20-09-2007, 02:18
OOC: Again an idea from a weird website ( adapted for NS. How would the survivalist phrasebook look like in your national language or conlang?
I use 2 translations: One is official rejistani and one seleken. I first write the English text, then the rejistani and then the seleken one.
A general pronunciation guide for rejistanian:
a a a
e e e (if short it changes to ɐ/6)
i i i (if short it changes to ɪ/I)
o o o
u u u
y aɪ aI
Consonants (xihim-consonants):
m m m
n n n
l l l (can be ɭ/l` at the beginning of words)
j ʐ z` (can be quiet in the beginning of a syllable in the middle of a word)
s z z
x ʂ s`
h h h (at the end of a syllable quiet and here indicating the vowel is short. Example: jilih = z`i:li
v w w
t t t
k k k (can be q/q at the beginning of words)
r x x (in some nanti invariably ʀ/R\)
d d d
And for seleken (only in X-SAMPA because the tone-classificators translate better into that):
a: A
e: e
ə: eI
i: i
ı: M
o: o
u: u
ŭ: y
b: b
c: s
ĉ: sS
h: h
ĥ: x
ĵ: H
k: q
l: l
ł: 5
m: m
n: n
p: p
s: z
ŝ: D
t: t
v: w (H if in the beginning of a word)
x: S
ẋ: Z
(the g is silent and just changes the tone)
ģ: _/
g: _\
ĝ: _R_F
ğ: _B_L
-: _M
Get down!
anik'han'il! / Anik'han'iln!
heģ eğbał! / heģł eğbał!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.
Stay quiet!
dela'ta'il! / dela'ta'iln!
heģ ugĵıg! / heģł ugĵıg!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.
They saw us!
Min'la'mesu xen!
caĵağnmŭĝ ẋamŭĝ/big/pal!
Note: 'us' is more than three/three/two people.
Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
nil! isa'il! isa'il!/isa'iln! isa'iln! xe'ki'kajxa min!
məĝ ŭ ĥağnĵa! heģ xuģn! heģ xuģn! /heģł xuģn! heģł xuģn! ĵağnmŭĝ kagjxaģẋa!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.
Where is the refugee camp?
kalesa revejuki mi'aru sunra?
tıgĵa ŝeğxuģn ĥəgm vaģ?
How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
Xe'sidekhir'reja radja'het / enjudia'het / lerat'het divensi / ratansa'het sunreja?
daģrığł / ŝəgo / kagjxaģ nogmŝeğŭĝ dəğĵanogm / buğli higl liĥən lipŭẋaĵəg?
This passport proves that I'm an Ariddian.
ameriasav'het jilih mi'oki, xe'arhidije.
viģveĝn tiģ agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ taĝmĵağn.
AGH! It hurts! It hurts! Please shoot me.
Iiii! xe'tore! xe'tore! kajxa'il/kajxa'iln xe!
Iiieeee! cıģẋa! cıģẋa! ẋa heģ/heģł kagjxaģ, etuğ!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.
He was devoured by a huge beast.
mi'la'rala'ovik tevne esda.
voğ xıģł ĵağn iĵağn.
How many have died?
sunkansu mi'la'ixunus?
higl eģhaģ ĥağnĵa vaģĵağnmŭĝ?
Give me a towel so I can stop the profuse bleeding.
minji'il melheki, xe'ma'reja 'ut hujed'tan temen.
ŝoĝłeģl ĵŭğĵağnŝimłəğnŭĝ heģ jıgv!
Note: I think you figured out the usage of 'il / 'iln and heģ/heģł by now
Maybe he's not dead yet.
ĵaĵağnĥuĵəg tiģ ẋag.
We must bury her before the guerrillas arrive.
xen'ni 'anikjave, mi relevijie'he'ny mi'han namin tesla.
relegviģ pŭĵağnkağn taẋag ĵağn əğĉığẋamŭĝtoğ.
Where did his arm go? He had something important in his hand.
sirtas'mi mi'la'isa sunjan? mi'lil temen'het minji'ra!
hegŝ səğĵağnŭĝ ĥəgm liĵağn? jıgv səğĵağnŭĝ ne səğĵağn.
Conversing with the Locals
I'm from Ariddia, not Allanea. I promise.
xe'arhidia'tes, xe'alhaneja'tes'ta. xilat, kansu ve simu!
agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ, aglaneģĵaẋaĥuŭĝ, ĵŭğtaĝmẋa!
I'm a journalist.
xe'oyki jurnali'he.
viģcŭğne ĉığẋa.
I have always supported communism.
xe'emi tesha alna'tan ve sosija'tan.
ĵaẋan kogmuģnigtiģẋaxiĝ.
(Name of rebel leader) is my hero
xe'koleni _______ kansa'xe'tes.
_______ ĵŭveĝnləg caẋa.
We must kill (name of enemy leader).
xen'ni 'vaixunus _______
______ ĥağnĵałəğnẋamŭĝ/big/paltoğ.
Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.
I'm sorry that I've offended you. Please accept this camera / watch / money as a gift.
demna'xe mi'oki'anik, xe'rala'tore demna'il. il'lanja'save kamere'het / teshasirtas'het / relixa'het jilih dori'het'ra.
paĉu hağbał taĝmẋaŭĝ veĝnəğẋa. całiğłĉu / łəğntaĝm / dəğləg səğẋaŭĝ heģ səğloĝmhağ.
They are coming! Can I hide in your house?
Min'han namin! xe'ma 'jenji enju'il'ra su?
pŭĵağnmŭĝ/big/palkağn! dəğĵaxi səğhağŭĝ ĉuģ ugloĝmẋaĵəg?
Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.
I'm not the one! He is!
xe'aru'ta! il'aru!
tiģ səğẋaĥu, ĵağn!
Is the revolution over?
revelutije mi'la'kdhi su?
relegvitiģ ĉuģ loĝmĵağnŝim?
I don't have any money.
xe'lil'ta relixa'het.
dəğləg səğẋaĥu.
This is a raid!
namin mi'rala'hetaki.
Give me your food and money!
dori'il xe'han ovik'het'il ve relixa'het'il
i ŭ dəğləg ŝıŝ ẋa heģł jıgv.
If you tell anyone, I will torture you.
xe'ki'tore'il, il'ki'visko ulhe'ra.
tiģ taĝmẋağłəğn, cıģẋağtoğvəģ.
Capture Situations
Don't shoot!
heģ kagjxaģĥu!
I surrender.
bəẋa! bəẋa!
Lay down your weapons.
anik'il kaji'het'il.
kagjxaģ ŝıŝ heģ eğbał!
Put your hands up. Get down.
salan'il minji'ny'il. anik'il!
jıgv səğẋağpal heģ buğbałpal. heģ eğbał!
If you spare my life, I will join your holy war.
xe'ki'erid kaju'het'iln kaletri, il'jurutu'ta xe nka.
kensagŝləg ŝəg kenloĝmẋałəğn, ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.
I know how to make bombs. Spare me
xe'ma 'va makha'het'ny. jurutu'ta'il xe.
paĉuməĝcıģ oğẋaĵəg. ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.
I'll sleep with you if you can help me get out of here.
xe'ki'vana il, il'ma 'hariri, xe'han namin'tes.
tiģxo ẋa anẋağłəğn, kensəgẋapal.
Tomorrow we will execute you.
xen'ki'alarivaixunus il sijeh.
eĝlcu kiĵağnŭĝ ẋağ ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ.
Do you have any final words before I execute you?
il'xan 'visko lune, xe'ki'alarivaixunus il tesla su?
ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ taẋag ĉuģ taĝmẋağĵəg?
Yes. I want to say that I--Look, a naked woman!
ve, xe'vana 'visko, xe'--Mesu'il! My'he loa!
taĝm, taĝmẋapə: ĉ--heģłca! vŭĝəğ vagm!
He's getting away. Shoot him!
mi'han. Kajxa'il mi!
vagmxuģnĵağn. ĵağn heģł kagjxaģ!
I use 2 translations: One is official rejistani and one seleken. I first write the English text, then the rejistani and then the seleken one.
A general pronunciation guide for rejistanian:
a a a
e e e (if short it changes to ɐ/6)
i i i (if short it changes to ɪ/I)
o o o
u u u
y aɪ aI
Consonants (xihim-consonants):
m m m
n n n
l l l (can be ɭ/l` at the beginning of words)
j ʐ z` (can be quiet in the beginning of a syllable in the middle of a word)
s z z
x ʂ s`
h h h (at the end of a syllable quiet and here indicating the vowel is short. Example: jilih = z`i:li
v w w
t t t
k k k (can be q/q at the beginning of words)
r x x (in some nanti invariably ʀ/R\)
d d d
And for seleken (only in X-SAMPA because the tone-classificators translate better into that):
a: A
e: e
ə: eI
i: i
ı: M
o: o
u: u
ŭ: y
b: b
c: s
ĉ: sS
h: h
ĥ: x
ĵ: H
k: q
l: l
ł: 5
m: m
n: n
p: p
s: z
ŝ: D
t: t
v: w (H if in the beginning of a word)
x: S
ẋ: Z
(the g is silent and just changes the tone)
ģ: _/
g: _\
ĝ: _R_F
ğ: _B_L
-: _M
Get down!
anik'han'il! / Anik'han'iln!
heģ eğbał! / heģł eğbał!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.
Stay quiet!
dela'ta'il! / dela'ta'iln!
heģ ugĵıg! / heģł ugĵıg!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.
They saw us!
Min'la'mesu xen!
caĵağnmŭĝ ẋamŭĝ/big/pal!
Note: 'us' is more than three/three/two people.
Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
nil! isa'il! isa'il!/isa'iln! isa'iln! xe'ki'kajxa min!
məĝ ŭ ĥağnĵa! heģ xuģn! heģ xuģn! /heģł xuģn! heģł xuģn! ĵağnmŭĝ kagjxaģẋa!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.
Where is the refugee camp?
kalesa revejuki mi'aru sunra?
tıgĵa ŝeğxuģn ĥəgm vaģ?
How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
Xe'sidekhir'reja radja'het / enjudia'het / lerat'het divensi / ratansa'het sunreja?
daģrığł / ŝəgo / kagjxaģ nogmŝeğŭĝ dəğĵanogm / buğli higl liĥən lipŭẋaĵəg?
This passport proves that I'm an Ariddian.
ameriasav'het jilih mi'oki, xe'arhidije.
viģveĝn tiģ agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ taĝmĵağn.
AGH! It hurts! It hurts! Please shoot me.
Iiii! xe'tore! xe'tore! kajxa'il/kajxa'iln xe!
Iiieeee! cıģẋa! cıģẋa! ẋa heģ/heģł kagjxaģ, etuğ!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.
He was devoured by a huge beast.
mi'la'rala'ovik tevne esda.
voğ xıģł ĵağn iĵağn.
How many have died?
sunkansu mi'la'ixunus?
higl eģhaģ ĥağnĵa vaģĵağnmŭĝ?
Give me a towel so I can stop the profuse bleeding.
minji'il melheki, xe'ma'reja 'ut hujed'tan temen.
ŝoĝłeģl ĵŭğĵağnŝimłəğnŭĝ heģ jıgv!
Note: I think you figured out the usage of 'il / 'iln and heģ/heģł by now
Maybe he's not dead yet.
ĵaĵağnĥuĵəg tiģ ẋag.
We must bury her before the guerrillas arrive.
xen'ni 'anikjave, mi relevijie'he'ny mi'han namin tesla.
relegviģ pŭĵağnkağn taẋag ĵağn əğĉığẋamŭĝtoğ.
Where did his arm go? He had something important in his hand.
sirtas'mi mi'la'isa sunjan? mi'lil temen'het minji'ra!
hegŝ səğĵağnŭĝ ĥəgm liĵağn? jıgv səğĵağnŭĝ ne səğĵağn.
Conversing with the Locals
I'm from Ariddia, not Allanea. I promise.
xe'arhidia'tes, xe'alhaneja'tes'ta. xilat, kansu ve simu!
agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ, aglaneģĵaẋaĥuŭĝ, ĵŭğtaĝmẋa!
I'm a journalist.
xe'oyki jurnali'he.
viģcŭğne ĉığẋa.
I have always supported communism.
xe'emi tesha alna'tan ve sosija'tan.
ĵaẋan kogmuģnigtiģẋaxiĝ.
(Name of rebel leader) is my hero
xe'koleni _______ kansa'xe'tes.
_______ ĵŭveĝnləg caẋa.
We must kill (name of enemy leader).
xen'ni 'vaixunus _______
______ ĥağnĵałəğnẋamŭĝ/big/paltoğ.
Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.
I'm sorry that I've offended you. Please accept this camera / watch / money as a gift.
demna'xe mi'oki'anik, xe'rala'tore demna'il. il'lanja'save kamere'het / teshasirtas'het / relixa'het jilih dori'het'ra.
paĉu hağbał taĝmẋaŭĝ veĝnəğẋa. całiğłĉu / łəğntaĝm / dəğləg səğẋaŭĝ heģ səğloĝmhağ.
They are coming! Can I hide in your house?
Min'han namin! xe'ma 'jenji enju'il'ra su?
pŭĵağnmŭĝ/big/palkağn! dəğĵaxi səğhağŭĝ ĉuģ ugloĝmẋaĵəg?
Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.
I'm not the one! He is!
xe'aru'ta! il'aru!
tiģ səğẋaĥu, ĵağn!
Is the revolution over?
revelutije mi'la'kdhi su?
relegvitiģ ĉuģ loĝmĵağnŝim?
I don't have any money.
xe'lil'ta relixa'het.
dəğləg səğẋaĥu.
This is a raid!
namin mi'rala'hetaki.
Give me your food and money!
dori'il xe'han ovik'het'il ve relixa'het'il
i ŭ dəğləg ŝıŝ ẋa heģł jıgv.
If you tell anyone, I will torture you.
xe'ki'tore'il, il'ki'visko ulhe'ra.
tiģ taĝmẋağłəğn, cıģẋağtoğvəģ.
Capture Situations
Don't shoot!
heģ kagjxaģĥu!
I surrender.
bəẋa! bəẋa!
Lay down your weapons.
anik'il kaji'het'il.
kagjxaģ ŝıŝ heģ eğbał!
Put your hands up. Get down.
salan'il minji'ny'il. anik'il!
jıgv səğẋağpal heģ buğbałpal. heģ eğbał!
If you spare my life, I will join your holy war.
xe'ki'erid kaju'het'iln kaletri, il'jurutu'ta xe nka.
kensagŝləg ŝəg kenloĝmẋałəğn, ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.
I know how to make bombs. Spare me
xe'ma 'va makha'het'ny. jurutu'ta'il xe.
paĉuməĝcıģ oğẋaĵəg. ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.
I'll sleep with you if you can help me get out of here.
xe'ki'vana il, il'ma 'hariri, xe'han namin'tes.
tiģxo ẋa anẋağłəğn, kensəgẋapal.
Tomorrow we will execute you.
xen'ki'alarivaixunus il sijeh.
eĝlcu kiĵağnŭĝ ẋağ ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ.
Do you have any final words before I execute you?
il'xan 'visko lune, xe'ki'alarivaixunus il tesla su?
ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ taẋag ĉuģ taĝmẋağĵəg?
Yes. I want to say that I--Look, a naked woman!
ve, xe'vana 'visko, xe'--Mesu'il! My'he loa!
taĝm, taĝmẋapə: ĉ--heģłca! vŭĝəğ vagm!
He's getting away. Shoot him!
mi'han. Kajxa'il mi!
vagmxuģnĵağn. ĵağn heģł kagjxaģ!