NationStates Jolt Archive

Republic of SilentScope001 Gives Citizenship Status to Bacterium

25-03-2007, 09:01
(Let's see how this would fare...yes, it may sound stupid, but I want to have my nation look a bit stupid. :) )

The small left-wing nation of SilentScope001 has passed a new conterversial bill that granted citizenship status towards certain species of bacterium, giving them the same rights and responsibilites as a human being.

"We believe that this new Law will finally put focus on the plight of several innocent bacteria races whom had been oppressed by innocent people," says the League for the Bacterium Races. "Hopefully, other nations will take up notice and begin to give rights to these oppressed races as well. We are only saddened that the law did not go far enough and extend citizenship status to all bacteria, everywhere."

The left-wing nation has already given citizenship protection to animals, giving them consitutional protections and banning the eating of meat as "cannablism", worthy of a jail sentence. However, when the idea for extending this citizenship to include bacteria as well emerged, huge protests were held against the idea.

"We understand that animals should be granted rights," says the offical press release of the Protectors of the Rights of Evolved Beings. "They after all can feel pain and think. But bacteria cannot think. They are not evolved, and do not reproduce in the same manner as we do. They only spilt. Therefore, we feel that this is not acceptable, and we will fight against this new Law democratically, hoping for its repeal."

The League for the Bacterium Races scoffs at the Protectors. "We should not discriminate on citizens or on creatures based on their creed, race, religion, or intelligence. Bacteria are just like you and I. We must note that we have passed a law that bans Slavery, and yet bacteria is responsible for every part of the human body. It is only fair we offer them citizenship, even if they may not understand all of what citizenship entitles."

The law allows for the government to self-appoint "Ambassadors" that will represent the will of the Bacteria. Each Ambassador will represent one of 520 'species' of Bacteria that has been granted citizenship status. The Ambassadors are chosen for their fairness and ability to choose what the bacteria wants. These Ambassadors also are allowed to register the votes of the Bacteria species, so that they can be represented in the Senate and be able to vote in Presidental elections. The 'bacteria bloc', as is termed in the political science circles of the Republic, will prove to be very infulentical in deciding the fate of the Republic for decades to come.

Each Bacteria will also have the right to a fair trial, free speech, equal protection before the law. In return, the bacteria must pay taxes fairly, work effienctly, and do not break the law by harming animals or humans. One thing that has been left open is the possiblity of allowing the bacterium to join the military. While many believed that letting bacterium join the army will let them feel a sense of civic pride, some fear that this may lead to bacterium being used in as 'expendable shields', sent on kammaizke missions to go and terminate enemies. These people argue for a Bill of Rights for a Bacterium who wants to join the military to have, so that the Bacterium will not be needlessly killed off.

"We of the Republic of SilentScope001 is proud to be on the forefront of civic liberties," the President says before signing the Law. "We have trimpuhed over specisim and racisim succesfully, making our place very perfect and correct indeed. We hope that other nations will follow in our footsteps, as we blaze the path to a brave new world."
26-03-2007, 16:33
26-03-2007, 16:56
What about the carrots? Lo, are they not our brothers in amino-acid based life as well? Do you not hear their cries, for tomorrow is harvest day and to them, it is the Holocaust? Plants respond to external stimuli, they have a consciousness! Let the rabbits wear glasses to see their sin, and let our photosynthetic brothers go!

Can I get an ameen?

~Mullah Maynard on the popular Scolopendran debate show What the Hell Were They Thinking?, a show that covers what seem to be illogical and unnecessary laws concerning personal conduct or obligatory government protection. Maynard is described by the other Scolopendran Sufi (and, hell, most people in general) as "perhaps a little mad, but his heart is generally in the right place."
29-03-2007, 15:47
Couple of things. First off, what in heck is "citizenship"? Second, what are these "bacteria"? Do you refer to the humours that, when imbalanced, cause illness in the body? If so they are fluids, and thus non-sentient, so we find this law highly illogical; claiming a non-sentient liquid to be a living organism is fallacious. As the 'Pendran inside that funny box with pictures in it said, you may as well give human rights to vegetables.

Finally, we are interested in learning about this "democracy" of yours. Is it some variety of weapon? Because your people seem to be using it to beat themselves over the head.

K'iuth Gaelin
Grand Potentate of the United Coalition of Dzanjiru City-States
[Official Seal of the Potentate]