NationStates Jolt Archive

Back in time

30-09-2007, 13:39
If you could go back in time how far would you go and what changes (if any) would you make excluding monitory gains for you or your family
01-10-2007, 04:07
I got too many answers for this question.

but the easiest one for me would be to go back to 1865 and make sure that Lincoln wasn't assassinated. Quite possibly, civil rights would have come about about 50-60 years earlier than they truly did.

2nd easiest: Go to 323 BC, and ensure that Alexander the Great didn't die at the age of 33. Granted, he would have on average lived at most another 15-20 years, but if his influence throughout the middle east could have been strentghened during that time, then quite possibly, most of the religious conflicts of the last 2500 years could have been avoided or at least not as destructive.