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Your nation in 1957; 1557 & 1057?

18-09-2007, 17:58
OOC: The idea here is to describe your nation, in as much detail as possible, as it was in 1957, in 1557 and in 1057. In other words, give us a bit of perspective on your country’s history. Have fun. :)

Ariddia in 1957

Contrasting with the situation today, in 1957 Ariddia was still a unified political entity: the Ariddian Republic. Prime Minister Arnaud Andrews (Conservative Party) was serving his first term in office, having succeeded to Prime Minister George Menningsworth (Liberal Party) in the 1954 election. Ariddia was still an overwhelmingly conservative, economically right-wing society. The Democratic Communist Party already existed (born in 1930), but it was still a fringe party with few hopes of ever attaining high office; the left, split between Socialists and Communists, had never been in power. The closest to a mainstream progressive party were the capitalist Liberals. Still, politics were slowly beginning to diversify, and to interest the public more. Competing social and poltical models for the nation were only just beginning to stir noticeable debates and tensions.
the flag of the Ariddian Republic (1810-1985)

Feminist movements –including advocates of liberation from the moral conformity of Conservative authorities– were increasingly heard within a burgeoning mass media, as were the country’s Indigenous people (Wymgani), pointing to instances of lower socio-economic status, and cases of land rights claims still unresolved. The late 1950s saw a boom in Ariddia’s consumer society, which would be brought to a fairly rapid halt thirty years later with a switch to new, social priorities.

The Ariddian film industry had come to the fore in the mid-1950s, although its input by international standards was still low. Films were often low budget and action-focused, although some also drew critics’ praise by taking a closer look at the specifities of Ariddian society, helping to give Ariddians a “sense of self” as they began to travel more and compare themselves to the rest of the world. But the characteristics which are seen to define Ariddia today –socialism, communitarianism, environmentalism– were, in 1957, not at all established yet. Ariddia had not yet had a woman leader; that would not happen until 1974, when Ariddians tired of the institutionalised conservatism which had dominated society from the mid-50s to the mid-70s.

Ariddia remained something of a backwater on the international scene, but had a reasonably solid economy. Few lived in desperate poverty, and the middle classes were growing increasingly rich. There were more foreign companies established in Ariddia than Ariddian companies established abroad.

Ariddian literature was at something of a standstill. In art, the Realists dominated painting and sculpture, prompting debates about the nature and legitimacy of imitative art.

Historians, many of them Conservatives, still focused on the early years of settlement as the formative era of Ariddian society, but Wymgani scholars in universities in Haven, Cité-Belle and Rêvane were drawing attention to the Isles’ pre-colonial years, and to Ariddia’s history going back three thousand years. They received an understanding and supportive view from a fairly large minority of the population. There was, at the same time, broad political consensus on the issue of allowing Wymgani people to retain traditional lifestyles outside “mainstream” society if they wished it. The view had been popularised that Ariddia was a model of fair and humane treatment towards its indigenous population, although that view was slowly beginning to be called into question by some Wymgani.

All in all, Ariddia in 1957 would be almost unrecognisible to today’s generations.

Ariddia in 1557

Technically, there was no Ariddia in 1557. The birth of a theoretically unified Ariddian colony would come only in 1683. In the mid-sixteenth century, the Indigenous Wymgani still lived undisturbed by outsiders – but were themselves actively exploring the outside world. The great Wymgani journeys of exploration, which would become to stuff of legend in later centuries, continued throughout this period.

The Ariddian Isles –which as yet had no collective name– were not a politically unified entity. Each Wymgani community was a fully autonomous polity, maintaining generally cordial (but occasionally hostile) relations with neighbouring communities. Each community had its own culture, history and traditions, but a broad pattern could be found throughout the islands, notably in terms of politics. A strong emphasis was placed on communal solidarity; communities were extremely close-knit, and decisions were taken collectively in a form of dirtect democracy, generally involving all inhabitants who had reached puberty. There were no “leaders”. Laws handed down orally from generation to generation dictated sustainable environmental policies, strengthened by stories telling of the consequences which had befallen careless, greedy or individualistic ancestors. These stories are sometimes referred to as “legends”, but the term may be misleading: Wymgani had no concept of religion, spirituality or the ‘supernatural’.

Each community was associated with its ancestral lands, its borders identified through features of the landscape recognised by neighbours too. Often, these border ‘markers’ (large rocks, oddly shaped trees, rivers or streams…) would be recalled through stories telling of ancestors’ deeds relating to them. Thus, borders were legitimated through historical stories.

Given the close attachment to ancestral land, wars of territorial expansion were almost unheard of, and none occurred in the mid-sixteenth century, an era of relative prosperity. Nonetheless, a sustained lack of ressources, for whatever reason, had lead in the past to conflicts. When ressources in an area were too scarce to be shared by several communities, it had been known for tensions to run so high that one community would be obliterated in war, then cannibalised – the ritual annihilation of a threat. In 1557, cannibalism had (according to oral records) not occurred in Ariddia for close to two hundred years. (It would famously resurface in 1673 with the Sunlight Cove Massacre, following conflicts over land between Wymgani and anglophone settlers.)

Wymgani were in part hunter-gatherers, but also practiced small-scale communal agriculture.

They had a mostly sedentary lifestyle, with temporary shelters which could easily be erected and taken down, and moved only when access to ressources required it – without of course straying beyond the borders of their ancestral lands. Most often, people slept in the open, thanks to Ariddia’s warm climate; shelters were used to escape from frequent rain. People wore little or no clothing, often limited to woven plant fibre coverings round the genitals (for health purposes, not for “modesty”).

With no religion, Wymgani had developed a healthy curiosity and interest in understanding the world around them, and had some knowledge of science. They had also imported foreign knowledge from their voyages of exploration. The existence of writing abroad was known, as was the existence of religion, but neither had been adopted by the Wymgani.

Wymgani societies were founded on an ethos of mutual help, free reciprocal giving and communal work.

Art included wood carving, body painting, bark and rock painting, song and poetry, and narrative. Many instances of these arts expressed important ancestral stories, and their relevance to contemporary society.

Although there was a definite awareness that Wymgani differed from foreign peoples, there was no sense yet of a ‘nation’ in what would later become the Ariddian Isles. Instead, local communities provided a sense of belonging and identity.

Ariddia in 1057

The basics of Wymgani society as it existed in 1557 had already been laid by the mid-eleventh century. The remoteness of this era and the lack of written records make it more difficult to draw a clear picture of what life in the Ariddian Isles were like in 1057, but it appears it was not fundamentally different from life 500 years later. Somewhat less efficient agricultural methods may have led to hunger and consequently fighting over ressources, but this is a matter of controversy for archeologists and historians, including Wymgani oral historians of today. One major difference was that no voyages of exploration to distant lands are thought to have occurred in the eleventh century. The Wymgani had very little awareness of the outside world.

One consequence of this isolation was that the philosophical issue of the Wymgani way of life had not yet arisen; people generally knew (or remembered) no other way. By contrast, by 1557, Wymgani were comparing their traditions with foreign cultures, and reflecting on their own lifestyle and environment. Fourteenth century ‘anthropologist’ Wa We ( and fifteenth century philosopher and artist Sho Ea ( had had a notable impact in parts of the Isles, introducing foreign ideas and reflecting on Wymgani communal habits, beliefs, values and practices.
19-09-2007, 04:42
Qazox in 1957:
Unknown as that is 28 years into the future (Qazox timeline wise).

Qazox in 1557:

In January 1557, Viscar Charles IV began his persecutions of the Qazian tribes and Non-Believers, beginning the great Green Wombat migrations of 1557-64.

The KIBNASH REGION of Qazox formally joins the Qazoxian Republic on February 3rd, becoming the 7th region to join the Republic.

On March 19th, the RINAKE REGION becomes the 8th region to join the republic.

On April 18th, Captain Jack Wren discovers the island that would eventually become known as Sativaville.

On May 8th, Viscar Charles IV marries Helene Greenley of Fromburg, who becomes the 4th Regent Princess of Qazox.

On June 10th, Silver is found near New Recife, beginning a small silver rush to the northern provences that lasts until 1590.

On July 30th, Signa-Ye Oxfield, the grand-daughter of Qazox founder, Goran Oxfeld and only daughter of Hoofaran Oxfield, founder of the Qazian Religion was imprisioned for treason, after it was found that she supplied weapons to the Qazian tribes in 1556. She would spend the next 2 years in jail, until her death in 1559.

August 24th or 25th: A hurricane destroys most of Helisponte, a town on the southeastern coast. Rebuilding begins in 1558, and the town is re-named Rockport.

September 18th: Viscar Charles IVth's wife, Helene Greenley dies due to a broken neck after she was thrown from a horse. Historians suspect that she was murdered by Viscar Charles IV, but no substanial proof exists.

October of 1557: Fire breaks out in Vogg City, destroying 40% of the town. A wombat is suspected of knocking over a lantern in a barn, which started the fire. 130 people dead or missing and over 750 people displaced due to the fire.

November 1st: Captain Jack Wren comes back to SaxerVilla after completing his 3rd voyage around the Continuum.

December 27th: The future Holy Ox Oxen III, Luke Lujano is born in Pika City.

Qazox in 1057:

Settlers starting living near what is now known as Fromburg and Pika City.

The Qazian tribes finish a 15 year war the the Rinake Tribe and the the Axum Tribe.

Queen Signa-Trae gives birth to her successor, Signa-Qa in early March.
05-11-2007, 13:41
OOC: a wibble BUMP.
06-11-2007, 04:49
Snefaldia in 1957
In 1957 the Republic of Snefaldia was still in existence, but the signs of strain and legislative deadlock were becoming more and more visible. Despite the warning signs looming on the horizon, the Republican Assembly still dominated politics, continuing to maintain an unconstitutional monopoly over the functions of the state, a situation which was consistent since the 1920 vacation of the Office of the Executive.

Still two years away from the devastating Years of No Flood in 1960, 62, and 63, the Republic had the outward appearance of stability, but many citizens were turning to their local Libraries and community groups to replace waning government support and subsidies. The Assembly slashed subsidies and education spending in October, which resulted in a weak Sangi-Nergal festival and an unhappy winter.

Snefaldia in 1557
The Tuhran Bel, now in its second decade of existence and sovereignty, is still riding high after the Great Reforms spurred by Dain-da-Hol in 1525 and abolition of the Central Council. Considered the penultimate step before the height of the Golden Age of Aatem Nal, 1557 was a transition year for Dayan and Sring Issa, while in Neer Dal government plans for expansion succeeded in cutting back jungle and establishing new settlements. Allasha was still in phase of factional infighting that would not be resolved until 1575.

Snefaldia in 1057
In 1057 the center of political development was in Neer Dal, in the middle of the reign of the Nēri King Alluhásái, who attempted to centralized control of his regions. In Dayan Prince Edram Ta'us was forging a feudal system in the aftermath of his victories against the Sring Issan hegemons, presiding over the hundred-year period of Dayaniram cultural evolution. Sring Issa itself was in eclipse after Ta'us' victories in 1035. Allashan tribal alliances with horseriding nomads and fast-moving desert warrions repelled several Tausite Dayan armies to prevent foreign incursions.

Religion was largely polytheistic and regionally variated, but cultural contact and trade began the workings of diffusion and began to introduce aspects of what is now called Endiri. Aatem Nal, still a century away, will appear in a land unfamiliar to those in the modern day.
06-11-2007, 07:42
Altanar in 1957

Twenty-four years into his reign, King Cebratha has hurled Altanar headlong into the modern age. Having established Altanar's first constitution in 1936, Cebratha has instituted the beginnings of a democratic state: a representative assembly, an independent judiciary, and the beginnings of a free press. On the flip side of that, however, Cebratha has also modernized and strengthened Altanar's military and police, and has cracked down hard on Akamian and Argali separatists and their sympathizers. This uncomfortable balance between democracy and repression will persist within the modern Altanari state long after Cebratha's reign.

Altanar in 1557

The Argali, Akamian and Altanari ethnic groups, having formed roughly defined "kingdoms" centered around the major areas of urban settlement of the time, are beginning to formalize those kingdoms. Boundaries are established and expanded, as these new kingdoms begin striving to establish themselves and gain power. Skirmishes begin breaking out between the kingdoms, which would lead to a state of widespread warfare forty years later. That state of warfare would last until 1871, when unification was finally achieved.

Altanar in 1057

In reality, there was no Altanar in 1057. The nomadic tribes of the Altan steppes would not begin to settle down enough to form the beginnings of ethnic groups and nation states until over 100 years later. During this period, identity is limited to family and clan/tribe, with no coherent sense of identity beyond that. However, this is a relatively peaceful period in Altanari history, as these clan/tribe groupings tend to avoid fighting with each other unless they are in direct competition for valuable resources, such as timber, game or water.
Brutland and Norden
06-11-2007, 11:44
Brutland and Norden in 1957
In the twentieth year of King Simon IV's reign, Brutland and Norden was finally out of a political limbo. Two years ago, a massive corruption scandal involving the ruling Christian Democratic Party (Partide Democraziellía C'hristiana, PDC) brought down the government and tore down the party. It shook the Nord-Brutlandese political firmament to the core. Brutland and Norden came under successive revolving-door governments; in November 1956, a strong coalition of the Populist Party (Partide Populossúa, PPop) and the Social Democratic Party (Partide Democraziellía Scaglia, PDS) came into power. The ruling coalition started to implement widespread social reform, including universal healthcare, social security, and the foundations of the welfare state came into being.
January 14 - Brutland and Norden launched its first satellite into space.
March 20 - the 20th anniversary of King Simon IV's reign
May 13 - Crown Prince and future King Adam IV was born.
August 27 - Brutland and Norden recovers back to its pre-1955 level, before scandals affected the economy
September 16 - an earthquake strikes eastern Norden; 12 killed, 99 injured
December 07 - the government started to pass the reform packages.

Brutland and Norden in 1557
Brutland and Norden were still independent kingdoms, with Brutland being ruled by King Knut VII, and Norden by King Pierro III. The English and the Portuguese trading with the Brutes made Brutland a prosperous country. 1557 was a peaceful time for both Brutland and Norden.
February 14 - King Knut VII marries Rebecca Trellicatti, Countess of Imperio
June 09 - a powerful storm hits Normark
September 25 - Spain, envious at Portugal's position in Brutland, demands concessions from Norden

Brutland and Norden in 1057
1057 was a year of spectacular success for the Brutes. The Island of Brutland was divided into the three kingdoms: the Brutes, the Cantabris, and the Bruzzis. The Brutes already controlled the southern part of the island, and despite the alliance between the Cantabris and the Bruzzi, they managed to win land battles. The Brutes defeated the Cantabris at Rustalla and Calvarese in the west; and they also defeated the Bruzzis at Capoletto di Calcea and at Santagemma. Politically, the Brutes maintained the loyalty of the mountainous confederation of Pannondrio - the state was a respected force in central Brutland - and the central Brutland states maintained their neutrality.

Norden, too was divided into three: the Bruccis, the Dennilians, and the Normarkers. Norden, unlike Brutland, was at peace - it would take the death of the Normarker King Ottavio I and the ascendancy of his power-hungry son Ottavio II for Norden to be plunged into wars again.
January 14 - The Brutes, under Duke Pierro IV of Trascara, defeat the Cantabris in a winter battle at Calvarese
February 09 - King Giulio II of the Brucci visits the Dennilian Court
April 27 - The Brutes, led by King David IV, defeat the Bruzzis at Capoletto di Calcea
May 15 - the May Councils of Pannondrio decided unanimously to adhere and renew the Treaty of Trazio, whereby the alliance between Pannondrio and the Brutes was maintained
May 19 - Brutland City was refounded
July 08 - The Brutes win at Rustalla and rout the Cantabrican Army
September 15 - The Kingdom of Tomo announces its neutrality, following its treaty with Pannondrio
October 30 - King David IV wins at the Battle of Santagemma
December 22 - The districts of Traona, Brancaleone, Valdobbiadene, Butera, La Bagno, Albedo, Lamporecchio, Sgragnano, Sant'Alessio, Brisighella, and Montobelluna elect to join the Brutish Kingdom, rather than remain under the nominal suzerainty of the King of Tortona. Tortona was defeated by the Brutes in 1012, after allying itself with the Cantabris.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
06-11-2007, 12:31
The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais in 1957

The Empire was finally at peace in this year, having suffered from nearly two decades of war which had started with the Empire's entrance into the Second Great War (OOC: World War II) in 1939, and had been succeeded by the Catholic Wars of 1947 through 1956. While militarily the Empire was safe, politically, there was still a great deal of concern.

Much of the concern surrounded the Imperial Family. Emperor William Helios II was entering the twenty fourth year of what had been a reasonably glorious reign, and he was entering the forty fourth year of his life; the concern surrounded the fact that the heir to the throne was only ten and that the official regent, the Duke of Bedford, under the Regency Act was not someone liked by the populace. If the Emperor died early, the prospect of an unpopular monarch loomed.

In Parliament, Prime Minister Joseph Strongbow was domineering politics. His Nationalist Party, along with their allies, the Conservative Alliance Party had won the election of 1956 and had been elected to a second term in office. As a statesman, he was unparalleled and the opposition Labour Party were consistently polling negatively. This was also the height of the Communist Party of Alexandrian Ptolemais, they had managed to obtain 15.4% of the vote in the 1956 election and were the more dominant of the opposition parties. The old Alexandrian Ptolemais Coalition had fallen on hard times, and were reliant on the MP for Cleveland, Dennis Sharples for their representation.

A new programme had also been entered into by the Nationalist/Conservative Alliance government which would have seen the remaining state controls that had been imposed by the Labour Government of 1948 and during the Second Great and Catholic Wars removed. Much of the programme also involved integrating the former Republic of St. Pius into the Empire.

Public work schemes, many of which had been defence related, carried on with several crucial schemes completed in 1957. The Ptolemais to Alexandria quad tracking and electrification at 1500V DC was completed, as well as the electrification of the Glenelg commuter system at 1500V DC. Stage One of the Eastern Mountains hydroelectric scheme had also been completed and allowed for electricity to permanently enter the areas on the eastern coast. Moves were also afoot to provide the eastern coast with a more modern rail link. A new housing district fifty miles Northeast of Ptolemais was opened, with hopes that it would finally see the abolition of the slum like Old Ptolemais.

In the business sector, Alexandrian Ptolemais Telephone and Wireless was the largest company listed on the stock exchange and had a near strangehold on the telecommunications market. 1957 also saw the merger of the Alexandrian Ptolemais Postal Savings Bank and the Bank of Alexandrian Ptolemais, a merger that had seen the Bank of Alexandrian Ptolemais move from number three bank to number one bank. It also meant the end of the distinctive small denomination bank notes that the APPSB had issued over the years.

The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais in 1557

In 1557, the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais had not yet been colonised, and was largely populated by ten native tribes evenly distributed throughout the country. The two dominant tribes were the Apatak tribe, based on the western part of New Ulster Island and the Tahutai tribe, based on the northern part of New Leinster Island, and it was estimated that they numbered about a million each at this stage. Historians have estimated that at most, five million people lived on what later became the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais.

The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais in 1057

In 1057, it is believed that the Artex tribe was at its height. Archaeological digs on the southern parts of Alexandrian Ptolemais indicate that the Artex tribe could very well have had bases in ten different cities. These cities could have had 40,000 people at their height and supported an economic base of between 100,000 and 200,000 people. It is believed, however, that the Artex tribe became victims of the end of the mediaeval warm period.
Nital Empire
06-11-2007, 13:14

Nital was a small democracy. Most people had heard of it from history, but modern day Nital was considered a "3rd world" nation. But even in 1957, Nital's economy was growing rapidly, though it's military would remain small until the 80s.


There was no "Nital" as such. The ancient Empire was dead. The nation of Brazan was beginning to recover, but most of the old Empire was still in chaos.


The original Nital Empire was still around, but there was trouble in paradise. The Nitalians had conquered the whole continent, but some of the local leaders were trying to get more power for themselves at the expense of the Emperor. Several times, the Emperor had had to send troops to the western area that would one day become the nation of Brazan. The Bolakians were also showing signs of rebellion, and the Isles of Bucan was months behind on taxes to the Empire. Things had gotten far to lax, and the Emperor was ready to show those troublesome local governors who was in charge.
06-11-2007, 23:46
The year 1057: Pinguinum has not even been conceived.

The year 1557: Pinguinum has 57 years of history behind it since Blake Fur was proclaimed King and the initial wooden huts were all that Pinguinum consisted of.

The year 1957: Pinguinum has advanced far from its early days. Towns, cities have spung up everywhere. Already a number of Kings have come and gone and the parliament well into its course. Many organisations and establishments have been built like Lake Dexter University.
07-11-2007, 00:52
1957: *cue lounge music*

Two years have passed since the end of the Vetalian Revolution. The first Praetor of the Vetalian republic, Vasily Petrov, is leading a left-wing coalition government that has taken a semi-statist approach to reconstruction work. For all intents and purposes, however, it has worked quite well; GDP has grown steadily, accelerating in to the upper single digits while industrial production moves along at a scorching 11-12% per year.

However, the devastation of the war is still plainly visible in most areas. Major cities like Vetalia City, Petrovsk, and Xilare are still severely damaged and entire blocks remain little more than piles of rubble. However, progress is being made, and the ruins are steadily being cleared and replaced with new buildings. This has given local governments the power to implement urban planning schemes for future development and to invest in better infrastructure, with the goal of significantly increasing quality of life and economic opportunity in urban areas. The country is also in the middle of an industrial reconstruction drive, with primary focus being placed on restoring electricity, expanding transportation infrastructure and building up the heavy manufacturing base needed to restore the economy.

State-owned enterprises are common, a necessary step to accelerate reconstruction in the most devastated fields and to redirect resources in as efficient a manner as possible. The downside of this is shortages of most consumer goods, especially durables like cars, televisions, and washing machines as well as luxury goods and spare parts. These shortages would remain in some degree in to the early 1960's, although by 1957 they had moderated considerably relative to wartime and the immediate postwar period. In 1958, the first new models of Vetalian automobiles would be produced, replacing the stylings from the 1949 model year, the last models before the Revolution. Currently, the government is putting significant funding towards developing nuclear power, a must given the country's sizable freshwater and uranium supplies. The first reactor will be activated in 1959, ushering in the nuclear revolution in Vetalia. It will take until 1964 for the first nuclear weapons to be developed.

This year also marks the first year of the Million Program, which aims to construct enough housing for 1 million families per month as a way of eliminating severe housing shortages. From 1957-1972, it will provide significantly improved accommodations for over 750 million Vetalian citizens. Although bland and prefabricated, these apartment blocks offer amenities and access to services that were the privilege of the middle and upper classes to the entire socioeconomic spectrum of Vetalia. It is estimated this program helped eliminate waterborne illness as a cause of death among poor citizens and cause a major increase in overall life expectancy in the country.

In 1957, the population of Vetalia was 2.109 billion, nearly 500 million lower than before the Revolution. It would recover quickly as the first baby boom kicked in following the war and emigrants returned to the country in the 1960's.

Nominal per-capita income was $1,035 and GDP was $2.162 trillion, or $6,570 and $13.85 trillion in 2007 dollars. $1 USD exchanged at a fixed exchange rate of $1:145.98 rubles in 1957. It would be reduced to $1=1.459 following the 100:1 revaluation of the ruble in 1958, and would be moved towards a market exchange rate over the next decade. By 1970, the ruble would appreciate to a $1:1 exchange rate with the dollar and would gradually appreciate from there to its current rate of $2.18:1.

Over the next 57 years, the Vetalian economy would expand at an average rate of 8.2%, one of the highest sustained growth rates on Earth.
1557: I need to look at my notes to see what exactly was happening at this point.
1067: See 1557.
07-11-2007, 01:12

The Myeongjo Emperor (明祖) was in his 31st year of reign, and the Han Empire was making impressive progress in modernization. The peasantry had been abolished for at least 20 years since the Sacheon revolt, and the country was making advances in every field except political development. The rich were being established as the new gentry, while the poor were being shuffled as the new peasantry, and while the condition in 1957 was not absolutely severe, there was no doubt that political progress was being stifled by limited interest from the Emperor and his household.

Han culture had also advanced, but with limited gains in social equality. Art was reserved still for those rich enough to afford it, and its style was typically traditional. Movies and television were present, but few people saw little use for these instruments. Many of the precursor companies that are dominant in Han culture today had their start in this time.


The Han Empire was in a period of relative decline. The Myeongjong was an incompetent leader who left the reins of the Empire to his mother, the Regent Empress Dowager Munjeong. While competent, she lacked progressive vision and left the Han system continue to deteriorate while Wakei pirates from Ilbeon were perpetually harassing naval trade on the eastern shores of Joseon and Sandong. This was also exasperated by the Myeong Empire's mutual dislike of the Han Empire - tensions remained high as the two dynasties perpetually claimed each other's throne.


The Han Empire is not in existence; the two Han states are still divided, between Goryeo in the East, and the Western Han are divided into two states - the Northern Liao Dynasty of the Khitan, and the Southern Dynasty of the Song Han. The Song Dynasty is considered one of the highlights of Han cultures in the emerging before the Han Empire, although tensions between Goryeo and Liao made the state weak against the Mongol invasions throughout the 13th century.
Magnus Valerius
12-11-2007, 23:11
The Valerian Empire in 1957

The Valerian Empire in 1957 was economically weak and technologically inferior. The reforms of Tsar Valens II (r. 1886 - 1914) essentially closed the empire's borders and isolated the country. Magnus Valerius was not alone, though, as every country in the region followed suit. Technological improvements were stagnant, remaining pretty much at the pre-WWII level for nearly a century. The economy was dominated by agriculture and industry, but many Valerian products found little markets outside the region due to the marked flaws in Valerian technology.

However, Magnus Valerius was guided by one of its most enlightened rulers, Tsar Meijis (r. 1939 - 2000). Meijis, whose name was inspired after the Meiji Emperor of Japan, was a kind ruler who instigated the First Valerian Constitutional Empire, bringing some form of democracy to a nation that has had nothing more than autocracy for centuries. Meijis also opened up the borders of the empire somewhat at this time, trying to lessen the effect of Valens II's stupid and short-sighted legislations. He was not able to accomplish much, in order to keep the powerful aristocracy happy in the nation. In 1984, however, he successfully opened up Valeria again to outside influence after a long secession and from urgings of his economists and diplomats. After that, Magnus Valerius went on an astronomical, explosive wave of modernization.

In 1957, Magnus Valerius was at war against the Empire of Sasukuo. In 1955, Sasukuo had invaded Nova Venezia, a longtime Valerian ally, and the Valerians were obliged to fight. This war included virtually every country in the region, in a war that engulfed the region in violence for seven years. By 1962, Sasukuo and her allies were soundly defeated and Nova Venezia and other territories violated by the Sasukuoan Alliance were returned; the status quo was maintained and there hadn't been a regional war of that size ever since.

The Valerian Empire in 1557

In 1557, The Valerian Empire had conquered its greatest extent up until 2002 when the Valerian colony of Shorehaven was created out of an unsettled territory on an unsettled continent. Magnus Valerius was busy consolidating its rule over its many territories, many of which lied across the Kuric Sea and needed to be secured by a traditionally land-based empire. The Valerian Navy soon became one of the top-class fleets of its day, sporting flotillas of hundreds of ships, from wargalleons to early frigates. Many foreigners from the newly conquered territories, primarily Kydonians (Greeks and Japanese), commanded this new fleet of The Grand Empire.

At this time, the Empire was also headed by a very enlightened, effective, and beloved ruler. It was a woman: Empress Viktoria I Velikaya (r. 1510 - 1566). It was under her reign and her father's reign (Archibald IV, r. 1489 - 1510) that so much overseas territory was conquered. She was an able ruler who surprised her courtiers, as it was believed that she was going to be dominated by her husband in her rule. She kept her husband out of major political roles. She also undermined some of the staunch authority that the aristocracy had in the empire. She established numerous academies and universities, improving the overall culture and education of the empire. Also, some hospitals were established in her name to help treat the poorer citizens of the empire.

In all, 1557 is a good year in Valerian history. It is, however, a year near the end of Victoria The Great's reign, a calm before the storm. In 1566, her son, Archibald V, was executed in a church-fueled conspiracy and a dark age in the empire began until the Kalderis Dynasty becomes established in 1615.

The Kingdom of Valeria in 1057

In 1057, The Valerian Empire was not an empire, but just a powerful kingdom in the southeastern area of what is now called the Valerian Basin, on the southwestern part of the Kuric Continent. What we know as the "Valerian Empire" was established in 1347 by George I The Great (Valerian: Gyeorgy I Velikiy) when he conquered the last of the independent states (The German-speaking Duchy of Uhlandria and the Greek-speaking states of the Kingdom of Alexandria and the Twin Republics) in this part of the continent.

In 1057, it was the middle of the reign of Archibald I (r. 1034 - 1078). He was one of the first of numerous kings of the beloved Cambridge dynasty. As their house name implies, they were a foreign family that rose to power. They hailed from the Kingdom of Kuria, a kingdom of Anglo-Saxons and thus spoke English. They converted into Orthodoxy and easily assimilated their place into the fabric of Valerian society and became well-loved by the people. Although many nobles often disliked the fact that they were non-Valerian foreigners, however, they married Valerian noblewomen most of the time, and they were bona fide Valerians in terms of their blood within half a century despite their English naming traditions (William, Richard, Henry, and Archibald are not typical Valerian names although their dynasty used these names). Their dynasty changed the face of Valeria, making English a second official language and having it spoken in court. English is now the lingua franca of the Valerian Empire.

Archibald I was a moderately good king, who saw the improvement of farming and fortifications in the empire; the fiefdoms established along the border by him were vital in maintaining defense of the kingdom and to provide manpower whenever a king desired to expand. The kingdom was fecund, and the population grew. Isangrad became a rather major city for this time period, with a population of about 200,000. Archibald I founded two universities, numerous churches, and laid the groundwork for Our Lady of Kholmogory Cathedral in the port town of Kholmogory. His reign was that of peace and prosperity.
13-11-2007, 04:32
Kanami in 1957

Kanami's 10th Woman Prime Minister Miyukiko Arashi was elected to office. A new age seemed to be dawning with a great boom in spirituality. About 87% conformed to being active Christians. However few of any other existed other than Christianity and all it's spin off forms. A small Jewish boom started up soon after but still couldn't match the ratio of Christians.

Political movements were on the forefront. First was an environmental movement to reduce the waste being dumped in rural areas by factories. Second was an upgrade on automobiles. Pretty soon all outdated air polluting vehicles were replaced with sleek newer cleaner cars (Not as clean as todays)
however the cars were anything but safe

Following a string of terrible car accidents Marle Kirashi and her husband Petitioned Parliament directly be speaking before it in a regular session with active senators on the floor to in act stricter safety standards. It was a monumental event as no one had ever done it since 1825.

That summer a violent outbreak of Tornadoes began ravaging the country side. An F1 also struck Carmina Gadalica injuring twelve. All in all 14 people were killed in the outbreak.
The Most Glorious Hack
13-11-2007, 07:53
This will be brief as I don't have my notes, and I haven't done nearly as much work on this as I should have. Side note, these are even further in history for me. The Hack is hovering between 2070 and 2090.

The Hack in 1957: In 1957, the Hack didn't exist: it was the Socialist Union of Mhu Thulan. It was far more communist than socialist, despite the name. 'Mhu Thulan' was (and is) the name of the island that the Hack exists on. It was ruled by a Premier (I believe at that point, it was a grandsire of current Speaker, Elisa Day). In this period of time, the SU/MT was in a cold war with GMC, although it frequently flared up into an active war. Also in this period, the SU/MT was in its last 100 years of existance; it dissolved under attack by GMC and civil war around 2050.

The Hack in 1557 and 1057: There wasn't a whole helluva lot going on during either of these periods. 1557 would have (likely) had a much smaller settlement that eventually lead to the SU/MT. 1057 would have been a much more anarchistic time, likely with tribes and bands of Dire Wolfen largely kicking everyone's asses.

Now, if you wanted to go to 8480 BC, there'd be plenty to talk about.
New Britain and Empire
13-11-2007, 09:15
The Island of New Britain (founded 1924) is undergoing massive revolutionms in Defense, ordering new aircraft and shipping. People begin to disapear around this time, kidnapped by the army for testing. New Britain slams America and wins the 14th New British Games.

English settlers land around this time.

No humans inhabited New Britain at this point.
13-11-2007, 09:53
I forgot a rather important addendum to 1957: It marked the year that the Vetalian government founded an organization known as the State Institute for Biomedical Research, which would later evolve in to Biopreparat, the main research institute for the Vetalian government as well as the core of the nation's biological weapons program.

This institute would be the proud parent of a new, improve strain of smallpox in 1961, the first ingenious weaponized strain produced by the program. From there...well, if the original directors were around, they'd either be incredibly proud or terrified at what it would later become.