NationStates Jolt Archive

The survivalist phrasebook

20-09-2007, 02:18
OOC: Again an idea from a weird website ( adapted for NS. How would the survivalist phrasebook look like in your national language or conlang?

I use 2 translations: One is official rejistani and one seleken. I first write the English text, then the rejistani and then the seleken one.

A general pronunciation guide for rejistanian:

a a a
e e e (if short it changes to ɐ/6)
i i i (if short it changes to ɪ/I)
o o o
u u u
y aɪ aI

Consonants (xihim-consonants):
m m m
n n n
l l l (can be ɭ/l` at the beginning of words)
j ʐ z` (can be quiet in the beginning of a syllable in the middle of a word)
s z z
x ʂ s`
h h h (at the end of a syllable quiet and here indicating the vowel is short. Example: jilih = z`i:li
v w w

t t t
k k k (can be q/q at the beginning of words)
r x x (in some nanti invariably ʀ/R\)
d d d

And for seleken (only in X-SAMPA because the tone-classificators translate better into that):

a: A
e: e
ə: eI
i: i
ı: M
o: o
u: u
ŭ: y
b: b
c: s
ĉ: sS
h: h
ĥ: x
ĵ: H
k: q
l: l
ł: 5
m: m
n: n
p: p
s: z
ŝ: D
t: t
v: w (H if in the beginning of a word)
x: S
ẋ: Z
(the g is silent and just changes the tone)
ģ: _/
g: _\
ĝ: _R_F
ğ: _B_L
-: _M


Get down!
anik'han'il! / Anik'han'iln!
heģ eğbał! / heģł eğbał!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.

Stay quiet!
dela'ta'il! / dela'ta'iln!
heģ ugĵıg! / heģł ugĵıg!
Note: if said to more than one person, the second form is used.

They saw us!
Min'la'mesu xen!
caĵağnmŭĝ ẋamŭĝ/big/pal!
Note: 'us' is more than three/three/two people.

Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
nil! isa'il! isa'il!/isa'iln! isa'iln! xe'ki'kajxa min!
məĝ ŭ ĥağnĵa! heģ xuģn! heģ xuģn! /heģł xuģn! heģł xuģn! ĵağnmŭĝ kagjxaģẋa!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.

Where is the refugee camp?
kalesa revejuki mi'aru sunra?
tıgĵa ŝeğxuģn ĥəgm vaģ?

How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
Xe'sidekhir'reja radja'het / enjudia'het / lerat'het divensi / ratansa'het sunreja?
daģrığł / ŝəgo / kagjxaģ nogmŝeğŭĝ dəğĵanogm / buğli higl liĥən lipŭẋaĵəg?

This passport proves that I'm an Ariddian.
ameriasav'het jilih mi'oki, xe'arhidije.
viģveĝn tiģ agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ taĝmĵağn.


AGH! It hurts! It hurts! Please shoot me.
Iiii! xe'tore! xe'tore! kajxa'il/kajxa'iln xe!
Iiieeee! cıģẋa! cıģẋa! ẋa heģ/heģł kagjxaģ, etuğ!
Note: the green text indicates that it is addressing one person, the blue text is the plural.

He was devoured by a huge beast.
mi'la'rala'ovik tevne esda.
voğ xıģł ĵağn iĵağn.

How many have died?
sunkansu mi'la'ixunus?
higl eģhaģ ĥağnĵa vaģĵağnmŭĝ?

Give me a towel so I can stop the profuse bleeding.
minji'il melheki, xe'ma'reja 'ut hujed'tan temen.
ŝoĝłeģl ĵŭğĵağnŝimłəğnŭĝ heģ jıgv!

Note: I think you figured out the usage of 'il / 'iln and heģ/heģł by now

Maybe he's not dead yet.
ĵaĵağnĥuĵəg tiģ ẋag.

We must bury her before the guerrillas arrive.
xen'ni 'anikjave, mi relevijie'he'ny mi'han namin tesla.
relegviģ pŭĵağnkağn taẋag ĵağn əğĉığẋamŭĝtoğ.

Where did his arm go? He had something important in his hand.
sirtas'mi mi'la'isa sunjan? mi'lil temen'het minji'ra!
hegŝ səğĵağnŭĝ ĥəgm liĵağn? jıgv səğĵağnŭĝ ne səğĵağn.

Conversing with the Locals

I'm from Ariddia, not Allanea. I promise.
xe'arhidia'tes, xe'alhaneja'tes'ta. xilat, kansu ve simu!
agrıdiģĵaẋaŭĝ, aglaneģĵaẋaĥuŭĝ, ĵŭğtaĝmẋa!

I'm a journalist.
xe'oyki jurnali'he.
viģcŭğne ĉığẋa.

I have always supported communism.
xe'emi tesha alna'tan ve sosija'tan.
ĵaẋan kogmuģnigtiģẋaxiĝ.

(Name of rebel leader) is my hero
xe'koleni _______ kansa'xe'tes.
_______ ĵŭveĝnləg caẋa.

We must kill (name of enemy leader).
xen'ni 'vaixunus _______
______ ĥağnĵałəğnẋamŭĝ/big/paltoğ.

Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.

I'm sorry that I've offended you. Please accept this camera / watch / money as a gift.
demna'xe mi'oki'anik, xe'rala'tore demna'il. il'lanja'save kamere'het / teshasirtas'het / relixa'het jilih dori'het'ra.
paĉu hağbał taĝmẋaŭĝ veĝnəğẋa. całiğłĉu / łəğntaĝm / dəğləg səğẋaŭĝ heģ səğloĝmhağ.

They are coming! Can I hide in your house?
Min'han namin! xe'ma 'jenji enju'il'ra su?
pŭĵağnmŭĝ/big/palkağn! dəğĵaxi səğhağŭĝ ĉuģ ugloĝmẋaĵəg?

Note: 'we' is more than three/three/two people.

I'm not the one! He is!
xe'aru'ta! il'aru!
tiģ səğẋaĥu, ĵağn!

Is the revolution over?
revelutije mi'la'kdhi su?
relegvitiģ ĉuģ loĝmĵağnŝim?

I don't have any money.
xe'lil'ta relixa'het.
dəğləg səğẋaĥu.

This is a raid!
namin mi'rala'hetaki.

Give me your food and money!
dori'il xe'han ovik'het'il ve relixa'het'il
i ŭ dəğləg ŝıŝ ẋa heģł jıgv.

If you tell anyone, I will torture you.
xe'ki'tore'il, il'ki'visko ulhe'ra.
tiģ taĝmẋağłəğn, cıģẋağtoğvəģ.

Capture Situations

Don't shoot!
heģ kagjxaģĥu!

I surrender.
bəẋa! bəẋa!

Lay down your weapons.
anik'il kaji'het'il.
kagjxaģ ŝıŝ heģ eğbał!

Put your hands up. Get down.
salan'il minji'ny'il. anik'il!
jıgv səğẋağpal heģ buğbałpal. heģ eğbał!

If you spare my life, I will join your holy war.
xe'ki'erid kaju'het'iln kaletri, il'jurutu'ta xe nka.
kensagŝləg ŝəg kenloĝmẋałəğn, ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.

I know how to make bombs. Spare me
xe'ma 'va makha'het'ny. jurutu'ta'il xe.
paĉuməĝcıģ oğẋaĵəg. ĵa səğẋa jıgvhağ.

I'll sleep with you if you can help me get out of here.
xe'ki'vana il, il'ma 'hariri, xe'han namin'tes.
tiģxo ẋa anẋağłəğn, kensəgẋapal.

Tomorrow we will execute you.
xen'ki'alarivaixunus il sijeh.
eĝlcu kiĵağnŭĝ ẋağ ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ.

Do you have any final words before I execute you?
il'xan 'visko lune, xe'ki'alarivaixunus il tesla su?
ĥağnĵaẋağvəģ taẋag ĉuģ taĝmẋağĵəg?

Yes. I want to say that I--Look, a naked woman!
ve, xe'vana 'visko, xe'--Mesu'il! My'he loa!
taĝm, taĝmẋapə: ĉ--heģłca! vŭĝəğ vagm!

He's getting away. Shoot him!
mi'han. Kajxa'il mi!
vagmxuģnĵağn. ĵağn heģł kagjxaģ!
20-09-2007, 16:55
A few phrases in Lank Jan (

Get down!

Stay quiet!
Tu npa fé bwi!

They saw us!
Ils zon avu!

Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
Nonon! Tu coo, tu coo! On va'i ils tué!

Where is the refugee camp?
Can réhuh'shié il sa'oo?

How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
On coman va sa fonti / otital / magam / aeopo?

This passport proves that I'm a Rejistanian.
Paspo sa vuhdi on heshisahey sisi.
20-09-2007, 23:25
Translation in French: the main Oliverrian language (I hope Ariddia won't mind)


Stay quiet!

They saw us!
Ils nous ont vus!

Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
Non! Courez! Courez! Je vais les tirer!

Where is the refugee camp?
Où est le camp de réfugiés?

How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
Comment dois-je rejoindre la frontière/l'hôpital/le magasin d'armes/l'aéroport?

This passport proves that I'm an Arridian.
Ce passeport prouve que je suis Ariddien.


AGH! It hurts! It hurts! Please shoot me.
AGH! J'ai mal! J'ai mal! Tuez-moi, s'il vous plait.

He was devoured by a huge beast.
Il a été dévoré par une grosse bête

How many have died?
Combien de morts?

Give me a towel so I can stop the profuse bleeding.
Donnez-moi une serviette que je puisse arrêter cette hémoragie.

Maybe he's not dead yet.
Peut-être qu'il n'est pas encore mort.

We must bury her before the guerrillas arrive.
Nous devons l'enterrer avant que la guerrilla arrive.

Where did his arm go? He had something important in his hand.
Où est son bras? Il tenait quelque chose d'important dans sa main.

Conversing with the Locals

I'm from Arridia, not Allanea. I promise.
Je suis d'Ariddie, non d'Allanée. Je vous le promet.

I'm a journalist.
Je suis un journaliste.

I have always supported communism.
J'ai toujours supporté le communisme.

(Name of rebel leader) is my hero
(Nom du chef rebel) est mon héro

We must kill (name of enemy leader).
Nous devons tuer (nom du chef ennemi)

I'm sorry that I've offended you. Please accept this camera / watch / money as a gift.
Je suis désolé de vous avoir offensé. Veuillez accepter cette caméra/montre/argent comme cadeau.

They are coming! Can I hide in your house?
Ils s'en viennent! Puis-je me cacher dans votre maison?

Is the revolution over?
La révolution est terminée?

I don't have any money.
Je n'ai pas d'argent.

This is a raid!
Ceci est un raid!

Give me your food and money!
Donne-moi ta nourriture et ton argent.

If you tell anyone, I will torture you.
Si tu le dis à qui que ce soit, je vais te torturer.

Capture Situations

Don't shoot!
Ne tirez pas!

I surrender.
Je suis français (obvious statement in French)
J'abandonne (the true translation)

Lay down your weapons.
Déposez vos armes.

Put your hands up. Get down.
Haut les mains. Couchez-vous.

If you spare my life, I will join your holy war.
Si vous épargnez ma vie, je vais vous rejoindre dans votre guerre sainte.

I know how to make bombs. Spare me
Je sais comment fabriquer des bombes. Épargnez-moi.

I'll sleep with you if you can help me get out of here.
Je vais coucher avec toi si tu peux me sortie d'ici.

Tomorrow we will execute you.
Nous allons t'exécuter demain.

Do you have any final words before I execute you?
Un dernier mot avant que je t'exécute?

Yes. I want to say that I--Look, a naked woman!
Oui. Je voudrais dire que -- Regarde, une femme nue!

He's getting away. Shoot him!
Il s'échappe. Tire-le!
21-09-2007, 15:09
Translation in Khenian


Stay Quiet!
Ne Retri!

They say us!
Aris wisianes'za wa as!

Oh no! Run! Run! I'll shoot them down!
Ne! Salne! Salne! A prozilan wa ares!

Where is the refugee camp?
Le a wisian'lo wa nant ha reftansas?

How do I reach the border / hospital / gun store / airport?
Le a Sejlian'lo wa granisa / spetal / Saleta ha prozilets / Aroport

This passport proves that I'm a Swilatian.
Sa pasport werafane wa a eslan ha Silasja.

AGH! It hurts! It hurts! Please shoot me.
AGH! A peslan! A peslan! Sali se prozilise wa a!

He was devoured by a huge beast.
Laseta ha walke kansane wa arri!

How many have died?
Ile aris termanes'za wa aris?

Give me a towel so I can stop the profuse bleeding.
Se pasise ressnet wa a, sali a terman wa krawet ha essi walke.

(to be completed)
21-09-2007, 15:59
Update, I eventually finished the seleken translations... here was I thinking it was easy.
12-10-2007, 22:47
Some Basic Phrases in Kharanai (Transliterated, bold) and Serrenoan (Transliterated, italics):

Passport Station:

I am not a Republic citizen.
Iko zoit'ne Republi'ik ten Agum.
Soha dvia a'Republik'adsa.

My Passport shows that I am from an independant world.
Passport'mik vok e iko ten hoino Egro zoit.

I am (genetically) 50% Kharanai.
Iko zoit akasra Kharanai.

I am (genetically) 100% Kharanai.
Iko zoit hoina Kharanai.

I am married to a Kharanai (man/ woman).
Iko aghastra ten (Kharanos/Kharanas).

My proof of ancestry is here.
Haiko bhu Ahadazholi'mik.

May I register for the citizenship exam?
Tegh'tey ten mik zho Rhes ten Agum?

My world was a member of the CIS.
Egro'mik bhurik gwehoino ten Sii'Ae'Ehs.

I am a citizen of Serenno.
Iko Serenno ten Agum zoit.

Where are the borders of the Restricted Zone?
Ani'i bhu adhriki ten Rik'ne'Regh?


Watch out for the rampaging Okron!
Amaya'te ten gwidnhor Okron!

Are you (singular/plural) a spy/spies for the Republic?
Ost'tey/Bhu'teyan atrovoki'in/atrovoki'ino ten Republi'ik?

We're taking you (singular/plural) into questioning now.
Vekh'bhu tey/teyan niiko ahn Ahdvihodrikor.

Cooperate, or we'll open fire.
Ko'ravi'te, dek vekh adhasrin bhuti'i.

Come with us.
Vo'nekh ahdvheni'te/wegh'te.

Do you (singular/plural) have any contacts within the Republic?
Hahk'tey/Hahn'teyan e'hoin konhri ihn Egro'i ten Republi'ik?



Have you (singular/plural) visited the Republic in the past year?
Ostik'tey/Bhutik'teyan ihn Egro'i ten Republi'ik ahdvhenitik ahn hoin rahsta?

Only to former CIS worlds.
Hoinrikh iko ahdvenitik'ik ihn Egro'i ko bhurik ihn Sii'Ai'Ehs.

On what wolrd are you (singular/plural) a citizen?
Ost'tey/Bhu'teyan ten vhes Egro hoin Agum?

I am a citizen of (Insert name of world here).
Iko zoit Agum ten (Insert name of world here).

May I see your (singular/plural) passport as proof?
Tegh'tey/Tehn'teyan ten mik e'vido teya/teyas Passport ten erasda?

(A traditional Kharanai fisherman's song)

"Wegh'te ahn mik, Piesk
Wegh'te ahn mik
Iko ahn Loktrikhol asomas vedo
Atkwe tey ahn mik vhes wegho

Wegh'te ahn mik, Piesk
Wegh'te ahn mik.
Tey mik zit t'o iko
A tey ahn beni'in vhey miko.

Wegh'te ahn mik, piesk.
Wegh'te ahn mik."

(Come to me, fish.
Come to me.
I will one day visit Lotrokis's Kingdom*.
And you will see me (there).

Come to me, fish.
Come to me.
You will be food to me.
For I have a need to eat.

Come to me, fish.
Come to me.

*Lotrokis's Kingdom is the closest translation of the meaning of Lotrikhol, the Kharanai concept of the afterlife.)

(More to come shortly)
11-01-2009, 16:49
Swilatian Version.


Follow that car.
Idz za samochodem.

Slow down, you cretin!
Zwolnij, kretynie!

My wife fell overboard about ten miles back.
Moja żona wypadła o koło piętnaście kilometrów wcześniej.

Make sure my seat isn't next to any (nationality).
Upewnij mnie, że ja nie będę siedział przy ________.

Is this tin can insured?
Czy ta puszka jest ubezpieczona?

Where can I rent a camel?
Gdzie mogę wypożyczyć wielbłąd?

Yonder. Hither and thither.
Tu, tam, i gdzież.

Down the street. Around the block. Past the river.
Do koła ulicy. Przez most. Zakręt w prawo.

Across the bridge. Two blocks down. Go that way.
Następna ulica. Cztery przystanki dalej. Uwaga, dzielnica niebezpieczna.

How do I get to the station/hotel/store/airport/restaurant/cathedral?
Jak można dojść do dworca/hotelu/sklepu/lotniska/restauracji/burdelu?

Officer, this is an outrage.
Panie strażniku, to jest skandal!

How about a little contribution for the Policemen's Ball?
Może ja dam mały wkład na bal strażników?

Is this the way to Red Square?
Czy to jest droga do placu czerwonego?

Where can I find the dissidents?
Gdzie mogę znaleźć dysydentów?

Is that Notre Dame or the Louvre?
A czy to jest Notre Dame, czy Louvre?

Back home we'd call this a village.
U nas, to się nazywa wieś.

Your country has such lovely dirt.
Macie taki ładny brud w twoim kraju.

I don't suppose there's anything but churches here.
Nie wygląda na to, żeby było więcej to niż same kościoły.

I bet those machine guns are fake.
Ja zakładam że te karabiny maszynowe nie są prawdziwe.

Are all of your jails this filthy?
Czy wszystkie twoje więzenia są tak syfiste?

Yessir, you folks certainly have made a mess of this country.
Tak, na prawdę się wam udało zrobić syf z tego państwa.

You wouldn't have these ghettos if you people were willing to work.
U was nie było by takich gettach, jeśli wy byliście gotowi do pracy.

Do you have highways in your country?
Czy macie ekspresówki w twoim kraju?

It's nothing compared to our shopping centers.
To nie jest nic w porównaniu do naszych centrów handlowych.


Just a small glass, please
Tylko mała szklanka, prosze.

My God, I didn't mean microscopic.
Boże, nie powiedziałem mikroskopowa!

Do all your maids smoke?
Czy wszystkie twoje pokojówki palą?

How do I get (TV Show)?
Na którym kanale mogę znaleźć ________?

If you go outside of Vilvek, you'll find that a dime is a lot of money.
Kiedy opuścisz Wylvek, zobaczysz że dziesiątka jest dużo pieniędzy.

There's a corpse on the bed. Please change the sheets.
Mam trup na łóżku. Proszę o zmianę prześcieradła.

Two beers, please. --Two beers for me too.
Dwa piwa, proszę. --To samo dla mnie.

I'm sorry, we don't serve tourists here.
Przepraszam, ale my nie obsługujemy turystów.

Could I have some clean water?
Czy mogę mieć cystą wodę?

Can I have fries with that?
Czy mogłem mieć z tym frytki?

You call this beer?
To ma być piwo?

Stop laughing and bring me the bill.
Przestań sie ze mnie śmiać, I przynieś mi rachunek.

I know I ate it, but I didn't order it.
Tak, zjadłem, ale nie zamówiłem.

Could I see some merchandise that the rats haven't found?
Mogłem zobaczyć troche towarów które szczury jeszcze nie znalazły?

The bellboy won't score me any coke.
Goniec nie chcę mi dać żadnej kokainy.

Conversing with the Locals:

I wish to complain.
Chcę złożyć protest.

It's better in (other country)
Jest lepiej w ________

How much is that in real money?
Ile to jest w prawdziwych pieniądzach

Don't you speak English?
Czy mówisz po angielsku?

I understand Polish perfectly.
Mówię po Swilajsku jak krowa Sarlenejska.

I must compliment you on your understanding of our language.
Chyba nic nie rozumiesz, idiocie.

This is the third time I've told you, so listen up this time.
To już trzeci kiedi ci powiedziałem, może mnie wreszcie posłuchasz?

Has your nose always been that way?
Czy twój nos zawsze tak był?

I may be drunk, but tomorrow morning I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly.
Mozę jestem pijany, ale jutro rano będę trzeźwy, i ty czągle będziesz brzydki.

So you've been to ________? You must know my Aunt Meredith.
Byłeś w ________? Powiedz mi, czy zobaczyłeś moją ciocię Meredith?

Stupid uncultured lout.
Niekulturowy idiota.

Did your face get that way in the war?
Czy twoja twarz stała się tak od wojny?

Don't "imperialist pig" me, my good man.
Nie mów mi "imperialistyczna świnia".

I would very much like to meet you again when you are sober.
Bardzo chciałem by ciebie zobaczyć kiedy będziesz trzeźwy.

No, I've always enjoyed simple-minded ethnic humor.
Nie, zawsze mnie cieszyły głupie żarty rasiztkie.

That's not all! I have two more photo albums!
To nie wszystko! Jeszcze mam dwie albumy!

Did you hear the one about the Polish guy who called the travel agency and asked, "I want to know how long it takes to fly from here to Warsaw," and the receptionist says, "Just a minute", and the Polish guy says, "Thanks, goodbye."?
Czy słyszałeś o Wijasce ktora zadzwoniła do biura podróży I zapytała "jak długo trwa lot powrotny do to Wijazkajek," i recepcjonistka powiedziała "kilka sekund", i Wijastka powiedziała "dziękuję."?

Special Situations:

I don't normally read this newsgroup, so please e-mail me.
I don't normally read this newsgroup, so please e-mail me.

Do you want to MAKE MONEY FAST?
Do you want to MAKE MONEY FAST?

Anyone can see that these _______ are subhumans who can't find their own ass with a roadmap.
Anyone can see that these _______ are subhumans who can't find their own ass with a roadmap.

You're wasting bandwidth.
You're wasting bandwidth.

If you got flamed it's because you deserved it.
If you got flamed it's because you deserved it.

Die, rat bastard.
Die, rat bastard.

Learn to read, monkey boy.
Learn to read, monkey boy.

Can we declare this thread officially dead?
Can we declare this thread officially dead?

I don't know if this is a troll or if you're just stupid.
I don't know if this is a troll or if you're just stupid.

If I died tonight I'd be saved, but you would burn in hell.
If I died tonight I'd be saved, but you would burn in hell.

Website under construction. Soon to be updated!!!
Strona w budowie. Niedługo zaktualizowamy!!!