The Parkus Empire
22-05-2007, 09:29
Okay, here is my idea: this RP would be basically a tabloid RP. Everyone would play and actor, or singer, or newspaper reporter. Everyone COULD play REAL people, but they might also play fictional ones. It would involve everything you see on the magizines, getting drunk, ect. The players could participate in Soap Opera esque intrigues.
Of course, this wouldn't be entirely serious. It would involve quite a bit of tongue-in-cheek humour. So post your character. Post a real once in case we decide on real, or a ficitonal one, in case we decide on fiction, and make them fun!
Of course, this wouldn't be entirely serious. It would involve quite a bit of tongue-in-cheek humour. So post your character. Post a real once in case we decide on real, or a ficitonal one, in case we decide on fiction, and make them fun!