and most should generally win the tournament. Thus, the SFA will award bonuses based on the following criteria:
Entertainment, Realism, Creativity, Humour, Individuality, Variation, Story-lines, Rivalries, Inter-team participation and Use of available information.
In addition, there will be Double-Bonus Matchdays, in which a team's participation will count double for that Matchday.
The SFA feel that they can host a successful, safe and exciting tournament for the newcomers to the milestone fortieth World Cup, and would like to urge the voting members of the World Cup Committee to vote Starblaydia as the Baptism of Fire host. Thank-you.
OOC Information:
The Di Bradini Cup scorinator will be used for the Baptism of Fire (and only the BoF, not the WC or CoH). Double-RP-Bonus Matchdays will be publicised well in advance of the actual matchday, and will be a trial for their inclusion during the Qualifying Stages of WC40. In the IC section, for "participation" read "RP-Bonus".
07-03-2008, 00:22
There now follows a Boring Technical Bit (TM). Sorry.
The World Cup 40 Bid will use the NS Footy Sim (NSFS) in its most recent guise (2.01). The formula being used is as follows (NUMBERS ALERT):
baseAttacksSequentialSuperior 10
baseAttacksSequentialInferior 10
baseAttacksPointBasedSuperior 10
baseAttacksPointBasedInferior 9
attackCoeffSequentialSuperior 0.05
attackCoeffSequentialInferior 0
attackCoeffPointBasedSuperior 12
attackCoeffPointBasedInferior 0
baseAttackSuccessThresholdSequential 0.8400
basePenAttackSuccessThresholdSequential 0.4
homeBonusSequential 0.0105
attackSuccessCoeffSequential 0.003
autoSuccessThresholdSequential 0.92
autoFailureThresholdSequential 0.72
baseAttackCoeffPointBased 667.5
homeBonusPointBased 7.5
baseAttackSuccessThresholdPointBased 536
basePenAttackSuccessThresholdPointBased 400
rankDiffModifierCoeffPointBased 12
rankScalarPointBased 0.5
rankCoeffPointBased 28.5
styleOffset 17
styleScalar 1.5
styleCoeff 0.01118
Ugh, that was a lot of numbers.
Here are some tests of this formula, using teams with KPB's of 36.00, 29.50, 16.50, 10.93, 1.50, and 0.00. NUMBERS ALERT!
Matchday 1
Team BOF 0-2 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 14.7 chance; this result: 1 in 2.2)
Team 2950 1-2 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 11.2 chance; this result: 1 in 2.6)
Team 1650 3-0 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 14 chance; this result: 1 in 1.5)
Matchday 2
Team 1650 3-1 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 12.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Oliverry 2-3 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 28.2 chance; this result: 1 in 1.9)
Team 3600 4-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 13.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.2)
Matchday 3
Team BOF 1-0 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 31.4 chance; this result: 1 in 6.8)
Team 2950 5-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 29.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.3)
Team 1650 4-3 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 287.3 chance; this result: 1 in 2)
Matchday 4
Team 2950 4-1 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 19.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Team 3600 3-1 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 14.5 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Oliverry 4-2 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 37.3 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Matchday 5
Team BOF 1-2 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 12.8 chance; this result: 1 in 3.7)
Team 2950 2-4 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 409.9 chance; this result: 1 in 5)
Team 3600 1-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 10.1 chance; this result: 1 in 5)
Matchday 6
Oliverry 5-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 180.8 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Team 3600 2-0 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 9.9 chance; this result: 1 in 2.1)
Team Noob 0-4 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 35.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Matchday 7
Team BOF 0-1 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 13.2 chance; this result: 1 in 2)
Team 2950 2-2 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 18.1 chance; this result: 1 in 4.6)
Team Noob 0-3 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 13.1 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Matchday 8
Team 3600 4-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 17.9 chance; this result: 1 in 1.3)
Team Noob 2-6 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 200.1 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Oliverry 0-1 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 10.9 chance; this result: 1 in 2.4)
Matchday 9
Team BOF 1-3 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 12.2 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Team 1650 2-2 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 17.1 chance; this result: 1 in 3.9)
Team Noob 1-2 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 9 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Matchday 10
Team Noob 0-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 18 chance; this result: 1 in 2.4)
Team 1650 0-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 12.2 chance; this result: 1 in 2.2)
Oliverry 1-2 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 8.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Pos Team P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Team 3600 10 7 2 1 23 8 15 23
2 Team 1650 10 7 1 2 23 13 10 22
3 Team 2950 10 6 1 3 28 17 11 19
4 Oliverry 10 4 2 4 22 16 6 14
5 Team BOF 10 2 0 8 7 24 -17 6
6 Team Noob 10 1 0 9 9 34 -25 3
Highest scoring match: Team Noob 2-6 Team 2950
Largest home win: Oliverry 5-0 Team BOF
Largest away win: Team Noob 0-4 Team 1650
Matchday 1
Team 3600 2-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 8.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.5)
Team 2950 6-2 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 158.9 chance; this result: 1 in 1.3)
Team 1650 1-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 17.3 chance; this result: 1 in 5.5)
Matchday 2
Team 1650 1-1 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 7.7 chance; this result: 1 in 3.9)
Oliverry 1-3 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 16 chance; this result: 1 in 1.9)
Team Noob 0-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 18 chance; this result: 1 in 2.4)
Matchday 3
Team 3600 3-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 10.2 chance; this result: 1 in 1.2)
Team 2950 4-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 21.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Team 1650 3-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 17 chance; this result: 1 in 2)
Matchday 4
Team 2950 1-1 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 6.7 chance; this result: 1 in 3.4)
Team Noob 1-1 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 11.2 chance; this result: 1 in 4.8)
Oliverry 2-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 11.9 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Matchday 5
Team 3600 3-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 11 chance; this result: 1 in 1.3)
Team 2950 4-0 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 48.5 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Team Noob 0-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 16.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Matchday 6
Oliverry 1-2 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 8.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Team Noob 3-3 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 55.2 chance; this result: 1 in 5.8)
Team BOF 2-2 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 13.6 chance; this result: 1 in 4.2)
Matchday 7
Team 3600 1-2 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 19.6 chance; this result: 1 in 6)
Team 2950 2-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 8.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Team BOF 2-3 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 30.4 chance; this result: 1 in 3.7)
Matchday 8
Team Noob 1-4 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 15.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Team BOF 0-5 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 91.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Oliverry 1-1 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 7.4 chance; this result: 1 in 3.7)
Matchday 9
Team 3600 2-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 22.7 chance; this result: 1 in 3.6)
Team 1650 4-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 18.9 chance; this result: 1 in 1.5)
Team BOF 1-2 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 9.2 chance; this result: 1 in 2.2)
Matchday 10
Team BOF 3-2 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 53.1 chance; this result: 1 in 6.8)
Team 1650 2-5 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 541.8 chance; this result: 1 in 2.2)
Oliverry 0-2 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 51.4 chance; this result: 1 in 5.8)
Pos Team P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Team 2950 10 7 3 0 35 12 23 24
2 Team 3600 10 5 3 2 21 13 8 18
3 Team 1650 10 3 4 3 17 19 -2 13
4 Oliverry 10 3 1 6 11 16 -5 10
5 Team BOF 10 3 1 6 12 24 -12 10
6 Team Noob 10 2 2 6 14 26 -12 8
Highest scoring match: Team 2950 6-2 Team Noob
Largest home win: Team 2950 6-2 Team Noob
Largest away win: Team BOF 0-5 Team 2950
Matchday 1
Team 2950 3-2 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 34.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Team BOF 1-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 9.2 chance; this result: 1 in 4.2)
Oliverry 3-3 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 87.7 chance; this result: 1 in 4.3)
Matchday 2
Oliverry 0-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 11.5 chance; this result: 1 in 1.9)
Team 1650 3-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 22.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Team Noob 0-6 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 108 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Matchday 3
Team 2950 1-1 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 16.7 chance; this result: 1 in 7.2)
Team BOF 1-3 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 11.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.5)
Oliverry 0-4 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 107.8 chance; this result: 1 in 2.4)
Matchday 4
Team BOF 1-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 8.8 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Team Noob 2-4 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 41.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.8)
Team 1650 2-1 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 14.5 chance; this result: 1 in 4.2)
Matchday 5
Team 2950 3-3 Team 3600 (This score: 1 in 200.8 chance; this result: 1 in 3.4)
Team BOF 4-3 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 251.6 chance; this result: 1 in 3.4)
Team Noob 0-4 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 35.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Matchday 6
Team 1650 1-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 9.5 chance; this result: 1 in 2.2)
Team Noob 2-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 11.9 chance; this result: 1 in 4)
Team 3600 3-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 12.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.5)
Matchday 7
Team 2950 3-1 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 13.4 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Team BOF 1-3 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 14.9 chance; this result: 1 in 2)
Team 3600 4-2 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 29.6 chance; this result: 1 in 1.2)
Matchday 8
Team Noob 0-4 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 23.1 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Team 3600 3-0 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 11 chance; this result: 1 in 1.3)
Team 1650 0-0 Oliverry (This score: 1 in 19.2 chance; this result: 1 in 3.9)
Matchday 9
Team 2950 3-2 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 22.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.4)
Oliverry 2-0 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 12.3 chance; this result: 1 in 1.6)
Team 3600 1-0 Team 1650 (This score: 1 in 8.7 chance; this result: 1 in 1.7)
Matchday 10
Team 3600 4-2 Team 2950 (This score: 1 in 194.2 chance; this result: 1 in 2.1)
Oliverry 1-3 Team BOF (This score: 1 in 42.5 chance; this result: 1 in 4.5)
Team 1650 1-3 Team Noob (This score: 1 in 69 chance; this result: 1 in 7.2)
Pos Team P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Team 3600 10 7 2 1 31 14 17 23
2 Team 2950 10 7 2 1 25 15 10 23
3 Team 1650 10 5 1 4 20 13 7 16
4 Team BOF 10 2 2 6 17 24 -7 8
5 Oliverry 10 2 2 6 15 24 -9 8
6 Team Noob 10 1 3 6 11 29 -18 6
Highest scoring match: Team BOF 4-3 Oliverry
Largest home win: Team 3600 3-0 Team BOF
Largest away win: Team Noob 0-6 Team 3600
OK, OK, that was a lot of numbers.
RP Bonus will be cumulative and worked out on a matchday-by matchday basis. The host for the day will give each nation's RP(s) a score between 0.0 and 2.0, with 1.0 as a "good" RP. This number is then divided by 10 to give a total between 0.00 and 0.20, which is then added to that nation's cumulative KPB total.
Thank you for your patience. Please direct technical questions at me: any questions of this nature directed at Starblaydia will lead to a bemused smile and a finger pointed towards the odd man in the sky blue suit.
Is 2.01 the latest version? I can't keep track of any of that anymore.
08-03-2008, 22:58
Is 2.01 the latest version? I can't keep track of any of that anymore.
Nope. That would be 2.0.3 ( Which one could have easily looked up if only NSwiki were still editable. :rolleyes:
EDIT: So I'm going to add the link to my sig instead. :)
09-03-2008, 07:47
Hey, it is the StarKry or KryStar bid? :p
09-03-2008, 11:17
Starblaydia/Krytenia. Or Krytenia/Starblaydia. We're comfortable with either.
09-03-2008, 11:46
Hey, it is the StarKry or KryStar bid? :p
StarKry sounds like their bid is making the star's cry - take from that out what you will.
KryStar sounds like it could be a Christler (or however the heck you spell it)
07-04-2008, 00:22
The Starblaydia and Krytenia Bid for the 32nd Cup of Harmony
Okay, so there are four, at the last count, bids for the Cup of Harmony. Probably a record number, and probably because Krytenia and I seemingly had the World Cup hosting thing sewn up long before anyone else had proposed to put a bid together.
So here we have many-a bid to choose from, all proposing to use NSFS, have +5/-5 style modifiers, work out group format based upon number of signups, and invite all non-qualifying RPing teams to participate. Wow, such a choice. On the basis of four fairly identical bids you are asked to make a choice on who should host.
Why vote for Starblaydia and Krytenia?
We haven't fucked up yet, quite simply. The Qualifying Draw was both live and without hiccups, the World Cup has gone halfway through its qualifying without any major hiccups. And we have a referee thread and a logo and some corporate colours and everything. Well, it's more than the other bids have.
There are logical reasons, such as the CoH will start a lot faster, it will all be integrated and seamless and all the rest of it. There are illogical reasons, such as the price of rice will increase further this year, so you should vote for us anyway.
We proposed to do something big for this cup, an Uber-bid, after all, as it says in the title. We think it would be cool if our Uber-bid went three-for-three, it would make a good article on NSwiki, at least. Even if you don't qualify and make it to Krytenia and Starblaydia for the World Cup, you can still make it to Starblaydia and Krytenia for the Cup of Harmony, having been in Starblaydia for the Baptism of Fire. (simplifies things for the newbies, you see)
Oh, and I personally promise not to try and host until at least WC50, and probably not even then. Promise.
07-04-2008, 01:29
Why vote for Starblaydia and Krytenia?
We haven't fucked up yet, quite simply.
The Starblaydia and Krytenia Bid for the 32nd Baptism of Fire
(don't worry, you still have my vote)
07-04-2008, 02:46
The Starblaydia and Krytenia Bid for the 32nd Cup of Harmony
Okay, so there are four, at the last count, bids for the Cup of Harmony. Probably a record number, and probably because Krytenia and I seemingly had the World Cup hosting thing sewn up long before anyone else had proposed to put a bid together.
So here we have many-a bid to choose from, all proposing to use NSFS, have +5/-5 style modifiers, work out group format based upon number of signups, and invite all non-qualifying RPing teams to participate. Wow, such a choice. On the basis of four fairly identical bids you are asked to make a choice on who should host.
Why vote for Starblaydia and Krytenia?
We haven't fucked up yet, quite simply (apart from the post two above this. This is what happens when the mentalists host.) The Qualifying Draw was both live and without hiccups, the World Cup has gone halfway through its qualifying without any major hiccups. And we have a referee thread and a logo and some corporate colours and everything. Well, it's more than the other bids have.
There are logical reasons, such as the CoH will start a lot faster, it will all be integrated and seamless and all the rest of it. There are illogical reasons, such as the price of rice will increase further this year, so you should vote for us anyway.
We proposed to do something big for this cup, an Uber-bid, after all, as it says in the title. We think it would be cool if our Uber-bid went three-for-three, it would make a good article on NSwiki, at least. Even if you don't qualify and make it to Krytenia and Starblaydia for the World Cup, you can still make it to Starblaydia and Krytenia for the Cup of Harmony, having been in Starblaydia for the Baptism of Fire. (Simplifies things for the newbies, you see.)
Oh, and we both personally promise not to try and host until at least WC50, and probably not even then. Promise.
(OK, I might do a Champions' League. And an, who am I kidding?)
07-04-2008, 06:16
The Starblaydia and Krytenia Bid for the 32nd Baptism of Fire
Okay, so there are four, at the last count, bids for the Cup of Harmony. Probably a record number, and probably because Starblaydia and I seemingly had the World Cup hosting thing sewn up long before anyone else had proposed to put a bid together.
So here we have many-a bid to choose from, all proposing to use NSFS, have +5/-5 style modifiers, work out group format based upon number of signups, and invite all non-qualifying RPing teams to participate. Wow, such a choice. On the basis of four fairly identical bids you are asked to make a choice on who should host.
Why vote for Starblaydia and Krytenia?
We haven't kicked ass yet, quite simply (apart from the post two above this. This is what happens when the mentalists host.) The Qualifying Draw was both live and without farts, the World Cup has gone halfway through its qualifying without any major farts. And we have a referee thread and a logo and some corporate colours and everything. Well, it's more than the other bids eat.
There are logical reasons, such as the CoH will end a lot faster, it will all be integrated and seamless and all the rest of it. There are illogical reasons, such as the price of rice will increase further this year, so you should vote for us anyway.
We proposed to do something big for this cup, an extra-large-venti-mocha-frappuccino-bid, after all, as it says in the title. We think it would be cool if our extra-large-venti-mocha-frappuccino-bid went three-for-five-six, it would make a good article on some kind of wiki, at least. Even if you don't qualify and make it to Krytenia and Starblaydia for the World Cup, you can still make it to Starblaydia and Krytenia for the Cup of Harmony, having been in Krytenia for the Baptism of Fire. (Simplifies things for the newbies, you see.)
Oh, and we both personally promise not to try and host until at least WC50, and probably not even then. NOT.
(OK, I might do a Champions' League. And an, who am I kidding?)
Unfortunately, I do care about the price of rice. It's my staple diet!
And another thing, what will Starblaydia and Krytenia do with the extra benefits of having so many tourists visit over the course of this World Cup Season? No doubt, the two states could do something about the price of rice.
Also, spot all of the diverting mutations in this plot for a diverting trip to Mylamas
07-04-2008, 07:30
(don't worry, you still have my vote)
D'oh and double-D'oh. That's what I get for writing at gone midnight...